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Author Topic: Is punting better today compared to the last 30 years?  (Read 4133 times)

Offline Harty66

I have to say that I liked the brothel scene - I miss being able to turn up on spec and choose from a line-up. However it is undoubtedly easier to guarantee a looker these days, albeit at the risk of photoshop!
Perhaps I look back with rose tinted spex!

Offline Horizontal pleasures

There are threads on this forum about role play and fantasies. Some punters may find it embarrassing and difficult to discuss role play requests over the phone and the internet makes it possible to communicate without having to speak on the phone.
If that is your experience and you met a a lady and had role-play fun, why not share a review with us?

Offline welshman

If that is your experience and you met a a lady and had role-play fun, why not share a review with us?

I did describe a role play I did in the thread about role plays. I did not write a review because it was some before I joined UKP and I feel there is not much point writing reviews for punts which are not recent.  I plan to write reviews for forthcoming punts.

Offline dobob

that must be why I abandoned Aunt Judy, £200 for a punt is too much.

I see that Judy now has a link under "Navigation" to a page with the rates (External Link/Members Only). For an hour it quotes £180 in London and the Home Counties and £150 elsewhere. So that's less than I paid 2 years ago, but still quite a lot if you might just be TOFTT.


Offline Horizontal pleasures

I had a zipless f*ck today that I could not have had 30 years ago. British housewife ladies were found via contact magazines. I do not think I ever had such a juicy encounter like that from contact mags or newspaper adverts or parlours. I am still salivating over it.

External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only
Beautiful Bellatrix  of Huntingdon

Offline Jeff_withpetersen

I started punting in 2014, honestly don't think I would've started had I been old enough with the way things were in the 80s. AW allowing you to see something of the girls, message them, reviews/feedback on here, cheap burner mobiles, even satnav to ensure you make it successfully to the out of town punt haha - all massive improvements. Plus the very fact of having a community like this helps enormously.

Online webpunter

First punt mid 80s, so 30years+.  Parlour.  Had a few sessions - intermittent until bout a decade ago.  Too busy shagging civvies in my younger days
Wind the clock forward
We've got UKP.  How fucking lucky is that !
The interweb, smart phones, whatsA, parlours & even nuru
Just need to find a sukebe chair offering in London External Link/Members Only  and i'll be in 7th heaven
Add in foreign travel which is now more accessible to everyone & a fuck load cheaper
And viagra / loads of variants
IMO we've never had it so good
Thanks UKP  :thumbsup:

Offline itk

Adultwork is overflowing with crap, thousands of Romanian skanks and thousands of headless photos, the problem is that there is no viable alternative.

I found punting better in the 80's and 90's, there were lots of brothels in my area which no longer exist, yes, the maids told lies but I would simply "walk".

Regarding prices, they have hardly moved in the last 15 years, my first review in 2001 -------- on another forum, shows that I paid £100 an hour, it is still possible to pay that today.

Got to agree with all the EE's on AW, very few decent ones around my search location.
To be honest, although punting in the 80's/90's was more of a danger in relation to being nicked by the police, I think it added to the adrenaline rush prior to the punt. I also found it great to drive around the three or four streets they would stand, whittle the numbers down to who I'd like, and then take it from there. Back when I first started punting, there was probably 20 girls to choose from each night. Downside to punting back then was the lack of services offered, OWO was almost non existent.

Offline dogday

My first experiences as a teenager were in the mid 60's. Since then I have been a regular paticipant. Currently I see someone around weekly but often in the past it has been much more often than this.

Today I suspect it is easier but you tend to be lazy. I used to love fronting up to an address not knowing what awaited.

For me though, there have always been women keen fuck men for money, and always were men willing to find and enjoy them. I can recollect as many fabulous punts in every decade as today. And as many bad ones. The strategy for making contact has evolved, but the determined punter has always been able to find what he wants.

I am left with such fantastic memories, and much hot anticipation of my next meet. Keep it up boys.

Offline itk

I were nowhere near as prolific as I am these days though. That's not just down to standards/lasses or punting as such.

More disposable income has made a huge difference to my own punting.

I've gone complete opposite to this, from seeing 3 or 4 a week on average, now see one every couple of months. It's because I'm becoming too fussy, and too lazy. Finding I can't be bothered to travel the 20 miles to Norwich these days unless it coincides with a night of the drink with punting mates beforehand.

Online webpunter

I forgot about them.  The most important ingredient as well.  Where would be without them ..

all the EE's on AW

Offline GreyDave

 :hi: I have said it before as many have I think we are living in the Golden Age of punting Brexit and all that bollocks might change a few of the Tarts coming here but I really don't think it will stop the tremendous variety of girls who want your cash :D :D :D

Offline smiths

I forgot about them.  The most important ingredient as well.  Where would be without them ..

Paying more in my area that's for sure.

Offline foreverchanges

My first 15 years punting were done in the Edinburgh saunas.When I first started (1997) you would go to somewhere like London Street Sauna and have eight young slim local stunners to choose from who would ensure you had the time of your life in the room. :wacko:
Now you'll have half a dozen Roms who couldnt give a shite plus maybe one local in her early in that respect things most certainly were better back then. :cry:

Offline Bikerboy

Much better now.
Easier to view pics and book with much greater choice and lower prices in real terms than before.
Thinking back to the days when all you had were a phone number or scrappy picture and very limited choice, no comparison to today. Awank has it's faults as others have said but with the help of ukp and aw filters you can limit crap punts and maximise the high quality ones.

Offline Marmalade

It is easy to be sentimental about 'good old days'. I think it was more fun especially if you went on the wild side 30 years ago, but it is certainly more straightforward these days. The effort in finding a a shag back then, the 'covert' nature of it, the joy of finding a good one. I have great memories of certain ladies (I use the word carefully) who were streetwalking for the night from Glasgow Art School, or foreign vice dens that were both cheap and fun and often turned up a 'cracker'.

AW makes it almost like ordering pizza but without the service consistency or reliability. The internet has also changed what used to be places only known to a few. When a friend and I discovered a certain brothel village (in South America, staffed and run by independent prossies, not some Asian abuse gang) we were practically the only foreigners for several years. In a way, ISG 'ruined' it as tons of punters started descending on the place (especially loud Americans, who I have to say were not generally so welcome). Eventually the girls started being wary of having photos taken and started charging more what foreigners could pay rather than locals afford.

But there are shorter comparisons -- like when our brothels were full of British women rather than EE fuckers on the make.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2017, 07:23:44 pm by Marmalade »

Offline Plan R

Punted all my life since 1983 (dirty bastard).
Now is easily the best time: Internet, limitless Eurofanny, mobile phones for a tenner, satnavs, AW, UKP
Everything is better than before in the search for nookie.

Oh man I love being a punter  :drinks: