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Author Topic: Russian / Eastern bloc group info  (Read 45035 times)

Offline da26

Would be good to know who is currently using the Foxy Megan profile!

Offline tantric talents

Would be good to know who is currently using the Foxy Megan profile!
Well according to dubhcarr whom I trust implicitly it is likely you will see Jess-See-ah
Whose old profile was
External Link/Members Only
« Last Edit: October 27, 2021, 12:17:19 pm by tantric talents »

Offline da26

Well according to dubhcarr whom I trust implicitly it is likely you will see Jess-See-ah
Whose old profile was
External Link/Members Only

Yes, true, but that was nearly two weeks ago so could have changed!

Offline Good-timer

It is 100% Jess.
She is getting a new profile sorted early November. She has shortish blonde frizzy hair now though. Will sort a review out asap

Offline da26

Sharon star profile back up External Link/Members Only
The possible second profile for this SP Saucy Paris doesn’t seem to be External Link/Members Only

Offline simon07

A few more to add:

Saucy Paris - External Link/Members Only
Sharon star - External Link/Members Only

Not sure if they are both the same gal? Paris is in Nottingham and Sharon in Hatfield (maybe?)

External Link/Members Only Lana Sweet is also in Hatfield. Of course the pics are photoshopped and they are 10 years older. 2 profiles for one girl but who? I would avoid Lana from the reviews i think.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2021, 03:20:52 pm by simon07 »

Offline tantric talents

I just saw April in Hatfield and suspect she is the one now sharing Sharon’s profile.
The other girl there I did not see but it sounds like it could be Lana. April described her as a pretty blonde girl that she had not seen before.
Plot thickens.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2021, 10:14:58 am by tantric talents »

Offline da26

I just saw April in Hatfield and suspect she is the one now sharing Sharon’s profile.
The other girl there I did not see but it sounds like it could be Lana. April described her as a pretty blonde girl that she had not seen before.
Plot thickens.

Hey tt, can you confirm it is the woman pictured in the profile?

Offline tantric talents

Hey tt, can you confirm it is the woman pictured in the profile?
Yes it is her
In reality she is a pretty lady, friendly,  super tight and looks younger than most of the current Russian crew  :hi:
« Last Edit: November 04, 2021, 10:31:36 am by tantric talents »

Offline simon07

Yes it is her
In reality she is a pretty lady, friendly,  super tight and looks younger than most of the current Russian crew  :hi:

I agree with you. She was too tight for me or i am getting bigger. Fortunately i had a good BJ from her.

Offline simon07

All quiet on the Hatfield front this week?

Offline tantric talents

All quiet on the Hatfield front this week?
Yes it would seem there has become a staff shortage like everywhere else!
They’re probably all back home training to be hgv drivers  :cool:

Offline Gynaemyte

All quiet on the Hatfield front this week?
. .  and yet four in Sunbury.
Seems like just poor logistics.

Offline Royd30

Seems a little bit of rebranding going on, but still B&S.
When they are good they are good, but more often old burds, mutton dressed as lamb, if you get my drift
Gave them a yet another try so they can redeem themselves, but alas let down yet again
Don’t go expecting to see what’s advertised, shop window looks good but when you get inside goods are not as displayed. Disappointed…..yup

Offline simon07

Are they four or just 2 gals in an apartment having 2 profiles each? Toss of a coin on who you might get.

at Hatfield we had 3 profiles and only 2 gals (when they choose to come here). Shame do they not pay for an in-occupied flat?

Offline simon07

We have
External Link/Members Only
Lana Sweet who has 3 negatives in Hatfield. Is she the same woman who had a lot of positives before?
Not tempted to see her for poor service. Not worth spending the cash,

Offline MrMatrix

We have
External Link/Members Only
Lana Sweet who has 3 negatives in Hatfield. Is she the same woman who had a lot of positives before?
Not tempted to see her for poor service. Not worth spending the cash,
As you know they keep rolling an established profile to new SPs. I dont suppose for a minute its the same Lana and would therefore avoid. Should you go do let us know :hi:

Offline simon07

I tried to see her (Lana Sweet) today and was told she was fully booked. I did mention in the text, is she the same gal in the profile!
I asked what about tomorrow (Sunday)? the reply text was she Fly Home.;id=26564

It is a while since she had a positive, the last 3 was negative. if she has been fully booked all week, who has been seeing her? Probably not UKP members? I thought we (UKP) have taken over the Land of Punt?
« Last Edit: November 27, 2021, 09:15:18 pm by simon07 »

Offline simon07

New gal in Hatfield and first time for a while we have pictures that match the gal. I have just done a review on Christiana :

External Link/Members Only

Hopefully we will get some better gals on rotation in Hatfield. I missed April last week as they only stay for a week.

Offline Good-timer

New gal in Hatfield and first time for a while we have pictures that match the gal. I have just done a review on Christiana :

External Link/Members Only

She's been around for a while now

Hopefully we will get some better gals on rotation in Hatfield. I missed April last week as they only stay for a week.

Offline tantric talents

Hopefully we will get some better gals on rotation in Hatfield. I missed April last week as they only stay for a week.

Well Megan aka Jessy-ya? is there this week. Never seen her so might give her a go...

Offline Good-timer

Does anyone known if its the same person that takes the calls for all the girls that work at different locations?

Offline simon07

Well Megan aka Jessy-ya? is there this week. Never seen her so might give her a go...

Let us know your experience and also the age stuff?
I seem to adding 10 years, maybe the gals are wearing out?

Offline tp69

Does anyone known if its the same person that takes the calls for all the girls that work at different locations?

I've seen April and Cristiana and they answer their own calls.

Offline simon07

Anyone have info or reviews on Alina - External Link/Members Only
Very pricey at £100 for 30 mins and yet £130 for 60 minutes. Bit odd this pricing?

There is something smelly about this, check out the negative review.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2022, 04:48:55 pm by simon07 »

Offline da26

New lady under this profile it seems…

Hotsexy angel - External Link/Members Only

More realistic pictures, no face unfortunately.

Offline Joe112

New lady under this profile it seems…

Hotsexy angel - External Link/Members Only

More realistic pictures, no face unfortunately.

Do we know which girl this is? Or a new new one?

Offline dubhcarr

This one looks to me like Scarlett. Piss poor punt as I recollect. Hair and pussy in pics match with previous profile  :hi:

Offline simon07

I guess with Sanctions, this group will no long tour?

Offline da26

Just noticed Katrina External Link/Members Only has reappeared as Mercedes&&& External Link/Members Only From memory whilst she looked the part, she lacked the service.

I’m giving this group a miss for moment for obvious reasons, plus numbers are thin in the ground.

Offline simon07

Agree, who needs Bait and switch tricks?

Offline da26

Looks like a profile has been updated / changed…
X Margarita X External Link/Members Only

And a new addition…
Eva Love External Link/Members Only

As said I’m giving this group a miss for the moment for obvious reasons.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2022, 11:16:14 pm by da26 »

Offline StingRay

I guess with Sanctions, this group will no long tour?

or maybe putin will insist that they only accept payment in rubles?  ;)

Offline tantric talents

or maybe putin will insist that they only accept payment in rubles?  ;)
Do you think they will take Trinistrian ones? I have a stack  :lol:

Offline simon07

No Russian gals in Hatfield for ages and now maybe 6-7 this week. I could only manage one and here is my review link

I took a chance at External Link/Members Only - Angelina Roma at £100 for 30 minutes and the dice rolled nicely for me. I had a good time with her.
Not sure what the other girl profiles are about?

Offline Joe112

Looks like a profile has been updated / changed…
X Margarita X External Link/Members Only

And a new addition…
Eva Love External Link/Members Only

As said I’m giving this group a miss for the moment for obvious reasons.

Interesting 2 new! Any reviews dor them yet?

Offline tp69

Interesting 2 new! Any reviews dor them yet?

One here:

I was about to arrange to see her tonight but that review has put me off. She's probably okay for a short session.

Offline Joe112

One here:

I was about to arrange to see her tonight but that review has put me off. She's probably okay for a short session.


Offline simon07

Interesting 2 new! Any reviews dor them yet?

They are both at Hatfield, or it is one WG carrying both profiles?

Offline simon07

Looks like a profile has been updated / changed…
X Margarita X External Link/Members Only

And a new addition…
Eva Love External Link/Members Only

Hopefully not Eva?
« Last Edit: April 18, 2022, 03:45:07 pm by simon07 »

Offline simon07

I wonder how many B & S will be Hatfield.

This one External Link/Members Only has been described as the Green Princess from Shrek

Offline simon07

Looks like this group is fizzling out. Eva Love may be back, who knows?

Offline tantric talents

Looks like this group is fizzling out. Eva Love may be back, who knows?
She is. Nice girl but hopeless in the sack and over fussy about everything.
The maid baitswitched me to her last week from monica@ferri who I now don’t even believe is in the country.
When I complained she apologised and despite trying all week to rebook monica just got blanked.
I fear the group really is in meltdown. Shame too as there were a few gems at one point.

Offline simon07

It is Bait n Switch with a grumpy Bellla at the moment.

The above link illustrates this.

Offline Gynaemyte

Kimmy appears to have returned, although she says "On holiday"!

Offline Royd30

Was good saw original Kimmy few times she was great not the best looker but service was good and A was included, seems to be extra now. This group is great for misleading and B&S, walked many times.