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Author Topic: confidentiality  (Read 1916 times)


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I have just read a story from one of my favourite ladies on another site about a guy finding her on facebook and invading her privacy. I would not dream of doing that but it got me wondering how many ladies would accept a request from a client? To me discretion is 100% and works both ways.


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not the done thing :dash:. ive seen a few wgs in the street and most dont even want an acknowledgement,also i had a few who have appeared on my whats app showing a fully clothed profile picture, works both ways, now deleted of course

Offline Llama32

I would expect than 1%. It's a business not a social event and as nice as she may be to you during the meet, I don't hold any delusions that it's most likely an act. Not to say they hate your guts, but they hold no feelings towards you either way once you're out the door. It'd be exceptional circumstances for something like that to happen and even then I imagine it's rare.


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Exactly, many moons ago I booked a lady and had a great hour with her, but I also dabble I the swing scene and bumped into her and her partner at a party and she grabbed me and said not to say anything as her partner didn't know she escorted but thought she only swung.  I would never even contemplate outing someone so find it obtrusive that someone would go out their way to make contact outwith the realms of AW.

Offline auldie63

The arsehole in question met the WG and made the excuse he needed the toilet. Whilst in there he raked through the medicine cabinet to get her real name. He then appeared on her Facebook page.
He has now contacted her to say sorry and that it was all an 'oversight', on his part.
I don't believe that pish for a second, this is a serial creep for sure.

Offline Llama32

If he made his way to UKE he must have some idea of how punting works. Discretion is something advertised and expected from most if not all girls. I think it was one of those things he took the experience she was giving as actual feelings towards him and thought he could contact her privately. My own speculation of course. I think letting him off as is with not even a slap on the wrist is way too lenient but I'm not the victim in this case so it is what it is.


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I'm on Facebook, I don't know how this happens but in the last 12 months I have had 4 wg's private profiles appear as people you may know, I've always kept punting confidential but if I get their private profiles then are they getting mine??

Online Clattypats

I have just read a story from one of my favourite ladies on another site about a guy finding her on facebook and invading her privacy. I would not dream of doing that but it got me wondering how many ladies would accept a request from a client? To me discretion is 100% and works both ways.
yip seen this on the other site last night..Guys obviously a complete arsehole :thumbsdown:


  • Guest
not the done thing :dash:. ive seen a few wgs in the street and most dont even want an acknowledgement,also i had a few who have appeared on my whats app showing a fully clothed profile picture, works both ways, now deleted of course

Yes, check your "contacts" on whatsapp , one wg appeared in my contacts , simply because I used my personal phone once , when out of credit on my batphone.


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lets be careful out there  ;)

Offline Jock D

Thank fuck I'm not on Fudbook or any other social media.  :D

Offline Uncle Buck

I don't know the punter but sounds like he's a fecKing clown ..... And clowns are very creepy as far as I am concerned  :angry:


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Thank fuck I'm not on Fudbook or any other social media.  :D

It's only relevant if you use your own "smart" phone.

So - yet another reason to get a safe phone.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2016, 03:27:53 pm by mavgoose »


  • Guest
I WOULD NEVER use my own phone.
These smart phones are smarter than we know.
Best thing is use a £10 throw away phone they don't link anything most of them don't even have a camera and if you get any unwanted text messages you just snap the sim card and put the phone under the wheel of you car as you drive of.

Offline Uncle Buck

I WOULD NEVER use my own phone.
These smart phones are smarter than we know.
Best thing is use a £10 throw away phone they don't link anything most of them don't even have a camera and if you get any unwanted text messages you just snap the sim card and put the phone under the wheel of you car as you drive of.

Exactly......... A no brainer.

Offline Jock D

It's only relevant if you use your own "smart" phone.

So - yet another reason to get a safe phone.

OK, so I have a punting phone but it's also a 'smart' phone(my old one just over 4years old), now bearing in mind I'm not and never have been signed up to any social media platforms, am I still vulnerable/traceable?

Offline Llama32

OK, so I have a punting phone but it's also a 'smart' phone(my old one just over 4years old), now bearing in mind I'm not and never have been signed up to any social media platforms, am I still vulnerable/traceable?
If you wiped the phone before using, don't have any of these social media apps on it, turn off location services, sign out of icloud and any Google accounts accessed via browser and the number you used wasn't used previously, then you should be fine.

Offline auldie63

FFS big Brother is alive and well and living in your Smart Phones.
Thank fuck my Punting Phone is like me very old and very dumn.


  • Guest
FFS big Brother is alive and well and living in your Smart Phones.
Thank fuck my Punting Phone is like me very old and very dumn.

aye me as well as is my auld phone


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Apparently as smart phones use GPS to track their location, phones detected in the same vicinity can be linked via social media etc as info is exchanged for marketing purposes between the big operators eg Google, FB etc. Don't know how effective turning off location services and the like is but worth a try I guess.

Offline Jock D

If you wiped the phone before using, don't have any of these social media apps on it, turn off location services, sign out of icloud and any Google accounts accessed via browser and the number you used wasn't used previously, then you should be fine.

Cheers for the info...I've been signed into my gmail account, which is the same one I use for my current phone  :bomb: So I'll get that off the punting phone sraight away.  :hi:


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 If you must use a (really) smart phone for punting, make sure you don't send any e-mails from it that come from any address other than your dedicated punting e-mail address.  Ideally set up your punting e-mail address ON your punting smart phone.  Only ever use this phone for punting and punting-related research such as reading uk punting.  Never use it for civvy telephone calls or e-mails - and definitely not to access social media accounts.   Conversely, of course, never use a civvy phone for punting activities. That way what happens on the secret phone stays on the secret phone.


  • Guest
Good advice lads, will definitely get myself a punting phone.