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Author Topic: How efficient is the AW internal booking service?  (Read 2582 times)

Offline Moby Dick

You gotta start somewhere to get some FB
Try finding an Awank burd who maybe ain't a stunner
But is OK but more importantly does FB on punters

An easy way to get some feedback is to make contact either text or an AW message
Then see what the response is
For a meet up

Rather than doing a booking in advance my modus operandi
[when i was interested in AW FB donkeys ago] is to mention to the burd when with her bout doing some feedback
Assuming you had a good time
You then agree with the burd to set up a dummy booking
She [or he for the throbber fans] then accepts [the booking] & you can leave positive FB
& likewise she does too
After agreeing this, have never had this not happen

The benefit is that if a shite burd / session then she can't leave crappy FB on you as no booking
Yep, that’s probably what 99.9% of punters / SPs do and is why it’s a load of fluffy unreliable bollox.

Also SP will request booking but won’t acknowledge until after the event (with your positive agreement) because they can get negative feedback for timewasting, cancelling, no shows, b&s etc etc. If they don’t accept booking there is little you can do, But if you don’t turn up they can accept and then leave punter negative. They hold the cards. The SPs pay the site owners not the punter.

Online webpunter

Thats the whole point of doing the dummy booking
Post emptying the tanks
Both SP & punter can agree to do this
& the punter ain't left potentially hanging

Yes Awank reviews mostly fluffy unreliable B O Llocks
But not always

However the post i made was one [suggested] route to hopefully get some FB in a [relatively] risk free manner

Yep, that’s probably what 99.9% of punters / SPs do and is why it’s a load of fluffy unreliable bollox.

Also SP will request booking but won’t acknowledge until after the event (with your positive agreement) because they can get negative feedback for timewasting, cancelling, no shows, b&s etc etc. If they don’t accept booking there is little you can do, But if you don’t turn up they can accept and then leave punter negative. They hold the cards. The SPs pay the site owners not the punter.

Offline Bristolguy

Delete after the convo is finished every time and have no back up on and you’re fine

Offline Honey Badger

The AW review system is one of the primary reasons this forum board is necessary, it is a fundamental flaw in their design philosophy.  Both parties review each other and if a punter leaves a negative then they will run the risk of receiving one in return, limiting their future options.

Online webpunter


From the punters perspective better to have at least some +ve AW FB
I've provided a pointer as to how to help to get to this

The risk a punter faces leaving a negative is exacerbated given that Awank is SP centric
Can you really see them believing the punter or siding with them ??
It's the SPs who pay them [& i assume a high % of their income]
AW income from PG's is more random

You've hit the nail on the head as to the benefits of UKP
So once you have enuf FB to pass [some of] the SP's criteria, you can effectively forget about bothering doing AWank reviews

Anyways doing reviews on both AW & UKP IMO isn't the best of ideas
Especially when using the same nic or at / around the same timeline

The AW review system is one of the primary reasons this forum board is necessary, it is a fundamental flaw in their design philosophy.  Both parties review each other and if a punter leaves a negative then they will run the risk of receiving one in return, limiting their future options.

Offline Strawberry

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From the punters perspective better to have at least some +ve AW FB
I've provided a pointer as to how to help to get to this

The risk a punter faces leaving a negative is exacerbated given that Awank is SP centric
Can you really see them believing the punter or siding with them ??
It's the SPs who pay them [& i assume a high % of their income]
AW income from PG's is more random

You've hit the nail on the head as to the benefits of UKP
So once you have enuf FB to pass [some of] the SP's criteria, you can effectively forget about bothering doing AWank reviews

Anyways doing reviews on both AW & UKP IMO isn't the best of ideas
Especially when using the same nic or at / around the same timeline

The income question is interesting.

Some SPs don't pay AW anything, credits from private gallery cover the display phone number and a few other features.

If a surplus builds up and the SP wants to convert into cash yes AW take 30%, but surely that has all been paid by the SS?

SPs funding Escort of the day, features or without PGs may be inputing their own funds, and these facilities can be expensive.

Offline Gordon Bennett

Thing is OP, have you ever actually been refused a booking for having no AW feedback?  My feeling is that ladies who stipulate they will not see a gent that has no AW feedback can be persuaded to drop that requirement if you approach them reasonably and politely. Given the AW feedback system was down for more than a year recently, I'd say they'd be even more inclined to see you without AW feedback.
I accept that going forwards, if you're a punter who sees ladies from AW it does kind of make sense to accrue some feedback just to give them an indication that you're someone who probably does actually turn up and pay as opposed to a crackpot no-show buffoon.

Offline freddytb1

You gotta start somewhere to get some FB
Try finding an Awank burd who maybe ain't a stunner
But is OK but more importantly does FB on punters

An easy way to get some feedback is to make contact either text or an AW message
Then see what the response is
For a meet up

Rather than doing a booking in advance my modus operandi
[when i was interested in AW FB donkeys ago] is to mention to the burd when with her bout doing some feedback
Assuming you had a good time
You then agree with the burd to set up a dummy booking
She [or he for the throbber fans] then accepts [the booking] & you can leave positive FB
& likewise she does too
After agreeing this, have never had this not happen

The benefit is that if a shite burd / session then she can't leave crappy FB on you as no booking

Very helpful thanks bud!

Offline WelshClipper

I’ve had mixed success with the AW booking. Same day is perhaps best done by phone but if the wg does not display a number, there is little choice if she is an itch to scratch.

I go thru cycles, sometimes strictly phone others I book ahead on the booking system. Both have been successful. Both have fallen flat. For me its part the fun as in who will be the lucky girl today and lighten my wallet.  :yahoo:

Offline Malvolio

It all depends on the WG and how much time she spends looking at it.