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Author Topic: Cannot send a pm or view post history anymore?  (Read 12247 times)

Online advent2016

If you're replying to a PM sent to you it should just work with no delays, though I expect you'll find you're limited in the number you can send in a day - probably three

That's why I'm asking.
A user sent me a msg. I wanted to ask a forum helper for advice and he sent me a reply. I tried to reply and got the spam message.

I replied to the user, he sent me another message, and when I tried to reply I got the anti spam message.

So I tried PMing DavieM, and got the anti spam wait 12 hours message, a hence I'm here.  The other parties will probably see this convo. It might like I'm talking out of turn.

If you can send me a PM I can maybe ask you and maybe redact this posting.
Don't worry, it's not anything important.

Offline daviemac

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I can send limited PMs. I don't send or receive many, probably only once or twice a year.

I don't want to get a ban!

I want to reply to a PM from a forum helper.
Do I have to wait 12 hours and does he/she have to wait 12 hours to reply to me.  - I just want to understand the time. I'm fine by abiding. I like to plan stuff.

If I PM a moderator do the same rules apply? presumably not, although I did get the message when I tried to PM Daviemac
I don't think I'm  attempting to circumvent / reveal inner workings of the PM system.

I realise I can use the contact button, but I want to converse with a particular forum_helper about a technical subject and that might be long winded if the person on the end of the contact form has to send it to the person, they reply and it is sent back. That would seem to me to be an abuse of the contact system.

I don't want to take the discussion outside UKP as that might mean revealing real(other fake) email addresses and unintended consequences.
I'm afraid the rules are that those with PM facilities are restricted to how many can be sent in a day, it's to prevent members exchanging too much information that might be of benefit to all between themselves.

Whether or not the recipient of the PM you sent can reply immediately will depend if he has reached his limit. I understand the frustration but it's a case of the few who have misused the system spoiling it for the rest.

If you need to contact a mod or you need a mod to PM you just report any of your posts and ask and we'll get back to you.

Hope this helps.

Online advent2016

I'm afraid the rules are that those with PM facilities are restricted to how many can be sent in a day, it's to prevent members exchanging too much information that might be of benefit to all between themselves.

Whether or not the recipient of the PM you sent can reply immediately will depend if he has reached his limit. I understand the frustration but it's a case of the few who have misused the system spoiling it for the rest.

If you need to contact a mod or you need a mod to PM you just report any of your posts and ask and we'll get back to you.

Hope this helps.

Yes that helps, thanks again.

Offline MrMohican

A question for one of the admins - a new notification has arrived at the top of my messages page highlighted in yellow.

"Your account can only reply to messages recieved from other members, you cannot send messages to other members that have not contacted you before".

Is this a new restriction? I'm pretty sure I've sent unsolicited messages to members on here before and received replies.
I'm not a serial message-er and have never abused the system or used the messaging to do anything underhand. I normally only contact a member if Im seeking clarification on something written in a review or a post.

Bit confused why other members on here can contact me with an unsolicited message but I can only reply. Can anyone explain?

Offline MrMohican

Thanks. I read the posts on that link but I think Im more confused after reading it than I was before.

Offline Bassman

It’s odd. Apparently not related to post and review numbers.

I had a message from a member with way less posts, reviews than I. Nothing in his post history would IMO make him a valuable member who adds valuable input which I assume would be a reason for being able to send messages, without having received one from the person you are messaging, these days

Offline daviemac

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As this is turning into a repeat discussion I'll merge it with the dedicated thread on the subject.

Offline Eugene29

I've ended up here because I was a smart arse but...

It makes sense not to be able to embark in private chat.  If we cant state our case, ask questions or be challenged openly, then the ethos of sharing knowledge is flawed.

Someone said what's the point of starting a thread with only two contributors: ostensibly the original question and its reply.  Well if its a sensible question with a pertinent reply, there's nowt wrong with the thread finishing there.... but we can all see the info and make our decisions accordingly.

I won't bother digging out an example but I can guarantee there's plenty of threads with only two posts but likely a couple of hundred views..... Good info for us all.

I'd also suggest that we all occasionally write a review with a bit of bias.  Being able to PM me could mean that I may well give a different answer privately than that in the open thread: it's easier to lie in private.

Ultimately, I stand by what I've posted (allowing for errors and bias) but if what I've said is way off beam, am happy to be corrected or discuss or retract or amend.

I know this much: this place has helped me immensely when making selections and without the Mods and rules, would be dogshit.  Please continue to post and if you need to PM, try it.  If you get through, continue posting too.  If you don't, continue posting too.

Offline Iloveoral

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I'd also suggest that we all occasionally write a review with a bit of bias.  Being able to PM me could mean that I may well give a different answer privately than that in the open thread: it's easier to lie in private.

Why wouldn’t you just write an honest review to start with?

You’re  also suggesting people could pm you for a different version of your review?
Do you know how stupid that sounds?
I’d tread carefully around those comments

Offline daviemac

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I've ended up here because I was a smart arse but...
You came across as trying to be a smart arse because after I had quoted the rules twice and posted the screenshot shown below twice here -
Hidden Image/Members Only
You posted this. -
Could you highlight which thread it is.....perhaps with an arrow!?
Now you are suggesting people PM you so you can give a different version of a review, this isn't AW, reviews on here have to be a true and accurate reflection of what happened in the booking.

As you are showing a repeated disregard for the rules regarding PM messages a two week break is the only option.

Offline PilotMan

I've ended up here because I was a smart arse but...

I'd also suggest that we all occasionally write a review with a bit of bias.  Being able to PM me could mean that I may well give a different answer privately than that in the open thread: it's easier to lie in private.

So basically what you're saying is PM me and I'll lie to you in private, because it's easier to lie in private, whereas in public I'll probably get caught out if I lie.

Not very "smart" are you, you must have been at the end of the queue when brains were being given out.

Online scutty brown

Not very "smart" are you, you must have been at the end of the queue when brains were being given out.

I hope they were just being given out........if he had to pay for them he was short changed

Offline PilotMan

I hope they were just being given out........if he had to pay for them he was short changed

We all got our brains for free, some people just don't know how to use them  :cool:

Unfortunately for the rest of us, they're wandering around the general population causing havoc   :scare:

« Last Edit: June 05, 2024, 04:20:29 pm by PilotMan »

Offline Doctormike

I did get a message from someone in December
Interesrding at the time they had 1 review and 15 posts
It felt dodgy to me so stop replying to him

Offline binbag

Is it against the rules to publicly ask a member to send me a private message?

Offline Blackpool Rock

Is it against the rules to publicly ask a member to send me a private message?
Yes it's stated in the rules

33 Access to sending Private Messages and the visibility of Members' Post history require different criteria. The criteria will not be made public. Anyone attempting to circumvent the PM criteria by requesting PMs may receive a ban

Offline daviemac

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Is it against the rules to publicly ask a member to send me a private message?
Why do you want to share information privately, why not post on the open forum to benefit everyone.  :unknown:

There's a link to the rules at the bottom of every page BTW.

Offline binbag

Offline Geordieboy

I cannot send a PM and have done 11 reviews what criteria must be met in order to send a private message please

Offline daviemac

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I cannot send a PM and have done 11 reviews what criteria must be met in order to send a private message please
Have you actually read this thread??? it does explain what you are asking.    :unknown:

From the rules. (Link at the bottom of every page) -

33 Access to sending Private Messages and the visibility of Members' Post history require different criteria. The criteria will not be made public. Anyone attempting to circumvent the PM criteria by requesting PMs may receive a ban.

Why do you want to send personal messages when the whole idea of the site is to share information for the benefit of all members.


Offline Geordieboy

Because I used to be able to send pm but unlike you I don't have time to read every post on every subject posted on this site, it was a simple question DM, oh and ban me if you want

Offline daviemac

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Because I used to be able to send pm but unlike you I don't have time to read every post on every subject posted on this site, it was a simple question DM, oh and ban me if you want
You don't have to read every post on here, just the first one on the thread you have asked the question on, the post that gives you the answer. Had you looked you would have seen that this thread was started by Head1, the site owner.

Many of you will have found that you cannot send a pm anymore or read a person's post history.
It's not a site error because the criteria for having these privileges have changed.

Before, you needed to reach "X" amount of contribution to the site. It was all about numbers, not about time. This was a flawed idea, unfair to the new members and gave privilege to members who had contributed well but not recently.

Now the pm and ph have different criteria to be gained. Both of which are easily manageable and will lead to a much better and more informative site which benefits us all.

Offline myothernameis

I cannot send a PM and have done 11 reviews what criteria must be met in order to send a private message please

I can see why you cant send any pm, but like Daviemac has said, The criteria will not be made public.   I cant send any pm, but dont question the mods authorities, and know what to do if I wish to send pm in the future