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Author Topic: Banned from Amour  (Read 2895 times)

Offline toon972

Booked Keeva for 1.30 today for 1.5 hrs.For some reason got my directions mixed up and ended up at New Bridge Street,got in touch with Tracey and she told me I should be at City Road. I knew roughly I should be at Tyne Bridge,so headed for there.Eventually ended up at Travelodge after asking a few people.Got in touch with Tracey and she told me I should be looking for address,I noticed also she had sent a text asking where I was.It is now 20 mins into appointment.I found what I thought was address,it was very similar.I knocked on door and a man answered,give my apologies and left.It is now 30 mins into appointment.Kept on walking,,Tracey got in touch saying I should be looking for metal dormer windows.Walked for a while,past Salvation Army Place.It is now 45 mins into appointment,got a text from Tracey saying that she had given my appointment to someone else and was banned for being a trimester.In no way am I blaming anyone for this,it was me that made the first mistake.Just annoyed at being branded as a timewaster this is the first time I have never turned up for an appointment.Anyway I ended up at Lavenders and saw Helen.Very good.

Offline maxxblue

Booked Keeva for 1.30 today for 1.5 hrs.For some reason got my directions mixed up and ended up at New Bridge Street,got in touch with Tracey and she told me I should be at City Road. I knew roughly I should be at Tyne Bridge,so headed for there.Eventually ended up at Travelodge after asking a few people.Got in touch with Tracey and she told me I should be looking for address,I noticed also she had sent a text asking where I was.It is now 20 mins into appointment.I found what I thought was address,it was very similar.I knocked on door and a man answered,give my apologies and left.It is now 30 mins into appointment.Kept on walking,,Tracey got in touch saying I should be looking for metal dormer windows.Walked for a while,past Salvation Army Place.It is now 45 mins into appointment,got a text from Tracey saying that she had given my appointment to someone else and was banned for being a trimester.In no way am I blaming anyone for this,it was me that made the first mistake.Just annoyed at being branded as a timewaster this is the first time I have never turned up for an appointment.Anyway I ended up at Lavenders and saw Helen.Very good.

I'd rather be banned for being a trimester - at least you aren't a timewaster.  :cool:

Offline Partyguy

How can they enforce that? New sim card in the punting phone and a fake name when you book will get you to your chosen lady and passed the ban.

Offline toon972

Yes I am a trimester all right,forgot to correct that one.Yes it will be hard to enforce,only used to ask Amour to book Keeva,but Amelia was also on my hot list.

Offline johnny34

When i first got keeva's address i typed in the last two letters of the postcode the wrong way round on google maps and would have ended up on New Bridge St if i hadn't double checked, easy mistake to make. I'm sure amour will reconsider. If not, the above suggestion will get round the ban.

Offline toon972

Offline AnthG

got a text from Tracey saying that she had given my appointment to someone else and was banned for being a trimester.
Sorry if this is a stupid question to ask. But when you say Tracey, do you definitely mean Tracey and not maybe you have misheard and you were speaking to Stacey?

I ask as if it was someone called Tracey you were speaking to I wouldn't worry as Amour seem to employ the girls who work there to manage the phones on rotation. And thus you probably just got someone unreasonable and impatient who likes to do the regular WG thing of jumping to the timewaster conclusion.

If it is Stacey who messaged this then maybe then worry I guess.

Either way I would maybe PM Stacey and explain what happened. I say to PM her as this way you will know you are getting her as if you use the contact us option on the agency you may just get a regular WG again.

To be honest what you describe is up there as my number 1 worry on booking escorts and one of the main reasons why I like to stick with agencies so I can know where I am going as they usually keep to the same premises and just switch the girls and not get lost as I have a habit of getting lost and thus worry about getting labelled as a timewaster as a result if I cannot find the place so I know exactly how you feel on this one.

How can they enforce that? New sim card in the punting phone and a fake name when you book will get you to your chosen lady and passed the ban.
But he shouldn't have to do all that. Its an innocent situation where he was at no fault. Agencies main selling point for their existence is they are supposed to cater for out of town businessmen wanting company while in that city (that is what you always see on the advertising blurbs for agencies at least) so if that is the case out of town businessmen are not going to know the area very well and thus get lost very easily. It should be the responsibility of the phone handler to ensure the customer finds the girls flat and not take it out on him if he gets lost (in my opinion at least).
Banned reason: To much drama, account closed
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline mcb


  • Guest
Agree it's very harsh for an honest mistake. Not sure I'd want to give my hard earned to them even if they offered a second chance.  :thumbsdown:

Offline DirtyG

The irony being that if she had done that to you you'd be lucky to get an apology and would probably pay full whack and get half an appointment!


  • Guest
I remember a similar thing happened to me when looking for one of (the much missed) Kirsten Morgan's flats. Could not follow her instructions for love nor money and she ended up cancelling on me, more or less making it clear I was no longer welcome. I waited a week and booked again without any further question.


  • Guest
banned is a bit harsh for a first "offence" but maybe you should of done a bit of research on the location before you left, i.e. on the pc. I'm sure they would of provided a street name and postcode. Sometimes they may not provide the exact road so i always ask an adjacent road so i can get my bearings. I'm rarely late and usually too early for my appointments due to the speeds i drive.  Yesterday i was 7mins late which means less time but luckily the appointment went over and more so.

New bridge st is just above city road, just walk down the hill.


  • Guest
Harsh but easily got round

I find it hard to sympathise as i do my research before hand to stop precisely this

Never mind

Offline dino1990

I remember a similar thing happened to me when looking for one of (the much missed) Kirsten Morgan's flats. Could not follow her instructions for love nor money and she ended up cancelling on me, more or less making it clear I was no longer welcome. I waited a week and booked again without any further question.

haha yeah I remember kirsten's cryptic clues to get to her apartment. She'll ask you to park someone miles away then gives you 20-odd turn by turn instructions. Least you get to hear her sexy voice while walking to her apartment. The other time's I saw her I just told her that I parked where she said but I was just on the street near her flat.


  • Guest
haha yeah I remember kirsten's cryptic clues to get to her apartment. She'll ask you to park someone miles away then gives you 20-odd turn by turn instructions. Least you get to hear her sexy voice while walking to her apartment. The other time's I saw her I just told her that I parked where she said but I was just on the street near her flat.

Yes me too! Gosh I miss visiting her!

Offline toon972

Yes Anth I meant Stacey my apologies.I was calling her Stacey on phone and she did not say if was not her.

Offline toon972

Denyason and HC completely agree with you.I usually book 2-3 days in advance,so I can use google maps for location,parking etc.What happened was I had booked Saskia from diamonds and she let me down an hour before booking.I knew Keeva was working and that was why I got in touch with Amour,so had no time to plan.

Offline alenski

 a very similar thing nearly happened to me when i saw keeva  was totally lost standing near the the travelodge so texted  keeva who kindly guided me in by phone for a memorable meet.

Offline jonalpha

Guided you in by phone!? That sounds like a new trick of Keeva's, never heard of that one before.


  • Guest
Amour are usually very good at getting punters to the right place on time and will normally text the full address in advance. I'm sure Stacey will have you back if you grovel enough as she's a kind soul really.

Sounds like you were simply lost and it's not easy to track down a place once you've left home and don't have access to Google Maps, Google Earth etc. Postcodes aren't always 100% reliable as they can be shared by more than one location and sat nav is only good if the maps on it are up to date.

I've had similar problems with City Centre apartment blocks in the past and now I always get as much info. as I can about a place before setting off.

Offline Greenman

Pm Stacey as allready suggested
I'm sure she will let you back in
I know what you mean with Keeva adress
I manged to park but struggled slightly woth which block of flats
Always best to be prepared
iPad / iPhone worth their weight in gold for excellent maps structure
You can even do a street view !!
Part if the whole punting experience for me is the finding of the adress

Looking for somewhere to park amd the house location

Preparation is the key and also makes you more relaxed for a better sesson if your on time and at the right place

Offline NotTooOld4It

Amour are usually very good at getting punters to the right place on time and will normally text the full address in advance. I'm sure Stacey will have you back if you grovel enough as she's a kind soul really.

Sounds like you were simply lost and it's not easy to track down a place once you've left home and don't have access to Google Maps, Google Earth etc. Postcodes aren't always 100% reliable as they can be shared by more than one location and sat nav is only good if the maps on it are up to date.

I've had similar problems with City Centre apartment blocks in the past and now I always get as much info. as I can about a place before setting off.

It can be even worse, if like me, you don't drive and don't even have SatNav to help. Last summer I was directed by an agency to a girl in 'Wallsend'. I was given the address and little more, and couldn't access Google Maps on my mobile. After travelling to Wallsend town centre I had to ask several times for directions to the address, to be met more than once with blank stares. After trudging for more than half an hour, I finally found the place, just one street back from the Coast Road, by which time I was totally pissed-off and frustrated. Needless to say, the meeting didn't go very well, although the girl was really nice. I just wish agencies would take account of the possibility that for whatever reason their clients might not always be able to put a postcode into a SatNav and arrive in the right area if not the precise address; an indication of whether an address is in the town centre, or on an estate (and if so the name of the estate) would be helpful.

Offline toon972

When I was told I was banned she also said I was very close when I was at Travelodge.I text back why she did not tell me, and she replied that I had the address.So by her reckoning I should have known.Yes having Keevas number would have been helpful.

Offline ohfook1t

for those who dont have access to sat nav or google maps etc.... theres always the good old a to z. thats all i used when finding an address back when i started punting almost 20 year ago and it never let me down