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Author Topic: Is 330 miles to far to go for a punt.  (Read 5364 times)

Offline Milky911

Yes I here you cry but....... is it possible?
External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only -

Could someone take one for the team otherwise I will have to drive.

Offline Sonny Crockett

I would say that if you are enthusiastic to punt with a certain lady, then it doesn't matter how far away that lady is!!! :hi:

If you want to punt with this lady, I would say GO FOR IT!!!!!  :hi: :cool:

Offline Trevor12

I can see why you're tempted- fit as fuck!

However, 330 miles is a very long way to travel! I personally would need some solid positive info on here before travelling even 10% of that distance.

If I lived in York, that would be my next punt sorted.


  • Guest
York is a nice city,  but it's too far to go for a girl with 0 feedback, and what look like Photoshopped pics. Have you tried putting the pics through Google reverse image search?

Offline Milky911

York is a nice city,  but it's too far to go for a girl with 0 feedback, and what look like Photoshopped pics. Have you tried putting the pics through Google reverse image search?

Have a look at her verification photo.  External Link/Members Only

Will do the image search now. Came out clean on google search.

« Last Edit: May 05, 2015, 08:49:42 pm by Milky911 »

Offline Turtle Z

This is a question that will only be answered after your punt. I've had some where a mile has been too far.

Offline Blackpool Rock

Romanian with a new profile today who doesn't even do CIM  :thumbsdown:

Anyway if you do decide to TOFTT please let us know what the B&S looked like  :thumbsup:

Offline Trevor12

From the look of their profiles, I think she works with External Link/Members Only who also has no info on here.

Max Pleasure

  • Guest
A long way to go when there's an AW alert on her profile !

Offline PLeisure

A long way to go when there's an AW alert on her profile !
AW always places an alert on new profiles until they're satisfied with the verification process, as I understand.

Her veri pic looks better than the 'shopped profile images!

Good find

Offline PLeisure

From the look of their profiles, I think she works with External Link/Members Only who also has no info on here.
Well spotted  :hi: - she's even hotter imo

Offline TPotts

"and i would wank 500 miles, and i would wank 500 more...."

Offline anonyorks

She's close to me so I'll keep an eye on her and if she proves genuine I'll pay her a visit.


  • Guest
If she's 21, I'm 54, again.

And I'm a Dutchman's Uncle.

Offline tazz

Once traveled around 50 miles for a punt and the whore was busy, so would never do this.


  • Guest
Looks fit for her age which is nearer 40 than 20 judging by the verification pic.

Offline smiths

Yes I here you cry but....... is it possible?
External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only -

Could someone take one for the team otherwise I will have to drive.

Its not possible for ME as no WG is worth travelling that far to punt with.

Offline jsparky

It's not too far to travel, if you plan your 'activities' before hand, combined with sight seeing, etc; or whatever float your boat. I heard York is a nice place to visit. :D

Considering some of the UKP members gone for the FKK holidays in Germany, 330 miles is nothing.

Or, make sure you have plan A, B, C, D; Have FUN!


  • Guest
Yes. Unless you're going on holiday as part of the punt. Otherwise it's fucking stupid.

Offline Daffodil

I've seen Geordie fans travel to Southampton to watch a footy match. Thousands of them travel far and wide every other weekend.

The main issue, for me, would be a prossie's unreliability.

I've definitely travelled for worse reasons than to fuck a hot prostitute.

Online webpunter

She looks good in the verification pic.  But on AW for 10 days and nil FB.  There must be other options in a 165 mile radius.  And you can apply the travel savings for higher charges / longer punt.  She's on the move so see where she pops up next.  I'll laugh my tits off if further away  :lol:

Offline Dr Leg

Yes, it's too far, for gods sake man I would not travel that far for  a FOC jump with a fuck buddy .... Jeez .....

Offline foreverchanges

Used to do a 220 mile round trip from Newcastle to Edinburgh for 15 years to visit  three of the saunas..worth every minute and every penny. :yahoo:

Offline Blackpool Rock

I've seen Geordie fans travel to Southampton to watch a footy match. Thousands of them travel far and wide every other weekend.

The main issue, for me, would be a prossie's unreliability.

I've definitely travelled for worse reasons than to fuck a hot prostitute.
Good point and lately Newcastle Utd fans have travelled only for a no show by the team too

Offline MancSean

Each to their own. Yes I would travel that far but it would have to be for someone I really wanted to see that was well reviewed and had a good reputation.  Would I travel that far to see a Romanian with no feedback and vanilla services with no reviews? Not a chance.  But then again I wouldn't travel to sew her if she lived in the next street all the warning signs are there that it won't be a great punt.
Looks are subjective so I won't comment on that as you obviously find her attractive


  • Guest
Each to their own. Yes I would travel that far but it would have to be for someone I really wanted to see that was well reviewed and had a good reputation.  Would I travel that far to see a Romanian with no feedback and vanilla services with no reviews? Not a chance.  But then again I wouldn't travel to sew her if she lived in the next street all the warning signs are there that it won't be a great punt.
Looks are subjective so I won't comment on that as you obviously find her attractive
+1 Couldn't put it better. Very vanilla, no CIM, no reviews, no way.

Have travelled over 150 miles to Bristol to see the extremely well reviewed Little Katie and that was one of my most memorable punts ever. Would definitely travel further for a genuinely memorable experience but an unknown Romanian would likely be memorable for all the wrong reasons.


  • Guest
Why not drive 1,500 miles to Romania and fuck one on her own turf????

Offline cueball

I wouldn't drive 330 miles just for a punt but I would tie a punt into a 330 mile trip for another reason

Offline tantric talents

Romanian with a new profile today who doesn't even do CIM  :thumbsdown:

+1 to that. You'll get there and it will be - No I don't like to kiss. No, don't put your finger inside.  No don't do that..etc etc

Why waste your time and money when London is such a goldmine of beautiful girls?   :dash:


  • Guest
Why you would travel 300 miles for a Romanian is beyond me. Exspecially for a girl who isn't even reviewed properly. You'll get there for the booking time and she'll switch her phone off. Sods law.

Offline Cuntminion

Online Iloveoral

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Gorgeous lady certainly worth a blast but not 330 miles lol

I've added her to my HL awaiting her next location, great job spotting this girl matey I hope she moves a little closer for you, in my opinion 10-15 miles is my maximum punting radar distance.

Offline howrude

Go for it if she's the type of girl you want to see. I wouldn't myself but it's just my personal taste. There's girls I've seen who would have been worth travelling a similar distance for. But luckily they've been near.

Offline sushi

Theres no verifiation photo showing and her profile isn't written by a romanian she says shes independent but I doubt it.

Offline Hungarian Lover

In this case maybe.A long way to travel for a relatively unknown girl, must surely be some nice girls nearer home? My punt yesterday was a bit involved not in terms of distance but involved 5 train journeys a taxi and two push bike rides, as least the girl was verified on AW and Hungarian not Romanian. Well worth the effort but maybe take the car next time! Of course what you end up doing is entirely your business and good luck if you do go.

Offline JimmySW

Both of the girls are listed as 5'6", with a 24" waist a size 6 and 11 1/2 stone!!!!!!! I would assume both profiles were written by someone who has yet to get a grasp of the imperial weight measurement system!

Offline Stiltskin

I've travelled hundreds of miles for my other hobbies, so why not this one? Make sure you've got plans b,c,d... ready though ;-)


  • Guest
Yes I here you cry but....... is it possible?
External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only -

Could someone take one for the team otherwise I will have to drive.
I rather take a flight to Bangkok for a week, and have good food,and fly back

Offline tantric talents

Since this thread seems to be running forever, I thought I would cut to the chase with just a quick question to the OP.

Have you had much experience before, booking Romanians?

If the answer to my question is no, then the answer to your question is also NO!
If the answer to my question is yes, well then go ahead and may the force be with you  :drinks:
« Last Edit: May 22, 2015, 11:49:11 am by tantric talents »

Offline tantric talents

Since this thread seems to be running forever, I thought I would cut to the chase with just a quick question to the OP.

Have you had much experience before, booking Romanians?

If the answer to my question is no, then the answer to your question is also NO!
If the answer to my question is yes, well then go ahead and may the force be with you  :drinks:

That will teach me to read the bloody question again properly!

Have you had much experience before, booking Romanians?

If the answer to my question is no, then the answer to your question is YES - it is too far!
If the answer to my question is yes, well then go ahead and may the force be with you  :drinks:

Online webpunter

Yes I here you cry but....... is it possible?
External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only -
Could someone take one for the team otherwise I will have to drive.
Just realized she's based in Scouse Land.  So it'll be 165miles on the way there.  Motor gets half-inched and its home on the train  :sarcastic:


  • Guest
Yes I here you cry but....... is it possible?
External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only -

Could someone take one for the team otherwise I will have to drive.

no, roma girl, not even if she lived next door

Offline Sparta Prada

I am seriously contemplating seeing Sweet Leeloo who I saw a number of times in London. She's now based in Liverpool which is a 200 mile drive each way, 4 hours each way according to google! For me she's worth the travelling, so I think I will see her soon.

External Link/Members Only

Offline ISTS2005

Now in Bradford and has some questionable AW feedback

Offline Birdhunter

I travel 6000 miles to Thailand to punt.

Online webpunter

I am seriously contemplating seeing Sweet Leeloo who I saw a number of times in London. She's now based in Liverpool which is a 200 mile drive each way, 4 hours each way according to google! For me she's worth the travelling, so I think I will see her soon.

External Link/Members Only
Each to their own.  If you factor in the travel costs then this must add another £100 quid - absolute minimum.  Then there's the time.  I'd add 100 to the hourly rate & see what you can find more local.  Me thinks loads of opportunities

Offline NIK

3.3 miles is too far for me these days!  :rolleyes:

Online webpunter

3.3 miles is too far for me these days!  :rolleyes:
I've only broken my 5 mile min. distance once.  Less than 1.65miles.  Was crapping myself in case of a chance meeting on the high street.  So there is too far & too close.  Surely you'd exceed 3.3m for Nicoletta ?  :D

Offline NIK

I've only broken my 5 mile min. distance once.  Less than 1.65miles.  Was crapping myself in case of a chance meeting on the high street.  So there is too far & too close.  Surely you'd exceed 3.3m for Nicoletta ?  :D

This is part of my problem I'd sooner go to London for punting as I don't just go for the punting. Obviously it's expensive so that means I can't afford to punt locally. It's actually getting on for 2 and a half years since I've punted locally. Easily the longest since the 1980's without.