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Author Topic: W/G answers phone while getting banged - strange  (Read 2868 times)

Offline Equilibrium

So, I called a w/g today and she answers and while we are discussing the services I can hear her breathing heavily and moaning, I even asked if she was with a client and she responds: "Yes, I am on top of one"  :D, now this has happened to me before and I ended up hanging the phone call.
Is it all just a scheme to show the punters that the w/g is busy and that they should book or she would would be booked the whole day if you do not book her now, or has the w/g really answered her phone while "on top of a client".
Personally, it would piss me off if the w/g answered the phone while I was with her, so I hanged up the phone left a text.
Has this happened to anyone before or am I the only one to experience this??? :scare:.

Offline closeshave

I was doggying a girl once and she had the phone in her hands texting
 Looked around and said are you done yet. That killed it of course

Shit punt

Offline Equilibrium

I agree a shit punt, but there is a fine line between texting and answering a call, that is just taking things to the next level.  :D :D :D

Offline Corus Boy

So, I called a w/g today and she answers and while we are discussing the services I can hear her breathing heavily and moaning, I even asked if she was with a client and she responds: "Yes, I am on top of one"  :D, now this has happened to me before and I ended up hanging the phone call.
Is it all just a scheme to show the punters that the w/g is busy and that they should book or she would would be booked the whole day if you do not book her now, or has the w/g really answered her phone while "on top of a client".
Personally, it would piss me off if the w/g answered the phone while I was with her, so I hanged up the phone left a text.
Has this happened to anyone before or am I the only one to experience this??? :scare:.

Someone, somewhere would probably pay extra for that!  :scare:

Offline AgedCases

Her responding to her phone during my time is a huge no-no!

At the start of my 1st punt, the WG was talking to me when her phone rang. She went to answer it, saw me frowning, then said,"Oh, best switch it off," before doing so. Damn right too.

Offline Clicktocollect

Someone, somewhere would probably pay extra for that!  :scare:

I once took a call mid-punt ... I didnt pay extra but thought it was quite exciting  :crazy:

Offline ayreon010

There is a WG very local to me who I saw a fair few times and knew pretty well.
Problem was she just could not stop txting. You could see it in her eyes when the phone went she was after looking under the disguise that it may be from her daughter.


  • Guest
Any girl on her phone during any of the time I have paid to be with her -totally unprofessional; a complete and utter turn off for me. Most punters feel this way, as, to be fair do most of the genuine girls out there.

Another symptom of "the phone is king" culture nowadays that gets people killed on the roads and turns parents walking down the street with young kids unattended into zombies.

Fucking glad I'm from a time before the mobile.

Rant medicine, please, nurse   :dash:

Offline ayreon010

The WG that I knew had gone from this lovely friendly girl who would do anything as a friend to a person who all you could get out of her was that she had missed so many people as she has missed answering her phone straight away.

Offline PatrickCarnes

I was doggying a girl once and she had the phone in her hands texting
 Looked around and said are you done yet. That killed it of course

Shit punt

Was it Teen Barbara?

Offline threechilliman

I remember reading a review somewhere about a girl who called the punters wife whilst fucking him. Trying to sell her double glazing or something. Fuckin' risky, but I'll bet it was a right turn on

I think it was that one in Blackburn that we can't decide whether she's a TS or not.


Offline tazz

Never ever heard of this, maybe the guy wanted her to chat to another guy whilst being fucked. Id love a wg to ride me on top whilst chatting to her friend and letting her know what shes doing. Also love WG's telling me about all the guys they've been servicing,the more they fuck the more i like them.


  • Guest
Happened to me too - during our meeting her mother rang her. I had to slow down and be quiet.

Offline Sonny Crockett

I myself have never experienced speaking to a WG while they were having sex with a client. However I have experienced on a couple of occasions when a WG answered the phone mid punt when I was there and I must say that I find this extremely insulting as the lady is not showing an 100% commitment to giving me a good time. When with clients the WG should either have their mobiles on silent or switched off completely!!!!
« Last Edit: April 19, 2015, 07:46:55 pm by Sonny Crockett »

Offline SmackmaBitchUp

Yup I Definatley would have knocked one out whilst talking to her.. A free dirty chat!  :thumbsup:

Offline iPad3

I had a girl call her mate (another WG) while she was sucking my cock, they had a brief chat and she told the other girl what she was doing, very fucking horny IMO, of  course I had asked for it. I'm not happy if they just answer without asking but if they do and I agree its a bit of a turn on.

Offline PLeisure

This idea of a running commentary to another wg is hot.

"Yeah, hold on - his pipes are about to burst, gimme a sec to swallow him dry.."  :drinks:


  • Guest
It's happened to me twice. Once when the girl asked if I minded, but she'd been waiting for the call for a while. She was on the phone for a few minutes and reset the time back to zero after, so in fact I got an extra 20 mins. The other time the phone rang just as I'd got inside her and she took the call which was a booking and lasted about half a minute. I thought it was rather funny because the guy on the other end must have been able to hear the jerkiness in her voice. It didn't bother me at all, but I'd hate them to take endless numbers of phone calls. Most of them seem to switch their phone off or at least put it on silent.

Offline Zeusthedoc

Never with a WG, although a number of them have texted someone immediately after the fact.

Maids have put me on hold mid convo whilst directing a punter to the WG.

I have had civvies answer phones mid-fuck. Was in Glasgow a number of years ago, apparently it was her dad, made it so much hotter. Probably bullshit, but who cares I think I was about a 17/18 a the time.

Offline Blackpool Rock

I had just finished with a girl once when her boyfriend rang and she said she had to answer it, apparently he was stationed in Afghanistan and the cue for the phone was about 2 hours long, just glad i'd finished.

Also about 12 months ago I was shagging a Hungarian girl doggy style in Bolton when her phone rang, she was picking up all calls for her and her friend and said it was somebody trying to make a booking. She left the phone alone and it was me who said to answer it as I wanted to see how she handled the situation of talking to a potential punter while being fucked by another.
That was when I realised the moaning had been really fake as she answered and proceeded to talk to the guy as normal saying she was busy but her friend was available and to come to the door.
she hung the phone up shouted to her mate then 30 seconds later the doorbell went, as soon as the guy was in she looked round and asked "so do you want to fuck my ass!", well seeing as you put it like that (plus it was only £20 extra)   

Offline bigmc

I told my favourite wg to answer her phone once. I offered to go down on her whilst she was talking to a client, see if she could keep her voice steady. I did it for a laugh.
She was very professional and said no.

Offline Zeusthedoc

I had just finished with a girl once when her boyfriend rang and she said she had to answer it, apparently he was stationed in Afghanistan and the cue for the phone was about 2 hours long, just glad i'd finished.

Also about 12 months ago I was shagging a Hungarian girl doggy style in Bolton when her phone rang, she was picking up all calls for her and her friend and said it was somebody trying to make a booking. She left the phone alone and it was me who said to answer it as I wanted to see how she handled the situation of talking to a potential punter while being fucked by another.
That was when I realised the moaning had been really fake as she answered and proceeded to talk to the guy as normal saying she was busy but her friend was available and to come to the door.
she hung the phone up shouted to her mate then 30 seconds later the doorbell went, as soon as the guy was in she looked round and asked "so do you want to fuck my ass!", well seeing as you put it like that (plus it was only £20 extra)

I would have asked for £20 off - but then again u did tell her to answer it.

If I'm paying for her 'time' - I want her time!
What we choose to do in that time is between 2+ consenting adults.


  • Guest
On a punt at the beginning of the month, a WG I was banging from behind answered a call and was talking to another punter whilst I was still fucking her.  I got a kick out of it! ;)

Offline Equilibrium

Looking at the comments above , I am now definitely going to get a w/g to answer her phone when I'm in her   :dance:


  • Guest
I was doggying a girl once and she had the phone in her hands texting
 Looked around and said are you done yet. That killed it of course

Shit punt

It's at this point you accidentally slip out and pop up the wrong'un....

Offline HappyandLucky

Banging in mish when she picks up her phone and starts txting. Real turn off and one reason why Melissa got a neg review from me. If I'm paying the bill i want 100% focus on my pleasure, how the WG manages her bookings after I have left is down to her.


  • Guest
I told my favourite wg to answer her phone once. I offered to go down on her whilst she was talking to a client, see if she could keep her voice steady. I did it for a laugh.
She was very professional and said no.

Something on those lines.

We'd finished round 1, I'd gone to bathroom to freshen up, she was on phone answering texts, so I went under the duvet and started licking her to set up round 2.

She was telling the punter, by text what was happening and judging by how wet she was, enjoyed the experience too.  :drinks:

The happy one

  • Guest
Was with an eye girl and her three phones kept going off told her to put them on quite

Then one vibrated so I said answer it but the last one

Grew an extra inch listening to her saying yes I do this and that and anal is extra £30

Took that as my ok to bash the back doors in

It took her breath away mine came in gasps and blew my load

Horny as fuck

Offline smiths

So, I called a w/g today and she answers and while we are discussing the services I can hear her breathing heavily and moaning, I even asked if she was with a client and she responds: "Yes, I am on top of one"  :D, now this has happened to me before and I ended up hanging the phone call.
Is it all just a scheme to show the punters that the w/g is busy and that they should book or she would would be booked the whole day if you do not book her now, or has the w/g really answered her phone while "on top of a client".
Personally, it would piss me off if the w/g answered the phone while I was with her, so I hanged up the phone left a text.
Has this happened to anyone before or am I the only one to experience this??? :scare:.

What it shows me is such WGs offer a bad service so I would avoid them, its basic that a WGs phone should be off or on silent while punting. Sounds like a right greedy cunt to me.

Offline GreyDave

A while ago there was a palour called Sweet Surprise run by an Indian girl Neeta Got to give the credit for finding again to Steve2 who reveiwed her on PN.. anyways was doing the biz with one of her large tited girls and the phone went  :angry: she answer with hello Mum ... then a chat of a good ten mins whilst I was still on the case Neeta even knocked on the door to find out what was going on I opened it with a foot and gestured and carryed on shagging her  :D :D I love doing it I front of others :D :D :D.
Neeta was a good shag too shame they closed it was on top of some shops so I supose the footfall was a problem.. :unknown:

Offline danny.simons

I think I'd potentially get a kick out of them talking on the phone, although it has never actually happened to me before.
Not all the time I was with the girl, but maybe one call wouldn't bother me. Weirdly I think it is more impersonal to text in a way. At least when they are on the phone they are just talking, not actually physically doing something else, if that makes sense.


  • Guest
That's given me an idea, order a submissive to make a call whilst being spanked.  :diablo:

Post number 666  :diablo: :diablo: :diablo: