Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: LAPC Dagenham  (Read 5126 times)


  • Guest
Went to  External Link/Members Only  to their Wednesday night Paradise Spa in Dagenham party 8-11pm, £60 with a claimed maximum ratio of 5.1. The night I was there it was closer to 2:1
I echo much of Smiths review ( The place is a bit downmarket-two large Jacuzzis , Steam room showers etc and several playrooms-essentially rooms with platforms with wipeable surfaces, you put down your towel for the action..

On being buzzed in (you pay a ten pound returnable locker fee-and bar drinks are deducted from this) you enter a communal changing room-some of the girls were getting ready so you could see them with a fair amount of light (not the gorgeous girls of LMP-but some passable)-the rest of the club is quite dark. There are always 10 girls working and  there was one swinger girl there, small and a bit on the tubby side who was making friends in the Jacuzzi-she went for a guy younger and fitter than I.

You wander round the club with just a towel around you bumping into other guys doing the same, it is not really a party scene like LMP-I saw no MMF it was more a case of !:1s in the open. Never the less managed to have sex with four women, one Brazilian who while she sat on my face gushed while I lapped and fingered her  –and it’s not wee I know the difference.

Whether it is OWO or the girl allows RO depends on the girl. Best of the night was a slim Black girl Ivy-she is a non- London student, she found the night a bit quiet and likes it when there are more punters. I got the impression that the girls were doing it to supplement their income or for fun and were not professional prozzies (although could be wrong on this)

So-definite VFM taking into account length of the party and number of girls -but I miss the party vibe and the great looking  and enthusiastic girls of LMP. It also depends on how many times you can or want to pop of an evening –perhaps this is a party everyone should experience once. Will I go back? Bit of a hike for me and I could see how the parties could be hit and miss depending on who is partying -we shall see.


  • Guest
Sounds like top value...£60 for 3 hrs and 4 shags. Also good to hear the comparisons to more expensive outfits...

As an LMP regular, I do sometimes wonder whether a budget party would be worth trying. A bit like breakfast cereal, would you taste the difference between the branded product and a value alternative...I guess you would, but would it be an acceptable alternative considering the saving?? Difficult one!  :unknown:


  • Guest
Well I like the crunchy oat clusters with added blueberry of LMP- but maybe plain old muesli of LAPC makes a change

Offline Steve2

11 girls, 3 hrs, £60, only 2 Jacuzzis, sauna and a steam room Bobbles

Sounds like heaven to me

 :hi: :hi: :hi: :hi:

Offline GreyDave

good reveiw have been to a few and agree things can be mixed however  great value and I`ve done MMf and DVP with a few of the ladies that have been there in past fellow punters have often started the conversation with do you fancy sharing her ..often its been great fun shared on with a young BBC guy we both finished on her tits in front of waiting chaps in the corridor  :D :D have taken part in 5-6 guys on a blonde MILF on the table  :cool:( ok not to you liking Steve :D :D
not to all`s taste but great fun then into showers to help her wash of cum. She went back to service more guys and went steam room next to it before a break in tub :thumbsup:

Offline drwho

I'd go every Wednesday if I could.
The distance and timing makes it strictly for when the wife's away, as it results in me getting home at about 1.30 am.

Been 3 times so far:
1st was also my first ever party experience. Far too busy, but got to go with 3 ladies.
Didn't have another opportunity to revisit for 9 months and in the meantime I had multiple visits to LMP, Pams Parties, the place in Sutton and LSAP in Southwark.
The 2nd visit was a revelation how much better it could be when a little quieter. Had 5 girls this time and left with an even bigger smile than previously.
Found a 3rd opportunity a few weeks back. The Argentina/Holland World Cup game that night probably helped keep the numbers down a bit. Again a very active and enjoyable night, with 5 girls again. Many of them I've seen at other venues (Pams and LSAP)

As the key to the success of these nights for me is for it not to be too busy I'm slightly hesitant to come on here and tell everyone what a brilliant time I've had the last 2 visits...but I don't anticipate having another opportunity to get out to Dagenham for a while anyway, so goodluck for a quiet night if you go.

I was also thinking of trying their Wednesday daytime spa option, which might be easier on the alibi. Not LAPC, but direct at the Paradise Spa. 12-5 for £50 I think it said on the Website. Fewer girls, but fewer blokes too probably.

Anyone been during the day?

Offline Steve2

Wednesday daytimes attract loads of guys (maybe 30 or more) but still fun to be had as it also attracts couples and single girls

Offline drwho

Thanks for the info Steve.
I find it hard enough to count the girls at some parties, let alone the guys..

30 sounds a lot though. I might have to make my excuses and plan a Wednesday day out some time soon though to find out for myself

Offline smiths

For any punters interested in this LAPC party please bear in mind you will never know until you get their how many other punters up to the max 5.1 ratio have turned up. The reason its only £60 for the 3 hours is because of the ratio. I havent yet seen it over a 3.1 ratio but its pot luck on the day.


  • Guest
What sort of girls EE english any early 20s slim types?
or are they pretty rough?

Offline drwho

The gallery on the website gives you a rough idea, if not to be taken too literally.

Don't expect LMP model types, but still some nice girls.
Quite a few black Africans of varying sizes, Lots of 'Brazilians' covering the gamut of blonde fair skin to much darker. Some Europeans too. Also seen a Thai girl there.
Emma Louise represents the British. Not really my type, but she's still got a good body last time I saw her.

My favourite on my last visit was Steph, a 26 year old slim Ghanaian/British with a cute face and fantastic body.

One downside of the venue to me is some of the rooms are so dark you can't enjoy the nicer looking girls.Though of course there may be others who better suit hiding in the shadows

As had been mentioned, another great aspect is the way everyone including the girls shares the same communal showers, so you get to check out and chat with the ladies in better lighting.

Offline ladiesman020

I've never been but the spa is 3 mins walk from me ;)
Banned reason: Undesirable, covertly filming bookings
Banned by: daviemac


  • Guest
Went again last week-ratio I guess about 3:1 or lower. Best for me was Rose-got into action as soon as the party started-lovely almost GFE, lots of kissing and she has lovely boobs. Also had a shot at Melons Marie-she is a BBW-on the positives she will take more than one man at a time, and those boobs are worth fucking but a bit too much of the false moans (and a bit plain) for my liking. But as a minor porn star you have to have a try.

However the main room is too dark cant see who you are fucking-after three pops had enough so left early. May go again if horn and opportunity presents

Offline what-a man

Pls pardon my ignorance as I have never been to a party before. I'd like to know who is responsible for providing the condoms, is it the host or the guest?

Offline davidgood

Pls pardon my ignorance as I have never been to a party before. I'd like to know who is responsible for providing the condoms, is it the host or the guest?

At the parties I go to regularly in London condoms are provided by the host. But at places like Angel's in Sunderland or The Private at Aston you had to buy them or take your own.



Offline davidgood

Went again last week-ratio I guess about 3:1 or lower. Best for me was Rose-got into action as soon as the party started-lovely almost GFE, lots of kissing and she has lovely boobs. Also had a shot at Melons Marie-she is a BBW-on the positives she will take more than one man at a time, and those boobs are worth fucking but a bit too much of the false moans (and a bit plain) for my liking. But as a minor porn star you have to have a try.

However the main room is too dark cant see who you are fucking-after three pops had enough so left early. May go again if horn and opportunity presents
Yes I like Rose, not a stunner but a very passionate party girl. Not seen Melons for a few years. She is usually fun but talks more than I do.



Offline HippyCrack

Sorry to drag up this old thread but I have a couple of questions about this as I'm thinking of going to the Paradise Spa in a couple of weeks as it is quite local to me.

1. On the Wednesday night LAPC event do you have to pay the £10 locker fee as well as the £60 entry fee or is it included?

2. The Wednesday daytime coffee morning runs from 11am to 5pm - is it best to get there for 11am or is there action throughout the day?


Offline drwho

1. You hand over £70 and get back £10 at the end minus any soft drinks you may have bought from the bar from the key deposit. There is water and a dubious sugary cordial available for free.

2. I should imagine it might take a while to get going but have no personal experience of the daytime parties yet.

Offline HippyCrack

Thanks Drwho, I always like to make sure I take the correct money to a punt.

Offline davidgood

Sorry to drag up this old thread but I have a couple of questions about this as I'm thinking of going to the Paradise Spa in a couple of weeks as it is quite local to me.

1. On the Wednesday night LAPC event do you have to pay the £10 locker fee as well as the £60 entry fee or is it included?

2. The Wednesday daytime coffee morning runs from 11am to 5pm - is it best to get there for 11am or is there action throughout the day?

Hi Hippy,

As regards the coffee mornings, firstly they are not run by LAPC. I have only been once and I found it a bit stop and go.

I suspect it is not all action from 11am, maybe 11.30 or 12. Then at about 1 there is lunch break for about an hour for pizzas. I arrived at this time when I gave it a try last month.

Things start again about 2 but then the girls finish at 4.



Offline HippyCrack

Thanks David, that answers that question.