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Author Topic: Last minute let-downs  (Read 1520 times)

Offline dkn

Don't you hate that "waiting outside to get the call to come in" time?

Had a complete let-down today.  Organised for today yesterday evening.  Got ready, spent 45 mins driving, arrived on time, called - no reply.  No great surprise as there's often a few mins to wait.  Still got the horn.  Sent a text.  Another call 5 mins later - no reply.  The nagging doubts set in.  Finally start to give up after 20 mins.  Try calling plan B - no reply.  Leave after 30 mins, thoroughly pissed off.  Plan B still doesn't work out.  45 min drive back.

How pissed off would she be if I wasted over 2 hours of her time?

Not the first time this has happened to me, and sure it won't be the last.

I hate the way you turn up, all raring to go, and then it all turns to crap.

 :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


  • Guest
Deserves a negative review I think.

Offline Cuntminion

When I saw the thread title I thought someone made a thread about my erection  :D


  • Guest
When I saw the thread title I thought someone made a thread about my erection  :D

Can't be that bad?

Offline Cuntminion

Can't be that bad?

No just being light hearted about it, could be better though but I am trying a few things that should help and cycling through different types of condoms to find the best one

Offline SJ772

I also got let down today, from someone I've seen a few times, I also arranged yesterday evening and confirmed, texted early this morning to confirm (no reply), called (no reply), decided to get ready and head off anyway, whilst in the car 30mins before the agreed meet "Sorry, can make agreed time", "Texted straight back, want to reschedule for later"......tumbleweed.

I am guessing mine woke up hungover, sodding annoying though, freshly shaved balls and all.  Still got a cracking BJ from the wifey this afternoon so not all lost.   I will not post a negative review right as she's been great up to now, and I fear for outing my AW profile, if it happens again though will post it here.

I don't do the plan B as I hate being let down so won't do it to them, must be a mug having morals in this game.

Offline dkn

I also got let down today, from someone I've seen a few times, I also arranged yesterday evening and confirmed, texted early this morning to confirm (no reply), called (no reply), decided to get ready and head off anyway, whilst in the car 30mins before the agreed meet "Sorry, can make agreed time", "Texted straight back, want to reschedule for later"......tumbleweed.

I am guessing mine woke up hungover, sodding annoying though, freshly shaved balls and all.  Still got a cracking BJ from the wifey this afternoon so not all lost.   I will not post a negative review right as she's been great up to now, and I fear for outing my AW profile, if it happens again though will post it here.

I don't do the plan B as I hate being let down so won't do it to them, must be a mug having morals in this game.

Pretty much echoes my experience.  After a few let downs in the past, I got into the habit of always trying to confirm on the day, but left it to trust today - duh!  Have had my share of last minute cancellations over the years too - which are annoying, but at least they save a wasted journey.  Sure there'll be an explanation later but, of course, with the experiences we're all familiar with, it all feels like crying wolf - which 1 excuse in 10 is a genuine one.

And my plan B was nothing booked or firm, just someone I'd been thinking about who was in the rough vicinity.  Or, as it turned out, wasn't...

Offline SJ772

Pretty much echoes my experience.  After a few let downs in the past, I got into the habit of always trying to confirm on the day, but left it to trust today - duh!  Have had my share of last minute cancellations over the years too - which are annoying, but at least they save a wasted journey.  Sure there'll be an explanation later but, of course, with the experiences we're all familiar with, it all feels like crying wolf - which 1 excuse in 10 is a genuine one.

And my plan B was nothing booked or firm, just someone I'd been thinking about who was in the rough vicinity.  Or, as it turned out, wasn't...

I guess business must be booming if they can turn away good money from known regulars....


  • Guest

No just being light hearted about it, could be better though but I am trying a few things that should help and cycling through different types of condoms to find the best one
Have you tried lube before condom on ?


  • Guest
I believe that WGs suffer this possibly more than us punters. Personally I have never been left stranded having travelled to a punt, although I have walked from Bait and Switch or where the pictures have been deliberately misleading.

WGs often tell me that guys make appointments and just don't show, so I guess some of them have tarred us all with the same brush and have a rather laissez-faire attitude to appointments. Not that this excuses this kind of behaviour, but if you have lined up a Plan B and then not let them know with plenty of notice that you're not coming then I guess you are guilty of prompting some WGs to adopt a similar attitude. I know we are a punters' forum, but sometimes it helps to view things from the other side.


  • Guest
My response is always the same. If a working girl is more than 15 minutes late (20) in extreme cases I will request a discount or I cancel the booking and write a negative review..

I pride myself on being on the dot on time and respect others time and expect the same treatment back. I do not care how popular or hot said working girl is my attitude will always remain the same.

Seriously no tolerance level for double-bookers, timewasters and just all out idiots.

Offline threechilliman

Deserves a negative review I think.

Indeed it does. Like this:-

Two other negative reviews appeared very quickly after mine for much the same thing. We're having a bit of fun on the NW boards with this young lady!!


Offline The_Don

Don't you hate that "waiting outside to get the call to come in" time?

Had a complete let-down today.  Organised for today yesterday evening.  Got ready, spent 45 mins driving, arrived on time, called - no reply.  No great surprise as there's often a few mins to wait.  Still got the horn.  Sent a text.  Another call 5 mins later - no reply.  The nagging doubts set in.  Finally start to give up after 20 mins.  Try calling plan B - no reply.  Leave after 30 mins, thoroughly pissed off.  Plan B still doesn't work out.  45 min drive back.

How pissed off would she be if I wasted over 2 hours of her time?

Not the first time this has happened to me, and sure it won't be the last.

I hate the way you turn up, all raring to go, and then it all turns to crap.

 :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

I now confirm (before leaving) and have done for sometime that. They are ready at the time I want.


  • Guest
Don't you hate that "waiting outside to get the call to come in" time?

Had a complete let-down today.  Organised for today yesterday evening.  Got ready, spent 45 mins driving, arrived on time, called - no reply.  No great surprise as there's often a few mins to wait.  Still got the horn.  Sent a text.  Another call 5 mins later - no reply.  The nagging doubts set in.  Finally start to give up after 20 mins.  Try calling plan B - no reply.  Leave after 30 mins, thoroughly pissed off.  Plan B still doesn't work out.  45 min drive back.

How pissed off would she be if I wasted over 2 hours of her time?

Not the first time this has happened to me, and sure it won't be the last.

I hate the way you turn up, all raring to go, and then it all turns to crap.

 :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Name and shame. :diablo:

Offline smiths

Don't you hate that "waiting outside to get the call to come in" time?

Had a complete let-down today.  Organised for today yesterday evening.  Got ready, spent 45 mins driving, arrived on time, called - no reply.  No great surprise as there's often a few mins to wait.  Still got the horn.  Sent a text.  Another call 5 mins later - no reply.  The nagging doubts set in.  Finally start to give up after 20 mins.  Try calling plan B - no reply.  Leave after 30 mins, thoroughly pissed off.  Plan B still doesn't work out.  45 min drive back.

How pissed off would she be if I wasted over 2 hours of her time?

Not the first time this has happened to me, and sure it won't be the last.

I hate the way you turn up, all raring to go, and then it all turns to crap.

 :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

A WG fucking me about when she has accepted my booking will result in a negative view irrespective of any reason she might give which relies on me believing her anyway which I don't just blindly do. I have a zero tolerance policy nowadays.


  • Guest
Don't you hate that "waiting outside to get the call to come in" time?

Had a complete let-down today.  Organised for today yesterday evening.  Got ready, spent 45 mins driving, arrived on time, called - no reply.  No great surprise as there's often a few mins to wait.  Still got the horn.  Sent a text.  Another call 5 mins later - no reply.  The nagging doubts set in.  Finally start to give up after 20 mins.  Try calling plan B - no reply.  Leave after 30 mins, thoroughly pissed off.  Plan B still doesn't work out.  45 min drive back.

How pissed off would she be if I wasted over 2 hours of her time?

Not the first time this has happened to me, and sure it won't be the last.

I hate the way you turn up, all raring to go, and then it all turns to crap.

 :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

So who was she?

Offline dkn

In the end, I had an explanation the next day which was plausible with what happened.  I'm still not green enough to believe that's it's gospel, min.

On the other hand, I enjoy what she does, so will grudgingly give her the benefit of the doubt.  This time.

Had another reg quite a few years back who blew me out a few times.  Sometimes, just before I left home, but a few times on arrival at the road.  She ended up telling me that she couldn't take the job and was quitting, and that all those blow-outs were regret moments when she couldn't go through with it.  A shame, really, as when we did get together, it was bloody magic.

Why are we such slaves to our cocks!


  • Guest
Why are we such slaves to our cocks!
Because the rest of society oppresses their cocks and buys nice ornaments for the garden to make up for it. 

Let fornication favour the brave my lad, because we are punters.

Offline phillips

Because the rest of society oppresses their cocks and buys nice ornaments for the garden to make up for it. 

Let fornication favour the brave my lad, because we are punters.

   :yahoo:  :dance:  :yahoo:  :dance:

  Nice one  :)