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Author Topic: Do the Positive Punts make up for all the Negative ones?  (Read 1385 times)

Offline oneeyesnake

Thought I would ask the question, as I have just completed s negative review, then looked at all the reviews I had posted. I noticed that they were mostly negative or neutral, with a few positives. This got me thinking should I just stop...barring my regular. I am slowly but surely leaning in that direction.
Views from others experiences.

Offline Hobbit

They do and they don't. If I find someone great then I leave feeling top of the world but experience reminds me that it won't last and after a few visits I will either:

a) Get bored,
b) She will become complacent
c) She will eventually retire.

Keeping those things in perspective along with regularly looking at my bank account keeps me grounded.  If every punt was negative then I would have quit this a long time ago but fortunately and unfortunately for us, there are some top quality service providers out there. :hi:

Offline WelshClipper

I’ll probably get shit for this but in a forum, all POV are valid.

For me this is a hobby, not unlike others play bingo or bet on the horses. I bask in the glow of the good punts and have a good laugh about the bad ones. I am not saying my way is right but if you look at some of the reviews from long time punters on here,  its all the same in the end.

As for the money, good punt or bad punt, you don’t go into this hobby if money is the main concern. I never punt with what I cannot afford....

« Last Edit: December 24, 2021, 03:28:08 pm by WelshClipper »

Offline mrfishyfoo

They do and they don't. If I find someone great then I leave feeling top of the world but experience reminds me that it won't last and after a few visits I will either:

a) Get bored,
b) She will become complacent
c) She will eventually retire.

Keeping those things in perspective along with regularly looking at my bank account keeps me grounded.  If every punt was negative then I would have quit this a long time ago but fortunately and unfortunately for us, there are some top quality service providers out there. :hi:

This ^^^^  :hi: :hi:

It never lasts.

Offline alabama1

I’ll probably get shit for this but in a forum, all POV are valid.

For me this is a hobby, not unlike others play bingo or bet on the horses. I bask in the glow of the good punts and have a good laugh about the bad ones. I am not saying my way is right but if you look at some of the reviews from long time punters on here,  its all the same in the end.

As for the money, good punt or bad punt, you don’t go into this hobby if money is the main concern. I never punt with what I cannot afford....

Why do you think that  :unknown: It seems a very rational and logical statement, and one which i agree with .
« Last Edit: December 24, 2021, 04:19:21 pm by alabama1 »

Offline chief-93

Whenever I spend time carefully reading reviews of girls I want to see and coming to a decision to use that provider I generally have an experience I really enjoy.  These more than make up for the spur of the moment bookings that inevitably lead to negatives or neutrals. Having become aware of this in my decision making, I have significantly more positive experiences.

Offline JPin

It's all about perspective innit.

My good ones totally eclipse any negative experiences, and the negs for me have all been learning experiences rather than "knocks" that make me consider stopping.

Offline WelshClipper

Why do you think that  :unknown: It seems a very rational and logical statement, and one which i agree with .

Thank you sir.

I real life I am not a confidant person. Sometimes that bleeds thru on to the forum.


Offline pbrown355

WC your post was spot on. If your hobby is watching football you will probably have as many negative game experiences as positive. The point for most (I believe) is that the game is the experience, not just the result.
Lots of research will improve your good experience punting ratio but many of us probably both plan some and do others that they don't really plan.

Offline WelshClipper

WC your post was spot on. If your hobby is watching football you will probably have as many negative game experiences as positive. The point for most (I believe) is that the game is the experience, not just the result.
Lots of research will improve your good experience punting ratio but many of us probably both plan some and do others that they don't really plan.


Offline alabama1

WC your post was spot on. If your hobby is watching football you will probably have as many negative game experiences as positive. The point for most (I believe) is that the game is the experience, not just the result.
Lots of research will improve your good experience punting ratio but many of us probably both plan some and do others that they don't really plan.
Very true.. It's all about memories, some good and some bad, (that applies to life in general).The bad one's hopefully we can have a chuckle at when reminiscing in the future. The essence of punting for me is the uncertainty and anticipation of seeing a newbie. But then again i like seeing my regulars too ! Football was mentioned as a good analogy. The fan of a shit team i am guessing would get more joy out of the odd victory , than that of a fan of a great team who watches his team win week in week out. Basically, you need the odd bad punt in order to appreciate the good ones.

Offline Ron89

Definitely. When you get a good punt with a super hot young thing who sucks dick how you like, with the perfect body etc it’s one of the best feelings a man can get. I rarely get a terrible punt but plenty of average ones.

Offline sparkus

TBH the irritation from a negative punt is fleeting and is often negated by a deliberate action eg seeing a regular to get over it (I used to have a reg who even agreed to see me for minimum outlay on my part under those circumstances).

It's when you have a super Positive and the follow up visit is a little flat that smarts. Diminishing returns.

Offline Thephoenix

Of the positive punts didn't outway the negatives we'd probably not be on ukp.
Forever the optimist. :thumbsup:

Offline Slow grinder

They do and they don't. If I find someone great then I leave feeling top of the world but experience reminds me that it won't last and after a few visits I will either:

a) Get bored,
b) She will become complacent
c) She will eventually retire.

Keeping those things in perspective along with regularly looking at my bank account keeps me grounded.  If every punt was negative then I would have quit this a long time ago but fortunately and unfortunately for us, there are some top quality service providers out there. :hi:
Have to totally agree... searching for 'THAT' punt is like 'A Junkie' searching for 'THAT' fix that gave them 'THAT' first euphoric 'HIGH'!

Offline Bonker

For people who continue punting, yes.
For people who don't, no.

Offline rk_1985

Of the positive punts didn't outway the negatives we'd probably not be on ukp.
Forever the optimist. :thumbsup:

Agree with this - I think with the best positive punts a bar or standard has been set and it’s down to me to try and exceed and set a higher bar (if that makes sense)

Offline southern punter

Yes they easily do for me, because I have only had a handful of genuinely bad punts.  If negatives ever became a majority I would definitely be looking to change my punting strategy somehow.

Offline Herts_Outcaller

My reviews are so far
37 positive
7 Neutral
11 negative.

So positive well outnumber negative. PLUS some of the negatives were no-shows, meaning no money lost, AND many of the positives earned repeat visits, meaning more good punts.

So yes, they do

Offline petermisc

I think the part of your query that struck me was "ALL the negative ones".  We have to expect some negatives along the way, but if you are having significantly more negative punts than positives, then I suggest you are doing something wrong.  Having a quick look through your reviews, and a couple of common factors seem to appear. 

Firstly, having a GFE-type of interaction with the SP seems very important to you.  You give negatives if there is no interaction, but also if too chatty or talkative, or just because you didn't "hit it off" with the SP.  To many SPs, GFE just means they do some basic kissing.  If you expect to "click" with every SP, particularly at the lower end of the market, then I think you are bound to be disappointed.  They are offering sex, not friendship.

You also seem to book appointments days in advance.  I think you have to accept that some SPs, again particularly at the lower end of the market, are not good at honouring appointments made in advance.  I would certainly never travel to see an SP without first getting confirmation that the meet is still going ahead.

Offline Longshot

To me, yes.  Im always on the hunt for a decent shag and when i find one the memories and the buzz stick.  Negative meets are part of the game, best thing to do is forget them and move on.

Offline Colston36

I think this is like every other thing in life; if you do your homework you come out ahead, but occasionally someone takes advantage of you. And if you don't do your homework you'll get well and truly ripped off. So since sex is perhaps my greatest pleasure I take a lot of trouble researching and looking what what others have said.

I have on average seen two girls a week for a little under 7 years. I just looked at every review I've done since I joined ukp. It's about 10 to 1 positive to negative with one or two neutral. If I allow for most of my meets, which I don't review because I did already I would guess it's at least 30 maybe even 40 good to every one bad.

Offline nbarnes

Oh yes.
Positive experiences far outweigh the negatives for me.

All of my seriously negative experiences were pre-UKP.

This place and doing due diligence means I haven't had a bad one since joining here.
(i do think I am a little easier to please than most though!)

The only downside now is like someone said earlier, the high doesn't last and its making me seek out more and more extreme experiences.

Offline Bogof60


If it wasn't that way I would not still be punting.
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