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Author Topic: New feature Countdown Timer  (Read 7517 times)

Offline LLPunting

I think we must also recognise that there are lurkers who are "punting-curious". That is, people who would like to punt, but are scared or reluctant to do so, which might be because of nerves, fear, consequences, etc. We need to be considerate and supporting of these people, as once they have taken that jump they could become valued members of the board. In these cases, a draconian approach is not helpful.

OTOH, lurkers who are just abusing the system and parasiting off the reviews and experiences of others are best got rid of quickly.

We ordinary members need to trust the mods to deal with each case appropriately, which I think is better than having too many hard-and-fast rules.

Further to your points...

People considering punting for the first time can get plenty enough from being just guests on this site seeing 5 reviews/threads a day.  Being a full member offers the convenience of unlimited reading, posted SP links and any uploaded but publicly available images.  A guest has to go through the "hassle" of using a search engine to fill in those less than cryptic blanks.  So even a "hesitant" user can be enabled as a fairly prolific punter outside the garden wall. 

As Davie clarified here anyone who registers a username but doesn't pay membership remains restricted to guest level privileges.  It does mean their individual activity is more transparent to the management.  Wait!  What?  ;)

Anyone who has gone to the trouble of paying to join is affirming a commitment to the community by implicitly accepting the terms of registration, those who are clearly active have little excuse once in the door.  Those who are genuinely new to this lark (not just this site) are often discernible in the way they express themselves and readily given credit, keeping completely silent however shouldn't be the safest resort.  Seasoned punters (active or retired) tend to unavoidably signpost their experience whether they're brassy or more genteel in what they say.  So whatever their inclination members who are actively punting get plenty of grace from management to do the done thing as ongoing beneficiaries of all the goodwill vested here by contributors.

Whilst submitting fake reviews is an option why go through the hassle of constructing convincing multiple lies having paid to join?  You (as in one not OP) will be found out through conflicting evidence submitted by members with greater credibility or active investigation by mods and management.  If you don't want to contribute, whatever the reason, then just be a guest for free without threat of consequence or stress of commitment. 
All you're being asked to do is to lodge pretty much anonymous, brief accounts of (some of) the SPs you've experienced in recent months, choosing to post lurid and even compromising detail, dates and times is completely unnecessary and voluntary "foolishness" that some of us reprobates can't help ourselves from.  The ask is so much less than the challenge of engaging with an SP.  For all the reassurance offered by smart use of the intel collected here we ask for as little as 2-3 minutes of your time to write a review.  If you have time to read 2-3 thread updates or a juicy review that's more time than it takes to give back.  Not contributing as a member once you've seen an SP has to be a pretty active decision of defiance.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2024, 03:48:08 am by LLPunting »

Online PilotMan

@LLPunting +1

A review was posted yesterday, it was two sentences, a summary and a link.

If members need more detail than that, they can reply on the thread and ask.

There's absolutely no excuse for not contributing.

Offline Cheltclient

This is probably a thick question (and feel free to call me a Wally) - but how would this apply to someone who has reviewed in the past but hasn’t seen someone for a while? My last booking was last year and not seen anyone for a fair few months. Being honest, the intent is there but no one has taken my fancy. I review every booking and hoping to see someone (and maybe two - as tempted by Sofia again) in the next few weeks. Does this just apply to those who haven’t reviewed at all or those who haven’t reviewed for a while?

Again prob a daft question so apologies in advance for being a dumbass. I’m easily confused

Offline akauya

This is probably a thick question (and feel free to call me a Wally) - but how would this apply to someone who has reviewed in the past but hasn’t seen someone for a while? My last booking was last year and not seen anyone for a fair few months. Being honest, the intent is there but no one has taken my fancy. I review every booking and hoping to see someone (and maybe two - as tempted by Sofia again) in the next few weeks. Does this just apply to those who haven’t reviewed at all or those who haven’t reviewed for a while?

Again prob a daft question so apologies in advance for being a dumbass. I’m easily confused

From the forum rules:

4 Reviews
A new review thread can only be created once a service provider has agreed to a booking. A meeting does not need to occur, and money does not need to change hands. The only criteria are that she had accepted the initial booking. Members can post more than one review about an SP, but touting will result in a ban. Reviews are allowed up to 6 months ( for new members, this rule is currently relaxed to 12 months)after the event(positive or negative)
Only one sex worker can be the subject of a review, not a whole agency/establishment/ brothel. The exception is sex parties, duos etc. and massage establishments where providers do not have names.
Reviews must contain a link, contact details or address (if publicized by the service provider).
No abbreviations of establishments in the title of a review.

So basically you can post more than review for the same girl but be careful not to veer into touting e.g. posting several reviews in quick succession. In your case as you said you haven't seen the girl in a few months, as long as you make it clear this is your second review for the same SP after so many months, it should be OK.

For more frequent reviewers, I think the accepted practice it to post a "reply" in your original review thread and state you visited the girl again and it's also another positive, etc. Of course if you visit the same girl and your experience is negative then it's preferable to start a brand new negative review.

Offline Cheltclient

That’s not what I was getting at. It wasn’t a question about reviewing the same girl. I meant, if you’ve not reviewed anyone for a while - but you’ve reviewed plenty in the past - might you get a countdown clock? In other words, might it be considered that if you’ve not reviewed recently, you’re not contributing to the site?

As I said, I’ve not reviewed since the last booking as I’ve not seen anyone.

Offline daviemac

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This is probably a thick question (and feel free to call me a Wally) - but how would this apply to someone who has reviewed in the past but hasn’t seen someone for a while? My last booking was last year and not seen anyone for a fair few months. Being honest, the intent is there but no one has taken my fancy. I review every booking and hoping to see someone (and maybe two - as tempted by Sofia again) in the next few weeks. Does this just apply to those who haven’t reviewed at all or those who haven’t reviewed for a while?

Again prob a daft question so apologies in advance for being a dumbass. I’m easily confused
Not sure what akauya is referencing but it doesn't seem to have anything to do with you question.   :unknown:

However on your point each case is assessed on an individual basis, there are several things to consider, first and foremost is when they joined compared to when their account was verified so they are able to post, then how often members log on, what they post and how they have contributed in the past are some of the things we consider.

Most importantly if we think anyone needs to contribute more they will be told and given a chance to rectify the situation before any bans.

Offline Cheltclient

Not sure what akauya is referencing but it doesn't seem to have anything to do with you question.   :unknown:

However on your point each case is assessed on an individual basis, there are several things to consider, first and foremost is when they joined compared to when their account was verified so they are able to post, then how often members log on, what they post and how they have contributed in the past are some of the things we consider.

Most importantly if we think anyone needs to contribute more they will be told and given a chance to rectify the situation before any bans.

Thanks Davie. Explained perfectly. All in all, I respect any rules you guys enforce. Hopefully, I won’t see a countdown coming my way but if my booking drought continues, fair enough. I do try and contribute elsewhere when I can.

Fingers crossed, should have a booking in the next couple weeks. A tourer has caught my eye.

Online FiveKnuckles

That’s not what I was getting at. It wasn’t a question about reviewing the same girl. I meant, if you’ve not reviewed anyone for a while - but you’ve reviewed plenty in the past - might you get a countdown clock? In other words, might it be considered that if you’ve not reviewed recently, you’re not contributing to the site?

As I said, I’ve not reviewed since the last booking as I’ve not seen anyone.

Most likely at the discretion of the mods.  They can check the logs and apply their judgement.  If you've stopped reviewing for 5 years and logon daily, then unless you're here for the banter, there must be some interest in punting?

Some guys can't punt for health reasons or help out on the forum.   I don't think the moderators should create/announce specific rules for each scenario.  They are best to make the call when it comes to it.

Offline Cheltclient

Most likely at the discretion of the mods.  They can check the logs and apply their judgement.  If you've stopped reviewing for 5 years and logon daily, then unless you're here for the banter, there must be some interest in punting?

Some guys can't punt for health reasons or help out on the forum.   I don't think the moderators should create/announce specific rules for each scenario.  They are best to make the call when it comes to it.

Agreed and makes sense. I suspect I’ll review soon anyway, although you never know. Last year felt like a quiet year for punting, punctuated by a brief time spent with a girl from a dating site. But it’s been a while so a booking is certainly on the horizon

Offline akauya

That’s not what I was getting at. It wasn’t a question about reviewing the same girl.
Not sure what akauya is referencing but it doesn't seem to have anything to do with you question.   :unknown:

Ah, I misunderstood the question...  feel free to call me a Wally  :D

Offline Cheltclient

Ah, I misunderstood the question...  feel free to call me a Wally  :D

Don’t worry I prob didn’t make myself all that clear :) and no harm me seeing the rules about reviewing someone I’ve already seen as that may be happening shortly :)

Offline catweazle

Just picking up  on a couple of points from this thread:

As a "helper" I moved a 'review' from the "massage" section to the correct section of "escort reviews" The poster has a ticking clock. The 'review' is very brief and perfunctory, and i guessed it was in response to the countdown  clock, but  of course, not my place  to comment.   However, the good  Daviemac has picked up on it  so the system is functioning fine.

Out of mere idle curiosity, I went to the huge "members online" listing, and clicked on 10 of the names pretty much at random ( names I didn't recognise).  Most had "first registered " dates a good while ago - some  back as far as 2018.  Not one had either a review or a post listed.

Offline uncle jessie

What really pisses me off is when a member posts a review of a shit punt that has wasted perhaps a fair wedge of funds to try and save others the same fate . Some fucking lurker then replies that he had a shit punt with the same SP 3 months ago , just another kick in the bollocks for the reviewer that they couldn't be arsed to contribute .

Offline catweazle

What really pisses me off is when a member posts a review of a shit punt that has wasted perhaps a fair wedge of funds to try and save others the same fate . Some fucking lurker then replies that he had a shit punt with the same SP 3 months ago , just another kick in the bollocks for the reviewer that they couldn't be arsed to contribute .

#metoo  syndrome!

Offline Blackpool Rock

What really pisses me off is when a member posts a review of a shit punt that has wasted perhaps a fair wedge of funds to try and save others the same fate . Some fucking lurker then replies that he had a shit punt with the same SP 3 months ago , just another kick in the bollocks for the reviewer that they couldn't be arsed to contribute .
+1 I've had twats post that comment on a couple of my horror shows  :diablo:  :thumbsdown:

Online scutty brown

What really pisses me off is when a member posts a review of a shit punt that has wasted perhaps a fair wedge of funds to try and save others the same fate . Some fucking lurker then replies that he had a shit punt with the same SP 3 months ago , just another kick in the bollocks for the reviewer that they couldn't be arsed to contribute .

I believe that least part of the time though that follow-on comment isn't true - it's just a Walt trying to big himself up by pretending he's been there

Offline Southernbloke

That’s not what I was getting at. It wasn’t a question about reviewing the same girl. I meant, if you’ve not reviewed anyone for a while - but you’ve reviewed plenty in the past - might you get a countdown clock? In other words, might it be considered that if you’ve not reviewed recently, you’re not contributing to the site?

As I said, I’ve not reviewed since the last booking as I’ve not seen anyone.

Thank you for asking this question as I am in a similar situation. I have been quite unwell for a few months and unable to punt so I have been concerned that I might get banned for not contributing. I am hoping to start seeing SPs again soon

Offline yesbby

I thought someone was going to suggest using the countdown music during a punt so you know when to time your ejaculation 

Offline Blackpool Rock

I thought someone was going to suggest using the countdown music during a punt so you know when to time your ejaculation
Hmmm Whether to use the countdown music or not, now that is a conundrum  :rolleyes:  :hi:

Online PilotMan

Thank you for asking this question as I am in a similar situation. I have been quite unwell for a few months and unable to punt so I have been concerned that I might get banned for not contributing. I am hoping to start seeing SPs again soon

In my opinion, both you and Cheltclient have proven you're value on here in the past. Everyone has genuine reasons for not punting, relationship, medical, monetary, etc.

I think that it would most likely apply to members that clearly use the site consistently for a number of years (many referencing girls they see), but give sweet F.A. in return.

It's the Mods and Head1 who make the decision on who gets pulled up, this is just my personal perspective as a contributing member.

Offline jseop109

This point may already have been made, but I guess another reason for not reviewing for a period of time is if you manage to fix on a regular and it would not add anything to keep reviewing her after each meet.

But it does seem that the counter is only to be activated at the mods' discretion for people deemed to be taking the piss in some way, which seems fair enough.   

Offline Cheltclient

In my opinion, both you and Cheltclient have proven you're value on here in the past. Everyone has genuine reasons for not punting, relationship, medical, monetary, etc.

I think that it would most likely apply to members that clearly use the site consistently for a number of years (many referencing girls they see), but give sweet F.A. in return.

It's the Mods and Head1 who make the decision on who gets pulled up, this is just my personal perspective as a contributing member.

Hopefully, that’s the case and thanks for the supportive view. Ultimately, rules are rules, and if I did end up in the countdown position, I’d respect the decision. Fingers crossed, shouldn’t do as hoping to see someone new in the next couple weeks (hope it doesn’t fall through)

Offline Davey80

So I may have got this wrong but if there are still punters on here before my time as a crypto subscriber that haven’t paid anything then I think these types of ban are fair enough.

Is it appropriate for those of us who have paid though? I do personally contribute but I’m not so sure that would be fair. If someone wants to lurk but paid fair dues for the privilege then why is that an issue?

Online PilotMan

So I may have got this wrong but if there are still punters on here before my time as a crypto subscriber that haven’t paid anything then I think these types of ban are fair enough.

Is it appropriate for those of us who have paid though? I do personally contribute but I’m not so sure that would be fair. If someone wants to lurk but paid fair dues for the privilege then why is that an issue?

I'm pretty sure that before joining members would have to acknowledge and consent to the sites rules and ethos.

It's rule number 1.

If people don't agree with that, then they shouldn't join.

Offline Davey80

I'm pretty sure that before joining members would have to acknowledge and consent to the sites rules and ethos.

It's rule number 1.

If people don't agree with that, then they shouldn't join.

Indeed but isn’t this thread all about a proposed NEW rule after people have paid to join?

I guess my point is that if there are effectively 2 tiers of membership (are there?) then an old school approach like this should perhaps recognise some people are paying for this.

Offline big-al93

No, the site ethos has always been that members must contribute, this is just a new way of dealing with those who do not.

Online PilotMan

Indeed but isn’t this thread all about a proposed NEW rule after people have paid to join?

I guess my point is that if there are effectively 2 tiers of membership (are there?) then an old school approach like this should perhaps recognise some people are paying for this.

It's not a new rule, just a better way of dealing with rule 1.

Previously a Mod would ask a non contributing member why they hadn't posted reviews in accordance with the site rules. This required a Mod to follow up that and see if there is a response.

Frequently this ended up with the errant member ignoring the Mod, receiving a temporary ban, then returning after the ban, but still not contributing.

The countdown timer sets a clear path to redemption for the errant member.

Offline Dudleypunter

Previously, if a member spent time asking questions without contributing to the site through review, they would receive a temporary ban.
I imagine when they returned, they would not ask any more questions but go back to lurking in the background.
This has been replaced by a 'future ban.'
This involves a countdown of 30 days being put on the member. If they post a review (given the ok by a mod), they will have the countdown removed.
If no review is posted after 30 days, they will be banned when they next go to log in.

Here's an example

So do I have to go out bang a bird and review her every 30days if I ask a question?

Offline Doc Holliday

It's not a new rule, just a better way of dealing with rule 1.

Previously a Mod would ask a non contributing member why they hadn't posted reviews in accordance with the site rules. This required a Mod to follow up that and see if there is a response.

Frequently this ended up with the errant member ignoring the Mod, receiving a temporary ban, then returning after the ban, but still not contributing.

The countdown timer sets a clear path to redemption for the errant member.

Yes precisely. Some people are reading too much into this. This is not a rule change or change of policy, but a clever gizmo to make it easier for mods to monitor those who they have previously asked (either in an open thread or PM or both) why they have not reviewed. This has been happening for some time in conjunction with trying to stop members pulling up others for their lack of contribution. ie leave it to the mods

Nobody is going to suddenly find their account has a clock in operation on their account without them first having being asked for an explanation.

EDIT the only change is that instead of a temporary ban the ban is permanent as Head1 has explained.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2024, 07:42:37 am by Doc Holliday »

Offline daviemac

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Yes precisely. Some people are reading too much into this. This is not a rule change or change of policy, but a clever gizmo to make it easier for mods to monitor those who they have previously asked (either in an open thread or PM or both) why they have not reviewed. This has been happening for some time in conjunction with trying to stop members pulling up others for their lack of contribution. ie leave it to the mods

Nobody is going to suddenly find their account has a clock in operation on their account without them first having being asked for an explanation.

EDIT the only change is that instead of a temporary ban the ban is permanent as Head1 has explained.
Very well put Doc.

Offline daviemac

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So do I have to go out bang a bird and review her every 30days if I ask a question?
Is there a specific reason you, or anyone else, should be exempt from the rules, that have not changed BTW, you agreed to when you joined?

Hidden Image/Members Only

Have you read reply #55.   :unknown:

Online PilotMan

So do I have to go out bang a bird and review her every 30days if I ask a question?

Looking at your contributions over the time you have been a member, I would think that you are very unlikely to be questioned about lack of contribution.

Again, that's just my perspective as a forum member, the decision is for the Mods to make.

Offline Lilywhite

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Previously, if a member spent time asking questions without contributing to the site through review, they would receive a temporary ban.

Hey! Are SPs still OK to carry on posting. Like, is the countdown in some forum code which means I could get banned  :scare:

I'm not sure I have any reviews to contribute unless you'd like one about the newest items in Greggs?

Offline Southendlothario

Another stumbling block....
Some of us dont get the chance for a proper punt all that regularly  :(

Offline Blackpool Rock

Another stumbling block....
Some of us dont get the chance for a proper punt all that regularly  :(
As already posted some people appear to be over thinking this  :unknown:

As I see it the main issue is members who simply lurk and take info from the site without contributing but of these the worst are the ones who contribute fuck all but then come on asking for specific information

Members aren't expected to be banging up reviews constantly but if they do punt then there is no reason why they can't put up an occasional review, additionally there are some fairly high profile members who have very few reviews to their name however reviews aren't the only way to contribute.
And this is possibly a key thing that they are still accepted and held in high regard because the still contribute positively to the forum albeit not necessarily by reviews

I'm sure that if an older members review frequency dropped off due to them no longer punting then the owner and Mods would take into consideration their previous history and make a judgement call based on their overall time on the site

I know paying Vs non paying members has also been flagged and while paying members are still expected to review and that's what they signed up to it may be that the bar is slightly lower for them and IMO that would be fair enough as they are paying for the privilege to be on here which benefits everyone who doesn't currently pay

Offline MissWolf

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Honestly I cannot understand what everyone is getting so hot under the collar about, as far as I can see and I'm sure a mod will correct me if I'm wrong!

This is a manually applied feature to help mods keep track of leaches and lurkers who contribute nothing and ask for help continuously,  for those who have been here years, never reviewed but pop onto a negative and say yeah did it to me 6 months ago, or a positive and say yes I saw her a few weeks ago she's great.

This is not an everyone must review once a month or they are out of here, or something anyone with a few reviews need worry about even if you haven't reviewed for 18 months due to circumstances but still contribute in other ways.

Seriously chill guys

And as for SP's as far as I understand it doesn't apply to our accounts as we cannot review and don't come here asking for help or starting 'anyone seen this prossie/know of anyone with big tits in bracknell' type threads we can't contribute to the forum in the expected way, so cannot gain pm privileges or click on a members review history etc, all we can do is add our knowledge for the greater good of the site etc so the counter wouldn't apply to us, the banning system is there for us.  :hi:

Online scutty brown

................And as for SP's as far as I understand it doesn't apply to our accounts as we cannot review and don't come here asking for help or starting 'anyone seen this prossie/know of anyone with big tits in bracknell' type threads we can't contribute to the forum in the expected way, so cannot gain pm privileges or click on a members review history etc, all we can do is add our knowledge for the greater good of the site etc so the counter wouldn't apply to us, the banning system is there for us.  :hi:

Actually..........I have a vague memory that Midori did used to book girls for lesbian punts and wrote a couple of reviews? Or maybe offered to? It was a good few years ago and I can't find them now so perhaps it was discussed and never happened.
She's been missing from here for some years - is she still on escorting hub?
« Last Edit: February 03, 2024, 12:24:17 pm by scutty brown »

Offline MissWolf

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Actually..........I have a vague memory that Midori did used to book girls for lesbian punts and wrote a couple of reviews? Or maybe offered to? It was a good few years ago and I can't find them now so perhaps it was discussed and never happened.
She's been missing from here for some years - is she still on escorting hub?

You are right Scutty what I should have written is we don't tend to review,  I am planning on visiting a couple of massage providers and could review those, I do believe Hanna Lorde review a tantric provider she visited a couple of years ago  so yes it happens but rarely.
As for Medori I don't recall her joining EscortingHub but I know she was on the old UKE site.

Offline Lilywhite

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I believe a SP tried to review someone about 8 years ago on the Scottish board and it didn't go well. Shouts of touting.

I also did used to have pm privilege and also (with old admin) the ability to see reports, deleted posts, etc.

My question was more to do with if it was something coded into the forum- like people can only post X amount without a review, then get the shirt ban and then a permaban if there's not review after that.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2024, 01:30:22 pm by Lilywhite »

Offline MissWolf

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I believe a SP tried to review someone about 8 years ago on the Scottish board and it didn't go well. Shouts of touting.

I also did used to have pm privilege and also (with old admin) the ability to see reports, deleted posts, etc.

My question was more to do with if it was something coded into the forum- like people can only post X amount without a review, then get the shirt ban and then a permaban if there's not review after that.

I agree Lily as an SP we need a thick skin if we are going to review another provider as we get it from both sides, Hannah I believe got a fair amount of stick on hers, we are also then subject to dislike from our fellow WGs as this place isnt exactly popular with the majority of escorts and that can be difficult.

I also had pm privilege and the ability to click on one members review tab to see who he had reviewed and what his review style was like, it was very handy, but that changed recently and while I don't like it this is not my playground or here for my benefit so if I want to remain I like all other sps have to deal with it, the counter is I'm sure manually added in certain cases and just a tool to aid the very busy mod team to keep an eye on the errant ones so nothing for us to worry about.

Offline Lilywhite

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I agree Lily as an SP we need a thick skin if we are going to review another provider as we get it from both sides, Hannah I believe got a fair amount of stick on hers, we are also then subject to dislike from our fellow WGs as this place isnt exactly popular with the majority of escorts and that can be difficult.

I also had pm privilege and the ability to click on one members review tab to see who he had reviewed and what his review style was like, it was very handy, but that changed recently and while I don't like it this is not my playground or here for my benefit so if I want to remain I like all other sps have to deal with it, the counter is I'm sure manually added in certain cases and just a tool to aid the very busy mod team to keep an eye on the errant ones so nothing for us to worry about.

I agree with every single thing you've said here. I know we can't PM here but if you ever wanna PM me on AW for a natter feel free.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2024, 01:59:44 pm by Lilywhite »

Offline MissWolf

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I agree with every single thing you've said here. I know we can't PM here but if you ever wanna PM me on AW for a natter feel free.

Similar and if you are still on EH feel free to say hi there  :thumbsup:

Offline Strawberry

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I assumed admin had taken the SP's accounts into consideration when instating the procedure.

Offline mr.bluesky

Hey! Are SPs still OK to carry on posting. Like, is the countdown in some forum code which means I could get banned  :scare:

I'm not sure I have any reviews to contribute unless you'd like one about the newest items in Greggs?

I'd love the latest lowdown on Greggs  :D

Offline uncle jessie

This is probably a thick question (and feel free to call me a Wally) - but how would this apply to someone who has reviewed in the past but hasn’t seen someone for a while? My last booking was last year and not seen anyone for a fair few months. Being honest, the intent is there but no one has taken my fancy. I review every booking and hoping to see someone (and maybe two - as tempted by Sofia again) in the next few weeks. Does this just apply to those who haven’t reviewed at all or those who haven’t reviewed for a while?

Again prob a daft question so apologies in advance for being a dumbass. I’m easily confused

I had the same thought , because punting is so dire here in Kent unless you have plenty of money to spend . I'm often looking for a punt but with my forementioned and my piss poor luck seeing most on my HL having toured to a different area when I have got the oppurtunity to get away for a punt . This hobby isn't as straight forward and easy as it used to be  :angry: .

Offline daviemac

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I had the same thought , because punting is so dire here in Kent unless you have plenty of money to spend . I'm often looking for a punt but with my forementioned and my piss poor luck seeing most on my HL having toured to a different area when I have got the oppurtunity to get away for a punt . This hobby isn't as straight forward and easy as it used to be  :angry: .
WTF is wrong with people, the rules and how they are implemented has NOT changed. The only thing that has changed is the introduction of a TOOL for the MODS to use to make their life easier.

Anyone lacking in contributions will be asked about it as they are now, if they don't respond they will be reminded on the thread and by PM exactly the same as happens now. If they don't respond to that or the reply is unsatisfactory then the timer will be set and that saves us from remembering to hunt back through previous posts to look for any responses.

Offline northface

Similar and if you are still on EH feel free to say hi there  :thumbsup:
Why move as your doing a good job on here :D

Offline MissWolf

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Why move as your doing a good job on here :D

Well yes but this isn't a chat platform for us ladies and I'm very aware of not taking the thread off topic  :coolgirl:

Offline Iloveoral

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Just to repeat more or less what has already been said, absolutely nothing has changed with the rules, how we decide who hasn’t contributed, the checks we make and certainly offering the member a chance to explain.
We do understand not everyone punts every 30 days, some members may not have posted a review in a long time, possibly they were in their 70’s when they post their last review 8 years back and like to remain here, it’s a tough call sometimes, but if it’s clear members aren’t pulling their weigh when clearly they could have done, then we more to ban them in some form. Every member is judged individually on their posts and log in history etc.

The new tool works for the staff better as it helps us monitor what’s going on with those put on the new timer, it also encourages/ gives a second chance for members to offer a review if possible.

So apart from the pretty ticking click nothing has changed.
Just to confirm if anyone has a time set and they offer a review, we don’t expect you to review ever 30 days as questioned above, the timer will be removed once the review is checked.

Obviously fake reviews will get you an instant ban, again as before, nothing has changed.

Happy punting guys  :drinks:

Offline Cheltclient

Just to repeat more or less what has already been said, absolutely nothing has changed with the rules, how we decide who hasn’t contributed, the checks we make and certainly offering the member a chance to explain.
We do understand not everyone punts every 30 days, some members may not have posted a review in a long time, possibly they were in their 70’s when they post their last review 8 years back and like to remain here, it’s a tough call sometimes, but if it’s clear members aren’t pulling their weigh when clearly they could have done, then we more to ban them in some form. Every member is judged individually on their posts and log in history etc.

The new tool works for the staff better as it helps us monitor what’s going on with those put on the new timer, it also encourages/ gives a second chance for members to offer a review if possible.

So apart from the pretty ticking click nothing has changed.
Just to confirm if anyone has a time set and they offer a review, we don’t expect you to review ever 30 days as questioned above, the timer will be removed once the review is checked.

Obviously fake reviews will get you an instant ban, again as before, nothing has changed.

Happy punting guys  :drinks:

All understood at my end. Hoping to have a booking next week (maybe tomorrow) - just hope it’ll come through. Have a sneaky feeling it won’t. The whole thing feels like bloody hard work at the moment!