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Author Topic: A plague of Colombians - How good are they?  (Read 5686 times)

Offline Colston36

Is anyone else puzzled by what goes on in their own head? In my case, why do I look but not act?

South America is not short of exotic women - I remember going to Brazil on business and spending much of my time drooling - but not acting.

But how come Colombia with a relatively small population seems to send shoals of exotic looking trollops here.

What experiences do others have?
« Last Edit: September 30, 2022, 03:13:11 am by Colston36 »

Offline LLPunting

51 million people isn't trivial, certainly compared to us.

Plenty of women in that number and London is one of a few high value targets for vice peddlers and relatively easy access, especially as it's begging for trade...

Lots of claims of nationalities by girls of questionable origin, whatever marketing label works to get money out of trousers.

Offline Colston36

51 million people isn't trivial, certainly compared to us.

Plenty of women in that number and London is one of a few high value targets for vice peddlers and relatively easy access, especially as it's begging for trade...

Lots of claims of nationalities by girls of questionable origin, whatever marketing label works to get money out of trousers.

True, but besides Brazil there are other countries with large populations down there. I wonder how many on here have been with Colombians. I see you have just reviewed one near where I lived for many years, for which thanks.  Anyhow, I guess I must stop theorising and get on with it.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2022, 08:26:26 am by Colston36 »

Offline Dipper

I’ve see a few at least claiming to be Spanish/Colombian/S. American. All run of the mill so far…

Karla was good thinking back.. (see review) could’ve been a positive quite easily. But no I wouldn’t say there’s any reason to see any WG’s from that area over any other in my experience.

Offline LLPunting

In this decade(+) of decline for SP service quality and VFM, whilst we give Latins and Roms a justifiably hard time about their turning punting into a micro-transaction for extras drag, the whole market place has been suffering from the relative ease with which SPs can go work in another country or be shipped about by traffickers to chase the best returns.
CoL here in UK and especially London, and now with the collapse of GBP vs the principal currencies where decent minded SPs tended to come from, has ruined this market for them, now we're stuck with over-entitled locals and the greedy gouging of poor economy sex workers bussed in to charge way more than they're used to and worth given their poor attitudes and merc behaviour.
It does seem odd that many reports of punting in poorer countries tell of super cheap SPs offering great experiences yet so few of those girls come to mint it here.  How come they don't seem inclined or have access to the same ease of travel?

Offline Lamnguin

There are huge numbers of Columbians on the cam sites also- is it a cultural thing? Maybe sex work is less stigmatised in Columbia than elsewhere, and after decades of civil war, there are probably lots of women with the economic inventive to take it up? Just a thought. My only encounter with a Columbian was a work colleague who was gorgeous, sexy and great fun, spoke perfect English, but very monogamous.

Offline Mr Sinister

I've had a few experiences with Brazilian's/Colombians over here and Amsterdam been pretty hit and miss, Amsterdam ones were the best I had.

Love Latin women but I feel you're better off taking a trip to the source instead. Seeing all the stories of US punters going over there in their droves and having it good quite jealous, yeah I really need to get over there soon.

Offline bristolnick

I've had fun with Brazilians in the past and i imagine that Coloumbians will be just as much fun. Always worried its going to be a Rom.  Is it rude to ask for a passport!

Offline lamboman

I've only been with one Columbian but she was just my type,thick with a big arse.
Good service and she called me muy guapo which is true to be fair.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2022, 07:43:43 pm by lamboman »
Banned reason: Shit stirrer and blocking moderator's PMs
Banned by: daviemac

Online scutty brown

Columbian girls in the UK are here due to the drug importing gangs expanding their range of product.

If they've got criminal contacts to source cocaine, they may as  well use those contacts to source girls as well

Offline signy

There are huge numbers of Columbians...

I've got nothing, but just wanted to say that I am impressed that on a thread about Colombians, your avatar is a tribute to the great Carlos Valderrama. Made my day.

Offline tynetunnel

she was just my type, thick with a big arse.

I didn’t realise you’d met my wife…  :wackogirl: :lol:

Offline sparkus

Loads of Colombians working the Latina houses in London, usually working with Dominicans.

If you go to Colombia yourself you'll be tripping over your tongue all day.

Offline grandaddybadman

I love south American women. I haven't been yet.
Banned reason: Troll, "inshallah" WTF.
Banned by: daviemac

Online webpunter

If you want a flavour of SA burds in a safer / holiday environment [safer compared to Brazil & especially Columbia / Venezuala] i was just about to suggest to get yourself to Curacao
Campo Alegre
Went there back in the day & a good few visits spread over a week or so
It was ace

However its gone Pete  :dash:
External Link/Members Only

The largest brothel in the western hemisphere was still in use until 2020. The complex contains several buildings, including approx. 156 hotel rooms, shops, a restaurant, several bars, a gym, a swimming pool, and offices. There is also space for approximately 45 parking spaces within the resort and approximately 600 parking spaces on the property. The brothel went bankrupt in 2020, but the corona pandemic also threw a spanner in the works. Campo Alegre has not been in use since then.

However all is not lost

On April 19, 2022, the Minister of Justice, Mr. S.X.T Hato stated that if the future buyer intends to operate a prostitution business at this location once again, this intention will, in principle, not meet with any objections from the Minister. In this way, a future operator can start a prostitution business again.

Of course no objections
It will bring in high no's of high spending 'tourists'
It was safe as houses there, security & was excellent VFM
Typically stayed there for 4 hours, sometimes more, on each visit
The best vibe i've experienced in a knocking shop set up & the no's of fit friendly south american SPs was mind boggling
At times i felt like a cheetah on the plains not quite knowing what to chase after  :dash: :lol:
The difference was that the 'kill' ratio was 100% even if it meant a change of prey
A bit dilapidated the buildings & layout reminded me of a summer holiday as a kid to Butlins, but a lot more fun

I love south American women. I haven't been yet.

Offline Colston36

If you want a flavour of SA burds in a safer / holiday environment [safer compared to Brazil & especially Columbia / Venezuala] i was just about to suggest to get yourself to Curacao
Campo Alegre
Went there back in the day & a good few visits spread over a week or so
It was ace

However its gone Pete  :dash:
External Link/Members Only

The largest brothel in the western hemisphere was still in use until 2020. The complex contains several buildings, including approx. 156 hotel rooms, shops, a restaurant, several bars, a gym, a swimming pool, and offices. There is also space for approximately 45 parking spaces within the resort and approximately 600 parking spaces on the property. The brothel went bankrupt in 2020, but the corona pandemic also threw a spanner in the works. Campo Alegre has not been in use since then.

However all is not lost

On April 19, 2022, the Minister of Justice, Mr. S.X.T Hato stated that if the future buyer intends to operate a prostitution business at this location once again, this intention will, in principle, not meet with any objections from the Minister. In this way, a future operator can start a prostitution business again.

Of course no objections
It will bring in high no's of high spending 'tourists'
It was safe as houses there, security & was excellent VFM
Typically stayed there for 4 hours, sometimes more, on each visit
The best vibe i've experienced in a knocking shop set up & the no's of fit friendly south american SPs was mind boggling
At times i felt like a cheetah on the plains not quite knowing what to chase after  :dash: :lol:
The difference was that the 'kill' ratio was 100% even if it meant a change of prey
A bit dilapidated the buildings & layout reminded me of a summer holiday as a kid to Butlins, but a lot more fun

How excellent!

Offline grandaddybadman

If you want a flavour of SA burds in a safer / holiday environment [safer compared to Brazil & especially Columbia / Venezuala] i was just about to suggest to get yourself to Curacao
Campo Alegre
Went there back in the day & a good few visits spread over a week or so
It was ace

However its gone Pete  :dash:
External Link/Members Only

The largest brothel in the western hemisphere was still in use until 2020. The complex contains several buildings, including approx. 156 hotel rooms, shops, a restaurant, several bars, a gym, a swimming pool, and offices. There is also space for approximately 45 parking spaces within the resort and approximately 600 parking spaces on the property. The brothel went bankrupt in 2020, but the corona pandemic also threw a spanner in the works. Campo Alegre has not been in use since then.

However all is not lost

On April 19, 2022, the Minister of Justice, Mr. S.X.T Hato stated that if the future buyer intends to operate a prostitution business at this location once again, this intention will, in principle, not meet with any objections from the Minister. In this way, a future operator can start a prostitution business again.

Of course no objections
It will bring in high no's of high spending 'tourists'
It was safe as houses there, security & was excellent VFM
Typically stayed there for 4 hours, sometimes more, on each visit
The best vibe i've experienced in a knocking shop set up & the no's of fit friendly south american SPs was mind boggling
At times i felt like a cheetah on the plains not quite knowing what to chase after  :dash: :lol:
The difference was that the 'kill' ratio was 100% even if it meant a change of prey
A bit dilapidated the buildings & layout reminded me of a summer holiday as a kid to Butlins, but a lot more fun

Banned reason: Troll, "inshallah" WTF.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline ronthebrummie

Best time I ever had anywhere was in Tenerife with a Columbian there was nothing she didn`t do to me all for 60E

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Offline Colston36

I've only been with one Columbian but she was just my type,thick with a big arse.
Good service and she called me muy guapo which is true to be fair.

They'd probably call me Demasiado Viejo.

Offline shagmore

Also a lot of Brazilians, however I avoid them as the experiences I have had, even though they look great, they cant speak the language and there is no joy in that, as you want to tell them what you want

Offline Lamnguin

I've got nothing, but just wanted to say that I am impressed that on a thread about Colombians, your avatar is a tribute to the great Carlos Valderrama. Made my day.
As Carlos Valderrama was 10 when "Help! It's the Hair Bear Bunch" was first shown, I think he is more likely to be a tribute to them rather than the other way round- although more likely still is that there is no connection at all...

Offline Lewwy

Columbian girls in the UK are here due to the drug importing gangs expanding their range of product.

If they've got criminal contacts to source cocaine, they may as  well use those contacts to source girls as well

I've said on other threads relating to Brazilians that there is clearly something dodgy going on here. I just don't get why there are Brazilian escorts all over the UK seemingly overnight. I suggested that maybe Brazil is the latest country who's bent officials will sell you a passport for a couple of grand? I'm guessing that Columbia is similarly institutionally bent, especially if you're a cocaine trafficker.

I get bad feelings about all this and. personally, I'm staying away. Yes, I got berated for saying this stuff on the other thread but there is just too much weirdness surrounding all these foreign girls and sooner or later the wheel is going to come off.
Banned reason: Offered free booking because he wouldn't post details.
Banned by: daviemac

Online webpunter

If you think there's a lot of south americans here you need to head to spain
There no lingo issues & an easy passage into europe
Most of them wont need to pay for a bent passport, they apply for one like people do here
Perhaps if they have a criminal record there may be a need for some payments, or they dont want to wait donkeys ages
Speaking with the SPs i had some fun with in Curacao they indicated easy to travel in south america
It was more that they needed to get the cash together to get to Curacao in the 1st place
And to avoid trafficking gangs who supposedly make it easy

Have spoken with a couple of brazza burds [over here] i'd seen a couple of times each, where there was some chit-chat
Pretty sure they need to renew their visas every 6 months or something like that
So they head back to spain to get the appropriate visa extensions
Got the impression that easier & cheaper for them to secure this in Spain
Govt / immigration staff not paid so highly & a culture where UTC payments are much more the norm, a way of doing business
Whether this is cash or some unpaid overtime for the SPs who knows

As for weirdness, no difference twith SA burds than EE SPs migrating to the UK
Just depends where you choose to interact with the SPs, from whichever country or continent they may be
Pick shit hole areas like east london, north east & south east [london] with SPs at the cheaper end of the market you are more likely to encounter problems

I cant see the wheels coming off for the world's oldest profession anytime soon
Economic pressures & regulatory stuff like visas will deter some for sure however the status quo overall wont change too much
I got the impression that the UK is seen as one of the safer countries by SPs to work in
The UK is more welcoming to 'visitors'
You only need to look at the comparitively [c.f. other european countries] lax approach towards migrants [benefits health care schooling are a doddle]
So when they are here to work & not claim anything its a relative 'breeze'
For EE SPs working in the UK is more lucrative & more importantly they are away from the grasp of gangs who prey on them with much less protection from the police
And an environment where womens rights are much less than here [some EE countries are still overtly racist so the chances of womens rights being improved are way way in the future if at all]

I've said on other threads relating to Brazilians that there is clearly something dodgy going on here. I just don't get why there are Brazilian escorts all over the UK seemingly overnight. I suggested that maybe Brazil is the latest country who's bent officials will sell you a passport for a couple of grand? I'm guessing that Columbia is similarly institutionally bent, especially if you're a cocaine trafficker.

I get bad feelings about all this and. personally, I'm staying away. Yes, I got berated for saying this stuff on the other thread but there is just too much weirdness surrounding all these foreign girls and sooner or later the wheel is going to come off.

Offline Colston36

If you think there's a lot of south americans here you need to head to spain
There no lingo issues & an easy passage into europe
Most of them wont need to pay for a bent passport, they apply for one like people do here
Perhaps if they have a criminal record there may be a need for some payments, or they dont want to wait donkeys ages
Speaking with the SPs i had some fun with in Curacao they indicated easy to travel in south america
It was more that they needed to get the cash together to get to Curacao in the 1st place
And to avoid trafficking gangs who supposedly make it easy

Have spoken with a couple of brazza burds [over here] i'd seen a couple of times each, where there was some chit-chat
Pretty sure they need to renew their visas every 6 months or something like that
So they head back to spain to get the appropriate visa extensions
Got the impression that easier & cheaper for them to secure this in Spain
Govt / immigration staff not paid so highly & a culture where UTC payments are much more the norm, a way of doing business
Whether this is cash or some unpaid overtime for the SPs who knows

As for weirdness, no difference twith SA burds than EE SPs migrating to the UK
Just depends where you choose to interact with the SPs, from whichever country or continent they may be
Pick shit hole areas like east london, north east & south east [london] with SPs at the cheaper end of the market you are more likely to encounter problems

I cant see the wheels coming off for the world's oldest profession anytime soon
Economic pressures & regulatory stuff like visas will deter some for sure however the status quo overall wont change too much
I got the impression that the UK is seen as one of the safer countries by SPs to work in
The UK is more welcoming to 'visitors'
You only need to look at the comparitively [c.f. other european countries] lax approach towards migrants [benefits health care schooling are a doddle]
So when they are here to work & not claim anything its a relative 'breeze'
For EE SPs working in the UK is more lucrative & more importantly they are away from the grasp of gangs who prey on them with much less protection from the police
And an environment where womens rights are much less than here [some EE countries are still overtly racist so the chances of womens rights being improved are way way in the future if at all]

Extremely helpful thank you! Curiously enough the only time in my life I've been to a brothel, in Spain actually, with a client, the first - and only - girl I spoke to was a black girl from England! As my third. final and most expensive wife by far was black I was not interested.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2022, 03:41:04 am by Colston36 »

Online webpunter

Extremely helpful thank you! Curiously enough the only time in my life I've been to a brothel, in Spain actually, with a client, the first - and only - girl I spoke to was a black girl from England! As my third. final and most expensive wife by far was black I was not interested.


Offline Marmalade

There are huge numbers of Columbians on the cam sites also- is it a cultural thing? Maybe sex work is less stigmatised in Columbia than elsewhere
Dream on!

Offline dron16

Also a lot of Brazilians, however I avoid them as the experiences I have had, even though they look great, they cant speak the language and there is no joy in that, as you want to tell them what you want
I’ve generally had positive punts with Brazilians and found the language barrier not to be a major issue. However, at least some of these WGs aren’t independent as they claim and are being controlled by pimps who are in another room in the apartment. They all seem to be from São Paulo.

Offline sparkus

I’ve generally had positive punts with Brazilians and found the language barrier not to be a major issue. However, at least some of these WGs aren’t independent as they claim and are being controlled by pimps who are in another room in the apartment. They all seem to be from São Paulo.

Most claim to be from Heeoh de Janerro to me or some tiny state you've never heard of.  One from Brasilía itself the other week.

Offline dron16

Most claim to be from Heeoh de Janerro to me or some tiny state you've never heard of.  One from Brasilía itself the other week.
Interesting. I don’t punt in London so maybe it’s a completely different scene down there. Do the Brazilians you see all have WhatsApp Business Accounts? That’s strikes me as at least a sign of coordinated action… I don’t recall any non-Brazilians having Business Accounts.

Offline sparkus

Interesting. I don’t punt in London so maybe it’s a completely different scene down there. Do the Brazilians you see all have WhatsApp Business Accounts? That’s strikes me as at least a sign of coordinated action… I don’t recall any non-Brazilians having Business Accounts.

The ones I've met via Gumtree all have those but by and large I'm referring to Latina houses.

Offline Colston36

The ones I've met via Gumtree all have those but by and large I'm referring to Latina houses.

Just spent an entertaining 20 minutes reading your reviews. The phrase Epic Bum delighted me. My African-American wife cost me so much she put me off black skins and I don't visit London much now, but maybe I should

Offline sparkus

Just spent an entertaining 20 minutes reading your reviews. The phrase Epic Bum delighted me. My African-American wife cost me so much she put me off black skins and I don't visit London much now, but maybe I should


I'd write more but these days I'm only visiting where others have already been or houses where you don't know the name and they'll never be seen again.

Offline Marmalade

I sometimes wonder if some of these ‘Colombians’ are not actually Brazilians. Same as I wondered about the authenticity of Brazilians ‘coming from Sao Paulo’ that couldn’t name a single São Paulo neighbourhood.

São Paulo of course is not just a big city but a large state, some of it wealthy, some of it very poor. When I’ve pushed, some have admitted they didn’t even come from São Paulo State but from further north (which is more believable). Basically a prossie will say what she thinks you expect to hear. People have heard of São Paulo. It sounds more business-like than “Rio” and saves explaining some hard-to-pronounce dust-bowl and a back-story she probably doesn’t want to go into.

Like many nations, Brazilians and Colombians are wonderful on their home territory. But to travel thousands of miles engaging in what basically is an underworld trade should surely raise questions in most people’s minds. I’m not saying that there couldn’t be the occasional Paulistana that decides to spend a few grande to come here for a working holiday but it maybe defies common sense to say it’s a norm. São Paulo is a rich city. A p4p who’s any good can earn more there than here. Colombia is different but a lot of similar economics apply.

So who are they? One (legitimate, not trafficked) possibility is that they have relatives in Portugal (Brazilians) or Spain (Colombians) and managed to get an immigration visa. Then finding the streets aren’t paved with gold try their luck in the U.K. where (unlike the continent) they seem ‘exotic’.

Online scutty brown

During the London Olympics I was offered the chance to "invest" in a Brazilian prostitute.
A Brazilian nurse working in the UK who obviously had connections offered me the deal.
Essentially I would have had to "sponsor" a girl (I think it was £2,000) to get her into the UK and pay initial accommodation costs.
Once here she'd be managed by the nurse's contacts with the nurse and  I both getting a percentage of the take. I've forgotten the details but the promises were of silly money.
I think it was a genuine offer, not an attempt at scamming me. Either way, I told her to fuck off

Online webpunter

It could have been genuine given the background
Pretty sure that you wouldn't have seen the full 2k back
Might have been some fun along the way
However the issue is regarding living off immoral earnings if she gets busted
And a whole host of other potential problems
A wise move giving out the FRO

A [real] mate of mine who fancied himself as a bit of an Arfur Daley type character set up a visiting stripper agency
With xtras on the menu
Thinking it could be some fun, make a few quid with some minge benefits
The internet was up & running but not used to any extent
It was adverts in the local papers / exchange & mart etc
He realised pretty rapidly that lots of effort & time + not a lot to show for it
The jack-the-rippers being unreliable & hassle dealing with them
He said that the lure of a free BJ evaporated after the 2nd
Got the snow drift that best to stay on the punter side of the fence & enjoy it

During the London Olympics I was offered the chance to "invest" in a Brazilian prostitute.
A Brazilian nurse working in the UK who obviously had connections offered me the deal.
Essentially I would have had to "sponsor" a girl (I think it was £2,000) to get her into the UK and pay initial accommodation costs.
Once here she'd be managed by the nurse's contacts with the nurse and  I both getting a percentage of the take. I've forgotten the details but the promises were of silly money.
I think it was a genuine offer, not an attempt at scamming me. Either way, I told her to fuck off

Offline akauya

I've had a few experiences with Brazilian's/Colombians over here and Amsterdam been pretty hit and miss, Amsterdam ones were the best I had.

Love Latin women but I feel you're better off taking a trip to the source instead. Seeing all the stories of US punters going over there in their droves and having it good quite jealous, yeah I really need to get over there soon.

If everything works as planned at work, I will be stopping in Bogotá for a day or two by the end of the year. If so, I certainly intend to sample the local talent.

I have my eye on this one
External Link/Members Only

Fingers crossed.

« Last Edit: October 05, 2022, 01:36:22 pm by akauya »

Offline big-al93

If everything works as planned at work, I will be stopping in Bogotá for a day or two by the end of the year. If so, I certainly intend to sample the local talent.

I have my eye on this one
External Link/Members Only

Fingers crossed.

Very nice for around £25/hr

Offline king tarzan

I've got nothing, but just wanted to say that I am impressed that on a thread about Colombians, your avatar is a tribute to the great Carlos Valderrama. Made my day.

World cup 1994... utter savagery for scoring an own goal.. disgusting.. remember appalled football pundits
Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Home Alone

Very nice for around £25/hr

Thanks for the Conversion rate, big-al93; she certainly looks extremely tasty - to a Brit, anyway - at those prices. Presumably,  the local currency even weaker than the £.

Offline sparkus

The headline is a bit alarmist, no? A "plague" :unknown:

With one small exception (lousy service but :wacko: ass) I've never had any problems and would take Colombians over most British WGs I've met (sadly). That includes the Neutral one I reviewed.

Offline Colston36

The headline is a bit alarmist, no? A "plague" :unknown:

With one small exception (lousy service but :wacko: ass) I've never had any problems and would take Colombians over most British WGs I've met (sadly). That includes the Neutral one I reviewed.

A plague is a pretty well-known literary over-statement for a lot, that's all.

Online scutty brown

Offline HappyHarryIV

Been with many Colombians over the years and many of them have been stunning. Don't recall any bad service, like many other Latin countries prostitution is seen as a way to provide for the family and is less taboo than it is in the UK. Most of the Colombianas I had the pleasure with were from Cali.

Offline Colston36

Anyone for A Plague of Lighthouse Keepers?

External Link/Members Only

On balance the Colombians seem a better bet. Nice candles though.

Offline Colston36

Been with many Colombians over the years and many of them have been stunning. Don't recall any bad service, like many other Latin countries prostitution is seen as a way to provide for the family and is less taboo than it is in the UK. Most of the Colombianas I had the pleasure with were from Cali.

 Very helpful, thanks. Actually the most informative yet.

Offline fudi_maar

Further to HappyHarryV's accurate response, as someone who has been to Colombia and been with both civvies and SW's over there, I can tell you (from my experiences) that Colombian women are VERY sensual and sexual.  The civvies will start kissing you within minutes on a date, and ONS's are common.
As for SW's they gave some of the best service that I've paid for.

Selling their bodies is not as much of a taboo over there as it is in the West. In fact, it's actually quite common. Most of the non-educated girls have little prospects of gaining highly paid employment; their prospects are limited, but their bodies and skill-set in the bed room are awesome, so they capitalise on that.
Colombia is famous for two things - hot girls and cocaine. I thought this was an over-generalisation, until I went there, and the locals were themselves asking me if I've come for the chicas and the coca, and how these two are the best things about Colombia.

The girls in Bogota are called 'rolas'; the ones from Medellin are 'paisas' and they are supposed to be some of the most beautiful women in the world.
The ones from Cali are more darker skinned (lots of Afro influence, historical reasons).

« Last Edit: October 08, 2022, 10:15:12 pm by fudi_maar »

Offline LLPunting

Further to HappyHarryV's accurate response, as someone who has been to Colombia and been with both civvies and SW's over there, I can tell you (from my experiences) that Colombian women are VERY sensual and sexual.  The civvies will start kissing you within minutes on a date, and ONS's are common.
As for SW's they gave some of the best service that I've paid for.

Selling their bodies is not as much of a taboo over there as it is in the West. In fact, it's actually quite common. Most of the non-educated girls have little prospects of gaining highly paid employment; their prospects are limited, but their bodies and skill-set in the bed room are awesome, so they capitalise on that.
Colombia is famous for two things - hot girls and cocaine. I thought this was an over-generalisation, until I went there, and the locals were themselves asking me if I've come for the chicas and the coca, and how these two are the best things about Colombia.

The girls in Bogota are called 'rolas'; the ones from Medellin are 'paisas' and they are supposed to be some of the most beautiful women in the world.
The ones from Cali are more darker skinned (lots of Afro influence, historical reasons).

Do you think you get better service because you might look like a tourist?  With my looks I've got bugger all chance of looking like a local.

Offline Marmalade

Quote from: fudi_maar
(ré Colombians in Colombia)

Completely agree. Absolutely outstanding. But I hardly expect the few that come here to be the same.

Offline fudi_maar

Do you think you get better service because you might look like a tourist?  With my looks I've got bugger all chance of looking like a local.

Not really - if anything, it should be the opposite, cos I hardly know Spanish and so cannot build a connection with the girl. Also, she knows that if I'm not
happy with the service, then I cannot really complain to the mamasan for the same reason.
Tourists normally get ripped off or overcharged, and not rewarded.

I think Colombian girls are naturally very sexual and tend to enjoy what they do far more than the miserable Romanians. Remember, this is Colombian girls IN Colombia - they may be completely different if they are working here in the UK (more jaded, hardened, pressurised, home-sick etc).

I must have banged close to 50 WG's whilst I was there and had 8 civvies.