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Author Topic: Does anyone never go for a repeat punt with the same WG?  (Read 3732 times)

Offline Natwest

So far on most occasions having left a punt I've wanted to re-visit. However, after a period of reflection have then gone elsewhere and so far haven't gone back.

I just wondered if anyone else always looks elsewhere and rarely re-visits?

Offline Jeff_withpetersen

That's how I started, then I got the dreaded EAS with a pro$$ie - lasted about a month and several visits until I realised I was fucking myself up. Now back to one off visits, the advantage of which are:

1) No EAS.
2) More girls in the long run.

 It's a winning combination.


  • Guest
I've only seen 1 prostitute more than once, and I've seen her twice. I really can't imagine lavishing piles of dosh on one woman.

Offline alenski

i dont think you can beat finding a  really nice girl where there is a bit of chemistry between the two of you.then the gfe experience becomes almost magical almost like the real thing.i have seen one girl 10 times in the past year and the experience just gets better so its up to you i would say you are really missing out.

Offline spz1234

I went to one several times. It was more to do with convienience more than anything. The punts got a bit cut and paste so I stopped.

Offline Natwest

I went to one several times. It was more to do with convienience more than anything. The punts got a bit cut and paste so I stopped.

That's actually my concern. As my tastes are pretty vanilla, though I have generally had a great time, I'm going to end up doing the same thing. So it seems doing the same thing with different people makes a lot more sense.

Offline Matium

Never go back.

No chance of any attachments.

So many girls available, see one then move along.


  • Guest
 For me punting is not just for a relief but an adventure seeing new girls and having new experiences to indulge in. I never like to see a WG twice unless shes a plan B.


  • Guest
Would be interesting to hear from a WG what percentage are regulars or repeats. As far as FBSM is concerned, from my conversations with the SP's, I would guess maybe 50% pay a return visit.

Offline Taggart

Never go back.

No chance of any attachments.

So many girls available, see one then move along.

Dont necessarily agreee.
Those suffering EAS are simply pathetic and weak willed. You fuck her and walk away. All you are doing is renting her body for the agreed time. It's a financial transaction between two adults, just like renting a car. No more, no less. Those who 'fall in love' and tell the WG personal bits are totally deluded, and if married, dont realise how much they stand to loose. Dont forget what that grass ParisB did to some punters.

To me one of the key advantages of seeing a girl for a second or third time is that you build a familiarity and rapport. Just because you return, it doesnt mean you've fallen for her. What it means is that you dont have to go through that polite fannying around with small talk that takes 20-25 mins before you start getting her kit off. Once seen, you get on with it and do the small talk while on the job. One a recent punt, it took me less than 2 mins to get my hand in her pants, whereas with a new girl, half the punt could be over by the time you get to home base. Plus with a girl you've seen before, on an hour session, you'll defo get a chance of two pops, maybe 3.

Another advantage is that if the rapport and trust is there, then she's more likely to pick your request for an appointment over someone she's never seen.

That said, it is nice to see someone new with a different personality, but the problem noted above remains. Plus I've lost count of new girls I've contacted who have not been arsed to reply or develop a reputation for unrreliability, hence the return to the old favourites because they are reliable, and they know you, as a punter, are too.

I think one answer is to have a number of regulars who you see in rotation, so getting the best of all worlds.


  • Guest
I have several regulars. I see one every month or so and have done for two years. I acquired him before I joined aw. The others I have had a first booking and then they have rebooked.

It's nice to have regulars as you know what they like and what they don't. You also know they will be on time, won't cancel and you have a semi regular income.

Offline threechilliman

Only returned to one, although one I saw recently may get a 2nd go cos her arse was to die for!

The excitement is really in shagging different girls. Great hobby!


Offline NIK

There are many punters like this. In fact some say they will never see the same girl twice no matter how good she was.
Personally I think this is crazy to forgo a guaranteed good un when it's an absolute  minefield out there, and I have always made repeat visits whenever possible.
In some cases very many of them.  :P

 However it's each to their own.  :)

Offline dandaley

There are many punters like this. In fact some say they will never see the same girl twice no matter how good she was.
Personally I think this is crazy to forgo a guaranteed good un when it's an absolute  minefield out there, and I have always made repeat visits whenever possible.
In some cases very many of them.  :P

 However it's each to their own.  :)


totally agree i see 2 reg women with the odd newbie inbetween here and there that takes my fancy more often than not it is not repeated as they just dont do it for me in all ways, if you find a grt service go back as you may be disappointed next time.

Offline j122

Only had 3 punts, but am tempted to return to the 2nd lady I saw as I enjoyed the time with her


  • Guest
By having several WGs (harem!) to see from time to time (a) you get some variety, (b) less chance of wasting your money on those with whom things do not work out, or turned out to be dogs (c) extra time: I nearly always overrun with regs.


  • Guest
IMO a compromise is the best way. Having a few regulars provides the previously posted benefits, but at the same time variety is exciting but carries the risk if a disappointing punt. But having said that an experience with a new girl may be that good that she takes the place of one of your regs.

Win win - something new but also in the back pocket a guaranteed great punt with a regular who knows what you want and knows how to push your buttons


  • Guest
I have not yet made a repeat visit.  In principle I would do so as there are one or two I'd like to see again, and at least you know you won't be wasting your money on a bad punt.  On the other hand, I always find myself more interested in seeing someone new.

Offline smiths

So far on most occasions having left a punt I've wanted to re-visit. However, after a period of reflection have then gone elsewhere and so far haven't gone back.

I just wondered if anyone else always looks elsewhere and rarely re-visits?

Yes lots of punters do whereas if i locate a good regular i will punt with her as much as i can until i inevitably get bored. I still usually punt with newbies to me as well, the best of both worlds which suits me.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2014, 07:52:40 pm by smiths »


  • Guest
I've had six punts in total, two with the same lady.

Offline Daffodil

It's rare that I return.

I punt mostly for variety. I like fucking different girls. I believe the most I've seen one prossie is three times and that was in something of a desert and over a six month period.

Offline Juankerr

I'm more of a repeater in general.

Many have mentioned the 'connection' that you get or indeed feel with a regular lady and I would say that I have experienced this and it can lead to some amazing sex , as long as you remember what you are there for you should be able to avoid EAS but I imagine most have been there at some point , I have.
On the other hand , the excitement of a one off first time meet with a new lady alway's set's the pulse racing especially with the added nervous yet exiting anticipation thrown into the mix.
I used to have a 'no more than two meet's' rule but as previously mentioned , it's pretty daft to have this kind of guideline when you find lady's that are excellent , why limit ourselves?

Offline JR

The idea of never repeating only works for those in high population/high number of WG's area. Those of us that live in areas of low population density would get very few punts if they followed this principle.
However, I agree with comments above and have been practising the method of repeat the good ones & intersperse with new experiences.


  • Guest
I'm more of a repeater in general.

Many have mentioned the 'connection' that you get or indeed feel with a regular lady and I would say that I have experienced this and it can lead to some amazing sex , as long as you remember what you are there for you should be able to avoid EAS but I imagine most have been there at some point , I have.
On the other hand , the excitement of a one off first time meet with a new lady alway's set's the pulse racing especially with the added nervous yet exiting anticipation thrown into the mix.
I used to have a 'no more than two meet's' rule but as previously mentioned , it's pretty daft to have this kind of guideline when you find lady's that are excellent , why limit ourselves?

Totally agree 100% - I have a few regulars that I try and see every 1-2 months but in between I try see a new girl perhaps 2-3 per month to test the waters out there in new areas - some I try once only but if they are really good then I may return again if in the area after 2-3 months.

So with me its a total mix - in a month i may see few regulars with a couple of newbies in between - works for me

Offline Juankerr

Forgive my spelling , I certainly wouldn't want to be leaving before I was excited!!


  • Guest

Many have mentioned the 'connection' that you get or indeed feel with a regular lady and I would say that I have experienced this and it can lead to some amazing sex , as long as you remember what you are there for you should be able to avoid EAS but I imagine most have been there at some point , I have.

At the risk of going off topic here I would suggest the moderators or whoever assemble a poll to find out just how many of us have suffered EAS at some time. Oh yes, and how many got over it?

Offline Jeff_withpetersen

At the risk of going off topic here I would suggest the moderators or whoever assemble a poll to find out just how many of us have suffered EAS at some time. Oh yes, and how many got over it?

 I've suffered from it (recently) and got over it pretty quickly. I think as someone said to me on here, it's like drinking - some people can just have one or two, some can't stop and those that can't, shouldn't. Same with this, some people can't help getting EAS (and there IS a difference between EAS and 'I love her and want to be with her', I've had the former not the latter as I'd never leave my partner for a pro$$ie even if the opportunity came up), I am one of those and therefore will from now on vary it up.

Offline berksboy

to OP so if you got to punt Kylie you would not go back ?  Nope if you get a good one keep on shaging her as there are lots of shit ones out there.For sure keep trying a few new ones as well .

Offline Boundless

IMO a compromise is the best way. Having a few regulars provides the previously posted benefits, but at the same time variety is exciting but carries the risk if a disappointing punt. But having said that an experience with a new girl may be that good that she takes the place of one of your regs.

Win win - something new but also in the back pocket a guaranteed great punt with a regular who knows what you want and knows how to push your buttons

Totally agree.
I have 2 regs interspersed with a newbie now and then. There's something about the anticipation of seeing a new one, even if 9 times out of 10 it's disappointing!


  • Guest
Totally agree.
I have 2 regs interspersed with a newbie now and then. There's something about the anticipation of seeing a new one, even if 9 times out of 10 it's disappointing!

With good homework you can keep disappointing punts to a lot less than that.

Offline Boundless

With good homework you can keep disappointing punts to a lot less than that.

Maybe I have set  my expectations too high.

Apart from that I live in a bit of a punting desert so the choice is pretty limited.

Offline valdishere

Punting for a long time now and reckon
60% of time only see once due to realising not as good as advert/ pics or lack of services or enthusiasm or if feel we didn't click with one another.
20% of time go back for 2nd dibs where prospect of better time to be had.
10% of time possibly see them 3 or 4 times but never more as get bored and sometimes taken for granted too much inane chatting and I just want sex and there was always someone new to try with variety being spice of life.

Offline CBPaul

Rarely for me. I'd say 90% I only see once. It's only the outstanding ones I return to see and the most I've ever seen the same prossie is 3 times. The desire to see a new one each time is strong for me, although 2nd time out with a good one is often better than the first.

Offline drwho

I've had a couple of repeat girls, 9 times for Joy, a cute Thai sweetheart in Manchester before moving home, then 7 times for Hot Sissy, Petite Chinese honey in my current location.

There's something to be said for reliability, especially after a few shit ones in a row.

That said, I get a bit obsessive with note taking on these conquests, and can't help feel a bit satisfied when the notches on the bedpost increases, which obviously doesn't happen after a repeat visit.


  • Guest
 I've seen quite a few twice, in fact the first girl i ever punted with i saw  again two days after, with a dissapointing meeting inbetween with another girl. I have seen one wg several times as she is reasonably priced and local, can see both sides of the arguement. If I'm booked into a hotel I sometimes deliberately go for someone I have seen before because i know they are reliable, sometimes the same name will come up on an rb and I will accept the bid, sometimes if I am in the mood for something specific like sub/dom and I have seen a girl who is good at it I will book them. However part of the attraction of punting is in seeing someone new , which is why I like reverse bids as they sometimes throw up profiles you have missed, and of course we all have our hot lists to complete.

Offline threechilliman

Rarely for me. I'd say 90% I only see once. It's only the outstanding ones I return to see and the most I've ever seen the same prossie is 3 times. The desire to see a new one each time is strong for me, although 2nd time out with a good one is often better than the first.

Pretty much where I stand


Offline davidgood

I get plenty straightforward vanilla sex at all the parties I go to.

So for 1 to 1s I want something a bit different and it must include anal and stockings and ideally classy lingerie, but at a reasonable price.

Finding SPs who tick all the boxes for me is not easy; so yes, if I find one who meets my requirements then I may go back for a second or third visit but I try to space the visits out over several months to minimise the risk of getting bored with them. Ideally I like the challenge of finding new SPs to experiment with and then report my findings.

Reminds me I have got an outstanding review to do.



The happy one

  • Guest

Where I live you find a good one and you along with 50 other blokes run to her door every time she is free

So yes

Some are up in double figures now


  • Guest
If you find something good why dispose of it,God knows there is not that many out there! i had 4 on a rota system 1 have since packed it i'm now looking for a replacement to fill that gap!i only do outcalls now so there is also the friendship aliment they feel a lot more at ease so do i, Its nice to have paypals!!

Offline shagbambi

Variety is good. So is a regular.  I split my budget 50/50.


  • Guest
Gents  :hi:

My two cents worth, is that for me I've got a certain number of boxes I would like ticked during a booking and within those "boxes" there are degrees of satisfaction.....

Now days its rare that all the boxes get ticked to a high standard and those that do become my "gold standard" experiences

So far, in 20 years of punting, I've only been with 3 WG's who really did it for me......

« Last Edit: August 08, 2014, 01:04:54 pm by Salt »

Offline wristjob

Punting for a long time now and reckon
60% of time only see once due to realising not as good as advert/ pics or lack of services or enthusiasm or if feel we didn't click with one another.
20% of time go back for 2nd dibs where prospect of better time to be had.
10% of time possibly see them 3 or 4 times but never more as get bored and sometimes taken for granted too much inane chatting and I just want sex and there was always someone new to try with variety being spice of life.

Pretty much sums me up actually. I saw one girl 6 times but it just stopped working and the last 4 were trying to chase how good the first 2 were. Got a girl I've seen 4 times at the moment and will go back. Never seen anyone else over 3 and even some girls who were really superb don't get a 2nd go. I'm there to enjoy myself so no silly rules that will get in the way of that but I just prefer to try new ones.

Offline Boundless

I've had a couple of repeat girls, 9 times for Joy, a cute Thai sweetheart in Manchester before moving home, then 7 times for Hot Sissy, Petite Chinese honey in my current location.

There's something to be said for reliability, especially after a few shit ones in a row.

That said, I get a bit obsessive with note taking on these conquests, and can't help feel a bit satisfied when the notches on the bedpost increases, which obviously doesn't happen after a repeat visit.

This raises a good point and could be the subject of another thread, possibly already has been.

I don't keep any records at all (including phone nos on my punting phone) as I see it as an unnecessary security risk. I dare say if I sat down for an hour I'd be able to recall almost all the punts I've had but as for the multiple visits could probably only guess + or - 30%.

Offline the_exile

As others have said, mixing up visits to regulars & new girls worked for me. Yes, nice to see the notches going up, but finding someone who you like & who is reliable counts for a lot.

Sometimes difficult to see the same girl at a parlour, even if you wanted to, with some only working in the business for a short time, the rotation system and so on.