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Author Topic: Ever seen a WG whilst out with your partner?!  (Read 2220 times)


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I done it on Saturday and I must admit it was a thrill!

I saw a girl in Colchester I had seen before on the off chance whilst out shopping with the girlfriend who I do love but I also get the urge to go with other girls sometimes (I know it is a bad problem)

Anyway, we go out shopping and g/f sees a mate in town so I say I will go and do my own thing whilst she has lunch and does some shopping with mate. I know I am near location of WG I had seen before so I causlaly text her asking if she is free in next 20 mins - reply back "sure bby, how long for?" I reply "just 20 mins, still £40?" reply back "yes bby, see you then"

I go to WG address, get sucked off (oral WITH), on with rubber, doggystyle, pump away for 10 mins or so and then explode. Get changed, back in to town, meet g/f who obviously has no clue "just went for a walk and a drink babe" Luckily I can keep a straight face. So that was the thrill, travelling home with g/f (don't live with her) knowing that I was pounding a WG whilst she was shopping

Some may say childish, some may say out of order - I agree, but it is a vice of mine and would probably do it again


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The title confused me a little (As a thick knuckle dragging cunt)

I assumed you had been out with your GF and had ran into a pro$$ie and had to front that out rather than nipping off for quickie..



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Now that would be worrying although I doubt a WG would come up to you and say anything! Nope, just popped off for a quickie (I know it makes me a horrid person as wouldn't want it done to me)


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See loads out in nightclubs, but I am young and not married. A few have said hello to me while I have been with my gf that I have had at any one time, but the gf never asks who they are.

The happy one

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Yes my O.H. can take up to 2 hours when she gets shopping in Asda. now lucky enough she knows not to drag me around with her as my face gets so bad children run screaming that they have seen the boggie monster

but as luck would have there is an apartment very close and a hotel that always seems to have one or two girls in

so i tell her i am off for a costa then go and get my sack emptied

she happy shopping gives me a call when she wants me to come in and pay

i am happy as i have been banging away at some stupidly fit 20 something

win win

Andre 3000

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Some of you gents are certainly cutting it fine so to speak.  :D

Don't think I'd like the rushed feel of knowing the missus was nearby.

Offline CBPaul

Haven't done it and not likely to get the chance but good on you, I'd do exactly the same if I did get the chance.

Mrs CBP will under no circumstances allow me to go shopping with her because I become a grumpy bastard and do things she finds intensely annoying at every opportunity. This is a situation that took a couple of years to manufacture through grumpy and bad behaviour. Last weekend she went into Cambridge, 'do you want me to come with you' I asked, 'not fucking likely' was her reply. Perfect  :D

BTW, she texted back bby, I guessing Romanian then ?


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Not exactly the same but I am  guilty of doing something similar a few times, once with a prossie and several times with a civvie.  Dropped the missus off to a restaurant where she was having a meal with her work girl friends then drove straight to my 2 hour evening "appointment" and then back to pick her up from the pub they were going to afterwards. Luckily, the missus always falls asleep after a few drinks which was just as well as I had nothing left to give if she had got playful later on!


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You where probably excited and wanted to showoff when you wrote this post as its totally misleading :vomit:


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I saw 2 girls today separately while out with the duchess in Cardiff. First up was so hot so sexy (or whatever she's called these days)
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This bird can suck a golf ball through a straw and last time I saw her I woke up the day after like id been in a cage fight. I also had a bruised cock for my troubles. Hell of a BJ but a very full on punt. She's been discussed before on the welsh board. First time I saw her she was fucking nuts. I thought she had mental health issues (still do actually) but I suspect she may also have other 'problems' and judging by how she looked today I'm certain of it. Looked like she had just woke up and was off to collect the big issue to sell!

The other lass I saw later while having lunch in Jamie's Italian. Can't remember her name and no longer listed on AW. She's tiny and I saw her in a flat near gabalfa roundabout about 18 months ago. Two things sprung to mind when I spotted her 1) she had a fanny that resembled an axe wound stitched together (badly) by an unqualified vet 2) last time I saw her she was pissing over me in her bath. It's a fucking small world alright

Anyway gotta split as the duchess bought a new pair on converse and she's promised me I can fuck her while she wears them. Always fancied it since I spotted gianna Michaels being gunned while wearing converse


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Not the thread i was expecting

I plan mine a bit, i try to leave nothing to chance so i couldnt really do this

I fret when ive fucked one during works time and go home to her at tea time

Offline Silver Birch

I plan mine a bit, i try to leave nothing to chance so i couldnt really do this

I fret when ive fucked one during works time and go home to her at tea time

I'm the same. I need a period of readjustment before meeting up with the OH. I would not be comfortable sailing so close to the wind.


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Oh, serves me right for not reading properly. No I've never fucked a prossie while out with the wife. Fuck that for a game of soldiers. I have however 'seen' WGs while out with my lass (as above). Punting is Simply not worth the risk for me when I'm out with my princess


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OH often (every 3 weeks or so) wants to go shopping in the local town on a Saturday or sometimes a weekday if she is off work.  I take her and know full well she will be at least a couple of hours (sometimes 3-4) especially if she plans to meet up with one of her buddies.  I then zip off to my local parlour.  I do maintenance work there so am free to call anytime.  Sometimes just for a chat and coffee. Other times I will spend an enjoyable hour or so if a special lady is there.  I switch my phone to  silent. I hate being disturbed.  "Left it in the car while I went to PC world or wherever".

Keeps the world turning
