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Author Topic: BritishShortybaby - winchester, any info???  (Read 790 times)

Offline macman26

Any info please on BritishShortybaby in Winchester? she says been working but part of me senses and  thinks it's maybe a Photos scam or a time waster and she's expensive!

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Offline Bonker

A 'British whore' who's German.
Minimum information. No feedback. £300 per hour.


Offline Puntiff Sulyvahn

Reverse image search of the second photo on her profile returns a hit on Facebook. I don't use FB so I can't view the page but maybe someone who uses it can shed more light.

Methinks this is a fake AW profile :hi:

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Offline macman26

Thanks bud. I got her phone number and what’s apped her but Didn’t get any further, then talking about a meeting… so maybe a scam schools still out lol

Offline andymars19

Did you ask her what her previous AW account was as she says she had a previous account.   Search may turn up something

Offline macman26

She ghosted me now once start talking about fee/times and dates

Offline DrConners

Did you ask her what her previous AW account was as she says she had a previous account.   Search may turn up something

She used to have a profile under the handle :


External Link/Members Only;id=17943

Correct me if I'm wrong.

Offline macman26

Thanks mate. Pity she seems to have retired too again!!!! We were on for a booking asked for her address after 12 or so messages. And then nothing… that’s why I thought might be scam or time waster