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Author Topic: Has anyone on here ever dated a WG?  (Read 12938 times)

Offline Robster199

Just wondered

Have you dated a working girl?

Knowingly/Un knowingly?

Short term/long term?

Casually, partners, or married?

If so, what were the positives, negatives and issues?

Offline ampersand

Search for the threads on it - there are a number of them.


  • Guest
Just wondered

Have you dated a working girl?

Knowingly/Un knowingly?

Short term/long term?

Casually, partners, or married?

If so, what were the positives, negatives and issues?

Please don't tell me you are suffering from EAS (Emotional Attachment Syndrome) if so help is at hand.

Online finn5555

Just wondered

Have you dated a working girl?

Knowingly/Un knowingly?

Short term/long term?

Casually, partners, or married?

If so, what were the positives, negatives and issues?

Next    :dash:

Offline Robster199

I did do a search but couldn't find... Sorry any links?

No, I am not in that position myself!

thank you guys.


  • Guest
I did do a search but couldn't find... Sorry any links?

No, I am not in that position myself!

thank you guys.

Sorry if I appeared rude, you are a new member and it is not fair for me not to take this into account. Imho some subjects get brought up again and again so sometimes it is easy to be dismissive.

My personal opinion very briefly. Is yes it occasionally happens, it is generally not a good idea and it rarely works in the long term.

Offline Daffodil

Some on here have done and it tends to end in tears.

I wouldn't be totally averse to hooking up with a prossie, but only for fun. There's no way I would get into anything serious with one.


  • Guest
One word of advice - DON'T

They have a different set of social rules to everyone else on the planet. You can't even be normal friends with one.

I found this out to my cost when I became very good friends with a lady who I eventually discovered was a prostitute. She never knew I'd even punted, but when she invited me to stay with her for a few days it suddenly and unexpectedly turned into a disaster. There was no romantic attachment at all, we were just good mates. But her BF (who didn't live with her) was so stressed out by her work that there was an awful scene one day and I became the scapegoat. Learned a big lesson from that. They don't understand the effect it has on other people, particularly men, and they expect the whole world to fit in with them.


  • Guest
Well, I am getting married to a 'punter' soon(though £20's never crossed my palm, as I knew we clicked immediately). So it can work.

But I know damn well he would tell anyone to never attempt it, run for the hills and that there are no positives whatsoever. Except maybe that we tend to be a little bit more open minded.

If you are the sort who can compartmentalise then maybe you could just have some jolly good unpaid fun, but if you are not then you risk being emotionally torn to shreds.

I could not do it if the shoe was on the other foot.


  • Guest
Oh and proof that it causes issues...I see another WG's partner(Yes, I am bad)...because she has gone off sex, but still gets paid by men. Rejection of sex hurts even more when your partner is a WG and will happily fuck anyone else.


  • Guest
Well, I am getting married to a 'punter' soon(though £20's never crossed my palm, as I knew we clicked immediately). So it can work.

But I know damn well he would tell anyone to never attempt it, run for the hills and that there are no positives whatsoever. Except maybe that we tend to be a little bit more open minded.

If you are the sort who can compartmentalise then maybe you could just have some jolly good unpaid fun, but if you are not then you risk being emotionally torn to shreds.

I could not do it if the shoe was on the other foot.

Yes, I can compartmentalise, that's my thing knew there would be an upshot to it sooner or later. I'm escort marriage material,  now only if was younger, richer and better looking.  :lol:


  • Guest
Yes, I can compartmentalise, that's my thing knew there would be an upshot to it sooner or later. I'm escort marriage material,  now only if was younger, richer and better looking.  :lol:

Sod that! I just meant if you can compartmentalise SHAG one free, not marry. My partner needs his head seeing to  :rolleyes:


  • Guest
Please don't tell me you are suffering from EAS (Emotional Attachment Syndrome) if so help is at hand.

IMHO, EAS is very real for the punter but only temporary for the WG.  Get involved and date?  Just DON'T DO IT!!!!!


  • Guest
Oh and proof that it causes issues...I see another WG's partner(Yes, I am bad)...because she has gone off sex, but still gets paid by men. Rejection of sex hurts even more when your partner is a WG and will happily fuck anyone else.

That is bad beyond belief.

Bad enough that your partner has sex with someone else. But you can live with that and recover, and I guess most of us have done at one point.

What is worse is your partner sleeping with someone else, but refusing you sex. I've had that happen and it's really horrible, The distress and acute anxiety you feel is awful. Actually when I discovered it one evening I was physically sick. I had to rush outside and threw up on the ground like a cat.

Take it a step further - I've not been there (as far as I'm aware) - and have her sleeping with multiple guys, that must be even worse.

The ultimate insult though - sleeping with all comers for cash, and still refusing sex at home. How could you cope with that? It makes playing away seem quite trivial in comparison.

No Holly, you're not bad. You're bloody good. Poor bastard, his feeling of self worth must be quite low. But at least someone is looking after him.

I've heard some shocking stories about the way prostitutes treat people (and have been on the receiving end myself, without even ever having been a client), and that confirms to me that most of them really are on a different planet and can be very cruel indeed.

Sorry Holly. There's always an exception, and I think you're it in this case.


  • Guest
Sod that! I just meant if you can compartmentalise SHAG one free, not marry. My partner needs his head seeing to  :rolleyes:

If you're as good as you appear to be, I don't blame him. One in a million, obviously.

Offline Tailpipe

Just wondered

Have you dated a working girl?

Knowingly/Un knowingly?

Short term/long term?

Casually, partners, or married?

If so, what were the positives, negatives and issues?

Yes I have

Don,t do it it ends in fucking mess 999 times out of one thousand .

Upside if any it's relationship that begins with openness and truth , but 99% of the time
Ends in tears .

JUST stop it now is my advice .

Offline londonmaxxy

  Don't go there.
For the male it's a head f*ck - when you see her one day & she's tired after a hard day's 'work'
Or does unprotected 'extras' & puts you at risk from a guy who's just porked a dodgy one the day before,possibly BB - she has no idea where they've been before her.
& the nagging in the back of your mind that any nobhead can have someone you care about for a few ££ & you have to just wait your turn.
Of course she'll say it's just 'work' & you're different  blah blah blah.
But unless you really get off on having your partner getting bonked constantly, or can 'compartmentalise' like a magician, don't even think about it & definitely don't read about it on boards like this- you'll realise what twats some punters are.
Enjoy the WG's for what they are, but get a real date.

Offline Urban_G

I've not dated a w/g per se, but several years ago I was dating a girl and she told me that she escorted a bit while she was at uni. She said she only did domination on them and never full sex, not sure I actually believed that.

Being a punter myself, I wasn't shocked, so I had to pretend to be and made a joke about hoping she doesn't charge me for it. I don't even know why she said it, it's certainly not a subject I would bring up.

She even used a different name in her normal life, one of those 'attractive' kind of names that w/g's use.


  • Guest
  Don't go there.
For the male it's a head f*ck - when you see her one day & she's tired after a hard day's 'work'
Or does unprotected 'extras' & puts you at risk from a guy who's just porked a dodgy one the day before,possibly BB - she has no idea where they've been before her.
& the nagging in the back of your mind that any nobhead can have someone you care about for a few ££ & you have to just wait your turn.
Of course she'll say it's just 'work' & you're different  blah blah blah.
But unless you really get off on having your partner getting bonked constantly, or can 'compartmentalise' like a magician, don't even think about it & definitely don't read about it on boards like this- you'll realise what twats some punters are.
Enjoy the WG's for what they are, but get a real date.

once made an ex partner put up with what i do and for the life of me could not understand why he was so het up about it when it was him that I went home to. this has put it all in to perspective tbqh

Offline londonmaxxy

ok, sorry about that- just a male perspective

Offline akauya

once made an ex partner put up with what i do and for the life of me could not understand why he was so het up about it when it was him that I went home to. this has put it all in to perspective tbqh

You couldn't understand why he was so het up? Bollocks. You 'made' him put up with it? Looks like you knew what was going on and decided to do it anyway. No one in a relationship is that clueless. What if you turned the tables and, for argument's sake, you had an ordinary job and he was fucking in porn films for a living? Even if you weren't jealous him fucking other women and being tired for you, you wouldn't be a little worried he caught something and passed it on to you?


  • Guest
You couldn't understand why he was so het up? Bollocks. You 'made' him put up with it? Looks like you knew what was going on and decided to do it anyway. No one in a relationship is that clueless. What if you turned the tables and, for argument's sake, you had an ordinary job and he was fucking in porn films for a living? Even if you weren't jealous him fucking other women and being tired for you, you wouldn't be a little worried he caught something and passed it on to you?

i know i made him put up with it, i'l never deny that. but i couldnt understand why he said he accepted my job but their would still be problems etc, as i've just said i understand a little now reading it from a mans view..

tbh I have a very liberal view on sex. sex is just a physical activity, same as going to the gym or yoga. it dosnt mean anything to me. so if that was his job i'd accept that, if he was spending time outside of work with girls he was fucking at work or being in a mentally intimate relationship e.g telling them he has feelings for them then it would be upsetting

Offline londonmaxxy

  And therein lies a huge difference between female & males.
I've never met or spoken to to guy that can genuinely separate sex in that way.
If he cares about someone & various other males are bonking her,getting blown by her & then even sharing details with others on here or Twitter/whatever- kind of bragging rights if you is the guy supposed to deal with that? Even he he believes it means nothing to you, his mrs is still getting 'used' by anyone with a few £££.  ( meaning used in a toy/sex sense)
& that's without the risks of infection & fear of being recognised if with her ( prostitutes seem to block it out so much sometimes & forget that some customers are real & local)
I just think that's the price you pay for earning the money = no normal relationship, that's the deal for most really, a trade- off.

Rochdull lad

  • Guest
A friend of mine dated, then lived with and eventually married, a WG, whose client he'd been.  [She retired as soon as they began living together.]

He's one of the very few exceptions who proves what you might call Rule 1 of punting: "When you book a WG, you're going for a shag, not a relationship."  For the overwhelming majority of us, if you begin to feel that you're falling for her, remember Rule 1 immediately.

Offline londonmaxxy

Indeed Roch- well said & interesting that it sounds like she also made a commitment once they were ' together'


  • Guest
  And therein lies a huge difference between female & males.
I've never met or spoken to to guy that can genuinely separate sex in that way.
If he cares about someone & various other males are bonking her,getting blown by her & then even sharing details with others on here or Twitter/whatever- kind of bragging rights if you is the guy supposed to deal with that? Even he he believes it means nothing to you, his mrs is still getting 'used' by anyone with a few £££.  ( meaning used in a toy/sex sense)
& that's without the risks of infection & fear of being recognised if with her ( prostitutes seem to block it out so much sometimes & forget that some customers are real & local)
I just think that's the price you pay for earning the money = no normal relationship, that's the deal for most really, a trade- off.

a year down the line thats becoming a big reality, i dont need telling. but for the moment i would rather have the money

Berks Bloke 32

  • Guest
I had a relationship with a WG a while back, she became a WG after we started our relationship and call me weird if you like but I never actually had an issue with her having sex with other guys for money. We had a very active sex life and I actually enjoyed hearing about her antics with other guys.

In the end it was nothing at all to do with the sex life or escorting that split us up we just ended up in a situation where we had to make a choice about our full time careers and they pulled us in different geographical locations.

I don't think that every relationship with a WG is doomed to failure, if you can't get your mind round what they do for a living then you have a problem, and no it's not for everyone but that doesn't mean it can't work in the right circumstances.

Offline londonmaxxy

a year down the line thats becoming a big reality, i dont need telling. but for the moment i would rather have the money

Fair do's -sounds like you have your head screwed on & keep the 2 separate for now


  • Guest
Oh and proof that it causes issues...I see another WG's partner(Yes, I am bad)...because she has gone off sex, but still gets paid by men. Rejection of sex hurts even more when your partner is a WG and will happily fuck anyone else.

Will you still escort after getting married? I would be ok getting married to an escort, but she would have to stop.


  • Guest
I had a relationship with a WG a while back, she became a WG after we started our relationship and call me weird if you like but I never actually had an issue with her having sex with other guys for money. We had a very active sex life and I actually enjoyed hearing about her antics with other guys.

In the end it was nothing at all to do with the sex life or escorting that split us up we just ended up in a situation where we had to make a choice about our full time careers and they pulled us in different geographical locations.

I don't think that every relationship with a WG is doomed to failure, if you can't get your mind round what they do for a living then you have a problem, and no it's not for everyone but that doesn't mean it can't work in the right circumstances.

I feel the same, some people can separate sex from love and emotions and some people can't I can respect both points of view.


  • Guest
Will you still escort after getting married? I would be ok getting married to an escort, but she would have to stop.

That is still undecided between us. There is talk of completely stopping and also of offering reduced service as a surprising number of my regulars do not actually want penetration. I think his issue is not so much the sex side of things, but more the fact that I happen to like the company of my gentlemen. That is far more threatening as such.

Offline xsw21

I’ve never dated a wg and never even considered it to be a good idea. I’ve been following this thread and it got me thinking. I’m single, not married and I’m a hopeless romantic. I’m actually one those that believes in ‘‘the one’’ and well, I’m determined to find her. The woman that has all the traits I would like my ideal partner to have. Obviously it’s not an easy task and some would say it’s unrealistic, but if I happened to meet a wg that had all the traits, I would definitely consider dating her. I mean, what’s the worst that can happen? It doesn’t work out, you go your separate ways and date a new girl. Or….. it does work out and you have a happily ever after. I would always kick myself for not trying if I didn’t give it a go, so  its worth the gamble to me…

Haha I’m so gonna get ripped apart now  :scare:


  • Guest
I’ve never dated a wg and never even considered it to be a good idea. I’ve been following this thread and it got me thinking. I’m single, not married and I’m a hopeless romantic. I’m actually one those that believes in ‘‘the one’’ and well, I’m determined to find her. The woman that has all the traits I would like my ideal partner to have. Obviously it’s not an easy task and some would say it’s unrealistic, but if I happened to meet a wg that had all the traits, I would definitely consider dating her. I mean, what’s the worst that can happen? It doesn’t work out, you go your separate ways and date a new girl. Or….. it does work out and you have a happily ever after. I would always kick myself for not trying if I didn’t give it a go, so  its worth the gamble to me…

Haha I’m so gonna get ripped apart now  :scare:

Nothing wrong with what you said imho.


  • Guest
For me there's a line in the sand that I don't want to cross. I punt largely because I want sex without the emotional attachment. I'm a friendly bloke and respect the girls but I don't want a relationship with them and I've always assumed they wouldn't want a relationship with me. I had quite a lot of 'no strings' sex in the past often with women I worked with and without fail it became too complicated. Thats a recipe for disaster and at least one person is going to get hurt. That's part of the reason I now punt.

I don't want to blur the lines.

Offline tazz

For me there's a line in the sand that I don't want to cross. I punt largely because I want sex without the emotional attachment. I'm a friendly bloke and respect the girls but I don't want a relationship with them and I've always assumed they wouldn't want a relationship with me. I had quite a lot of 'no strings' sex in the past often with women I worked with and without fail it became too complicated. Thats a recipe for disaster and at least one person is going to get hurt. That's part of the reason I now punt.

I don't want to blur the lines.

What industry was this in?Were most of these women in relationships?


  • Guest
What industry was this in?Were most of these women in relationships?

Sorry I'd rather not say as that makes me (and them) potentially identifiable if people start connecting dots on this site.  For the most part they weren't but I was.

Offline Zack D

Slightly off topic here but related to, well relationships - I once booked a girl for an outcall to a hotel, the first thing she did when she got in the room was to make a call to a guy to say she got here safely and not too worry - not the greatest start tbh but I get a WG would do that for personal reasons although didn't like the thought it could be a pimp she was calling - I never touch girls that have pimps as a general rule.

I enquired who she was calling, she said her husband! Have to admit shagging another guy's missus (and paying for it) was not particularly appealing, especially after she just got off the phone with him! I gave her petrol money to cover the journey and a little courtesy money and said to be honest she had completely flattened my libido with that one call and politely asked her to leave. Putting myself in his shoes, I don't think I could live with the fact my partner was still an active WG, but takes all sorts I guess.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2014, 10:06:58 pm by Zack D »


  • Guest
I think I would need to have my head read if I ever contemplated doing such a thing.


  • Guest
I think I would need to have my head read if I ever contemplated doing such a thing.

Agree. I did need my head looking at. 

Got involved emotionally with a WG once.  Been seeing her for some time.  We seemed to click (I thought anyway) and one thing led to another and we began dating of sorts.   It all seemed good at the time but looking back now it was not easy.  Often we plan a night out or a night in but she would then cancel at short notice or even no notice because she would have been a day or two without bookings and, Sod's Law, they would come in the day/night we planned together.  In her view £150 an hour tax free was too good to turn down so I took second place (what a sap I was).  OK once in a while, but no good for a long term relationship.  When we did go out we would have to travel far afield for her to be comfortable.  In local pubs or restaurants she would always be looking over her shoulder in case she was recognised.  Was the guy looking over at her just admiring her good looks (she was a looker by the way) or was he another punter - one of the many she had seen.  Was he going to be ballsy enough to come and say hi and embarrass her/me/our group of friends etc etc.  She also had a horror that one of my friends or work pals might book her inadvertently which could cause problems - she never showed her face in her pics on AW (even in her PG).

If it had been a long day at work for her, sex between us just did not happen.  Too tired etc etc.  Ok if you missus had had a long day in the office or on the road etc, but knowing she had spent the day fucking other blokes, it was hard to take.  Anyway it all fizzled out in the end.

Looking back I definitely had Emotional Attachment Syndrome.  Could never be sure about her.  Bottom line is that the life a WG leads is far from normal and so any relationship is also far from normal.  So my advice from an earlier post is JUST DON'T DO IT unless of course you can remain totally emotionally detached.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2014, 11:42:20 pm by Hector »


  • Guest
That is still undecided between us. There is talk of completely stopping and also of offering reduced service as a surprising number of my regulars do not actually want penetration. I think his issue is not so much the sex side of things, but more the fact that I happen to like the company of my gentlemen. That is far more threatening as such.

What strikes me most about what you have said is that the work is part of your lifestyle up to now. Whether it's the actual sex or something connected with it, like the interaction with other people, clients as friends, or something you get out of it as well, doesn't matter. When you meet someone and decide to settle with them, you can't change them, you both evolve into the relationship. So he has to accept things as well as you, and unless you are doing the work in the living space that you both share, then I would have thought the best approach is to carry on with what you are doing until you get bored with it or want a change yourself. Feeling that you should change a whole lot for your partner's benefit is not the same, and although in the short term it might seem the right and a good thing to do, later on in retrospect it won't seem like that. This happens in all aspects of long term partnerships, but you don't see it until you've been through it and come out of the other end. Then it's too late to do it any different.

You're quite right, it's not the sex itself but the lifestyle and the interaction with other people that will be the issue in your male partners mind. Putting a block on something like penetration won't make any difference, so you may as well do it (and in any case my experience is that the majority of WG's who do a lot of penetration are well toned in that area, unlike a lot of civvies, so it's also a benefit as well as the main attracter), just don't constantly bring the subject up. That's what really messes people's minds. Lurid descriptions of how other guys fuck is also a no no, because it sets the imagination into overdrive. The most important thing is to have an active sex life between the two of you, and not be too tired to do it etc when you get back home - not every day anyway! If you can go off to work like a guy or gal goes off to the office or install a kitchen or whatever they do, and then return back to your home environment that will be as ideal as you can get. I've rarely taken my working day home good or bad unless there's an issue like with a difficult work colleague, or being promoted or losing the job, other than superficial things, and a lot of those things you won't face in the work you do. If you can live like that you'll be okay, in other words don't put it in his face all the time.

If you hate the work of course that's a no-brainer, but if you get something out of it, even if it's only the income, then the less changes you make the happier you will be with your situation. And a happy you is a happy him too.


  • Guest
If it had been a long day at work for her, sex between us just did not happen.  Too tired etc etc.  Ok if you missus had had a long day in the office or on the road etc, but knowing she had spent the day fucking other blokes, it was hard to take.  Anyway it all fizzled out in the end.

In fact it is impossible to take.

That's always been the relationship breaker for me. Being with a girl who is fucking other blokes but won't fuck you. Doesn't matter if it's a WG or a civvy, it's just the same. Except that the WG has much less excuse because they all know how to get a guy off and release him from the tension with least effort. When that happens, get out fast. It's the ultimate insult.

I sometimes wonder if it's the same thing with women. Husbands and partners playing away is devastating for them, but it might be that it's the consequential lack of attention they get, both sexual and otherwise that is the hardest to take. I still don't know, but I really do wonder.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2014, 01:57:10 am by overhead »


  • Guest
What strikes me most about what you have said is that the work is part of your lifestyle up to now. Whether it's the actual sex or something connected with it, like the interaction with other people, clients as friends, or something you get out of it as well, doesn't matter. When you meet someone and decide to settle with them, you can't change them, you both evolve into the relationship. So he has to accept things as well as you, and unless you are doing the work in the living space that you both share, then I would have thought the best approach is to carry on with what you are doing until you get bored with it or want a change yourself. Feeling that you should change a whole lot for your partner's benefit is not the same, and although in the short term it might seem the right and a good thing to do, later on in retrospect it won't seem like that. This happens in all aspects of long term partnerships, but you don't see it until you've been through it and come out of the other end. Then it's too late to do it any different.

You're quite right, it's not the sex itself but the lifestyle and the interaction with other people that will be the issue in your male partners mind. Putting a block on something like penetration won't make any difference, so you may as well do it (and in any case my experience is that the majority of WG's who do a lot of penetration are well toned in that area, unlike a lot of civvies, so it's also a benefit as well as the main attracter), just don't constantly bring the subject up. That's what really messes people's minds. Lurid descriptions of how other guys fuck is also a no no, because it sets the imagination into overdrive. The most important thing is to have an active sex life between the two of you, and not be too tired to do it etc when you get back home - not every day anyway! If you can go off to work like a guy or gal goes off to the office or install a kitchen or whatever they do, and then return back to your home environment that will be as ideal as you can get. I've rarely taken my working day home good or bad unless there's an issue like with a difficult work colleague, or being promoted or losing the job, other than superficial things, and a lot of those things you won't face in the work you do. If you can live like that you'll be okay, in other words don't put it in his face all the time.

If you hate the work of course that's a no-brainer, but if you get something out of it, even if it's only the income, then the less changes you make the happier you will be with your situation. And a happy you is a happy him too.

That is pretty much my take on things overhead, you speak a lot of sense in that post.

I think your input in to this thread, in your various posts, has shown great insight. No-It will fail in 99.99% of cases, but yes-It can work if you use some serious logic and are very aware of yourself and others. You really have to be emotionally stable and flexible.


  • Guest
Surely the biggest issue here is going to be financial. Prostitutes earn a lot more than most people and yet unlike their counterparts(bankers/corporate lawyers/CEOs) they don't actually have a respectable or reliable source of income, cannot do this for very long and many have little to no qualification or experience to do another job, which is why they turned to selling sex in the first place! When the question of a long term commitment comes up I doubt any man would be comfortable with his partner/wife being a prostitute and will want her to do something else, but unless the guy is very rich her lifestyle will drop substantially, something most prostitutes don't seem prepared to handle(hence all the short lived retirements in this trade). It will eventually lead to a situation where she'll continue with prostitution and the poor bloke will feel horrible about the whole issue, and that alone should deter anyone from ever falling for a prostitute, who by nature of the job, is going to be very good at faking emotion and has neutered herself from most deep personal connections by, for all intents and purposes, presenting a life of lies to both society and friends and family for a long time.

Offline londonmaxxy

Good post there.
Hundreds per day,tax free is very hard to replace.
The lies,even if only to protect ID are very wearing after a while & can cause mutual distrust.

Offline Roth

Probably might work out if your in the business yourself.  Maybe her manager or pimp or a male escort?

Offline Daffodil

I just don't understand guys that would want a long-term relationship with a prossie, or who would even be open to the possibility.

For me, the fact that she is willing to fuck strangers for money is more than enough to put me off. I've finished with girls for far less. I wouldn't enjoy walking down the high street with her knowing that half of the high street have had a go on her.

I'm also not being hypocritical, I would totally understand a girl not wanting to be with me because I punt/have punted.

Offline munterhunter

I've seen a WG out of hours but it wasn't exactly what you'd call a long term relationship. It was a bit like friends with benefits but little commitment.

I used to see a WG in the North East who was married and her husband was fine with what she did, they were into swinging.

I know 2 guys who married WGs one couple met as WG & Punter and went on to marry, she gave up the day job and they ran a couple of parlours together in West Yorks. The other couple met as punter & WG clicked and have been married for 6 or 7 years now.

It can work out but I think the nature of the relationship WG/PUNTER or ex-WG/ex-Punter would add a challenging dynamic to the relationship but at the end of the day it's down to the individuals involved.

Some people simply wouldn't or couldn't entertain the idea.
For others it's possible.
I can follow the train of thought that "I'm OK with you having sex with someone 'as a punter'" but not happy about you making a connection with someone.

I found Holly's posts interesting (good luck for the wedding). Both of the guys I know who wed the WG's say that the ladies are sometimes ferocious in their attitude towards how the guys interact with other women! The guy who used to run the parlours has had many a stand up row with his wife about his being in the parlour with the WGs without her.

Offline Daffodil

I've seen a WG out of hours but it wasn't exactly what you'd call a long term relationship. It was a bit like friends with benefits but little commitment.

I used to see a WG in the North East who was married and her husband was fine with what she did, they were into swinging.

I know 2 guys who married WGs one couple met as WG & Punter and went on to marry, she gave up the day job and they ran a couple of parlours together in West Yorks. The other couple met as punter & WG clicked and have been married for 6 or 7 years now.

It can work out but I think the nature of the relationship WG/PUNTER or ex-WG/ex-Punter would add a challenging dynamic to the relationship but at the end of the day it's down to the individuals involved.

Some people simply wouldn't or couldn't entertain the idea.
For others it's possible.
I can follow the train of thought that "I'm OK with you having sex with someone 'as a punter'" but not happy about you making a connection with someone.

I found Holly's posts interesting (good luck for the wedding). Both of the guys I know who wed the WG's say that the ladies are sometimes ferocious in their attitude towards how the guys interact with other women! The guy who used to run the parlours has had many a stand up row with his wife about his being in the parlour with the WGs without her.

I think that's the perfect relationship to have with a prossie.

Good post.

Whilst I understand that there are some who could get past the fact that she's fucked half of town, I certainly couldn't.


  • Guest
I just don't understand guys that would want a long-term relationship with a prossie, or who would even be open to the possibility.

For me, the fact that she is willing to fuck strangers for money is more than enough to put me off. I've finished with girls for far less. I wouldn't enjoy walking down the high street with her knowing that half of the high street have had a go on her.

I'm also not being hypocritical, I would totally understand a girl not wanting to be with me because I punt/have punted.

That is hypocrtical as fuck! You will pay them for sex but find the idea so disgusting?

I could handle it if my Mrs wanted to work. She would be coming back to me by choice every day.

If other people saw us together then I woild hope that it pisses them off that I am fucking her for free.

As a punter I know love and sex are completely seperate things.

Men who are jealous are pussys who are insecure in their ability to satisfy their woman in my opinion.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2014, 04:28:04 pm by cjkanye02 »

Offline Daffodil

That is hypocrtical as fuck! You will pay them for sex but find the idea so disgusting?

I could handle it if my Mrs wanted to work. She would be coming back to me by choice every day.

If other people saw us together then I woild hope that it pisses them off that I am fucking her for free.

As a punter I know love and sex are completely seperate things.

Men who are jealous are pussys who are insecure in their ability to satisfy their woman in my opinion.

Nonsense. I also appreciate that women, including prossies, wouldn't want to be my partner in a long-term relationship because I'm a punter. Perhaps you don't understand what hypocritical means?

It wouldn't piss them off. If I saw you out with a prossie I'd think you're a mug for either a) paying to walk down the high street (how would I know you're in a relationship?), or b) for getting into a relationship with a prossie  :hi:

I'd also feel smug knowing that I'd fucked your missus up the arse and had her swallow my load  :hi: