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Author Topic: AmazingGwen / AmazingAngelGwen / ExquisiteAngel  (Read 4484 times)


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Had my eye on her for a while, seen the videos etc. I like the video intro...

Would like to know if anyone has any thoughts?


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I saw Gwen beginning of the year
Photos are realistic
Nice enough girl but not so full on terms of services
Other thing I remember is she's quite pushy when it comes to leaving fb
good luck

Offline loner

Is she romanian or spanish lol


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she says spanish but to be fair i'm not the most cultured swine out there
her english is ok not that she's much of a chatter
just noted her profile says romanian
that wasn't there when i saw her


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I have also seen her a few months ago and did a field report on AW - Very nice girl and very fit body - usual services all good - 8/10 and very nice figure and fit body - speak very good english and works froma flat on top of Top Tiles near the station.

Really only a 1 punt time girl - no need to see her twice as she is good but not a 10.10 that would make you return for a 2nd time..However did enjoy and had fun with her in the flat - nice and clean with big bed


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I saw her and thought she was rubbish - looked a bit like a dirty scutter IMHO

When she was giving me a BJ, she put her mouth round it once and spent most of the time wanking it.

I also asked for thigh length boots which she said yes and never brought them AND she was 15 mins late and left 10 mins early


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I saw her and thought she was rubbish - looked a bit like a dirty scutter IMHO

When she was giving me a BJ, she put her mouth round it once and spent most of the time wanking it.

I also asked for thigh length boots which she said yes and never brought them AND she was 15 mins late and left 10 mins early

Hmmmm - I was due to see her today, i do however need to confirm with her, I'm thinking I might cancel it based on that.  I've had too many average punts recently.

Any more info on her?  She does look pretty fit in the non-professional photos on her profile.


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Hmmmm - I was due to see her today, i do however need to confirm with her, I'm thinking I might cancel it based on that.  I've had too many average punts recently.

Any more info on her?  She does look pretty fit in the non-professional photos on her profile.

Have you typed her name in the search function?
If you go, let us know your thoughts - it might be we didn't click but I know that, as punters go, most girls feel relaxed


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She is now "Your Angelic Lover"

I had her favourited in a folder in my browser for a really long time. I almost went to see her several times.
Odd to hear someone had a bad experience considering all the positives  :( Always disconcerting, as feedback is obviously used to judge risk.


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Have you typed her name in the search function?
If you go, let us know your thoughts - it might be we didn't click but I know that, as punters go, most girls feel relaxed

Nah didn't bother.  Your description of her BJ "technique" is one of my major annoyances as far as punting goes and it would be utterly remiss of me to book her whilst being aware that it is her MO.


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Hmmm....that's really something very important now a days to talk about.
Over 400 persons say positive things,and 1 or 2 people don't.hmmm....that's something to thing about?is it something wrong with the escort or the person that writes?
Don't ever talk about a person you only saw once and didn't get to know.
But at the end of the day,when people talk,it meens they care about your existence and they think to much about it.;)
Oh well there many genuine nice,clean,guys out there that I respect and they respect me back so all my good thoughts for them!
Respect from me to all
Ps: live life,don't waste it on suppositions and words sayed by people without a life.

Offline MancSean

I have had Gwen in my hotlist ever since I started on AW. From her profile she looks stunning and very exciting. On a few occasions I had though of visiting her but for some reason I decided bit to.
However, I have read quite a few neatral or negative reports on her on UKP which really pour me off. If it was one or two the benefit of the doubt could be applied but I have read more than a few bad reports, and they all centre round the same point minimal effort and her being disinterested that's enough to be a big NO for me. Shame as she's gorgeous looking


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I have had Gwen in my hotlist ever since I started on AW. From her profile she looks stunning and very exciting. On a few occasions I had though of visiting her but for some reason I decided bit to.
However, I have read quite a few neatral or negative reports on her on UKP which really pour me off. If it was one or two the benefit of the doubt could be applied but I have read more than a few bad reports, and they all centre round the same point minimal effort and her being disinterested that's enough to be a big NO for me. Shame as she's gorgeous looking

she is probably 'jaded' after 300 + ratings. I love the 'don't ever talk about a person you saw once and didn't get to know'. Thats the point - no-one wanted to get to know you

and the don't waste on suppositions and words saved [sic] by people without a is supposing that the people who 'save' something don't have a life not a supposition?

 Sometimes its best to retire into oblivion


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I know who you are...and please just stop it here as I didn't tell what I should about you,because I do respect a person and not say rubbish about them,no matter please just get on with your life and leave others alone.the over 300+ Rattings say more then 2-3 reviews from guys that don't say why the girl acted why she acted.they do not talk about their attitude and how they are at the please just stop and get on with your life.


Offline Ali Katt

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I know who you are...and please just stop it here as I didn't tell what I should about you,because I do respect a person and not say rubbish about them,no matter please just get on with your life and leave others alone.the over 300+ Rattings say more then 2-3 reviews from guys that don't say why the girl acted why she acted.they do not talk about their attitude and how they are at the please just stop and get on with your life.

He's entitled to an opinion as much as you. I've seen women with over 100 positive and had a shit time, feedback is only there as a guide. TBH I would rather trust one review on here than 300 on another site. If you are that bothered about a few bad review maybe you should up your game.  :hi:


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Good evening
I have seen Gwen for a long time now,over 2 years,and she is always nice and amazing.Everyone is entitle to an opinion but I think you people are being to rough with this lady.she is a lady and maybe she had a bad day or something happened in her personal don't have to talk like should read reviews on %%% about her that are all great,and they are many.
I won't stop seeing her because I know she is one of the best on the website.


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Good evening
I have seen Gwen for a long time now,over 2 years,and she is always nice and amazing.Everyone is entitle to an opinion but I think you people are being to rough with this lady.she is a lady and maybe she had a bad day or something happened in her personal don't have to talk like should read reviews on %%% about her that are all great,and they are many.
I won't stop seeing her because I know she is one of the best on the website.

John69 IP match with Gwen.
Banned for posting false review about yourself.


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Ha ha = posting a review about yourself has to be very low - good for finding out the IP match -- Ha Ha so funny.

Go these wg think that they will not get caught?


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I know who you are...and please just stop it here as I didn't tell what I should about you,because I do respect a person and not say rubbish about them,no matter please just get on with your life and leave others alone.the over 300+ Rattings say more then 2-3 reviews from guys that don't say why the girl acted why she acted.they do not talk about their attitude and how they are at the please just stop and get on with your life.


Sounds a bit paranoid too

Offline Ali Katt

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Ha ha = posting a review about yourself has to be very low - good for finding out the IP match -- Ha Ha so funny.

Go these wg think that they will not get caught?
It makes you wonder how many of the 300+ reviews\ratings are fakes.

Offline what-a man

John69 IP match with Gwen.
Banned for posting false review about yourself.

The daft cow, she thought she would get away with it.

Offline what-a man

Good evening
I have seen Gwen for a long time now,over 2 years,and she is always nice and amazing.Everyone is entitle to an opinion but I think you people are being to rough with this lady.she is a lady and maybe she had a bad day or something happened in her personal don't have to talk like should read reviews on %%% about her that are all great,and they are many.
I won't stop seeing her because I know she is one of the best on the website.

If you are having a bad day or something happened in your personal life, then dont fucking work till you are ok rather than seeing punters and giving them a bad service.


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If she has to resort to false nics and recommending herself then a sure sign that even she realises she's crap and needs to retire  :scare:


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John69 IP match with Gwen.
Banned for posting false review about yourself.

she didnt even have the nouse to change her posting style ie: no spaces after her commas and full stops



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she didnt even have the nouse to change her posting style ie: no spaces after her commas and full stops


and no capitals!

She has changed her name to exquisite angel

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must be due to this thread

thats "Punter Power"

Offline thermopoly

This probably a dead line but has anyone been in touch with her?  despite the reports I'm pretty tempted.


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if you're tempted despite negative reports then why ask here, just go for it and roll the dice