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Author Topic: Unrequested call back  (Read 2690 times)

Offline lamboman

I've been arranging a booking by text as I find it easier to confirm certain things before calling the SP.
This involved 3 texts and each time after I texted she has called me,it's not an issue for me although I didn't answer.
Would that be considered bad form as I've not come across it before,certainly could be awkward for some.
Banned reason: Shit stirrer and blocking moderator's PMs
Banned by: daviemac

Offline tynetunnel

Definitely. I text since I can’t call (due to significant other) and a call back could lead to awkward questions. Very poor form  :hi:

Offline Moby Dick

Nah, you might be the next sucker big spender that’s going to change their life.

Some prefer to text
Some prefer to talk - which I think is best.

If you don’t want them to ‘phone back then put it in your text.
For ultimate discretion message via AW.

My punting / personal phone is usually on silent so it wouldnt bother me, and if it did ring and I was in company I would just tell them I would phone back later - I use different phones for biz, personal use so it doesn’t look suspicious.

Seems from other threads that if they don’t return calls, answer messages they get slagged off for shit comms.
If they do, they get slagged off for being indiscrete.

Offline CMiller

If you specifically asked her to text back, it's really poor form. It might not be convenient or discrete for you to take a call when you've got company or are at work so she should take that into account.

Some girls prefer to talk for an initial screening but she should have replied with a text to say that.

Offline southcoastpunter

Yes it is "poor form" if you want to call it that,  - but some WG's and even massage shops etc do this occasionally so its up to us to protect ourselves and make sure calls or messages don't pop up at inconvenient times by having a dedicated punting phone (or sim etc.) switched off or set to silent.

Offline stevedave

If she wants to speak to you then fair enough, but a quick text beforehand asking if you're free to talk would probably be the simplest solution.

Offline marc_hotsteppa

If she wants to speak to you then fair enough, but a quick text beforehand asking if you're free to talk would probably be the simplest solution.

This ^^  :thumbsup:
Banned reason: Continued abuse despite warnings.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Stevelondon

Absolutely what stevedave says.

I have sent a text enquiry before and added "Please just text back"

A couple of hours later my phone rings and its this SP.
Just plain stupid and very inconsiderate of the SP.

Offline Bebebelle

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Part of the reason why you pay an escort is to ensure you privacy is respected at all times, so I think this is so wrong. What if you’re sat next to your wife ?  :dash: She could have least sent a text beforehand to ask if it was ok to call you, which is also what I would expect from a client. Send her a text saying she can only text you from now on.

Offline CMiller

Yes it is "poor form" if you want to call it that,  - but some WG's and even massage shops etc do this occasionally so its up to us to protect ourselves and make sure calls or messages don't pop up at inconvenient times by having a dedicated punting phone (or sim etc.) switched off or set to silent.

That's like saying it's up to women to dress modestly so they won't be hit on by unfamiliar men.

I have a punting phone to keep my punting life and non-punting life apart, not to worry about being called by an indiscrete SP or parlour. They should be called out or condemned for their lack of discretion.

Offline cotton

Personally i have no problem with unsolicited contact from hookers , infact im all for it but then im not cheating on anyone.
For all the guys who are punting on the sly and therefore think it is poor form they need to remember the rest of the world dosnt revolve around ensuring their skulduggery dosnt come to light , ultimately its their own personal responsibility to ensure they remain undetected , its unfair to automatically expect others to adopt a blanket zero contact policy just for fear of upsetting a few guys cheating on their wives.
Its like if ive told my partner ive quit gambling but actually its all lies and im still gambling on the sly and the bookies send a promo text whos at fault , do you refuse any sense of personal responsibility and say its poor form and the bookies fault for being indiscrete or do you accept personal responsibility for the fact that you are the one putting yourself in this situation by lying and being deceitful.  Is there any more grounds for expecting hookers to be clairvoyant about particular individual not wanting to be contacted than any other business. Id say not.
Obviously cheating punters will be a vocal minority saying its bad form but ultimately the issue is because some punters are punting on the sly , cheating and whatnot , thats the punters problem not the rest of the worlds , if your cheating and have alot at risk then thats just the risk you choose to take , you cant expect the rest of the world to dance around just to minimise the chance that jo bloggs from tinseltown dosnt get found out , the rest of the world isnt cheating and is quite happy to be contacted just like any other business.

Offline lamboman

Obviously cheating punters will be a vocal minority saying its bad form but ultimately the issue is because some punters are punting on the sly , cheating and whatnot , thats the punters problem not the rest of the worlds , if your cheating and have alot at risk then thats just the risk you choose to take , you cant expect the rest of the world to dance around just to minimise the chance that jo bloggs from tinseltown dosnt get found out , the rest of the world isnt cheating and is quite happy to be contacted just like any other business.

I'm not cheating but I still don't particularly want to be called out of the blue.
The available time I have to speak to an SP is small and should be at my convenience and discrete it's hardly the same as "any business" calling me.
Banned reason: Shit stirrer and blocking moderator's PMs
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Lou2019

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If I literally missed the call I MAY call back but mostly it’s a text apologising for missing the call and how can I help you/ what are you looking for etc.
I certainly wouldn’t call or even text if a considerable time has elapsed (I’m not on-call 24/7), this thread is exactly why I work that way. I’d rather be slated for not returning a call then for being indiscreet.That’s my opinion anyway.

Offline cotton

I'm not cheating but I still don't particularly want to be called out of the blue.
The available time I have to speak to an SP is small and should be at my convenience and discrete it's hardly the same as "any business" calling me.
I can appreciate you might regard it as a nuisance phone call just like any other nuisance phone call thats fair enough but if you arnt cheating and have no issues of guilt whats the diference between getting contacted by a hooker or getting contacted by car phone warehouse.  If you arnt interested you just say no thanks and hang up , you havnt got anything to feel guilty or embarassed about in either case so whats the issue. Its just basically a nuisance phone call either way.  While some other people may be glad to hear from the hooker , especially if its a really good hooker you like.

Offline Straightsix

I enjoy the unsolicted contact. It often leads to discounts but most of makes me feel wanted. 😢
Banned reason: Warned before but doesn’t seem to learn
Banned by: Kev40ish

Offline Moby Dick

I'm not cheating but I still don't particularly want to be called out of the blue.
The available time I have to speak to an SP is small and should be at my convenience and discrete it's hardly the same as "any business" calling me.
Not from her point of view.
If she’s missed a call and has a slot free then she needs to fill it.

I can understand if you are under the thumb.
Or you don’t get many phone calls, or late at night since that can lead to questions “who was that”.
But even then you just say wrong number or nuisance call/am###n.
Don’t think it’s really a problem in this day and age.

Texts/messages can be less discrete if you don’t turn off alerts / display and multiple message pops up ping pong ping ping “Hello, you called me , it’s cumfuckmyarse, you wanna booking babe?, “whilst you’ve gone to the kitchen. Any wife/GF is bound to lean over and read them, but if it rings she won’t answer, just shout “Mo Phone.”
You need to be careful with imessage, i didn’t realise my iPhones, IPADs were all linked to the same Apple ID. When I got home my messages were also on my IPAD for anyone to see.

Offline Lewis

I was sat in a fish and chip shop in Headington, Oxford one lunchtime a few years ago. I'd just been picked up from the local hospital by my parents following an operation and I couldn't drive.

This WG who I'd seen a couple of times previously walked straight up to the table and started chatting to me in front of my parents. Fortunately the conversation didn't go into too much detail other than her saying she hadn't seen me for a little while and that she also had a new phone number. Jots her number down on a napkin and buggers off thankfully. I got asked the 20 questions by the parents of who she was, how did I know her etc. Thinking quickly on my toes, I said it was that it was a friends ex girlfriend who I hadn't seen for a while as they'd split up. Typically my dad said "you ought to get in there son". Little did he know, I already had  :)

I read her the riot act the next time I did see her. Her reply was "oh, I didn't know, sorry" Brain dead some of these WGs.

Offline stevedave

Personally i have no problem with unsolicited contact from hookers , infact im all for it but then im not cheating on anyone.
For all the guys who are punting on the sly and therefore think it is poor form they need to remember the rest of the world dosnt revolve around ensuring their skulduggery dosnt come to light , ultimately its their own personal responsibility to ensure they remain undetected , its unfair to automatically expect others to adopt a blanket zero contact policy just for fear of upsetting a few guys cheating on their wives.
Its like if ive told my partner ive quit gambling but actually its all lies and im still gambling on the sly and the bookies send a promo text whos at fault , do you refuse any sense of personal responsibility and say its poor form and the bookies fault for being indiscrete or do you accept personal responsibility for the fact that you are the one putting yourself in this situation by lying and being deceitful.  Is there any more grounds for expecting hookers to be clairvoyant about particular individual not wanting to be contacted than any other business. Id say not.
Obviously cheating punters will be a vocal minority saying its bad form but ultimately the issue is because some punters are punting on the sly , cheating and whatnot , thats the punters problem not the rest of the worlds , if your cheating and have alot at risk then thats just the risk you choose to take , you cant expect the rest of the world to dance around just to minimise the chance that jo bloggs from tinseltown dosnt get found out , the rest of the world isnt cheating and is quite happy to be contacted just like any other business.

Hmm, sounds a bit like you're casting judgement on "cheating" punters and the "skulduggery" that it takes.

Maybe a punters forum isn't the place for you, with such sensitive ideals  :rose: :sarcastic:

Offline Thephoenix

Personally i have no problem with unsolicited contact from hookers , infact im all for it but then im not cheating on anyone.
For all the guys who are punting on the sly and therefore think it is poor form they need to remember the rest of the world dosnt revolve around ensuring their skulduggery dosnt come to light , ultimately its their own personal responsibility to ensure they remain undetected ,

        ***** its unfair to automatically expect others to adopt a blanket zero contact policy just for fear of upsetting a few guys cheating on their wives.******

Its like if ive told my partner ive quit gambling but actually its all lies and im still gambling on the sly and the bookies send a promo text whos at fault , do you refuse any sense of personal responsibility and say its poor form and the bookies fault for being indiscrete or do you accept personal responsibility for the fact that you are the one

      **** putting yourself in this situation by lying and being deceitful. *****

 Is there any more grounds for expecting hookers to be clairvoyant about particular individual not wanting to be contacted than any other business. Id say not.

       ******Obviously cheating punters will be a vocal minority******

 saying its bad form but ultimately the issue is because some punters are punting on the sly , cheating and whatnot , thats the punters problem not the rest of the worlds , if your cheating and have alot at risk then thats just the risk you choose to take , you cant expect the rest of the world to dance around just to minimise

      ****the chance that jo bloggs from tinseltown dosnt get found out , the rest of the world isnt cheating and is quite happy to be contacted just like any other business.******


This is a punting forum where attached and unattached guys can come on and not feel judged.
There are many many reasons attached men punt.
If found out, they are usually judged harshly by pretty well everyone, despite their personal situation and reasons for punting.
We enjoy this community as generally it isn't judgemental in the same way.

You're such a goodie goodie on a punting forum. :unknown:

And what makes you think attached punters are a minority?

There are many posts in all sections which makes me doubt that's true, and probably many attached punters don't admit it on here for fear of being judged by condescending people.

Offline Band1t

Hmm, sounds a bit like you're casting judgement on "cheating" punters and the "skulduggery" that it takes.

Maybe a punters forum isn't the place for you, with such sensitive ideals  :rose: :sarcastic:
Well said  :thumbsup:

Offline Stevelondon

I'm not cheating but I still don't particularly want to be called out of the blue.
The available time I have to speak to an SP is small and should be at my convenience and discrete it's hardly the same as "any business" calling me.

Absolutely spot on.
In my case I just don’t want to be relaxing with my mates in the pub discussing how to solve world problems. Then some SP rings me to say it’s ok to come over, four hours after I’ve messaged her.
Cheatings got nowt to do with it.

Offline daviemac

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Personally i have no problem with unsolicited contact from hookers , infact im all for it but then im not cheating on anyone.
For all the guys who are punting on the sly and therefore think it is poor form they need to remember the rest of the world dosnt revolve around ensuring their skulduggery dosnt come to light , ultimately its their own personal responsibility to ensure they remain undetected , its unfair to automatically expect others to adopt a blanket zero contact policy just for fear of upsetting a few guys cheating on their wives.
Its like if ive told my partner ive quit gambling but actually its all lies and im still gambling on the sly and the bookies send a promo text whos at fault , do you refuse any sense of personal responsibility and say its poor form and the bookies fault for being indiscrete or do you accept personal responsibility for the fact that you are the one putting yourself in this situation by lying and being deceitful.  Is there any more grounds for expecting hookers to be clairvoyant about particular individual not wanting to be contacted than any other business. Id say not.
Obviously cheating punters will be a vocal minority saying its bad form but ultimately the issue is because some punters are punting on the sly , cheating and whatnot , thats the punters problem not the rest of the worlds , if your cheating and have alot at risk then thats just the risk you choose to take , you cant expect the rest of the world to dance around just to minimise the chance that jo bloggs from tinseltown dosnt get found out , the rest of the world isnt cheating and is quite happy to be contacted just like any other business.
I've never read such a load of rubbish, you may lead such a sad and lonely life that any contact with the outside world is welcome, but I certainly don't and I do not want any unsolicited phone calls from anyone let alone an SP.

I'm single and several SPs have my express permission to contact me at any time, either by txt or phone call, however when I first told them this they all sent an 'ok to call?' txt before phoning, it wasn't until I convinced them that a txt was not necessary that they would just phone. (Not that it happens very often BTW) That to me is acceptable unsolicited calls are not.

Can I ask what you are actually doing on a punting forum with the attitude you have. The whole sex industry is based on deceit and falsehoods, even the single punters who have any sense use a punting phone, punting name, punting email address and names here that have no association with their real name. Escorts have dedicated work phones, names etc and keep their private lives totally separate.

Are you saying 'cotton' is your real name or are you actually being as deceitful as the rest of us.   :unknown:


Offline MissWolf

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I can appreciate you might regard it as a nuisance phone call just like any other nuisance phone call thats fair enough but if you arnt cheating and have no issues of guilt whats the diference between getting contacted by a hooker or getting contacted by car phone warehouse.  If you arnt interested you just say no thanks and hang up , you havnt got anything to feel guilty or embarassed about in either case so whats the issue. Its just basically a nuisance phone call either way.  While some other people may be glad to hear from the hooker , especially if its a really good hooker you like.

Cotton sometimes you make very good points

However this thread you are being judgemental as fuck and its really unpleasant, yes know what your gonna say.....I'm just a whore and it's got fuck all to do with me bla bla bla.....FYI I don't care.

I would say up to 75% of my clients are "cheating" and thats their choice, this should be a safe place for them to reside, to get advice and to contribute.

You have directly benefited from those cheating punters by them being here and reviewing their punts, those cheats have saved you money, saved you time and given you information on good wg's

As for unsolicited calls, it's a no from me no matter what someone's marital or relationship status is, if its not within a few seconds of me missing a call I send a text and ask them if it's OK to call or giving them an option of when I'm free to receive a call back.

In general I prefer to do all phone contact by text as its far more discreet
« Last Edit: October 22, 2021, 12:31:10 pm by MissWolf »

Offline Lou2019

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Cotton sometimes you make very good points

However this thread you are being judgemental as fuck and its really unpleasant, yes know what your gonna say.....I'm just a whore and it's got fuck all to do with me bla bla bla.....FYI I don't care.

I would say up to 75% of my clients are "cheating" and thats their choice, this should be a safe place for them to reside, to get advice and to contribute.

You have directly benefited from those cheating punters by them being here and reviewing their punts, those cheats have saved you money, saved you time and given you information on good wg's

As for unsolicited calls, it's a no from me no matter what someone's marital or relationship status is, if its not within a few seconds of me missing a call I send a text and ask them if it's OK to call or giving them an option of when I'm free to receive a call back.

In general I prefer to do all phone contact by text as its far more discreet

This  :thumbsup:

Offline tynetunnel

Personally i have no problem with unsolicited contact from hookers , infact im all for it but then im not cheating on anyone.
For all the guys who are punting on the sly and therefore think it is poor form they need to remember the rest of the world dosnt revolve around ensuring their skulduggery dosnt come to light , ultimately its their own personal responsibility to ensure they remain undetected , its unfair to automatically expect others to adopt a blanket zero contact policy just for fear of upsetting a few guys cheating on their wives.
Its like if ive told my partner ive quit gambling but actually its all lies and im still gambling on the sly and the bookies send a promo text whos at fault , do you refuse any sense of personal responsibility and say its poor form and the bookies fault for being indiscrete or do you accept personal responsibility for the fact that you are the one putting yourself in this situation by lying and being deceitful.  Is there any more grounds for expecting hookers to be clairvoyant about particular individual not wanting to be contacted than any other business. Id say not.
Obviously cheating punters will be a vocal minority saying its bad form but ultimately the issue is because some punters are punting on the sly , cheating and whatnot , thats the punters problem not the rest of the worlds , if your cheating and have alot at risk then thats just the risk you choose to take , you cant expect the rest of the world to dance around just to minimise the chance that jo bloggs from tinseltown dosnt get found out , the rest of the world isnt cheating and is quite happy to be contacted just like any other business.

I have no statistics to back this up, but I would guess that the majority of punters are cheating on someone. Even for those who aren’t, punting is frowned upon by much/most of society and is the reason why many keep their punting life discrete.

Your post comes over as very judgemental. You are of course entitled to your opinion, as am I. I do my best to remain undetected, nobody in real life knows I punt. I prefer that it stays that way and take precautions to maintain that.

I hope you get all the calls you desire from “hookers”, but be in no doubt, that desire is in a minority

Offline stevedave

I've never read such a load of rubbish, you may lead such a sad and lonely life that any contact with the outside world is welcome, but I certainly don't and I do not want any unsolicited phone calls from anyone let alone an SP.

I'm single and several SPs have my express permission to contact me at any time, either by txt or phone call, however when I first told them this they all sent an 'ok to call?' txt before phoning, it wasn't until I convinced them that a txt was not necessary that they would just phone. (Not that it happens very often BTW) That to me is acceptable unsolicited calls are not.

Can I ask what you are actually doing on a punting forum with the attitude you have. The whole sex industry is based on deceit and falsehoods, even the single punters who have any sense use a punting phone, punting name, punting email address and names here that have no association with their real name. Escorts have dedicated work phones, names etc and keep their private lives totally separate.

Are you saying 'cotton' is your real name or are you actually being as deceitful as the rest of us.   :unknown:


I can't imagine he even gets many calls from hookers, he hasn't bothered to review anything for over 2 years so presumably doesn't punt any more  :rolleyes:

Offline cotton

Hmm, sounds a bit like you're casting judgement on "cheating" punters and the "skulduggery" that it takes.

Maybe a punters forum isn't the place for you, with such sensitive ideals  :rose: :sarcastic:
Im not casting judgement any more than those saying its poor form of hookers to make contact with punters are casting judgement on hookers.  I just dont think it is poor form , i have no problem with it.  My point is that the reason those judging it to be poor form think this way is because they have some personal necessity for discretion , thats not my fault or the fault of any hooker , saying it is bad form is a subjective judgement based on the individuals circumstances and need for discretion.
How far do you want to displace the responsibility for people ensuring their own safety ?
like as i said before if ive told my partner ive quit gambling but actually its all lies and im still gambling on the sly and the bookies send a promo text whos at fault , do you refuse any sense of personal responsibility and say its poor form and the bookies fault for being indiscrete or do you accept personal responsibility for the fact that you are the one putting yourself in this situation by lying and being deceitful.  Is there any more grounds for expecting hookers to be clairvoyant about particular individual not wanting to be contacted than any other business. Id say not.
I personally dont think its fair to judge hookers contacting punters as wrong just because it dosnt suit certain punters .  If thats the case and they need to stay undetected then they would get a punting phone and do whatever else necessary to maintain their desired level of safety - the answer isnt to stop hookers contacting punters or say its wrong for hookers to contact punters , that my opinion.
My pov is that i dont care if other guys cheat on their wifes or Gfs thats up to them but taking care of their opsec is their responsibility , and i dont agree with making sweeping generalisations about such and such hooker behaviour is wrong when its not the hookers fault and the reasoning is completely skewed.

Offline cotton

I've never read such a load of rubbish, you may lead such a sad and lonely life that any contact with the outside world is welcome, but I certainly don't and I do not want any unsolicited phone calls from anyone let alone an SP.

I'm single and several SPs have my express permission to contact me at any time, either by txt or phone call, however when I first told them this they all sent an 'ok to call?' txt before phoning, it wasn't until I convinced them that a txt was not necessary that they would just phone. (Not that it happens very often BTW) That to me is acceptable unsolicited calls are not.

Can I ask what you are actually doing on a punting forum with the attitude you have. The whole sex industry is based on deceit and falsehoods, even the single punters who have any sense use a punting phone, punting name, punting email address and names here that have no association with their real name. Escorts have dedicated work phones, names etc and keep their private lives totally separate.

Are you saying 'cotton' is your real name or are you actually being as deceitful as the rest of us.   :unknown:

What attitude ?
As i said in reply 13 you can see it as a nuisance phone call just like any other nuisance phone call thats fair enough.  Its the idea that hookers are a special case that shouldnt be allowed to contact people is wrong .  If your opinion is you dont want any unsolicited calls from anyone i would say fair play , if your opinion is that you dont have a problem with carphonewarehouse contacting you but you do have a problem with hookers contacting you then i would ask why ? What is the problem ?
And my overarching point is that if punters have a need for discretion they should make provisions themselves , you cant discriminate that its just wrong for hookers to contact people because it serves your own individual circumstances , what about other people who have other circumstances and are completely cool with hookers contacting them.
Or is it ok for each party to have their own opinion.
Again i dont care about people cheating or doing whatever i just dont like people with a highly personal agenda laying down blanket rules like its wrong for hookers to contact punters and i am making a counter arguement.

Offline cotton

Cotton sometimes you make very good points

However this thread you are being judgemental as fuck and its really unpleasant, yes know what your gonna say.....I'm just a whore and it's got fuck all to do with me bla bla bla.....FYI I don't care.

I would say up to 75% of my clients are "cheating" and thats their choice, this should be a safe place for them to reside, to get advice and to contribute.

You have directly benefited from those cheating punters by them being here and reviewing their punts, those cheats have saved you money, saved you time and given you information on good wg's

As for unsolicited calls, it's a no from me no matter what someone's marital or relationship status is, if its not within a few seconds of me missing a call I send a text and ask them if it's OK to call or giving them an option of when I'm free to receive a call back.

In general I prefer to do all phone contact by text as its far more discreet
Yes well you being proactively considerate about punters and their circumstances is obviously to be applauded , i am just saying that the thousands of thoughtless hookers who just message us in the same way carphonewarehouse do shoudnt be singled out for critiscism , if certain punters have an acute need for discretion then they should make acheiving that their own responsibility and not start laying the blame on hookers.  Thats just my opinion.

Offline cotton

I have no statistics to back this up, but I would guess that the majority of punters are cheating on someone. Even for those who aren’t, punting is frowned upon by much/most of society and is the reason why many keep their punting life discrete.

Your post comes over as very judgemental. You are of course entitled to your opinion, as am I. I do my best to remain undetected, nobody in real life knows I punt. I prefer that it stays that way and take precautions to maintain that.

I hope you get all the calls you desire from “hookers”, but be in no doubt, that desire is in a minority
It shoudnt come over judgemental , i was just citing the case of punters cheating on their wives and partners because that is obviously a primary reason for some punters having an acute need for discretion and ergo a driving force behing why some (aforementioned) punters saying its wrong for hookers to make contact. It is a big factor in the discussion , thats all as far as i am concerned and i am making the arguement that hookers shoudnt be put in the boat of being told its wrong of them to contact punters.  Why should they be made to feel like they shoudnt contact people , including people who are happy to be contacted.  Woudnt it just be better for punters who have issues to sort their own privacy out so hookers can do what they like like everyone esle does in society and people who are happy to be messaged can be messaged.
Wether the majority of punters are cheating or single is another question , i figured the majority were single but i dont know.

Offline Moby Dick

Yes well you being proactively considerate about punters and their circumstances is obviously to be applauded , i am just saying that the thousands of thoughtless hookers who just message us in the same way carphonewarehouse do shoudnt be singled out for critiscism , if certain punters have an acute need for discretion then they should make acheiving that their own responsibility and not start laying the blame on hookers.  Thats just my opinion.
Not just yours mine too.
Why should WG be expected to read all messages, be expected to answer the phone 24/7, but expected not to reply/call back just incase the potential client is with a partner.
It’s the punters problem to find a solution that works for him; ie state text message only or via AW.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2021, 02:59:59 pm by Moby Dick »

Offline MissWolf

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Yes well you being proactively considerate about punters and their circumstances is obviously to be applauded , i am just saying that the thousands of thoughtless hookers who just message us in the same way carphonewarehouse do shoudnt be singled out for critiscism , if certain punters have an acute need for discretion then they should make acheiving that their own responsibility and not start laying the blame on hookers.  Thats just my opinion.

Its not about blaming it on hookers or being disingenuous to them at all, it's about cold calling or calling without considering the circumstances of the person you are calling.

I'm a fan of neither,  believe me the likes of carphonewherehouse get very short shift from me

Offline Moby Dick

Its not about blaming it on hookers or being disingenuous to them at all, it's about cold calling or calling without considering the circumstances of the person you are calling.

I'm a fan of neither,  believe me the likes of carphonewherehouse get very short shift from me

It’s not cold calling.
It’s returning a missed call

You are calling a personal mobile number. Not a land line used by several others.
I think it is courteous to call back, even if you just let it ring once and hang up, at least then I can see you are receptive for me to try again.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2021, 03:03:33 pm by Moby Dick »

Offline cotton

Its not about blaming it on hookers or being disingenuous to them at all, it's about cold calling or calling without considering the circumstances of the person you are calling.

I'm a fan of neither,  believe me the likes of carphonewherehouse get very short shift from me
How can a hooker be expected to know the circumstances of everyone she contacts ? Are you basically saying hookers should just err on the side of caution and because some punters have an acute need for discretion then they just shoudnt contact anyone.  Isnt that a bit unfair .  Its ideal for that section of punters with an acute need for discretion , but its not good for hookers and its not good for punters who are happy to be contacted.  Its like laying the responsibility for punter security on hookers and therby saying its wrong for hookers to contact anyone which to me just seems cockeyed and unfair :unknown:

Offline lamboman

In general I prefer to do all phone contact by text as its far more discreet

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Offline daviemac

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What attitude ?
As i said in reply 13 you can see it as a nuisance phone call just like any other nuisance phone call thats fair enough.  Its the idea that hookers are a special case that shouldnt be allowed to contact people is wrong .  If your opinion is you dont want any unsolicited calls from anyone i would say fair play , if your opinion is that you dont have a problem with carphonewarehouse contacting you but you do have a problem with hookers contacting you then i would ask why ? What is the problem ?
And my overarching point is that if punters have a need for discretion they should make provisions themselves , you cant discriminate that its just wrong for hookers to contact people because it serves your own individual circumstances , what about other people who have other circumstances and are completely cool with hookers contacting them.
Or is it ok for each party to have their own opinion.
Again i dont care about people cheating or doing whatever i just dont like people with a highly personal agenda laying down blanket rules like its wrong for hookers to contact punters and i am making a counter arguement.
i think you are suffering from a bit of selective reading, to quote myself, "I do not want any unsolicited phone calls from anyone let alone an SP." and that includes Carphone Warehouse or anyone else trying to sell something.

Your post comes across as very judgemental of people you see as 'cheating', yet you like the rest of us are not open and honest in this whole scenario.

A few years ago when my children were younger they would race to answer my phone and if you can't understand the difference between an unknown female and some company selling something well I don't know what to say really.  The only thing I will point out is they can say it's Carphone Warehouse and they wouldn't think anything of it, if it was an unidentified female it would be a topic of conversation with other family members and could lead to some very awkward questions.

Discretion is the name of the game as far as sex work is concerned and any SP should know better than to contact anyone out of the blue, it just isn't the same as sales calls.
How can a hooker be expected to know the circumstances of everyone she contacts ? Are you basically saying hookers should just err on the side of caution and because some punters have an acute need for discretion then they just shoudnt contact anyone.  Isnt that a bit unfair .  Its ideal for that section of punters with an acute need for discretion , but its not good for hookers and its not good for punters who are happy to be contacted.  Its like laying the responsibility for punter security on hookers and therby saying its wrong for hookers to contact anyone which to me just seems cockeyed and unfair :unknown:
You don't seem able to understand the concept of giving permission for calls, no sex worker should be calling anyone without that permission. Those like myself,  are quite capable of giving the OK to receive calls.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2021, 03:51:06 pm by daviemac »

Offline MissWolf

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It’s not cold calling.
It’s returning a missed call

You are calling a personal mobile number. Not a land line used by several others.
I think it is courteous to call back, even if you just let it ring once and hang up, at least then I can see you are receptive for me to try again.

No it's not cold calling to return a call but a lot of girls do cold call, sometimes days after an initial contact or just to tout for business and thats their choice.
I would still say it's better practice to text and say sorry I missed your call I'm free now please call back or please let me know when it's OK to return your call than to just return a missed call.
Especially when it's anything between several minutes to a few hours after the initial contact.

But that's just my way of working and others are free to do it their way, just as you are all free to come on here and complain about them not answering,  calling when it's inconvenient,  not calling back, calling back, only using text, not using text etc
« Last Edit: October 22, 2021, 04:01:22 pm by MissWolf »

Offline 20jay

Kindergarten, one have a cheap mobile phone and a disposable PAG number and then turn the thing on silent, otherwise you're an idiot.

I'm not cheting, despite this when I not want or expect a call back then I switch to silent. If someone calls the ladies from his private phone, he doesn't need to complain. :dash:

Offline daviemac

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No it's not cold calling to return a call but a lot of girls do cold call, sometimes days after an initial contact or just to tout for business and thats their choice.
I would still say it's better practice to text and say sorry I missed your call I'm free now please call back or please let me know when it's OK to return your call than to just return a missed call.
Especially when it's anything between several minutes to a few hours after the initial contact.

But that's just my way of working and others are free to do it their way, just as you are all free to come on here and complain about them not answering,  calling when it's inconvenient,  not calling back, calling back, only using text, not using text etc
That's the way I see it as well, if it's more than a few minutes then the call should not be returned SPs can't know a punters situation and they should always err on the side of caution. Though we have to remember the OP of this thread was making contact via txt but she phoned him. Had he wished to be contacted by phone he could have said in the final message.

Even the AW booking form has a date and time to be contacted.

Offline lamboman

Kindergarten, one have a cheap mobile phone and a disposable PAG number and then turn the thing on silent, otherwise you're an idiot.

I'm not cheting, despite this when I not want or expect a call back then I switch to silent. If someone calls the ladies from his private phone, he doesn't need to complain. :dash:

Can anybody translate this?
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Offline Moby Dick

No it's not cold calling to return a call but a lot of girls do cold call, sometimes days after an initial contact or just to tout for business and thats their choice.
I would still say it's better practice to text and say sorry I missed your call I'm free now please call back or please let me know when it's OK to return your call than to just return a missed call.
Especially when it's anything between several minutes to a few hours after the initial contact.

But that's just my way of working and others are free to do it their way, just as you are all free to come on here and complain about them not answering,  calling when it's inconvenient,  not calling back, calling back, only using text, not using text etc
Thats my point
WG are damned if they do, damned if the don’t.
Doesn’t matter who rings me, i have a choice of pressing the red or green button.
It’s up to the punter to control when he takes the call.
Texts can be more dangerous, you could be having a conversation with the wife and you wouldn’t know.

Offline 20jay

Offline lamboman

..what did you not understand ?

I don't think you are the best person to give a translation.
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Banned by: daviemac

Offline 20jay

I don't think you are the best person to give a translation.

Nå forstår jeg hva du mener .  :thumbsup:

Offline cotton

i think you are suffering from a bit of selective reading, to quote myself, "I do not want any unsolicited phone calls from anyone let alone an SP." and that includes Carphone Warehouse or anyone else trying to sell something.

Your post comes across as very judgemental of people you see as 'cheating', yet you like the rest of us are not open and honest in this whole scenario.

A few years ago when my children were younger they would race to answer my phone and if you can't understand the difference between an unknown female and some company selling something well I don't know what to say really.  The only thing I will point out is they can say it's Carphone Warehouse and they wouldn't think anything of it, if it was an unidentified female it would be a topic of conversation with other family members and could lead to some very awkward questions.

Discretion is the name of the game as far as sex work is concerned and any SP should know better than to contact anyone out of the blue, it just isn't the same as sales calls.You don't seem able to understand the concept of giving permission for calls, no sex worker should be calling anyone without that permission. Those like myself,  are quite capable of giving the OK to receive calls.
Im not saying that punters shoudnt be discreet , like if im sat in a doctors waiting room i dont want to be talking to a hooker so i turn my phone on silent, im saying that it is responsibility of punters to take care of their own discretion and safety not shift it unfairly onto hookers.  I take care of my own discretion on here by using the name cotton which isnt my real name.  If anyone is scared of their kids looking at their phones then they should passlock their phones at least.
If you shift the responsibility of punter discretion onto hookers then - 1 - hookers are unfairly burbened with the responsibility of punters safety and unfairly have there ability to contact people as normal impinged and 2 - if punters rely on hookers to be discrete it is a recipe for disaster anyway as alot of hookers dont accept this responsibility for being discrete in communication , so its a recipe for disaster.
Also i feel its discriminatory in a way - some punters have an acute need for discretion and because of this hookers suposedly shoudnt contact anyone, including people who want to be contacted , how unfair is that  :unknown: the problem lies with certain punters behaviour , ie , cheating etc , i dont have a problem with cheating but i think its unfair to throw the burden of responsibility to keeping it secret onto a third party , hookers arnt cheating so why stigmatise them with it.
Like i asked before - if im lying to my wife that ive quit gambling and the booky sends me a promo text or call is that bad form or wrong on the part of the booky  :unknown:  I would say not as its not the bookies responsibility to know individuals personal circumstances and needs , its up to the individual to do what is necessary for their own safety and discretion.
The booky is just doing a normal behaviour of contacting a potential customer - should hookers be any diferent , should hookers be considered a separate category of people in society  :unknown:
Some hookers like Misswolf may pro-actively try and be discreet and thats to be commended but i dont think you can critiscise other hookers who dont have this level of awareness or just choose to behave in a normal way and reply to peoples text inquiries like anyone else would and just behave like they are a normal person in society just doing a job and an honest days work. 
We shoudnt be loading our problems onto hookers , hookers are stigmatised enough already so personally id support them communicating just like anyone else rather going down the route of marginalising and stigmatising them due to what are individual punter issues.

Offline mr.bluesky

A regular I used to see always sent me a text first asking if she could call me. Surely this is the best way to go

Offline daviemac

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Im not saying that punters shoudnt be discreet , like if im sat in a doctors waiting room i dont want to be talking to a hooker so i turn my phone on silent, im saying that it is responsibility of punters to take care of their own discretion and safety not shift it unfairly onto hookers.  I take care of my own discretion on here by using the name cotton which isnt my real name.  If anyone is scared of their kids looking at their phones then they should passlock their phones at least.
If you shift the responsibility of punter discretion onto hookers then - 1 - hookers are unfairly burbened with the responsibility of punters safety and unfairly have there ability to contact people as normal impinged and 2 - if punters rely on hookers to be discrete it is a recipe for disaster anyway as alot of hookers dont accept this responsibility for being discrete in communication , so its a recipe for disaster.
Also i feel its discriminatory in a way - some punters have an acute need for discretion and because of this hookers suposedly shoudnt contact anyone, including people who want to be contacted , how unfair is that  :unknown: the problem lies with certain punters behaviour , ie , cheating etc , i dont have a problem with cheating but i think its unfair to throw the burden of responsibility to keeping it secret onto a third party , hookers arnt cheating so why stigmatise them with it.
Like i asked before - if im lying to my wife that ive quit gambling and the booky sends me a promo text or call is that bad form or wrong on the part of the booky  :unknown:  I would say not as its not the bookies responsibility to know individuals personal circumstances and needs , its up to the individual to do what is necessary for their own safety and discretion.
The booky is just doing a normal behaviour of contacting a potential customer - should hookers be any diferent , should hookers be considered a separate category of people in society  :unknown:
Some hookers like Misswolf may pro-actively try and be discreet and thats to be commended but i dont think you can critiscise other hookers who dont have this level of awareness or just choose to behave in a normal way and reply to peoples text inquiries like anyone else would and just behave like they are a normal person in society just doing a job and an honest days work. 
We shoudnt be loading our problems onto hookers , hookers are stigmatised enough already so personally id support them communicating just like anyone else rather going down the route of marginalising and stigmatising them due to what are individual punter issues.
You are being deliberately antagonistic, you are twisting words, try reading my posts again.

I'll see if I can explain once again in a way you can understand.

I did not say that escorts should not contact anyone.

I said that due to the nature of the game they should not contact punters without permission.

The OP of this thread was contacting the SP via txt message, the SP should have replied via txt message NOT by an unsolicited phone call.

By making contact by txt message the OP was being as discreet as he could, by replying to the txt message with a phone call the SP was not being discreet.

Had the OP said in his txt message when and how he could be contacted or that a phone call at any time was OK there would not be a problem and a call would be acceptable. He didn't so it wasn't.

I have given one example of why unsolicited calls are unacceptable but you don't seem to be able to differentiate between the reaction others would have if an unidentified female phoned compared to a company selling something.

Why do you think AW have a specific section where punters state a date and time to be contacted, it's because they understand the need for escorts to be discreet.

Hidden Image/Members Only

Just to reiterate so you don't misunderstand again.

Had the SP in this case replied to the OP by txt message there would not be a problem it is the fact she telephoned that caused the issue. So note I'm not saying she should not have replied but she should not have replied in the way she did.

To expand it a bit to cold calling, unsolicited telephone calls from ANYONE are unacceptable and are generally classed as a nuisance and in some cases are illegal. That is why you can register your number with the Telephone Preference Service - External Link/Members Only - when registered it allows you to opt out of receiving unsolicited sales and marketing calls, therefore it could be argued that it would be illegal for an escort to 'cold call' any punter who's number is registered to offer services.

« Last Edit: October 23, 2021, 09:59:54 am by daviemac »

Offline cotton

You are being deliberately antagonistic, you are twisting words, try reading my posts again.

I'll see if I can explain once again in a way you can understand.

I did not say that escorts should not contact anyone.

I said that due to the nature of the game they should not contact punters without permission.

The OP of this thread was contacting the SP via txt message, the SP should have replied via txt message NOT by an unsolicited phone call.

By making contact by txt message the OP was being as discreet as he could, by replying to the txt message with a phone call the SP was not being discreet.

Had the OP said in his txt message when and how he could be contacted or that a phone call at any time was OK there would not be a problem and a call would be acceptable. He didn't so it wasn't.

I have given one example of why unsolicited calls are unacceptable but you don't seem to be able to differentiate between the reaction others would have if an unidentified female phoned compared to a company selling something.

Why do you think AW have a specific section where punters state a date and time to be contacted, it's because they understand the need for escorts to be discreet.

Hidden Image/Members Only

Just to reiterate so you don't misunderstand again.

Had the SP in this case replied to the OP by txt message there would not be a problem it is the fact she telephoned that caused the issue. So note I'm not saying she should not have replied but she should not have replied in the way she did.

To expand it a bit to cold calling, unsolicited telephone calls from ANYONE are unacceptable and are generally classed as a nuisance and in some cases are illegal. That is why you can register your number with the Telephone Preference Service - External Link/Members Only - when registered it allows you to opt out of receiving unsolicited sales and marketing calls, therefore it could be argued that it would be illegal for an escort to 'cold call' any punter who's number is registered to offer services.
Thanks Davie, if these codes of conduct apply equally to everyone then i dont really have an objection, tbh this code that its wrong to call someone if they have texted 7you is unfamiliar to me but i dont critiscise anyone who adheres to it , if its more just a general code of conduct/best practice rather than hooker specific discrimination.
Anyway as an example if you text your plumber about getting something done and he calls you back is that bad form  :unknown:  My opinion would be that that isnt bad form thats just a business responding to a client same as lambomans hooker is doing. However i can see that according to your code of conduct it would be bad practice and thats fine if people have such a general code of conduct thats fine and it equally applies to hookers. My opinion is that hookers in this respect simply shoudnt be treated any diferently from anyone else , its punters responsibility to initiate contact with whoever they choose and also to sort their own opsec out not vice versa.  But if you would equally condemn the plumber for calling back then i can accept that it is just a diferent set of acceptable behaviour practices rather than specially discriminating against one particular type of worker.

Offline tynetunnel

But if you would equally condemn the plumber for calling back then i can accept that it is just a diferent set of acceptable behaviour practices rather than specially discriminating against one particular type of worker.

I think you know that the same rules wouldn’t necessarily apply to the plumber. Equally I think you are spending an awful lot of time writing paragraphs (although technically they aren’t) of text to hammer home your point time and again. Some might consider you to be trolling

Offline daviemac

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Thanks Davie, if these codes of conduct apply equally to everyone then i dont really have an objection, tbh this code that its wrong to call someone if they have texted 7you is unfamiliar to me but i dont critiscise anyone who adheres to it , if its more just a general code of conduct/best practice rather than hooker specific discrimination.
Anyway as an example if you text your plumber about getting something done and he calls you back is that bad form  :unknown:  My opinion would be that that isnt bad form thats just a business responding to a client same as lambomans hooker is doing. However i can see that according to your code of conduct it would be bad practice and thats fine if people have such a general code of conduct thats fine and it equally applies to hookers. My opinion is that hookers in this respect simply shoudnt be treated any diferently from anyone else , its punters responsibility to initiate contact with whoever they choose and also to sort their own opsec out not vice versa.  But if you would equally condemn the plumber for calling back then i can accept that it is just a diferent set of acceptable behaviour practices rather than specially discriminating against one particular type of worker.
First class trolling now, I don't believe you can possibly be this stupid.

Let me try one last time and I suggest you take some time out to think about what I am about to repeat.

If a plumber, electrician, builder, joiner, or any other trade person calls nobody would bat an eyelid. if a company selling something calls and introduces themselves as the company selling something nobody would bat an eyelid, neither situations would even be mentioned to other family members.

On the other hand if it was known an unidentified female had called me it would be a topic of interest to other family members, they would want to know who it was, had I met someone to start a relationship with? where do I know her from? it would lead to all kinds of questions and a need for me to offer some form of explanation.

In case you hadn't noticed sex work carries a certain stigma which in turn sets it apart from any other job. It's illegal for a sex worker to solicit in public that in itself sets it apart from any other business, have you never seen the likes of the AA, RAC or energy companies set up stalls outside of supermarkets to canvas for business, or people handing out advertising leaflets in the street, all are perfectly legal. That is the difference between sex work and the rest and if you can't see that well . . . . . . .