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Author Topic: Pathetic Wife writes Sugar Daddy News Article  (Read 3366 times)

Offline PatMacGroin

Just read this article highlighted by MSN News feed:

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With another version from the mirror:

External Link/Members Only

Feminists trying to create outrage about the treatment of a wife divorced after 20 years of marriage. Trying to blame seekingarrangements for encouraging this "disgusting" behaviour.

To me it reads more like a deluded, lazy woman that shouldn't really have been shocked to find that her free ride decided to get an upgrade once the kids were raised and probably old enough to understand.

"I thought I had it all: three beautiful kids, a CEO husband who took care of those beautiful kids when I traveled to East Africa to run a nonprofit, a big house in an affluent suburb in Silicon Valley, a vacation house at the lake."

"My husband and I never followed what could be considered “traditional” roles in our marriage. He cooked, did laundry and mostly shared the kid-rearing responsibilities. But, like an old-fashioned wife, I left all of the financial matters to him."... "I didn’t even know how much our family spent on monthly bills."

"I was graying, had a sagging body, and had been a complete stranger to the traditional job market for more than two decades."... "Was my husband giving money — our money — to these women in exchange for sex? The possibility alone turned my stomach."

So he earned all the money, and by the sound of did most of the work to keep the house and raise the kids. But she has the right to outraged about what he did with "their" money?

To the husband I say well done mate, sounds like you are definitely much better off getting out of that one!


  • Guest
Sounds about par for the course  :thumbsdown:

Offline S.X. MacHine

I took the time to read the article, or whinge, rather.
What surprised me was that the CEO husband shared a bank account with the missus and paid for his fun off that same account.
Rookie error.

Offline Bangers and Gash

Sounds about par for the course  :thumbsdown:

Yup. In most cases women become fat, lazy and materialistic after a few years of marriage. Best to avoid it where possible.  :hi:

Offline pythondan

Top work fella - hope the lazy bitch does not get more than she "deserves" as part of the split


  • Guest
Top work fella - hope the lazy bitch does not get more than she "deserves" as part of the split

She will,  they always do. My bigest fear and regret since getting married


  • Guest


  • Guest
Yup. In most cases women become fat, lazy and materialistic after a few years of marriage. Best to avoid it where possible.  :hi:


Offline datwabbit

Wife should be happy.

Her caring husband was helping cash starved students get through college.

Offline DeanoDeano

I really hoped that article was going to end with the wife setting herself up a profile and getting $100 every time someone wanted to duck her up the arse.


  • Guest
"our" money - what a fucking bitch, it is HIS money, I can´t understand how guys can be stupid enough to marry nowadays, the law is not your friend  :manhater:

Offline Blackpool Rock

"our" money - what a fucking bitch, it is HIS money, I can´t understand how guys can be stupid enough to marry nowadays, the law is not your friend  :manhater:
Ah yes it's that sense of "entitlement" again, not sure about the claim above that they get it after a couple years of marriage, i'd say it happens well before that.
The law on marriage hasn't changed but clearly needs updating in line with the modern world, guys need their head feeling for getting hitched in the last 30 years once society norms changed enough for co-habiting to become socially acceptable

Offline Taggart

Yup. In most cases women become fat, lazy and materialistic after a few years of marriage. Best to avoid it where possible.  :hi:

And there's a distinct lack of meaningful sex which is why guys punt........

Offline tynetunnel

Ah yes it's that sense of "entitlement" again, not sure about the claim above that they get it after a couple years of marriage, i'd say it happens well before that.
The law on marriage hasn't changed but clearly needs updating in line with the modern world, guys need their head feeling for getting hitched in the last 30 years once society norms changed enough for co-habiting to become socially acceptable
Exactly. I’m only still married because I know how much the thieving bitch would take me for if I left and divorced her. So currently I’m trapped because of the law’s. If I’d had the benefit of a crystal ball all those years ago, I’d never have got married. This cow in the story wants a great big fucking slap!

Offline Hurley

Fancy doing it through a joint bank account some folks have no sense whatsoever

Offline piotrskut

i never saw the attraction in seekingarrangements or the whole sugar daddy thing.  if you want to fuck, pay an escort a one time fee, not fund some dumb silly bitch's lifestyle.  if she wants more money, get more clients, or take it up the arse.

Offline fed24

I was going to comment that she has every right to feel betrayed then I read the article and noted the timeline of events.

She has been married to him for twenty years marrying whilst she was in her twenties, she stated that she was a yoga teacher as well. So we can conclude that she was probably a highly attractive athletic woman at that time -  a trophy wife. I would guess he was older maybe mid to late thirties when they married, they then spent twenty years having a family where he did everything and she did by all accounts sod all.

Roll on twenty years and she is letting her body sag (it happens that is biology) and taking everything for granted and not truly appreciating what he was doing for them. It is telling that he told her it was nice to be appreciated by these woman.

So back to the timeline, the marriage starts to break down three years earlier yet the financial evidence show that he only started to use the Sugar daddy service a year earlier and there was couples counselling before he started to use those services. I can make a good guess how that couples counselling went, her telling him that he needs to work harder on their marriage!

She was trophy wife, she took it for granted and then one day her wealthy husband in his mid to late fifties probably thought to himself "Sod this" when he realised that he was married to a woman that was all take and no give. I'm impressed he held the pretence as long as he did even if he did make a rookie mistake with his bank account.

This woman sounds like a complete leach, that she thought that the money he had earned was hers is pitiful!
« Last Edit: August 19, 2018, 03:46:33 pm by fed24 »

Offline PatMacGroin

I was going to comment that she has every right to feel betrayed then I read the article and noted the timeline of events.

She has been married to him for twenty years marrying whilst she was in her twenties, she stated that she was a yoga teacher as well. So we can conclude that she was probably a highly attractive athletic woman at that time -  a trophy wife. I would guess he was older maybe mid to late thirties when they married, they then spent twenty years having a family where he did everything and she did by all accounts sod all.

Roll on twenty years and she is letting her body sag (it happens that is biology) and taking everything for granted and not truly appreciating what he was doing for them. It is telling that he told her it was nice to be appreciated by these woman.

So back to the timeline, the marriage starts to break down three years earlier yet the financial evidence show that he only started to use the Sugar daddy service a year earlier and there was couples counselling before he started to use those services. I can make a good guess how that couples counselling went, her telling him that he needs to work harder on their marriage!

She was trophy wife, she took it for granted and then one day her wealthy husband in his mid to late fifties probably thought to himself "Sod this" when he realised that he was married to a woman that was all take and no give. I'm impressed he held the pretence as long as he did even if he did make a rookie mistake with his bank account.

This woman sounds like a complete leach, that she thought that the money he had earned was hers is pitiful!

That was exactly my read of the situation.

She is going to the papers and no doubt everyone they knew going on about betrayal. But he is still better off out of it. She is clearly a pathetic, deluded and lazy leech. My only concern would be how the kids see him now, and if she is twisting them against him.

Offline bronson24

Im in my mid 30s. Own house car and a pretty good paying job. No kids, never been married and after reading this article and other members comments. I think im deffo swaying towards never ever wanting to get married or even having a woman living with me in my house as its a seriously risky deal these days for men

Offline Plan R

This kind of 'male sexual desire is bad' article is par for the course now.  :wackogirl:

Offline shagmore

Yep, at the end of the day, she didn't look after herself, or have sex. Thats what blokes want.
She had an easy life, you would have thought she would have paid attention to the gravy train so he would at least stick with her, but to let herself go. Good on him.

Us blokes want sex, simply, when women can understand this the world will be a better place. We don't want to know what the neighbours are doing, who who said this or that, just sex.

At least with a Wg, you go along, they look the part (in most cases), you dump your load and that it.

Offline Lemo

Personally, I find that when articles like these appear, they are put out there on purpose by people that own the website.
A few years ago, I think it may have been ‘benaughty’ appeared in the press, then suddenly the site was flooded with males paying a small fee to find females in the area. 99% of the female profiles were fake, they didn’t bother removing them which clearly had scam written all over it.
Then the recent article about Ashley Madison, again, saw 1000’s of males swarming....
So for me, it’s ‘here we go again’ I’m afraid. Probably a bullshit article just to get the readers to take a look at the site and think why not have a quick dabble.

Offline King Kenny

What struck me was the part about him being a CEO, presumably earning a packet, and doing everything around the house as well. She did fuck all except get fat and saggy. Didn't add anything to the marriage. And she's surprised he looked elsewhere? Fucking hell.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2018, 11:35:27 pm by King Kenny »

Offline Plan R

i never saw the attraction in seekingarrangements or the whole sugar daddy thing.  if you want to fuck, pay an escort a one time fee, not fund some dumb silly bitch's lifestyle.  if she wants more money, get more clients, or take it up the arse.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Offline Blackpool Rock

What struck me was the part about him being a CEO, presumably earning a packet, and doing everything around the house as well. She did fuck all except get fat and saggy. Didn't add anything to the marriage. And she's surprised he looked elsewhere? Fucking hell.
The other thing that I always recall hearing (and always seems to be recited by a woman) is that "marriage is better for men than woman"
I'm sure that almost everyone on here would call bollocks on that but try googling it and it brings up an almost endless list of links which all purport to back this up, sorry but I just don't see it  :unknown: