Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Casey Love  (Read 2202 times)


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What's going on with Casey's profile? - it was down for a couple of days which I assumed she took it down for Xmas, but it's back today with a new name (jessij) & location of Bristol  :unknown:

The gallery pics are her but the main profile pic is not. Profile hacked maybe?  :unknown:

External Link/Members Only


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First thing she says on her profile is e-mail for tour suggestions, and I noticed she was some ware else yesterday , Newport couple of weeks ago and Pembroke , spreading the love ? , W B's profile is down , maintenance I guess. These things Change and evolve all the time, so long as Thay don't pack it in .


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WB's went down around the same time, I guess it's down for Christmas too. Casey's on the other hand, like I say is a different name & a photo of somebody else.


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I'll be seeing them both next week so only then will I know what Casey looks like facialy, probubley just revamping there profiles for the new year, good time to do that stuff. Surprised more don't do it while off. Some new photos etc is always nice, some have had the same pics for over ten years ?


  • Guest
I'll be seeing them both next week so only then will I know what Casey looks like facialy, probubley just revamping there profiles for the new year, good time to do that stuff. Surprised more don't do it while off. Some new photos etc is always nice, some have had the same pics for over ten years ?
More likely to avoid 1000000 happy christmas message from sad Wankers who have never met them and think they care.

My Monday booking let me know she got 100s of these in the run up to Christmas and turned it off and contact via phone until new year.


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I sent five happy xmases to fellow punters by e-mail and said the same to my last punt as I went out the door ! Don't think I've Evan wished the o h one and she spent hours doing dinner for 10, the guilt !


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 :dash: :scare: :manhater:
I was hoping to keep a low profile while my safety and privacy are endangered!!! Agh!! Seems I'll have to bury caseyjo for good as hiding myself in another city and changing profile pic has not been enough to deter the person I'm hiding from. Please if ANY of you recognise me in the future once I have spent time re establishing not EVER link me to Casey Jo!! You will be putting me in danger.
Thank you xx


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:dash: :scare: :manhater:
I was hoping to keep a low profile while my safety and privacy are endangered!!! Agh!! Seems I'll have to bury caseyjo for good as hiding myself in another city and changing profile pic has not been enough to deter the person I'm hiding from. Please if ANY of you recognise me in the future once I have spent time re establishing not EVER link me to Casey Jo!! You will be putting me in danger.
Thank you xx

Might be better to start a brand new profile then rather than just change the name and pic on an existing one.

Online WelshMichael

Might be better to start a brand new profile then rather than just change the name and pic on an existing one.

+1 Also, if someone has your profile saved in an AW hot list it will reappear when it's reactivated regardless of the name change. And if you think that this thread may compromise your safety contact Admin and ask for it to be removed.

Offline charlie-mott

:dash: :scare: :manhater:
I was hoping to keep a low profile while my safety and privacy are endangered!!! Agh!! Seems I'll have to bury caseyjo for good as hiding myself in another city and changing profile pic has not been enough to deter the person I'm hiding from. Please if ANY of you recognise me in the future once I have spent time re establishing not EVER link me to Casey Jo!! You will be putting me in danger.
Thank you xx

Your profile will still appear with the user id (numbered) link - which is used here on reviews.


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Is it just me or are there some sad fuckwits knocking about, this hobby is supposed to be the most thrilling fun you can have with your socks off, but there are a few sad cunts out there that just have to make life that much more mind numbingly tedious for as many as Thay can, obviously down to a lack of real substance in life in general .   I have no idea as to the lengths this butt fuck has gone to but if She feels this unsafe in How she has to work , well , sad or what ! safety is uppermost for all these girls and must come first. Don't give a fuck how fluffy that comes across, Take the advice above if you feel that Will help.


  • Guest
Is it just me or are there some sad fuckwits knocking about, this hobby is supposed to be the most thrilling fun you can have with your socks off, but there are a few sad cunts out there that just have to make life that much more mind numbingly tedious for as many as Thay can, obviously down to a lack of real substance in life in general .   I have no idea as to the lengths this butt fuck has gone to but if She feels this unsafe in How she has to work , well , sad or what ! safety is uppermost for all these girls and must come first. Don't give a fuck how fluffy that comes across, Take the advice above if you feel that Will help.

True some people are a disgrace to the human race, shame she has to do this to stay safe.

The minority make these things difficult for all involved.

Offline Mikeh38

I've been wanting to comment on this for a few days,

Seriously guys before we start threads like this one, have a think as to why a respected lady would want to move and change her name ? not all the guys on this board are nice people, and I have no doubt that the person concerned with this instance reads this board and will stop at nothing to destroy this ladies life.

A very sad person IMHO

Offline mashit1

Total and utter pricks out there who can spoil it for all us genuine punters. Also this more importantly affecting a young ladies income and safety. Only one thing for people like him , chop the fucker off  :manhater: the


  • Guest
I've been wanting to comment on this for a few days,

Seriously guys before we start threads like this one, have a think as to why a respected lady would want to move and change her name ? not all the guys on this board are nice people, and I have no doubt that the person concerned with this instance reads this board and will stop at nothing to destroy this ladies life.

A very sad person IMHO

Not sure why you kept quiet then when you could have either PM'd me to ask admin if he would remove the thread or ask him yourself?

I started the thread & it was a genuine enquiry, as I said I thought that the original profile had been hacked. As others have said, a new profile needs to be started, the old one was in my HL which is why it showed up. Also the previious FB shows the previous name of the SP.

I apologise to the lady concerned, no malice was intended on my part whatsoever. I sincerely hope she manages to deal with the scumbag who is giving her grief.  :hi: 

Offline DevilD

Good reply tonibell. Your sincerity is obvious. Her health now should be paramount


  • Guest
Thank you for your kind support guys...much appreciate it and I see no harm was meant xx

i will take on board all your suggestions...

Take care and continue to enjoy yourselves  xx it is what we are all here for after all

Have a Great end of Year celebration  :dancegirl: :kiss:


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I'm curious as to who it would be and what he's done?

« Last Edit: January 07, 2016, 08:57:46 pm by thatguy »

Offline Georgeisnotmynamw

I want to see her again, gutted!