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Author Topic: Gambia - any experiences?  (Read 146810 times)


  • Guest
Hi guys newbie here hoping to gain a wealth of your expertise
im off to the Gambia for 2 weeks and a mate has told me its more difficult not to pull than it is to
so looking for your experiences if any im planning on talking a handful of jonnies in case I get lucky
so what are the do's and donts


  • Guest
well funny you should ask - I know a bit about Gambia.

Senegambia is where its at.

Its a strip of restaurants and bars.

Places to look out for are Britianna and Club  Wow - there is also a Euro top end type bar called Aquarius - although I didnt party there.

cost of a friend for the night - about £10.

We had a lot of fun there - great place for a real girl friend experience.


  • Guest
Another update - just come back from 10 days there.

Time Inn - is the new spot.

Sadly - the Britt is not as busy any more.

Also - another new place - Pata Pata - near the famour Luigis resturant appears to be a good pick up - around 10/11pm ish.

Offline insignia

ive also just come back was with the wife who wouldn't let me out of here sight lol. it was blatently everywhere brit bar, time bar, or basically a white bloke on his own just stand still for 2 minutes you will pull  love the place


  • Guest
Hey Insignia - I must admit - I posted a more full update on ISG.

I personally found Time Inn to be better than anywhere else - the Britt I used to love, however its just not the busy place anymore.

Shame you cant party with your wife?

I saw an English couple in the Britt - wasnt you by any chance?

Mobile phone with a power pack charger?

Offline insignia

hey pete no mate wasn't us only went in there twice wife was getting pissed off as a Gambian beauty was apparently giving me the eye. all I got for the whole 2 weeks was a massage at our hotel ( no extras) . Didn't go in time though it looked rammed nor any clubs. I also thought solomans on the beach would be a good spot and the baileys bar a little further to the left .
sundays from 5pm on the beach there was 1,000s of locals great atmosphere. If I ever become single I will be living in Gambia then we can have a full on punting party 

Online badsin

I keen to go to Gambia, as I quite like the Ganja as well as the ladies! Any recommendations on travel agents, and accommodation?  :hi:


  • Guest
I am in Banjul at the moment, I am out here with work about 5 times a year.

You don't need to worry about which bar to go to, or whether a girl is a WG or not, all you have to do is smile at them and they will come and talk to you. I even got offered a blow job with my juice if I brought one off one of the fruit ladies on the beach!!

Offline insignia

Firstly badsin thomas cook from gatwick birmingham or further north prices have doulbled in past few weeks or Gambia experience fly from gatwick on tues and friday grab a late deal its cheaper.
secondly xlentt is quite right it is everywhere i have my own place out here one night around 2am i felt the urge so went and stood by the rd outside the villa and within 10 mins i had a beauty for the night 500 dalassi about £10. Time and brit always a certainty but another good night is pata pata just down from palma rima hotel and then at the entrance to the beach you have the choice of around a dozen massage shacks all with HE. Enjoy its an amazing place

Online badsin

Firstly badsin thomas cook from gatwick birmingham or further north prices have doulbled in past few weeks or Gambia experience fly from gatwick on tues and friday grab a late deal its cheaper.
secondly xlentt is quite right it is everywhere i have my own place out here one night around 2am i felt the urge so went and stood by the rd outside the villa and within 10 mins i had a beauty for the night 500 dalassi about £10. Time and brit always a certainty but another good night is pata pata just down from palma rima hotel and then at the entrance to the beach you have the choice of around a dozen massage shacks all with HE. Enjoy its an amazing place

Very interesting, im likely to be visiting Ghana soon (free accommodation, just pay for, but im still very interested in Gambia. From what I have read a lovely little country, despite the recent upset regards the dipposed former president.
Out of interest, how much would a decent villa cost to buy outright??  :hi:

Offline insignia

A decent 2 bed villa you can get for around £27,000 mate theres plenty around, and the recent upset didnt really happen people were celebrating on the streets it was a massive over reaction. theres a good little estate agent at the bottom of the strip next to senegambia beach hotel

Online badsin

27k, is that for a new purpose built property?
Im thinking bout investing in a place, and this seems as good a place as any.
As stated, I quite like smoking the weed, and this seems a great country, ticks many of the boxes id be looking for. Im looking into sea fishing also, I assume that's good?? :hi:

Offline insignia

mate you wont regret it. fishing wise off the beach for barracda lady fish butter fish and jusy down the rd uou got tanji fishing village now thats an experience mate go for it

Offline MrClive

I heard malaria is widespread over there. Any truth in this?

Think this would put me off.

Offline insignia

clive no its not yes there are mozzies but rarely have i heard about malaria. Be safe and order some malorone tablets you will need to take 1 a day  start taking them 2 days before travel 1 every day you are there and 7 days after returning. im heading back there tuesday morning cant wait. Also dont buy doxycyclone tablets they give bad side effects

Offline MilleMiglia

Do not self medicate, especially with regard to antimalarials. Seek professional medical advice.

Offline insignia

i actually live in gambia 4 months a year any pharmacy will tell you the same and when to take them . but as mentioned above take medical advice first


  • Guest
Can anyone recommend which hotels are the best in the area?

Offline insignia

hi the drum many hotels in area not all girl friendly. Palma rima is good i mlie from strip and nice big pool otherwise senagambia beach or sarges or Kariba all in the centre have fun mate 

Offline scutty brown

hi the drum many hotels in area not all girl friendly. Palma rima is good i mlie from strip and nice big pool otherwise senagambia beach or sarges or Kariba all in the centre have fun mate

hate to put a dampener on things, but whats the HIV / AIDS rate like in The Gambia? Are the local condoms any good?

Offline insignia

to be fair mate its rare no worse than in uk condom wise ive never used them always take my own

ordinary guy

  • Guest
Cheers  for the updates  ,   I've  been to Gambia  4 times  ,  but not been for about 6 years  ,   but if any little deals crop up to go there around November this year  , I'll be going back for a visit  ,  i really like the place .

i dont' think it's a nice as Kenya   ,  but it's a very nice second choice   :)

Another update - just come back from 10 days there.

Time Inn - is the new spot.

Sadly - the Britt is not as busy any more.

Also - another new place - Pata Pata - near the famour Luigis resturant appears to be a good pick up - around 10/11pm ish.

Online badsin

Are there cheaper flights or packages now? I checked earlier in the year and prices were ruthless...

Offline Widescreen

I agree, I was looking as well, prices for flight only are crazy.....

Offline insignia

ive got flight booked for nov 21st for 10 nights £289 with thomas cook from birmingham. But gambia experience have some great late deals like £500 for 7 nights flight and hotel. External Link/Members Only

Offline Widescreen

£500 is great ?   Hell no.....

Offline blueruin

is there a reliable list of girl friendly hotels? i'd hate to go and discover i couldnt tale any of my new friends back to my hotel.

Offline Widescreen

Now that is a good question indeed.  I know that the ones I have stayed in have guards at the doors/entrances.  As most things there flow better with a few Dalasi, maybe you need to grease the wheels, so to speak to get them in.

Offline blueruin

well i did hear certain guesthouses and apartments are better, but all the monger friendly places are booked well in advance. While the flights are available for this season suitable places seem to be booked out already.

Offline insignia

im going in 10 days couldnt find any monger friendly with availabilty so im in my normal hotel. you can take guests back but you have to pay around £20 i night but still cheap in long run

Offline blueruin

Thanks for the tip, although sounds like security gets about as much as the girl does.

Offline insignia

its the hotel that charge mate not guys on gate and thats all night to include brekky

Offline guydee

Hi all
anyone know if the Senegambia Beach Hotel is girl friendly ?

Offline insignia

no its not mate came back yesterday amazing time but better off getting apartment

Offline GeminiGuy1981

I've been going to The Gambia for years, not to punt by the way, but I have done a bit of dabbling around as you do. The HIV rates in Gambia are higher than the UK but nowhere near as bad as southern Africa. I think the HIV rate is about 2% of the population from the top of my head. There are a lot of beautiful girls out and about of a night time, especially in Britannia Bar, Time Inn and WOW nightclub, but most of these are from either Guinea Conakry, Liberia & Sierra Leone and can be a bit hardcore money wise and they'll pester you to death if you give them your number. Never give them your UK number, just give them your Africell number if you have to, as you'll more than likely be binning it when you come back home. They only last 3 months if unused. I've met a few Gambian girls and to be fair, they have had the nicest temperament, followed by the Guinea girls, but I'd avoid the Sierra Leonean & Liberian girls. Because they are getting a bit of a bad reputation they will lie and say they are Gambian when they are not. It's easy to tell them apart, especially the Liberians who have this somewhat weird American type of accent. If you want a nice Gambian girl it's best to check out the cleaners and waitresses etc in the hotels and bars, downsides being most will work 7 days a week. I always fly there with Thomas Cook, and flight only averages around £350 with 20kg luggage each way. Flights are around 6 hours but sometimes they land to refuel in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria or Faro in Portugal because the A321 they use is at it's flight envelope limit and if there's a strong headwind or there's excess luggage/charity luggage, they can't fill it to the top as it would be above the maximum take off weight, so bare that in mind, but it only normally adds an hour on to the flight. I have had 3 fuel stops. One in Faro, One in Las Palmas, and a very rare refuel at Dakar in Senegal last October, they completely ballsed that one up and it took us nearly 12 hours to get  to Banjul. Overall Gambia is a great place, all the women in the Tourist Development Area (TDA) speak English and the beer, Julbrew, is cheap enough. I enjoy it and go about 2 or 3 times a year.

Offline BobTheJob

I'm going to Gambia for the first time in April. Having had a pretty awful start to 2018 I just need a few days of sun etc. Of course if the opportunity to monger comes about I certainly won't turn it down! I've read through this thread and just wondered if anyone has any recent experiences and recommendations as to places to eat, drink etc in Kololi. I'm traveling alone, in my 50's and going for the first time so worried I might stick out like a sore thumb! Even so....I can't wait  :cool:

Offline insignia

ive just come back fro a 2 weeker and mate any bar any rd and eating place you will pull. food wise 3 chicks at bottom of srip or paradise pizza half way down. Mongering wise definately time inn or a slightly quieter brittania or binnys bar they all next door to each other top of strip 100yrdsto the right have a great time cuz i did. price wise 1,000d all night about £15. if you go in time look for the stunner with blonde extensions she is amazing.

Offline BobTheJob

Thanks for the sitrep Insignia. Much appreciated Sir. It's interesting that some say Time and Brittania are not what they usd to be. Of course I've no first hand experience hence enquiringly here. Binnys has not been mentioned by anyone else so I shall check it out in April......and the 'extension-blonde' also!  :thumbsup:

Offline insignia

all good mate time on a saturday night is packed from around 11pm and britannia not so busy till 12ish binnys is in the middle of the 2 but its quiet but nice for a chillout drink. Wednesday nights is ladies night everywhere dont miss it

Offline BobTheJob

I'm only there for a week. Arrive Mon pm so hopefully will have found my feet by Weds/Ladies Night if not before! To be honest I like the sound of Binnys....much prefer to chill than to be shoulder-to-shoulder in a sweat box. But I guess it will depend on the company!

Offline insignia

where you going to be staying bob

Offline BobTheJob

I will be at the Holiday Beach Club in Kololi. Was going to do flight only and sort accom myself but the cheapest flight I could find when looking was as much as the flight/accom package at HBC! From what I've seen it's right next to the strip? Reviews are mixed but I only need a place to crash....plan to be out and about as much as poss  :yahoo:

Offline insignia

nice hotel mate and yes its 100 yrds from strip you will enjoy im jealouse

Offline BobTheJob

Not out there until late April but less than 6 weeks til I go now.....not that I am counting the days of course. Will keep you informed as to how the trip goes. Thanks for your advice Insignia. Must appreciated.


  • Guest
I just came from the Gambia yesterday. Wonderful place. As most people have said, Time Inn is the place to be- I took two girls from there both in their 20s home, gave them £50, both stayed all night. One of the girls was a stunner in black, she's senegalese with short hair.

I would also suggest trying Reo's, which is further down the strip near the Senegambia hotel. Classy and chilled place for a drink, but you would find better looking girls there in comparison to Time Inn in my opinion.

All in all, i did about 6 girls in the space of 10 days and this only cost me like a £150.

Offline BobTheJob

Thanks for the update Midobian. It would seem you have had an enjoyable stay! I'm beginning to think I've made a mistake in only going for 7 days! Ah well, it was only a spur of the moment thing and I wasn't sure if I'd enjoy it out there on my own.....I can always go back later in the year if I enjoy it. I like to chill so on your recommendation I will certainly give Reo's a try when I am out there next month!
I'd not want to fall foul of my hotel if they are not so forgiving of 'guests' - are there places to stay short term?

Offline insignia

Seabreeze apartments top of strip turn left about half mile on right great food gorgeouse slim girl works there and mike the owner is top bloke and its girl friendly tv fridge and safe in the rooms all for about £130 a week. Also Easy time lodge. Bob your hotel will probably charge you 1,000d or £10 to bring guest in for the night

Offline BobTheJob

Ah, thanks for that Insignia. 1000d as and when will be more than acceptable. But at least I now know there are options. I'm an old boy so its not like I will have guests every night!


  • Guest
Oasis apartments is the place. I stayed there for 10 days and had no issues. Just make sure you double check with the girls if they have ID before going back. They check this to protect both you and the girl.

Offline BobTheJob

Cheers Mid. Your advice is much appreciated. I've booked a package already as at the time it was almost the same price as flight only?! But make that when I was to go again I'd be happy to sort my own accom based on the advice given here.