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Author Topic: Lady Marmalade Parties  (Read 40610 times)

162 review(s) for Phoenix Parties (145 positive, 12 neutral, 4 negative) [Indexed by Steely Dan]

Offline jimmypoo

External Link/Members Only

4pm party on Thursday 8th August 2013.

I've been 70+ times to LMP, the vast majority of parties have been good to excellent - for all sorts of reasons, Snogging a girl as 2 others sucked my wanger, hi-5ing a fellow party guest as we spit-roasted a lucky lady or a full blown orgy where everybody was involved.

The bad parties are a lot harder to pin down on why they didn't work.  Was it a lack of chemistry, that certain something in the air, hoggers...

I never felt I could blame Moss, LADY M, et al, for a bad party.  Some girls are certainly  better party-ers  than others but there's usually such  a good combination,  that you will always find one that will know what buttons to push.

This was my first time at to the new venue.  Location is good.  Bathroom is nice and big.

I arrived at 3.50pm, along with just about everybody else.  Changing room was too small for anymore than 4 guys - there were 6 of us trying to change.

Little line for the shower, I got in & out by 4.05pm - no problem.

I went into the first party room to be greeted by the sight of 4 beautiful female arses bent over- WOW!  These girls were fit!  They were all bending over fellow party-goers, orally relieving them!

2 new guys swapped places with 2 of the guys that were getting OWO, so now they were getting OWO and the guys that swapped had sheathed up and doing doggy on their respective partners.

I went to the next room and saw more of the same, girls bending over guys, giving oral, whilst receiving  Doggy.

My first disappointment was that there are only 2 party rooms.  They're larger than the  largest rooms at the old Lancaster Gate venue and have much higher ceilings but I felt the beds were too close together.

Time to jump into the thick of it.  Jennifer's(I assume it was her, faces are blurred on the site and she's had quite a few additional tattoos added) beautiful pert bottom was free, I gently patted it, she stopped sucking cock and turned around to give me a lovely smile.  The Gentleman she was servicing made way for me, as he wanted to now service Jennifer Doggy style or so I thought.  It would appear he couldn't wait to get out of the position he was in.

Unfortunately we were sharing the bed with another threesome and the guy I had to lie next to was taking up three/quarters of the bed.  I'm not a big guy(5'9, 12.5 Stone), I didn't really feel the mattress was suitable for 2 guys my size, this guy was considerably bigger.  Part of parties is that you are going to brush against other guys but this was very uncomfortable.  To get on the bed, I had to move right up against him, the whole left side of my body was touching his right side.  I was having problems settling my left leg down on the bed because not only was my Siamese-twin hogging the bed but his legs were spread as wide apart as possible and the guy who was performing doggy in their menage du trois had his foot on the bed to get some sort of leverage.  I didn't want to leave my foot 6 inches in the air off of the mattress and risk getting cramp, so I bent my leg into a position it could rest on the mattress - little uncomfortable and unpleasant.

Jennifer cleaned my already clean member with a wetwipe and gave some good OWO.  Just as I was rising to the occasion, the Gentlemen who gallantly gave up the predicament I was now in, tried to perform Doggy on Jennifer.  She is quite petite, so it required him to get on the crowded bed, need I say more?  He gave up after a few attempts.  I was fast losing interest, so I massaged myself into arousal and asked for cowgirl.  Condom on, lube on, hairy arm reaches across my viewpoint, brushing my face twice, feeling up Jennifer's boobs and staying there obscuring my view.  My bedfellow had struck again!  I asked him if he minded because I couldn't see Jennifer's face and really would like to, he quickly retracted his arm.  Back to business, only to be foiled again by an erect penis 6 inches from my face - this new guy wanted to get some OWO from Jennifer whilst I was trying to enter her - a little space, please mate.

I made my apologies to Jennifer and said I needed a break.  It was a hot day and I absorbed a lot of sweat from my bed partner, so I had another shower.

I then went into the kitchen, which I assume is also the dining area, it's very small.  I had a small cup of beer and chatted to the new guy working there - a very pleasant chap.

I returned to the Party, hoping I would be luckier in the other room.  All girls were bent over, arses in air, sucking cock whilst  some gents were watching.  Barbara's lovely big bum was free, so I lovingly pet it.  The guy she was working on, soon finished.  Barbara asked me to wait because she wanted a shower, so I sat on the bed waiting.  When she came back she had a line of guys following here, I was quite happy when she told them I was next.

I got into position next to my new bedfellow, a complete Gent who asked if I had enough room - I did, thank you, sir. 

Barbara performed a very rough wipe down, she then got another wipe and twisted my limp member - I'd had 3 showers in the last hour(1 at work and 2 at the party), the last not being more than 10 minutes earlier and I'd not come into contact with any of the girls in the mean time.  Finally, I was in her mouth, not bad technique but no stirrings, she then pulled my cock as if stretching chewing gum.  My dick was now dead.

I apologised and said I needed a break. 

I surveyed the situation, walked between rooms a few times and came to the decision that it would be best that I go.  I'd totally lost interest, so I left early.

There was 12/13 guys at the party.

In conclusion, I didn't like the new venue only having 2 party rooms.  I didn't feel the rooms were set out well enough to maximise space.  I think the beds & mattresses were too small.

Girls were all Gorgeous!

Party lacked je nais se quoi.  As beautiful as seeing all those bottoms in the air, that's all there was.  Maybe the heat hampered the spontaneity?

My experience may have differed if I had tried different girls, I may not have had to jockey for position on the bed or have my knob pulled off.

One thing I am sure of is that I didn't want to be there any longer, so there was no point of persevering.

Strangely, I would go again and I would still recommend to others who have yet to try LMP. 

Unfortunately sometimes, it just doesn't work out, how you would like it to.


  • Guest
Good review. I've only been once and the scene isn't quite for me. I always felt rushed by the girls, yet I had been thinking of revisiting. But maybe not at this new venue if there are only two rooms.

Which days/times have been the least busy from your experiences? I went on a Saturday afternoon. I was thinking of trying a weekday lunchtime.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2013, 09:45:27 am by Goofy85 »

Offline Tailpipe

This is good information and from someone who has been this amount of times.

I have never been but it is something I wish to do at some point.

The fears I have about going are reflected in this review.

I am sure moss will read and give a view , he seems an honest guy when he posts.

Not sure how many girls were working but 12 13 guys you would need 6 for me to give
Everyone a chance .

Offline smiths

This is good information and from someone who has been this amount of times.

I have never been but it is something I wish to do at some point.

The fears I have about going are reflected in this review.

I am sure moss will read and give a view , he seems an honest guy when he posts.

Not sure how many girls were working but 12 13 guys you would need 6 for me to give
Everyone a chance .

LMP have a minimum of 7 WGs working per party. :hi:

Offline smiths

Good review. I've only been once and the scene isn't quite for me. I always felt rushed by the girls, yet I had been thinking of revisiting. But maybe not at this new venue if there are only two rooms.

Which days/times have been the least busy from your experiences? I went on a Saturday afternoon. I was thinking of trying a weekday lunchtime.

I have punted in every time slot including all three parties on the same day a number of times, it was totally random as to how busy they were. Even LMP dont know for definite who will turn up out of who booked unless they are regulars.


  • Guest

The fears I have about going are reflected in this review.

I am sure moss will read and give a view , he seems an honest guy when he posts.

Not sure how many girls were working but 12 13 guys you would need 6 for me to give
Everyone a chance .

Yeah, close encounters with other punters is not something I would be able to bear. As I said I've only been once, but because there was more rooms, I never ever got THAT close to any of the guys. This new venue doesn't sound too appealing.


  • Guest

I had a feeling that might be someone's answer, but I guess that's how it is. Cheers.


  • Guest
thats weird, when i ent there were 3 party rooms 2 adjacent to each other and one virtually opposite the kichen

but i'll be honest you got my bs meter ringing, you've been to 70+ parties but still couldnt identify jennifer who has been there for a few years?

i'm also wondering why it took you a nearly a week to post your review when you have been posting on other topics since your alleged party

Offline hendrix

Interesting review thanks..for all the stuff I have done, I've never actually been to a fully paid "party" of this type. I enjoy taking regulars to swinging clubs and the spontaneous nature of that type of atmosphere..anything or nothing might happen!. I probably will give it a go at some point though.

Offline PuntingPete

thats weird, when i ent there were 3 party rooms 2 adjacent to each other and one virtually opposite the kichen

but i'll be honest you got my bs meter ringing, you've been to 70+ parties but still couldnt identify jennifer who has been there for a few years?

i'm also wondering why it took you a nearly a week to post your review when you have been posting on other topics since your alleged party

Maybe the OP or the other guests didn't manage to find the third party room & this as the reason that they were short of space  :D

 "hi-5ing a fellow party guest as we spit-roasted a lucky lady"

I can't say that I have ever felt the need to do this at a party, the 'lucky' lady in question must have really been impressed  :unknown:

Offline smiths

External Link/Members Only

4pm party on Thursday 8th August 2013.

I've been 70+ times to LMP, the vast majority of parties have been good to excellent - for all sorts of reasons, Snogging a girl as 2 others sucked my wanger, hi-5ing a fellow party guest as we spit-roasted a lucky lady or a full blown orgy where everybody was involved.

The bad parties are a lot harder to pin down on why they didn't work.  Was it a lack of chemistry, that certain something in the air, hoggers...

I never felt I could blame Moss, LADY M, et al, for a bad party.  Some girls are certainly  better party-ers  than others but there's usually such  a good combination,  that you will always find one that will know what buttons to push.

This was my first time at to the new venue.  Location is good.  Bathroom is nice and big.

I arrived at 3.50pm, along with just about everybody else.  Changing room was too small for anymore than 4 guys - there were 6 of us trying to change.

Little line for the shower, I got in & out by 4.05pm - no problem.

I went into the first party room to be greeted by the sight of 4 beautiful female arses bent over- WOW!  These girls were fit!  They were all bending over fellow party-goers, orally relieving them!

2 new guys swapped places with 2 of the guys that were getting OWO, so now they were getting OWO and the guys that swapped had sheathed up and doing doggy on their respective partners.

I went to the next room and saw more of the same, girls bending over guys, giving oral, whilst receiving  Doggy.

My first disappointment was that there are only 2 party rooms.  They're larger than the  largest rooms at the old Lancaster Gate venue and have much higher ceilings but I felt the beds were too close together.

Time to jump into the thick of it.  Jennifer's(I assume it was her, faces are blurred on the site and she's had quite a few additional tattoos added) beautiful pert bottom was free, I gently patted it, she stopped sucking cock and turned around to give me a lovely smile.  The Gentleman she was servicing made way for me, as he wanted to now service Jennifer Doggy style or so I thought.  It would appear he couldn't wait to get out of the position he was in.

Unfortunately we were sharing the bed with another threesome and the guy I had to lie next to was taking up three/quarters of the bed.  I'm not a big guy(5'9, 12.5 Stone), I didn't really feel the mattress was suitable for 2 guys my size, this guy was considerably bigger.  Part of parties is that you are going to brush against other guys but this was very uncomfortable.  To get on the bed, I had to move right up against him, the whole left side of my body was touching his right side.  I was having problems settling my left leg down on the bed because not only was my Siamese-twin hogging the bed but his legs were spread as wide apart as possible and the guy who was performing doggy in their menage du trois had his foot on the bed to get some sort of leverage.  I didn't want to leave my foot 6 inches in the air off of the mattress and risk getting cramp, so I bent my leg into a position it could rest on the mattress - little uncomfortable and unpleasant.

Jennifer cleaned my already clean member with a wetwipe and gave some good OWO.  Just as I was rising to the occasion, the Gentlemen who gallantly gave up the predicament I was now in, tried to perform Doggy on Jennifer.  She is quite petite, so it required him to get on the crowded bed, need I say more?  He gave up after a few attempts.  I was fast losing interest, so I massaged myself into arousal and asked for cowgirl.  Condom on, lube on, hairy arm reaches across my viewpoint, brushing my face twice, feeling up Jennifer's boobs and staying there obscuring my view.  My bedfellow had struck again!  I asked him if he minded because I couldn't see Jennifer's face and really would like to, he quickly retracted his arm.  Back to business, only to be foiled again by an erect penis 6 inches from my face - this new guy wanted to get some OWO from Jennifer whilst I was trying to enter her - a little space, please mate.

I made my apologies to Jennifer and said I needed a break.  It was a hot day and I absorbed a lot of sweat from my bed partner, so I had another shower.

I then went into the kitchen, which I assume is also the dining area, it's very small.  I had a small cup of beer and chatted to the new guy working there - a very pleasant chap.

I returned to the Party, hoping I would be luckier in the other room.  All girls were bent over, arses in air, sucking cock whilst  some gents were watching.  Barbara's lovely big bum was free, so I lovingly pet it.  The guy she was working on, soon finished.  Barbara asked me to wait because she wanted a shower, so I sat on the bed waiting.  When she came back she had a line of guys following here, I was quite happy when she told them I was next.

I got into position next to my new bedfellow, a complete Gent who asked if I had enough room - I did, thank you, sir. 

Barbara performed a very rough wipe down, she then got another wipe and twisted my limp member - I'd had 3 showers in the last hour(1 at work and 2 at the party), the last not being more than 10 minutes earlier and I'd not come into contact with any of the girls in the mean time.  Finally, I was in her mouth, not bad technique but no stirrings, she then pulled my cock as if stretching chewing gum.  My dick was now dead.

I apologised and said I needed a break. 

I surveyed the situation, walked between rooms a few times and came to the decision that it would be best that I go.  I'd totally lost interest, so I left early.

There was 12/13 guys at the party.

In conclusion, I didn't like the new venue only having 2 party rooms.  I didn't feel the rooms were set out well enough to maximise space.  I think the beds & mattresses were too small.

Girls were all Gorgeous!

Party lacked je nais se quoi.  As beautiful as seeing all those bottoms in the air, that's all there was.  Maybe the heat hampered the spontaneity?

My experience may have differed if I had tried different girls, I may not have had to jockey for position on the bed or have my knob pulled off.

One thing I am sure of is that I didn't want to be there any longer, so there was no point of persevering.

Strangely, I would go again and I would still recommend to others who have yet to try LMP. 

Unfortunately sometimes, it just doesn't work out, how you would like it to.

Can you clarify why you thought there were only 2 party rooms when as Andrei says there are in fact 3?

Offline ta77

when i went last tuesday, there were 3 bedrooms, but only 2 were being used, i didnt ask why..


  • Guest
Jimmy, sorry you did not have a good time. As you say, every party is different and sometimes it doesn't work for you. Obviously if you have attended 70 plus parties in the past, it has worked enough for you to keep bringing you back.

If you were a first timer and gave us a negative review, I would have just let it pass. However, you state clearly that your negative review is based on the new apartment. You have justified it quoting some facts and opinions which cannot go unchallenged.

1) you say the changing room is too small yet it is bigger than the one at Lancaster Gate and that is a fact, not opinion.

2) you mention line for shower and bathroom leaving the impression there is only one where as there are 3 bathrooms  .

3) how you can spend best part of 2 hours at the party and fail to notice that there were 3 bedrooms open.  Two of them have en suite bathrooms.

4) the kitchen is very small?  According to the floor plan it is 17.5 foot by 13 ft and has an 8 seater table in it. You failed to mention that we have also a chill out room with TV and sofa and chairs but you probably missed it along with the 3rd bedroom and 2 other bathrooms.
5) apart from 1 single bed in a room, all others are king size. Not sure how much bigger you think they should be.

I am not saying you weren't there. I have spoken with Em and she remembers you leaving 10 minutes early saying you preferred LG and were not getting the vibe.

We have had almost overwhelming approval for our new venue but every time we move, we have had one or two people can't accept change and winge. However, we have never had someone go as far as write a factually misleading report which, you can see from other posters, is influencing people's opinion negatively.

Now I may be lying and you are correct we really only have 2 party rooms , a small kitchen, tiny changing room and one shower as you say or imply but I think the truth will come out when a few other posters on here visit us.

Don't like, don't visit but don't post a malicious and false report


Offline PuntingPete

Glad that's been clarified then, I hope you visit the new venue for my first party next week, I will take a tape measure and report back if the measurements Moss has given are incorrect  :hi:


  • Guest
I will be there myself from Friday and will be happy to give the guided tour. If I can't show you 3 bedrooms you can party for free!!

Offline emkay

When I went last week there were only two rooms being used, and it felt cramped. There were a lot of younger men (30's) and it felt as though the girls were working really hard.

I also prefer the old venue, not least because of the walk-in showers with rather than having hand-held showers where you have to get the temperature right across two taps.

Given that the ratio thing - and demands of the other men - is the luck of the draw you just have to roll with it. At it's worst it is still very, very good. Someone described it as "like being in a porn film" and that's pretty accurate.

Offline ampersand

Well although Moss has emphatically sought to refute the OP's report, at least two other postrrs have stated that when they have visited within the last week or so, one of the bedrooms was not being used.  As the OP didn't mention any en suite bathrooms in his report, presumably the bedroom that was unused when he visited was an en suite meaning that only two bathrooms were available.

Perhaps Moss would care to comment upon why no less than three posters have visited within the last week have found only two bedroom in use.

He may also wish to withdraw the assertion that the OP has maliciously posted a false report. There is clearly a difference of opinion in terms of room size (one man's small may be another's bijou ..........) but we hardly need to be talking about malicious and false reports, do we??

Offline NightKid

don't post a malicious and false report

That's a harsh thing to say. He's still recommending LMP at the end of the day, so where's the spite in that?

Challenge him about the space if you will, since you have floor plan dimensions as your backup, but you should've left it at that or maybe even encourage others to come see for themselves like in your 2nd post ... accusations like the above aren't going to help create a positive perception either.

Well although Moss has emphatically sought to refute the OP's report, at least two other postrrs have stated that when they have visited within the last week or so, one of the bedrooms was not being used.  As the OP didn't mention any en suite bathrooms in his report, presumably the bedroom that was unused when he visited was an en suite meaning that only two bathrooms were available.

Perhaps Moss would care to comment upon why no less than three posters have visited within the last week have found only two bedroom in use.

He may also wish to withdraw the assertion that the OP has maliciously posted a false report. There is clearly a difference of opinion in terms of room size (one man's small may be another's bijou ..........) but we hardly need to be talking about malicious and false reports, do we??



  • Guest
When I went last week there were only two rooms being used, and it felt cramped. There were a lot of younger men (30's) and it felt as though the girls were working really hard.

I also prefer the old venue, not least because of the walk-in showers with rather than having hand-held showers where you have to get the temperature right across two taps.

Given that the ratio thing - and demands of the other men - is the luck of the draw you just have to roll with it. At it's worst it is still very, very good. Someone described it as "like being in a porn film" and that's pretty accurate.

You know what?

I have read this forum since it began and unfortunately, there are too many people on here who just love to winge. 

Don't like the venue, girls work too hard, guys too young, showers you have to step into , only 2 rooms. Kitchen too small, changing room not big enough. What next? The colour scheme is wrong?

We pay a shit load of money to rent a luxury apartment and some of you claim we only use 2 bedrooms. Why would we do that? You think we have to pay more for using the 3 rd bedroom?

In an industry where people get ripped off left , right and centre we have worked for 9 years to build something that has a great reputation world wide for treating people fairly, being honest and delivering what we promise. Yet still the some people moan.

Next time you get ripped off when you visit some 20 something year old who promises the world at her luxury flat for £60 an hour and she turns out to be a 35 year old in a dingy basement flat who takes your money and gives you fuck all, then you can complain.

The simple fact is we have 3 bedrooms in operation at all parties. Sometimes, if numbers are low, guys and girls stick to the 2 main rooms.

Now you can carry on putting up your negative comments on here as much as you want, it doesn't effect us and it wont effect our business. It just angers me personally because it insults a woman who is head and shoulders above anyone else in this industry.

To the decent members here who attend our parties and those thinking of doing so, we welcome you. To the assholes who winge over petty little things or lie to make their point, you can take a few minutes reading the real negative reviews on here and see if your moaning is justified,



  • Guest
This chap makes Mr. Divine look balanced and professional   :wackogirl:

@ Moss - its all valid feedback try not to take it too personally otherwise your response is more likely to put punters off then the number of rooms in use  :hi:


  • Guest
 :thumbsdown:zoo tie,

Please don't compare me to Mr Devine. You are way out of line there


  • Guest
:thumbsdown:zoo tie,

Please don't compare me to Mr Devine. You are way out of line there

Calling customers who question your facilities liars and whingers is not on. Poor show  :thumbsdown:

Offline ampersand

The simple fact is we have 3 bedrooms in operation at all parties. Sometimes, if numbers are low, guys and girls stick to the 2 main rooms.

So do you accept that the OP and other posters were correct and not in fact posting 'malicious and false' reports?

Offline PuntingPete

So do you accept that the OP and other posters were correct and not in fact posting 'malicious and false' reports?

I think what Moss is saying is that there were 3 bedrooms in operation. It was the guys & girls partying that chose not to use the third bedroom because there was plenty of room using the two bedrooms.
Had one of the guys said to one of the girls ' can we use the empty bedroom' I a sure that would not have been a problem.

It all seems a bit nit picking to me. If you have a problem, make it known at the time, don't wait till weeks later & whinge on here  :hi:
« Last Edit: August 14, 2013, 06:36:56 pm by PuntingPete »


  • Guest
I am not going to get into a long drawn out argument with either of you. The apartment has 3 playrooms. That is a fact. It is provable to anyone who attends a party..

Now this is your forum and you feel entitled to say what you want. I stepped in to point out that the OP stated an incorrect fact. How you read it is up to you.

Zootie, not  sure why you have chosen to join in, especially with your opening insult , when you know nothing about the situation but I guess this is a punters forum and you believe in backing up whatever the facts.

As your avi says, you cant fix stupid, so you can argue on, I will not waste my time responding. I have made my point so nothing more worth saying.

Have a good punting life



  • Guest
Zootie, not  sure why you have chosen to join in, especially with your opening insult , when you know nothing about the situation but I guess this is a punters forum and you believe in backing up whatever the facts.

How predictable.  :rolleyes: Another hot-headed pimp with a serious attitude problem. I made my comment based on the info given in this thread by both sides. I agree some of it sounds like nit picking but your OTT reaction is hardly great PR either.

As your avi says, you cant fix stupid, so you can argue on, I will not waste my time responding. I have made my point so nothing more worth saying.

I must have missed the bit where you said something worthwhile.  :unknown:

Devil Man

  • Guest
You know what?

I have read this forum since it began and unfortunately, there are too many people on here who just love to winge. 

Don't like the venue, girls work too hard, guys too young, showers you have to step into , only 2 rooms. Kitchen too small, changing room not big enough. What next? The colour scheme is wrong?

We pay a shit load of money to rent a luxury apartment and some of you claim we only use 2 bedrooms. Why would we do that? You think we have to pay more for using the 3 rd bedroom?

In an industry where people get ripped off left , right and centre we have worked for 9 years to build something that has a great reputation world wide for treating people fairly, being honest and delivering what we promise. Yet still the some people moan.

Next time you get ripped off when you visit some 20 something year old who promises the world at her luxury flat for £60 an hour and she turns out to be a 35 year old in a dingy basement flat who takes your money and gives you fuck all, then you can complain.

The simple fact is we have 3 bedrooms in operation at all parties. Sometimes, if numbers are low, guys and girls stick to the 2 main rooms.

Now you can carry on putting up your negative comments on here as much as you want, it doesn't effect us and it wont effect our business. It just angers me personally because it insults a woman who is head and shoulders above anyone else in this industry.

To the decent members here who attend our parties and those thinking of doing so, we welcome you. To the assholes who winge over petty little things or lie to make their point, you can take a few minutes reading the real negative reviews on here and see if your moaning is justified,


Wow, well aren't you an oversensitive little prick? Talk about flying off the fucking handle!

Neither jimmypoo or emkay said anything that was wrong. jimmypoo posted his own experiences, which he felt were a negative for him, but right at the end he says "Strangely, I would go again and I would still recommend to others who have yet to try LMP." He is still recommending you!

And emkay himself says, "is the luck of the draw you just have to roll with it. At it's worst it is still very, very good."

BOTH those guys are still recommending LMP and your reaction is to spit your dummy, throw your toys out the pram and be a little bitch about it and rant and rave how shit this forum apparently is.

Fucking grow up. Especially since you yourself have said on some occasions only 2 of the 3 rooms are used (which presumably was one of those times when jimmy happened to himself). Don't accuse him of being malicious and filing a false report (and if we wanna talk about falsehoods, how about explaining the huge discrepancy with the photoshopped girls on your website and how very, very different some of those same girls appear to be in reality in the pictures on your Twitter page).

Also below the belt of you to take a pop at Mr Divine, How many of your girls have either worked there in the past or are still working there now? You practically share the same girls.

You 2 are peas in the pod. Clearly the endless free publicity and lavish praise you get on places like %%% has gone to your head and any criticism causes you to have a nuclear meltdown on the scale of Chernobyl.


  • Guest
I defend the right of the OP to report his experiences honestly, that's what this forum's about and I love it because of that...everyone can have their say for and against and the punter can pay his money and take his choice.

But what seems a bit strange to me is that the OP has given LMP a big red negative when he admits that he's 'been 70+ times to LMP, the vast majority of parties have been good to excellent'. Also he intends to return and is recommending to others. Surely it's a positive for the provider with a couple of misgivings (which may or may not be justified) about this particular party!?!


  • Guest
I've been 3 times to the new LMP venue and about 20 times to the previous one, so perhaps I can address some of the OP's misgivings.

1. The changing room is small. I would say it's fit for purpose and similar in size to the previous one. It would be full with 6 guys, but as the guys generally arrive at staggered times, it's never been a problem for me with 3 or 4.

2. Queuing for shower. This is one area where the new venue is better as there are now 3 showers, so very little need to queue at the start or end. The showers are of the bath mixer handheld variety, but perfectly useable.

3. Two party rooms. I have also only played in 2 of the 3 bedrooms. The big room is enormous, with 2 double beds, a perving chair plus the love swing and plenty of circulation space, this room is as big as two at the old place. The second room has a double and a single plus an en-suite bathroom, again with ample room to move around. The third room I've never seen being used as a playroom, I've seen girls getting changed in there, but if Moss says it's available for partying, I might give it a try next time just for variety!! I've used the en-suite in there to shower. Even without the 3rd room, the party areas are bigger and airier than the previous place and with 7 bedspaces and the loveswing, there's more than enough room for a good party.

4. Sharing the furniture and girls with other guys. It's a party, everyone there needs to share, girls, bedspace, etc. Be polite, ask for room if you need it, the girls are usually proactive in making room. I love seeing a girl getting greedy, the other day Vera insisted on me doing her hard in doggy while she was voraciously gobbling a young guy...she was in her element! If you don't want to share, book a 1-2-1 instead.

5. Use of wet wipes. The girls don't know where it's been before you arrive at her. I'm glad they're hygiene-conscious personally.

6. The kitchen is small. It clearly isn't based on those dimensions mentioned, it does have a huge pine farmhouse table in the middle. My question would be, why are you spending time in the kitchen when there are 7 hotties to play with??

7. Dick stretched. You did the right thing when you moved on, but the wrong thing by leaving early. That's the beauty of a party, if it just isn't working because you don't click with the girl, her technique doesn't suit or whatever reason, there's no shame in making a polite excuse and moving on. Just think if it was a 1-2-1, you would have to persevere, say something awkward or walk and waste your cash. I've never left a LMP party before the end, but I have moved on a few times when things haven't clicked.

« Last Edit: August 14, 2013, 10:17:43 pm by vt »

Offline jimmypoo

thats weird, when i ent there were 3 party rooms 2 adjacent to each other and one virtually opposite the kichen

I'm not saying there isn't a third room, I just didn't see it and all the girls were firmly settled in the 2 rooms.   You would have thought with the space issues that I mentioned that Jennifer would have thought to take me to the other room.  I remember in past parties walking between rooms with girls looking for a place to enjoy ourselves.

but i'll be honest you got my bs meter ringing, you've been to 70+ parties but still couldnt identify jennifer who has been there for a few years?

I couldn't identify Jennifer because as I said, all I had to compare her likeness to was the blurred photos.  I'm afraid I didn't ask her name.  LMP have been running a very long time, I used to average 2 parties a month, so it was quite easy to have gone to 70+ parties.  It's only this year that I have slowed down - which is down to financial restraints only.

i'm also wondering why it took you a nearly a week to post your review when you have been posting on other topics since your alleged party

Half a week.  And as you can see, I took my time on the review.  I've reread it again and feel I missed a few things that I wanted to say. 

I did mention that the vast majority of parties I've been to, have been Good to Excellent.  I would like to add that this is the reason why i would still recommend them to others and I would still like to return.

Offline jimmypoo

Can you clarify why you thought there were only 2 party rooms when as Andrei says there are in fact 3?

Not really.

All girls were settled in the 2 rooms and that's were all the action took place.

It was my first time at this venue.

Maybe a tour was in order?

Offline jsparky

The last time I was there only two room were used, one room was closed, I believe its generally used as luggage or store for the envelop.

Offline jimmypoo

Jimmy, sorry you did not have a good time. As you say, every party is different and sometimes it doesn't work for you. Obviously if you have attended 70 plus parties in the past, it has worked enough for you to keep bringing you back.

If you were a first timer and gave us a negative review, I would have just let it pass. However, you state clearly that your negative review is based on the new apartment. You have justified it quoting some facts and opinions which cannot go unchallenged.

1) you say the changing room is too small yet it is bigger than the one at Lancaster Gate and that is a fact, not opinion.

2) you mention line for shower and bathroom leaving the impression there is only one where as there are 3 bathrooms  .

3) how you can spend best part of 2 hours at the party and fail to notice that there were 3 bedrooms open.  Two of them have en suite bathrooms.

4) the kitchen is very small?  According to the floor plan it is 17.5 foot by 13 ft and has an 8 seater table in it. You failed to mention that we have also a chill out room with TV and sofa and chairs but you probably missed it along with the 3rd bedroom and 2 other bathrooms.
5) apart from 1 single bed in a room, all others are king size. Not sure how much bigger you think they should be.

I am not saying you weren't there. I have spoken with Em and she remembers you leaving 10 minutes early saying you preferred LG and were not getting the vibe.

We have had almost overwhelming approval for our new venue but every time we move, we have had one or two people can't accept change and winge. However, we have never had someone go as far as write a factually misleading report which, you can see from other posters, is influencing people's opinion negatively.

Now I may be lying and you are correct we really only have 2 party rooms , a small kitchen, tiny changing room and one shower as you say or imply but I think the truth will come out when a few other posters on here visit us.

Don't like, don't visit but don't post a malicious and false report


Dear Moss.

I know my review was very very long winded.  But I did say in my first paragraph that the vast majority of the parties that I have been to have been Good to Excellent.  So you're right, you've done an superb job to make me keep coming back for more.

This was a review for Thursdays Party, which didn't work for me.  I explained the reason why, to the best of my ability.

1, You're right,  the new changing room is probably bigger but I made no comparisons to the old one.  I actually didn't mean it as a criticism, it's just on Thursday, I arrived at the same time as everybody else and it was a bit of a squeeze.   

2,  I wasn't aware I was being critical of the showers or lack of,  as there has always been a little que for the showers at the start of parties.  As I said in my review - No problem. 

3, What can I say?  I didn't see the third room.  But I will say that nobody strayed out of the 2 rooms.  More apologies.

4, What can I say again?  Maybe a guided tour?  Nobody seemed to be straying and I didn't want to be rude and nose around.

5, I was just reviewing what happened to me.  If I had persevered, then I may have found the other rooms, the other beds but the moment was ruined and I decided to leave.

I actually left over an hour early and I didn't say anything to Em other than I have to go, thank you.

I'm glad you've had overwhelming approval for the venue, you deserve it.  I've had many happy memories at your parties.

I am sorry to have caused offense but this was the experience I had on this particular occasion.

I used to do a lot of reviews on C69 and %%% - I'm remembering now why I stopped. :)

Offline jimmypoo

I think what Moss is saying is that there were 3 bedrooms in operation. It was the guys & girls partying that chose not to use the third bedroom because there was plenty of room using the two bedrooms.
Had one of the guys said to one of the girls ' can we use the empty bedroom' I a sure that would not have been a problem.

Or even better, maybe one of the girls could have suggested it as it may have been that guys first time at the new venue or even first time at LMP.

It all seems a bit nit picking to me. If you have a problem, make it known at the time, don't wait till weeks later & whinge on here  :hi:

Nobody waited till weeks later.

Offline jimmypoo

I've been 3 times to the new LMP venue and about 20 times to the previous one, so perhaps I can address some of the OP's misgivings.

1. The changing room is small. I would say it's fit for purpose and similar in size to the previous one. It would be full with 6 guys, but as the guys generally arrive at staggered times, it's never been a problem for me with 3 or 4.

2. Queuing for shower. This is one area where the new venue is better as there are now 3 showers, so very little need to queue at the start or end. The showers are of the bath mixer handheld variety, but perfectly useable.

3. Two party rooms. I have also only played in 2 of the 3 bedrooms. The big room is enormous, with 2 double beds, a perving chair plus the love swing and plenty of circulation space, this room is as big as two at the old place. The second room has a double and a single plus an en-suite bathroom, again with ample room to move around. The third room I've never seen being used as a playroom, I've seen girls getting changed in there, but if Moss says it's available for partying, I might give it a try next time just for variety!! I've used the en-suite in there to shower. Even without the 3rd room, the party areas are bigger and airier than the previous place and with 7 bedspaces and the loveswing, there's more than enough room for a good party.

4. Sharing the furniture and girls with other guys. It's a party, everyone there needs to share, girls, bedspace, etc. Be polite, ask for room if you need it, the girls are usually proactive in making room. I love seeing a girl getting greedy, the other day Vera insisted on me doing her hard in doggy while she was voraciously gobbling a young guy...she was in her element! If you don't want to share, book a 1-2-1 instead.

5. Use of wet wipes. The girls don't know where it's been before you arrive at her. I'm glad they're hygiene-conscious personally.

6. The kitchen is small. It clearly isn't based on those dimensions mentioned, it does have a huge pine farmhouse table in the middle. My question would be, why are you spending time in the kitchen when there are 7 hotties to play with??

7. Dick stretched. You did the right thing when you moved on, but the wrong thing by leaving early. That's the beauty of a party, if it just isn't working because you don't click with the girl, her technique doesn't suit or whatever reason, there's no shame in making a polite excuse and moving on. Just think if it was a 1-2-1, you would have to persevere, say something awkward or walk and waste your cash. I've never left a LMP party before the end, but I have moved on a few times when things haven't clicked.

Dear vt,

Thanks for the advice.

I repeated myself a few times in this thread already, so I'm not ignoring any of the points you have made if I don't address them.

Here I go repeating myself already - I have been to 70+ parties, I'm used to sharing the beds with others guys,  I also mentioned in my review that you will come into contact with other guys.  Now my personal feeling is that we should be aware of others personal space.  Of course we are accidentally going to brush against one another or lay next to each other but it went to the extremes on Thursday.  I've seen guys hogging girls but hogging the bed?  I could have said something but I didn't want to ruin the mood.  I did have to say something when he showed me no regard by reaching across my face twice and then there was the other guy who stuck his Shillelagh too close to my face.  I don't think they did it on purpose but it was thoughtless.  And then this leads me on to the second encounter where a Gentlemen saw that we would be sharing the bed, he checked himself that he wasn't hogging it.

Wetwipes are a necessity.  I have no problem with them but a little less vigorous with the wipe is the order of the day.  And I take exception at the usage of 2 wipes. 

Good point about the Kitchen Table.

I appreciate your advice about not leaving early, I have seen parties turn around in the last hour, becoming the most memorable.  I did ponder about staying as I went between both rooms but I just didn't feel anything.

I did the right thing for myself by leaving early.


  • Guest
Dear vt,

Thanks for the advice.

I repeated myself a few times in this thread already, so I'm not ignoring any of the points you have made if I don't address them.

Here I go repeating myself already - I have been to 70+ parties, I'm used to sharing the beds with others guys,  I also mentioned in my review that you will come into contact with other guys.  Now my personal feeling is that we should be aware of others personal space.  Of course we are accidentally going to brush against one another or lay next to each other but it went to the extremes on Thursday.  I've seen guys hogging girls but hogging the bed?  I could have said something but I didn't want to ruin the mood.  I did have to say something when he showed me no regard by reaching across my face twice and then there was the other guy who stuck his Shillelagh too close to my face.  I don't think they did it on purpose but it was thoughtless.  And then this leads me on to the second encounter where a Gentlemen saw that we would be sharing the bed, he checked himself that he wasn't hogging it.

Wetwipes are a necessity.  I have no problem with them but a little less vigorous with the wipe is the order of the day.  And I take exception at the usage of 2 wipes. 

Good point about the Kitchen Table.

I appreciate your advice about not leaving early, I have seen parties turn around in the last hour, becoming the most memorable.  I did ponder about staying as I went between both rooms but I just didn't feel anything.

I did the right thing for myself by leaving early.

Fair enough mate, hope you can get back soon and have another good one!  :)

Offline Marmalade

I kept quiet on this even though the OP caused me to raise my eyebrows. I thought it's good to have some constructive criticism. But the to and fro negates it a bit. The other thing that made me wonder is that two jokers on ISG recentky are repeatedly getting their posts about LMP deleted by admin as they are full of baseless criticism, shrouded in apparent compliments - rather like the OP.

Now if Smiths had posted it, I would have taken his word in all the details. But it's natural to be more wary when it's a poster who hasn't really established himself, has a name that looks like yet another swipe at JRC, and posts in a similar style to the two ISG  jokers. It doesn't to me sound like the post of someone who is such a massive fan that they have been 70+ times. It might be. But it doesn't sound like it. I suspect that a couple of characters in this thread will start to get rather nasty once their views are challenged. We'll see what they contribute elsewhere, or whether their major posts are limited to this theme.


Offline PuntingPete

Or even better, maybe one of the girls could have suggested it as it may have been that guys first time at the new venue or even first time at LMP.

Nobody waited till weeks later.

I've not been to the new venue yet so don't know the layout, but when I go I will have a nose around to get familiar with where all the playrooms are.
I remember on my first visit to the last venue I was given a guided tour before I started partying.

No I stand corrected about saying it was weeks later when in fact it was 6 days.  :hi:

Still don't understand the issue about the size of the kitchen, I couldn't care less if they didn't have a kitchen at all  :D

Offline smiths

Not really.

All girls were settled in the 2 rooms and that's were all the action took place.

It was my first time at this venue.

Maybe a tour was in order?

I would of asked why the 3rd room wasnt in use and whether i could use it if i thought it was cramped in the 2 rooms that were open, at the old venue for example i sometimes used the bed in the changing room. However i know some punters arent confident and wouldnt do that.

Em and Moss go on what punters tell them, i can only assume no one else or very few have said they felt cramped, those i have spoken to have said they felt there is more room all round at the new venue.

As to a tour well Moss presumably would of or will read your post so thats up to him and Em. My overall impression is after 70+ parties i am surprised you didnt mention it to them on site, and unlike you after half a dozen or so parties i got to know the WGs given names, i asked them what it was or asked Em or another punter what it was. Its certainly not essential to know them though obviously.


  • Guest
I've been to the new venue several times, and was puzzled by some of the comments made by the OP.

A point by point rebuttal has already been made by others, but suffice to say, all three playrooms are larger than before, as are the changing room and bathrooms. And I really like the kitchen - sitting around the table seems to encourage social interaction.

I'm not generally given to fluffiness, but sometimes I feel the need to pinch myself to be sure that a venue like LMP exists and I haven't just dreamed the whole thing.


  • Guest
jimypoo just to clarify, on the room issue this is what you said:

My first disappointment was that there are only 2 party rooms

you say it in black and white mate

second, you mention a few times that the girls should have taken you to the empty room, but are they meant to be mindreaders? if you want to go to the empty room then being a veteran of 70+ parties you should tell the girl what you want

on the jennifer issue i still fail to understand - jennifer is one of the more popular girls and tends to get 2 days out of the 6 per week, thats a third of the weekly schedule and she gets a day at hod so she is clearly popular across the board - with that being said i still cannot believe that after 70+ parties you still struggle to identify jennifer because all you have is her blurry pictures to go on? at this point with jennifer looking exactly the same as the day she started you must have met her numerous times

(a litle side point, more about maths than anything else, you party on the 8th and post a report on the 14th, thats 6 days - never half a week in even the most mathematically challenged among us, its that sort of defenive remark that makes me wonder)

plus your name is clearly created to insult or annoy


  • Guest
Well, what a to do!!

I'll add my twopenneth to the debate with some musings

The original post strikes me as odd - Why? you might ask. It seems somehow strange for a variety of reasons such as not knowing who Jennifer is having attended 70+ parties and her being one of the stalwart girls I find it hard to believe you have never met her and need to rely on the gallery, feeling like you cannot ask to have a look around - after all it is all on the same floor and all accessible except for one private room, two of the bedrooms are huge with mostly king size beds and there is more space between beds than at LG, the kitchen is also huge and much bigger than LG and there is the lounge/TV room, changing room is amply sized, your review is negative which as we all know is a big thing in this industry, you did not ask the others to shift over a bit, your issue with the wipes and wiping technique etc etc. As a regular I would not recognise the place or ambience you describe.

I know you ended by saying that your past experiences have been good so I don't get why you didn't mention it to Em and leave it there - was there really a need for a negative review? It makes feel as if there was a hidden agenda.

Still you have responded to others and somewhat moderated the tone of your original post and whilst I find your methods odd and your comments factually incorrect and not remotely echoing anything I have ever experienced after many years of visiting LG and as a regular at SJ I guess we all have an off day when posting. Your initial post did originally read to me like someone deciding to have a go and I didn't believe you were a regular.

It was not your post that has made me comment but the apparent presence of a few on here (and elsewhere) who like nothing better than to get involved in issues that have nothing to do with them. Those whose main reason for lurking here is to stir the pot and make trouble. You know who you are and we all know the sad types you are. In particular in this thread those that know very little or nothing at all about LMP and their venue but still like to inject some heat and create an argument.

You posted a negative review, Moss responded with facts and figures etc (what would any of us want on here other than a quick and accurate response from a provider??), a few others gave some views about this and that and you replied as did others. Great, that's what a useful forum is all about. What we don't need are the few - what should I call them?? idiots / saddoes / malicious trolls who think to themselves I've created or done nothing good with my life to date so I'll see if I can diss someone else's efforts - what fun!!! Moss is certainly no Mr Devine which is why someone called him that - you knew it was an insult otherwise why say it!!

I want to read reviews and reports and I want to see providers respond - Just don't need the other stuff as it clouds what is being said and renders the entire thread next to useless.

No doubt I'll get some stick for this but hey been a lot of water off this ducks back!!

Oh one last thing - Moss an 'oversensitive little prick' you obviously never met the guy or you were looking through binoculars the wrong way round so to speak as you got him so wrong on all levels.


  • Guest
Moss is certainly no Mr Devine which is why someone called him that - you knew it was an insult otherwise why say it!!

Really? They are both pimps, no? Both fly off the handle when confronted with the smallest bit of negative feedback.

The fact Moss reacted so badly to my remark - which was qualified by a piece of useful advice - tells me I must have hit a raw nerve - few can handle the truth  :rolleyes:
In particular in this thread those that know very little or nothing at all about LMP and their venue but still like to inject some heat and create an argument.

Did I say I'd visited LMP? No - because fucking random birds with a bunch of dudes wanking off next to me isn't my thing and never will be. If its your cup of tea, good on you. But I am still allowed to make comments on what is posted in threads which is exactly what I did. I questioned Moss's OTT reaction to feedback - turning around and accusing members of this forum of being liars and whingers because they made some complaints. It's an open forum - where posters WILL be challenged when they post shit. If you don't like that fuck off to prossinet.

Oh one last thing - Moss an 'oversensitive little prick' you obviously never met the guy or you were looking through binoculars the wrong way round so to speak as you got him so wrong on all levels.

You his fucking little rent boy or what?  :scare:
« Last Edit: August 15, 2013, 12:18:37 pm by zootie »


  • Guest
Sounds like the new venue is an improvement but I am put off by the owner/pimp/whatever having to jump in defend the situation regardless of the OP's views.


  • Guest
FFS ExMoor how long does it take to type a response?  :dash: Can see you've been typing - doesn't have to be War and Peace, say what you have to so I can respond.

Need to go for a shit but may as well deal with your crap before doing mine  :sarcastic:


  • Guest
Well there we go you just measured out your own rope!!!

I said Moss was no Mr Devine - If you don't understand why then please keep your thoughts to yourself - Talk of flying off the handle - I post a measured and rational response and just take a look at your reply. If it comes to handling the truth you need to take the log out of your own eye before looking for splinters in others eyes!!

If you look you will see I never said you had visited - it was pretty clear you had not - but you then display your own prejudice against parties with your description of those that like them. Leaving aside the distinct lack of guys wanking at LMP (more ignorance) I want to share a forum with those that accept that what others wish to do, within the obvious normal boundaries, is fine not slag them off irrationally.

Have I said you are not 'allowed' to comment - I'd suggest you calm down and get a sense of perspective.

And now to that measured out rope - 'Posters will be challenged when they post shit' - You telling me!!!

You then very pleasantly suggest I might like to fuck off and ask if I am 'his fucking little rent boy'  you are an offensive twerp and seem to have a liking for the word 'little'.  Some inadequacy you'd like to share with us or perhaps you will just keep hiding behind your anonymity.

Shall I report your language to the moderator or perhaps you'd like to self report??


  • Guest
You kept me waiting for that crap??!!!  :dash: :dash:

You've clearly not bothered to read my responses and can't get past the fact I spoke disparagingly about your 'crush'. When you can be bothered to look at the issue objectively I'll respond.

I think my work here is done. I don't need to say any further about you or Moss. Your own reactions have done more damage to your name than I could ever have done so. Thanks for saving me the bother  :hi:

Devil Man

  • Guest
You kept me waiting for that crap??!!!  :dash: :dash:

You've clearly not bothered to read my responses and can't get past the fact I spoke disparagingly about your 'crush'. When you can be bothered to look at the issue objectively I'll respond.

I think my work here is done. I don't need to say any further about you or Moss. Your own reactions have done more damage to your name than I could ever have done so. Thanks for saving me the bother  :hi:

I think LMP for some people is not just a party provider, but a cult like Scientology and some people will never, ever stand to hear bad words said against it. Fucking chill out.

OP posted a review about his personal experiences. He said the girls were fantastic and tried hard to please him. He just didn't like the venue and some arrangements and for that, it was a negative experience overall. Is this review likely to affect LMP's business in any shape or form? Not. At All.

No doubt Exmoorvisitor is either an employee of LMP (since 8 of his 14 posts have been about LMP) or one of the guys from their forum coming over to valiantly defend the fortress from even the slightest criticism.


  • Guest
You kept me waiting for that crap??!!!  :dash: :dash:

You've clearly not bothered to read my responses and can't get past the fact I spoke disparagingly about your 'crush'. When you can be bothered to look at the issue objectively I'll respond.

I think my work here is done. I don't need to say any further about you or Moss. Your own reactions have done more damage to your name than I could ever have done so. Thanks for saving me the bother  :hi:

Well the thing is I have a the real world.....Oh perhaps you don't!!

Of course then there was the getting up off the floor where I had fallen from laughing so much.

Anyway one of the other 'little' boys had a ball so the fact you took yours home with you matters not


  • Guest

No doubt Exmoorvisitor is either an employee of LMP (since 8 of his 14 posts have been about LMP) or one of the guys from their forum coming over to valiantly defend the fortress from even the slightest criticism.

If you bothered to read my other posts here and/or elsewhere you would see that I have previously said that I confine my activities now to LMP only so that is what I know and upon which I comment if nonsense is being spoken. The fact that I post infrequently does not affect the validity of what I say.

For the record I am neither an employee of LMP and nor am I on their forum but hey let's not let facts get in the way of a good story!!
« Last Edit: August 15, 2013, 02:14:47 pm by Exmoorvisitor »