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Author Topic: "The Romanians Are Coming"  (Read 1545 times)


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I was curious to know if anyone else has been shocked at how the AW in some areas are changing. I punt in NW London and surrounding areas for the last 8 years and seen how the profiles has been taken over by the Romanians.

I aint a racist person, but after having a bad punting experience with one and reading about others here, I have to say that they are a bunch to avoid - probably run by the Mafia pimps.

I guess the better AW is in the City of London these days but sad to see the landscape taken over by bad quality AW in the area I punt.

Anyone else had a bad experience with Romanians? I think the Polish and the Hungarians have provided the best service.

Offline Ali Katt

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Total bollocks. Look on the prostitute blacklist, not a single Romanian on there. Roms might provide shit service, but it's rare that they blackmail a man or talk his time away.

Offline whats that noise

Agree with Ali. Don't think they are run by the mob. Many are indie. In my experience service is universally shit.

Offline iPad3

Yes indeed the Romanians have blotted a landscape that saw nothing but top rate British prossies who offered great service at low rates and didn't  blackmail or piss people about, and its only since they arrived that such bad behaviour has rubbed off.

Offline Ali Katt

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Mafia are also universally Italian or Italian American. We all know some prossies are run by groups and moved around the country not Just Roms, but also Polish, Hungarian, Chinese, Thai and yes British.

Offline Ali Katt

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bananadude does have a point though across the UK, I think the quality has gone down in recent years, even in parlours. I think there's only 5 prossies I want to fuck in the whole of Yorkshire. A few years back I would be lining my next punt up after finishing my first one. I don't know if it's to do with me getting fussy, but there seems to be a distinct lack in class or individuality and the roms aren't to blame for that.

Offline fettish008

Oxford is bad.used to be loads of English wg's but now it's mainly romanian wg's. I end up going to wilts bucks or berks for a punt now.


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Mafia are also universally Italian or Italian American.

You obviously haven't met the Russians.

They DO Mafia rather well.

Offline Ali Katt

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You obviously haven't met the Russians.

They DO Mafia rather well.
Fairpoint. Mafia is pretty much a catch all term, but the originals have Italian roots.

Oxford is bad.used to be loads of English wg's but now it's mainly romanian wg's. I end up going to wilts bucks or berks for a punt now.
The thing is Romanians wouldn't be there if people didn't want it. Unfortunately if anything some British women have put there prices up as a result when they should have come down.


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You obviously haven't met the Russians.

They DO Mafia rather well.

The Russian Mafia, so I've heard, isn't that bad, in that they take out any local scum that piss off foreign visitors with petty crime, which is the area that the Mafia makes their money from!


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Just looking at the reviews section shows how bad Romanians are. Most are negatives. This is a risky business as it is and stay on the safe side and avoid them altogether.

Theres also no way these girls can pay for and run a flat on their own, theres always a pimp cunt behind them and you're effectively paying into their pockets. Avoid them.

Offline Ali Katt

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Just looking at the reviews section shows how bad Romanians are. Most are negatives. This is a risky business as it is and stay on the safe side and avoid them altogether.

Theres also no way these girls can pay for and run a flat on their own, theres always a pimp cunt behind them and you're effectively paying into their pockets. Avoid them.
All of what you said could apply to British women. Loads of British seem to have a man on premises, obviously a pimp if he lets his missus get fucked by everyone. Loads have a "free" council house, most indie prossies I've seen work in shit areas. I think punters are best to avoid all prossies if they never want to experience shit service.


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One thing I've noticed is if you do find a hot Romanian girl who is also a great fuck (and there are some) they invariably don't stick around long. Either they go back to Romania or disappear to another country...

But the rip-off cunts who con people out of their money seem to stay here forever, creating multiple profiles and still people visit them.

I guess the good ones make their money and fuck off elsewhere to spend it.


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I have seen four Romanians ..... I have since stopped.

One was great, the other three were disappointing (disinterested, clock watching, not providing services advertised). It was a shame as they were good looking girls. lf they could sort their attitude out they would make a fortune. One of them was probably one of the best looking girls I have ever seen (like a young Vivien Leigh), but I wouldn't go back due to the crap attitude when it came to providing a service. 


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It was a shame as they were good looking girls. lf they could sort their attitude out they would make a fortune.

A lot of them have pimps though. So they don't really want to be doing this, they are just too fucking lazy and stupid to do anything else.

A/W really seems to have gone downhill in the last year, you could find the odd diamond in the rough previously. Now's it's like looking for the proverbial needle in the haystack.

Offline cueball

I can't speak for all the country but there are plenty of good English prossies up here in lancs/Manchester/greater Manchester. Like anything else, you've got to do your homework.

6P's..... Planning n Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance

Tons of romies up here but you've just got to sift through, it's not ebay


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The three main criticisms of the Romanians/EU girls is that they don't hang around long, service tends to be conveyor belt style and the services they provide aren't particularly great. But when I compare  them to the EU workers that I work with and I can understand why.

Most of the EU workers I work with only want to stay a few years and are saving up to buy or build a place back home. One pole I work with has several acres of land with a river running through it and a section of forest in rural Poland. He's just building a 4 bed house as we speak with the cash he's saved over the last six years. He's only earning in the mid £20k's.

Obviously not all have the same idea but most have a plan along the same lines, I'd say less than a quarter have already or are actively trying to settle and integrate permenantly here.

Now apply that model to the EU working girls... What you end up with is a group of women who have massive earning potential who live in a country they don't want to settle in and come from areas with an average wage that is a fraction of our country's average wage (which they vastly exceed anyway).

All they seem to be doing in my eyes is earning as much as they can in as short a period as they can so they can live out the last forty or fifty years of their lives in comfort back home.

I'm not excusing the bad services but on the flip side if I were a WG with the same opportunity then apart from trying to put a little more effort into then it's how I would work.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2015, 11:41:36 pm by richie »