Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Carmen Diamond - Mill Hill NW7  (Read 853 times)

5 review(s) for Young Selena x (2 positive, 1 neutral, 2 negative) [Indexed by ]
31 review(s) for Sexy Zaira Baby (14 positive, 11 neutral, 6 negative) [Indexed by scutty brown]

Offline yeahyeahah

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The maid who took the booking had decent English, but Carmen herself did not. Was asked to call 15 minutes ahead of time, but as I had booked 30 minutes before arriving this didn't seem to be an issue. Was texted postcode and headed over. Upon arrival was given full address. At no point before arriving was I asked how long I would like to stay. I always find this very suspicious and have been messed around in the past due to this. If you would like an hour booking I would suggest pointing it out before arriving.


Upon entering the room I was asked how long I would like to stay. As a point I always ask for WG to confirm the price for the time. Although I knew it was £50 for 30 minutes, I asked and she had quoted me £60. I said this differed from the price on the website and she quickly reverted back down to £50.


Her profile states Elstree / Borehamwood, but she is currently based around Apex Corner in Mill Hill. Parking may be a difficulty as it is a tight road in a residential area so bear that in mind.


Same girl as the photo. I could see through the glass on the door she was rushing to dress down into a bra and panties. Face is OK, but not really my type.


She asked if I would like OW or OWO. I stated OWO. After maybe 20-30 seconds she said she would like to put a condom on. I had showered before I arrived and made it a point to ensure I was clean. To her defense, she does state OWO with discretion, but I imagine she just doesn't like doing it. Booking felt rushed. Moved from oral to sex in the space for 2 minutes. Positions were also short lived, switching between one to another every few minutes or so. She kept trying to force doggy on me (not that I hate it or anything, just have preferences). She eventually took charge and went on top until climax.


She's tight. Not the tightest I've ever had, but it did help. Decent body, but I personally prefer just a TAD more meat to my girls.




Very rushed service. Was pretty much in and out in 10 minutes. Tried to get an extra tenner. Very very limited English on her part.



Would I like to see her again?



Lied about price. If you want an hours booking you may be disappointed as another UKP had this issue (I personally didn't, but have been at it long enough to know how WGs operate). Unenthusiastic and rushed service.

There are a few girls all working under one roof by the looks of it.

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External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only

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The four together seemed to get mixed reviews. I think I'll be making it a point to avoid them personally.