Sugar Babies

Author Topic: sexy_anax - Old Street  (Read 7637 times)

12 review(s) for sexy_anax (11 positive, 1 neutral, 0 negative) [Indexed by ]

Offline scottyboy2010

External Link/Members Only External Link/Members Only

Time spent: 1 hour
Price: £100

First of all, as per the reviews by akauya and others, Ana looks exactly like the photos in her profile. Arguably slightly better in the flesh, as she is quite smiley.

The service felt like a good GFE in most respects, except there was no DFK for me :-( I'm not sure why, as I showered when I got there and had fresh breath, have decent teeth etc. etc.. Either I'm more of a minger than I thought, or a few weeks of experience have made her change her mind about offering that. In fairness she doesn't claim to offer it on her profile, it was only because others on here mentioned it in reviews that I was hoping for it.

But to be honest that didn't ruin things. Her hot body and general flexibility was great. Good enthusiasm, and lots of effort from her. Cowgirl was great, and any excuse to watch her bum wiggling around should also be taken.

But for me the absolute highlight was her oral. Ana's OW skills are better than many OWOs I've had in the past. I truly would expect her to be able to suck a golf ball through a hosepipe. Absolute heaven, and 69 isn't a bad option too to get more 'face-time' with that arse.

I will be returning, but next time round I will need to take some Sildenafil so that I have enough stamina to match Ana's energy! :-)

Best punt in a while for me (but then I haven't yet sample Michelle Independent).

Offline Jimmyredcab

The service felt like a good GFE in most respects, except there was no DFK for me

Do Romanians EVER kiss, I often see this complaint.     :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:

Offline jesus_jones

Do Romanians EVER kiss, I often see this complaint.     :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:

Do you EVER offer any constructive comments in reviews, or do you just shit all over them with racist bullshit?

She did dfk with me at the start, and so have a whole bunch of other Romanians.

 :hi:  :hi:  :hi:  :hi:

Offline bestbefore

Well said JJ.

But the best plan is just to ignore his worthless, crass comments.

Offline scottyboy2010

Quite. As I said, her AW profile doesn't say anything about DFK being available, so I had no right to expect it! She is a really nice girl, lovely personality, great service, and I enjoyed myself.

Offline Meursault

Do you EVER offer any constructive comments in reviews, or do you just shit all over them with racist bullshit?

She did dfk with me at the start, and so have a whole bunch of other Romanians.

 :hi:  :hi:  :hi:  :hi:

Offline Meursault

Quite. As I said, her AW profile doesn't say anything about DFK being available, so I had no right to expect it! She is a really nice girl, lovely personality, great service, and I enjoyed myself.

Offline Meursault

Well said JJ.

But the best plan is just to ignore his worthless, crass comments.
Unfortunately, internet forums of any kind do tend be partially populated by people with limited social skills.
My view is, that it's best to take a "water off a ducks back approach"  :drinks:

Offline Meursault

External Link/Members Only External Link/Members Only

Time spent: 1 hour
Price: £100

First of all, as per the reviews by akauya and others, Ana looks exactly like the photos in her profile. Arguably slightly better in the flesh, as she is quite smiley.

The service felt like a good GFE in most respects, except there was no DFK for me :-( I'm not sure why, as I showered when I got there and had fresh breath, have decent teeth etc. etc.. Either I'm more of a minger than I thought, or a few weeks of experience have made her change her mind about offering that. In fairness she doesn't claim to offer it on her profile, it was only because others on here mentioned it in reviews that I was hoping for it.

But to be honest that didn't ruin things. Her hot body and general flexibility was great. Good enthusiasm, and lots of effort from her. Cowgirl was great, and any excuse to watch her bum wiggling around should also be taken.

But for me the absolute highlight was her oral. Ana's OW skills are better than many OWOs I've had in the past. I truly would expect her to be able to suck a golf ball through a hosepipe. Absolute heaven, and 69 isn't a bad option too to get more 'face-time' with that arse.

I will be returning, but next time round I will need to take some Sildenafil so that I have enough stamina to match Ana's energy! :-)

Best punt in a while for me (but then I haven't yet sample Michelle Independent).
If DFK and OWO are not deal breakers for you, like myself. Then try her flat mate hot_bianca. I've experienced both and prefer Bianca marginally. Friendly, willing, stunning and was better second time around.

Offline scottyboy2010

If DFK and OWO are not deal breakers for you, like myself. Then try her flat mate hot_bianca. I've experienced both and prefer Bianca marginally. Friendly, willing, stunning and was better second time around.

Thank you, I will! I hadn't seen her in my AW searches, so the recommendation is appreciated!


  • Guest
saw Bianca this afternoon, just a quickie for £40. Good punt, nice girl.

Offline Meursault

saw Bianca this afternoon, just a quickie for £40. Good punt, nice girl.
She warms up, if you see her more than once, too - in my experience.

Offline Bartolomeo

wow both of their bodies look absolutely amazing, OWO is definitely not a dealbreaker for me, but no kissing is  :(

Offline johnny.bravo

Bianca looks quite rough in her verification pic... from :crazy: to  :dancegirl: haha


  • Guest
Saw Ana last week and the week before. Weel before I asked her to wear a pair of short shorts (she didn't have a short skirt) and a little top and heels. she looked AMAZING!!

Usual great service both times, DFK, really good BJ as mentioned above - lots of sucking - and just great enthusiastic sex...

last time i saw her i even forgot to sort out the payment first just get straight into it and she was fine. She had to remind me at the end i hadn't paid which was a bit embarrassing...oops!

Offline LastManCumings

Saw Ana earlier today. Thought since she had such good reviews it warranted a 1 hr session rather than a 30 min session which I usually do when I see a WG for the first time.

I am a bit disspointed as there was No Kissing (not even light pecks). The reason given was that if she starts kissing then she has to kiss everybody  :crazy: and hence she doesn't do it (which is quite contrary to what has been posted in this thread) Wasn't offered a shower and had to ask, asked her to join and she said No. No DFK, CIM. COB was offered. It was a decent punt but no kissing, OW (no OWO but I knew that), no shower together (basically all the things she did in the past were absent) meant this will be the last time I visit her.

I guess standards have dropped considering she is getting good business and reviews, which means she can say no to things and still get away with it. I wouldn't say she has joined the Romanian brigade of terrible service, but she is definitely started heading towards it.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2014, 07:47:57 pm by LastManCumings »

Offline what-a man

The fact that she is Romanian makes her a no-go for me coz I may be wrong but I have this thing in my head that 99% of romanian WGs are not honest.

Offline punk

The fact that she is Romanian makes her a no-go for me coz I may be wrong but I have this thing in my head that 99% of romanian WGs are not honest.

seems that way, worse of all ee so far.

Offline random

Saw Ana earlier today. Thought since she had such good reviews it warranted a 1 hr session rather than a 30 min session which I usually do when I see a WG for the first time.

I am a bit disspointed as there was No Kissing (not even light pecks). The reason given was that if she starts kissing then she has to kiss everybody  :crazy: and hence she doesn't do it (which is quite contrary to what has been posted in this thread) Wasn't offered a shower and had to ask, asked her to join and she said No. No DFK, CIM. COB was offered. It was a decent punt but no kissing, OW (no OWO but I knew that), no shower together (basically all the things she did in the past were absent) meant this will be the last time I visit her.

I guess standards have dropped considering she is getting good business and reviews, which means she can say no to things and still get away with it. I wouldn't say she has joined the Romanian brigade of terrible service, but she is definitely started heading towards it.

None of those services are mentioned on her profile though so I wouldn't be expecting them guaranteed. Not really her fault. I think the other girls working there are the same. Billybob's is the only mention of DFK among a number of reports I've seen of her here which is surprising.   

Better to go for someone who lists those services and actually does them.

Offline akauya

I'm the one who reported the shower together (and very enjoyable it was too) but didn't get DKF which for me is fine as I never go for it anyway.

I hope she's not getting burnt out because I was planning another visit soon.

Offline LastManCumings

The other girls working out of that apt are in Romania this week and might be back next week.

Well there was no kissing at all (leave aside DFK). Also she kept her phone right next to the pillow and was always distracted with messages on it. During the break between sessions, she was texting and checking messages continuously. Also very obvious clock-watching.

I am a fan of assisted showers ( I probably spend 15 mins with maggie just in the shower have loads of soapy fun)

She is off my HL and I do not plan to go back.

Maybe she has become jaded now and just does not care about giving punters a good service. 
« Last Edit: January 03, 2014, 08:07:04 pm by LastManCumings »


  • Guest
DFK is very much a personal thing i think . When I duoed with her and Bianka she told me up front there'd be no kissing (as Bianka didn't kiss).

My next punt with her to my surprise was no kissing either, so i queried it on my last one and she said it was back on the menu (for me) so i think she must have fallen for my stunning looks and immense charm ;-)

Saw her week before christmas…she was fine. 


  • Guest
seen bianca once as i said above, was ok for for a £40 15 minute service and have seen sexy ana twice, both times for 15 mins. In comparison to soho these are good quick shags but i would never see one of these Romanians types for any longer, as they never offer gfe. The group that operated around finchley road, bayswater etc which was shutdown last year was the best ive experienced for genuine gfe. They had a few poor performers but most i met were excellent, full on fk, fingering, owo and sometimes cim/anal were all on offer, never spent more than 80/100 per hour. Great times and not found anything like it since. Ameera and mia are still about, but prices are more and thats before extras! Jameela and geena also still about, but didn't rate them at all.


  • Guest
She is nice looking and has a good body.
Service was pretty cold and no GFE so I would stick to the 30 minutes.
The flat is nice inside but a shithole outside, a proper Soviet tower block.

Offline punk

She is nice looking and has a good body.
Service was pretty cold and no GFE so I would stick to the 30 minutes.
The flat is nice inside but a shithole outside, a proper Soviet tower block.

you mean typical 70's socialist shithole outside, the soviets failed to conquer the English. :yahoo: