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Author Topic: ~DEE~ and English Lucy, E1 – The best duo I have never had, or ‘why I walked’.  (Read 17014 times)


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was about to go in bed but now will wait for your response west8!  ;)


  • Guest
Just got home and 'wow' ... full response coming after I go and unload this Beef and Black Bean sauce.

Yes hopefully that shit that comes out your arse is more accurate than your version of events. Cock!


  • Guest
a client posted this thread which is COMPLETLY UNTRUE AND FABRICATED.

It’s wonderful that you have decided to join the forum Lucy – but not for the reasons you are probably thinking. I’m going to include the relevant parts of our SMS chat from today. I have removed any personal info and am only including the parts that are pertinent and relevant – to establish a chain of events.

Let’s start from this morning.

11:21: SMS from Lucy saying hi its Lucy and that as Dee is having problems with her phone could I please call this number when I arrive.

.. Making me think ‘what the fuck are you doing sending me an unsolicited SMS more than 2 hours before the scheduled booking?’ I was tempted to cancel there and then, but I’d seen Dee before and was looking forward to a repeat session. Fluff auto-pilot mode switched on:

Morning Lucy. Will do.

Then I had breakfast and made my way to E1.

Hey guys, arrived a bit early and waiting in the lobby. Please send me your room number when you’re ready. Thanks …

As there was no response to the above, I waited until just before 2pm – which I had entered into my phone calendar as the booking time – and then telephoned Lucy. There was no answer but Lucy quickly called back and said: “We just got back and are having lunch.” No hint of annoyance that I was early - and no mention of it either.

I waited a further ten minutes and then left, thinking no more of it.

When I emerged from the tube at Sloane Square 30 mins later, there were two further messages from Lucy – the first with the room number and the second asking me to get in touch if I still wanted to visit. As I was back in Central London of course I had no intention of visiting.

Over lunch I was seriously pissed off that today had gone so badly, but I was thinking there was no way it was Dee’s fault as I had met her just 2 weeks earlier and she had suggested Lucy to me. Hence the Neutral Review and not (as I saw it then) a Negative. Shit happens … we learn and move on.

I thought that was it.

Until 16:30...

I’m sitting in a local café with my wife having just picked up my children from their school club. The phone rings … it’s Lucy.

W T F are you calling me for?

5 minutes after that I get an SMS – from Lucy. Yes, a phone call and an SMS from a WG to my phone out of the blue. Great …

When I was finally alone an hour later, I read Lucy’s SMS:

Hi, it’s Lucy. Your booking today was at 2:30 and we were having lunch …. There were cross wires somewhere along I’m not sure where … If u want to visit in future maybe contact us and we can come to some sort of agreement … You may also want to double check what you booked for today not laying the blame at anyones door x’.

My precise SMS, word for word, sent less than 1 minute after reading Lucy’s message:

One of those days Lucy. I’m sorry it didn’t work out as it’s in my diary for 2pm. Please pass on my apologies to Dee – was really looking forward to seeing her again today …

Lucy replied:

Dee isn’t very happy … she has proof of the AW confirmation that the booking was in fact 2:30 but hey what can we do now … have a good evening and hopefully we all meet one day.

Mortified that I appeared to have been the fuckster, I wrote back:

Wish I could speak, but I’m not alone. Please tell Dee to keep that confirmation. Next time I will pay double if I was wrong. Dee is such a kind woman that I hate to think I have upset her!

So, Dee had checked her Adultwork and I had booked for 14:30. Wow, nice fuckup by me. I had not only let two willing WGs down that I had waited more than a week to see, I had also been critical of their service standards – when I was the one who made the error. Oh well, it would only cost me double next time. That was fair if I had been the one who was wrong.

Not for a moment did I doubt Dee or Lucy but as I wasn’t alone I couldn’t confirm anything at that point so just carried on with the day as Lucy seemed fine with my offer and I was the one who had lost out.

Then I started to get REALLY fucking annoyed.

Unsolicited text messages started arriving from Dee – at 19:01, 19:09, 19:13, 19:17 and 19:24.

In my hastily-typed replies I suggested two things to Dee:

Here is an idea: do you girls want me to come back to E1 tonight? (to pay for my missed booking)

Another angry message from Dee followed. I replied:

When I actually get home and check my AW it will be easy to see. Please relax…

So that’s the full story – no fabrication or lies. I fucked up my timings and had spoken with Lucy to apologise if I had been wrong. I even offered to trek all the way back to E1 and pay the cash for the time I hadn’t in the event actually used. Because I was wrong.

But I’m now really fucking angry about so much unsolicited communication during the course of the day. A ridiculous amount in fact.

So much so that if I were sitting here now, I would have written a completely different review:


So, way to go girls.

You had a loyal customer who was dreadfully sorry – who had apologised and confirmed he would check his Adultwork and gladly pay you for any time lost. A customer who had been in frequent communication with you during the day – after the fuckup.

That being the case Lucy / Dee, why the fuck could you not wait until I got home to check my shit and set the record straight – as our SMS comms had agreed?

You have my apology here in writing for my error – as you had it by SMS several times today.

Which just leaves the small issue of a fuckload of indiscreet, unsolicited phone calls and SMSs … care to comment on that Lucy?


  • Guest
There's  not a great deal that can be said. West8 totally messed up his appointment time then proceeded to jump straight onto UKP slagging us off without even logging into AW and confirming he had his times right. We did nothing wrong except try and accommodate his visit 20mins before the arranged time. In the meantime we have had not so much as an apology or 'damn I messed up'.  As I say, I have a copy of the actual booking on my phone but am not in the habit of trying to embaress people. It would be much easier to simply hold your hands up and admit the error then go down those routes then we can all just lay it to bed.

I would not have even joined this site and commented on this thread today had I of thought I was in anyway mistaken here.


  • Guest

That being the case Lucy / Dee, why the fuck could you not wait until I got home to check my shit and set the record straight – as our SMS comms had agreed?

You have my apology here in writing for my error – as you had it by SMS several times today.

I'm not entering into an argument with anyone i'm simply defending myself and Dee from your accusations at the begining of this review. Had you of 'checked your shit' prior to posting this review this wouldn't be an issue.  You have now said you were mistaken so lets all just move on. Not the end of the world.


  • Guest
There's  not a great deal that can be said. West8 totally messed up his appointment time then proceeded to jump straight onto UKP slagging us off without even logging into AW and confirming he had his times right. We did nothing wrong except try and accommodate his visit 20mins before the arranged time. In the meantime we have had not so much as an apology or 'damn I messed up'.  As I say, I have a copy of the actual booking on my phone but am not in the habit of trying to embaress people. It would be much easier to simply hold your hands up and admit the error then go down those routes then we can all just lay it to bed.

I would not have even joined this site and commented on this thread today had I of thought I was in anyway mistaken here.

lucy makes a fair point, you came onto ukpunting to write the review without checking if thre were any mixups in the booking detail

for someone who is as much a stickler for detail as you appear to be thats not fair on the ladies really


  • Guest
There's  not a great deal that can be said. West8 totally messed up his appointment time then proceeded to jump straight onto UKP slagging us off without even logging into AW and confirming he had his times right. We did nothing wrong except try and accommodate his visit 20mins before the arranged time. In the meantime we have had not so much as an apology or 'damn I messed up'.  As I say, I have a copy of the actual booking on my phone but am not in the habit of trying to embaress people. It would be much easier to simply hold your hands up and admit the error then go down those routes then we can all just lay it to bed.

I would not have even joined this site and commented on this thread today had I of thought I was in anyway mistaken here.

Wow, it seems we posted at almost the same time. The full story is above - I'm sure you agree it's factually correct Lucy.

You can see my written apology.

What would you like me to do next? You tell me - I'm happy to make any amends you deem appropriate.

Offline regenmeister

Don't you have a punting phone you can just switch off without affecting your normal life?


  • Guest
hopefully the thread is deleted, unfair publicity for the girls involved. bloody hell let this be a lesson for reviews in future, at least double check that YOU'RE not the one thats fucked up!

fucking unreal.

Offline smiths

I'm not entering into an argument with anyone i'm simply defending myself and Dee from your accusations at the begining of this review. Had you of 'checked your shit' prior to posting this review this wouldn't be an issue.  You have now said you were mistaken so lets all just move on. Not the end of the world.

IMO you or Dee or indeed any WG shouldnt be contacting punters unless they have given you express permission to do so.

Why West hasnt a dedicated punting phone or sim so such calls or texts couldnt potentially get him into shit with his family is beyond my understanding. There have been many threads about taking such basic measures.

And BEFORE doing a review a punter should be absolutely certain of what was agreed and when, its not rocket science.


  • Guest
IMO you or Dee or indeed any WG shouldnt be contacting punters unless they have given you express permission to do so.

Why West hasnt a dedicated punting phone or sim so such calls or texts couldnt potentially get him into shit with his family is beyond my understanding. There have been many threads about taking such basic measures.

And BEFORE doing a review a punter should be absolutely certain of what was agreed and when, its not rocket science.

Agree 100% smiths. Complete sense and wise words for the future.

I have spoken with Lucy and I think we're going to 'work things out'. It seems both sides got a little heated and this should never have been taken so far.

But hey, I like to think of myself as the Kofi Annan of punters: I'm all about conflict resolution.  ;)

Offline Sparta Prada

Leaving aside the question of the rights and wrongs of punting phones and if the WGs were right to contact the client before or after the booking, I'd lay the blame for this as 75% with the punter and 25% with the girls based on what I have read here.

West8 totally cocked up timings. English Lucy should have told West8 that his booking was at 2.30pm (when he texted to advise he was early) and that they were busy til then. Had that happened, perhaps West8 would have waited, had his nice session, and not come on here now looking like a prize cunt!


  • Guest
If this isn't an advertisement for a "punting" phone/sim, I don't know what is.

I don't have a s/o right now but I still wouldn't use my personal lines because of incidents such as these.


  • Guest
I got to say for bloke who uses VPN Tor Browsers etc to conceal his identity on line you would assume he would have had a variety of punting phones

Offline lewishamguy

I got to say for bloke who uses VPN Tor Browsers etc to conceal his identity on line you would assume he would have had a variety of punting phones

But the fact is if the punting phone is switched on 24/7 ;)

Offline ForrestGump

I got to say for bloke who uses VPN Tor Browsers etc to conceal his identity on line you would assume he would have had a variety of punting phones

Indeed, CB. Still... the positive in this is that Dee & EL get some good headline publicity out of this even if, at first, it appears bad for them.  :thumbsup:

Offline ForrestGump

But the fact is if the punting phone is switched on 24/7 ;)

Personally, I can't understand why a punter would want to do that. Mine is switched on only when I'm arranging a punt or when I'm preparing to attend a punt I've already arranged.

Offline Lilywhite

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West8, you posted this review at 4:05, 25 minutes before Lucy called you, surely if you can write on UKP when you're with your family a WG would perhaps think you were free to talk?

Offline smiths

I got to say for bloke who uses VPN Tor Browsers etc to conceal his identity on line you would assume he would have had a variety of punting phones

Indeed, it all doesnt add up in my view. As apparently a very experienced punter with a partner its the very basics to have a punting phone or sim which is only in use when arranging and going on punts. You have to be VERY stupid to leave your phone on knowing you are with your family in my view. And its not as though there arent threads on here about advising the use of a punting phone or sim.

West portrays himself as a careful punter yet doesnt take the most basis of precautions, as i have thought from when he laid into Trey a punter who had helped him by PM which he later tried to apologise for showing he knew he was out of order i have labelled him a snake and now an incompetent snake unable to even follow the basic advice on this site about using punting phones or sims and especially when you have a partner.

Fuck knows why he posted the post above agreeing with me as only a few days ago he attempted to nominate me for WOTW which Ali ruled not allowed. What made me laugh about his nominaton is that it was because i had called him a snake. Yet he had accused James of being a double or multi-nicker on here and Andrei as Cindys pimp, i know Andrei in real life so thats bollocks as of course his allegation about James is and seeing as James is still posting. So to him me calling him a snake was more serious to him than nominating 2 posters who if it were true what he alleged had been fooling punters on here for years.

West is full of shit in my opinion, this thread another example. I wonder what would of happened if the WG hadnt joined and been aware of his review. Would he have posted his apology which he has done above.

IMO as i posted where these WGs got it wrong was contacting West, if i were them and of course they are aware of UKP i would of just posted it on here for West to dispute or not.

Offline Sedlmayer

Personally, I can't understand why a punter would want to do that. Mine is switched on only when I'm arranging a punt or when I'm preparing to attend a punt I've already arranged.

Well, of course! Why would you leave a punting phone on when you don't need it? :wacko:
Negates the whole purpose of having one, doesn't it?  :unknown:

Offline rockharders

West is full of shit in my opinion

I concur. Such as stirring up shitstorm in a teacup like this when its not really a big deal, and pissing people off.
A whole thread of bollocks because someone got the time wrong.

Offline PumpAction

West is full of shit in my opinion, this thread another example.

Funny guy though. I came to read a review and he's talking about organic, protein rich amuse-bouches and beef in black been sauce. Seems like part punter, part fantasist and part attention seeker. His first post on this site is asking if anyone has seen Vienka a possible post op ts. He then made a thread a few weeks ago asking if anyone has had a 'tranny' experience, in which he claims to have gone to see her (a month after his initial post) and had no idea she was ts until he was about to go down on him/her.

Offline The_Don

If this isn't an advertisement for a "punting" phone/sim, I don't know what is.

I don't have a s/o right now but I still wouldn't use my personal lines because of incidents such as these.

+1 I have 3 phone all for different things!


  • Guest
Funny guy though. I came to read a review and he's talking about organic, protein rich amuse-bouches and beef in black been sauce. Seems like part punter, part fantasist and part attention seeker. His first post on this site is asking if anyone has seen Vienka a possible post op ts. He then made a thread a few weeks ago asking if anyone has had a 'tranny' experience, in which he claims to have gone to see her (a month after his initial post) and had no idea she was ts until he was about to go down on him/her.

It depends on your definition of funny guy. Whether your laughing at him or with him.

I did think West8 was just a bell end but he is probably on the autistic spectrum so maybe its unfair to laugh at him.

Offline mh

I think it's fairly obvious by now that I'm a stickler for detail.

Hmmm, obvious, hmmmm. :crazy: :crazy:

You can see my written apology.

Your "apology" reads like the kind of "sorry" you'd get from a grumpy teenager. You know, the one that means "I'm not at all fucking sorry but apparently I am obligated to say the word".

Offline Sedlmayer

It depends on your definition of funny guy. Whether your laughing at him or with him.

I did think West8 was just a bell end but he is probably on the autistic spectrum so maybe its unfair to laugh at him.

Oh, you big softy, you  :cry:

Offline regenmeister

Unsolicited text messages started arriving from Dee – at 19:01, 19:09, 19:13, 19:17 and 19:24.

What did Dee say to you in those messages?


  • Guest
What did Dee say to you in those messages?

She was probably replying to the texts he was sending her  :unknown:

Offline akauya

I think all this is VT's fault. On West8's last "best punt... ever" review of SexyPorsha he suggested West8 to "leave the review until after the inevitable post-punt euphoria has died down and you can be a bit more objective" otherwise it looked like every punt Westie had was "the best ever".

So, there goes Westie thinking "aha how can I review something that is not 'the best ever' hmmm I know"... and the rest is history  :rolleyes:

See what you've done VT? You got poor Westie in trouble by giving him sensible advice. Obviously sensible advice doesn't work with certain people :D

Offline claretandblue

it beggars belief that a guy like west8 who seems to spend prety much every day punting doesnt have a punting phone

Offline SamLP

Then I started to get REALLY fucking annoyed.

But I’m now really fucking angry about so much unsolicited communication during the course of the day. A ridiculous amount in fact.

You had a loyal customer

I would guess that a WG who lost out on some income and had her time wasted , then got slated on a well known forum would not react well especially since she was not at fault. I'm not justifying her actions but you can imagine their situation when they know the punter has arrived (early) and suddenly he won't answer texts or calls when they are ready for the punt, and then they find a review (albeit a neutral one) written negatively about them.

I wouldn't class a loyal customer as someone who had seen a WG only once before and walked out the second time.

Offline hendrix

Whatever actually happened here, mentioning the hotel name is not a good idea as others have pointed out.


  • Guest
Morning folks,

As already mentioned on another thread, I DO have a punting phone - an encrypted Android device. I always carry both my phones with me as they're identical.

But that doesn't stop WGs (or PPI cunts) calling me out of the blue, does it?

Offline Sedlmayer

Whatever actually happened here, mentioning the hotel name is not a good idea as others have pointed out.

Absolutely - it's counter-productive and could force the manager (who might, personally, be glad of the business) to tighten up.
I thought that there was a gentlemen's agreement that hotels weren't actually named on the open forum (PM's different, of course), but these rules obviously only apply to the little people - a superpunter like West8 is above such petty restrictions to the creative flow.... :thumbsdown:


  • Guest
Morning folks,

As already mentioned on another thread, I DO have a punting phone - an encrypted Android device. I always carry both my phones with me as they're identical.

But that doesn't stop WGs (or PPI cunts) calling me out of the blue, does it?

Do they both not let you log onto AW to check the time of your booking yesterday.

Offline Sedlmayer

Morning folks,

As already mentioned on another thread, I DO have a punting phone - an encrypted Android device. I always carry both my phones with me as they're identical.

But that doesn't stop WGs (or PPI cunts) calling me out of the blue, does it?

Would it be fair to assume that the phone you use to speak to prostitutes can be switched off when, for example, you're in the bosom of your family? :unknown:


  • Guest
Do they both not let you log onto AW to check the time of your booking yesterday.

Yes - which is why I came on here late last night and confirmed that the mistake was mine ...  :rose: The Android 'app' is a piece of shit, but maybe it doesn't work as I'm not running stock Mods on either phone.

Hotels: didn't include them in any recent reviews and the above was an oversight. I'm sure a Mod can edit out the name.


  • Guest
Would it be fair to assume that the phone you use to speak to prostitutes can be switched off when, for example, you're in the bosom of your family? :unknown:

As indeed it was - see Lucy's '8 calls to voicemail' post.

Offline Tailpipe

Morning folks,

As already mentioned on another thread, I DO have a punting phone - an encrypted Android device. I always carry both my phones with me as they're identical.

But that doesn't stop WGs (or PPI cunts) calling me out of the blue, does it?

You are just posting on UKP to take the piss , your views change you just bend with every Breeze, you talk of detail and the need for it
2.30pm is what it is and is not 2.00pm , you have no creditability what's so ever . So your only purpose is to wind up other members just for the hell of it.

Any information you share is not going to be believed by the members so what is the point, other than to take the piss. 

Offline PumpAction

As indeed it was - see Lucy's '8 calls to voicemail' post.

Why was it not switched off at 16.30 when you were sitting outside the cafe with your family? Rookie mistake?


  • Guest
You are just posting on UKP to take the piss , your views change you just bend with every Breeze, you talk of detail and the need for it
2.30pm is what it is and is not 2.00pm , you have no creditability what's so ever . So your only purpose is to wind up other members just for the hell of it.

An apologetic wind-up. How does that work, exactly?

Why was it not switched off at 16.30 when you were sitting outside the cafe with your family? Rookie mistake?



  • Guest
She was probably replying to the texts he was sending her  :unknown:


and smiths post is spot on


  • Guest
But that doesn't stop WGs (or PPI cunts) calling me out of the blue, does it?

That's the idea of a punting phone, if it's not convenient to take calls you switch it off,

As for PPI cunts, if it's a punting phone how would PPI claims get your real name and number?  :unknown:


  • Guest

and smiths post is spot on

Unsolicited text messages started arriving from Dee – at 19:01, 19:09, 19:13, 19:17 and 19:24.

If you re-read the opening review, Dee's phone wasn't working. So to start receiving SMSs out of the blue yesterday evening was odd to say the least.

smiths 'snake' post .. again  :D

Offline Sedlmayer

Yes - which is why I came on here late last night and confirmed that the mistake was mine ...  :rose: The Android 'app' is a piece of shit, but maybe it doesn't work as I'm not running stock Mods on either phone.

Hotels: didn't include them in any recent reviews and the above was an oversight. I'm sure a Mod can edit out the name.

"I’m not going to mention the £34.00 fucking wasted on a taxi to The IBIS Aldgate East either. Oops, I just did." - doesn't sound like what I call an oversight TBH. :unknown:

Offline Sedlmayer

Unsolicited text messages started arriving from Dee – at 19:01, 19:09, 19:13, 19:17 and 19:24.

If you re-read the opening review, Dee's phone wasn't working. So to start receiving SMSs out of the blue yesterday evening was odd to say the least.

But your puntiphone was switched off, wasn't it? So what's the issue exactly?  :unknown: :unknown: :unknown:


  • Guest
"I’m not going to mention the £34.00 fucking wasted on a taxi to The IBIS Aldgate East either. Oops, I just did." - doesn't sound like what I call an oversight TBH. :unknown:

I 'just did' mention the wasted money ...


  • Guest
But your puntiphone was switched off, wasn't it? So what's the issue exactly?  :unknown: :unknown: :unknown:

In the afternoon, yes. In the evening, no. It was on before I popped out for a punt  :cool:


  • Guest
Unsolicited text messages started arriving from Dee – at 19:01, 19:09, 19:13, 19:17 and 19:24.

If you re-read the opening review, Dee's phone wasn't working. So to start receiving SMSs out of the blue yesterday evening was odd to say the least.

smiths 'snake' post .. again  :D

What would you prefer Smiths made reference to you as that spaz West 8 or that lying cunt West 8 or that bullshitter West8 or that moron West 8

Smiths is consistent in his use of language he likes to use "lowlife' and when referring to you West8 'snake'

At least Smiths is consistent not something that you could be labelled as