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Author Topic: Courage to Walk  (Read 2898 times)

Offline Azrael2015

First time poster, long time lurker. 

I have at last had the courage to walk after getting in the door of a wg and I feel great for it after putting up with some shit punts in the past.  I finally booked LucyLou Barnstaple by text after trying in the past, but she was either busy or one time I got to car park and she informed me that "landlord had turned up to do painting".  This morning got a booking and had some texting back & forth to organize.  Got to house and as soon as I walked in, she had a bit of an attitude on.  She asked if I wanted the 45 minute special at £100 or 1 hr for £120.  I asked if I could do 45 mins but if we ran over I would pay her the extra, a reasonable request I thought but no, then the full on attitude kicked in.  She told me she has a life and lots of other punters etc.  I thought that this wasn't a good start and so assumed that the rest of the punt would just get worse so I told her straight that I was going to walk and promptly left.  I seriously expected her to kick off but she just said "fair enough" as I left with my money still in my pocket and the feeling that I had dodged a bullet.  Now I've done it once if I get the feeling that the punt aint gonna go well, I'm out of there.

Offline Watts.E.Dunn

You did right my son. I'd have done just the same.

Welcome to the world of punting where shite poor service is all to often the downside of an otherwise fine "hobby"

Offline Jimmyredcab

I would have walked once the attitude kicked in ------------------ however, I would have made a decision whether to go for 45 minutes or an hour, your proposal of paying extra if you ran over the 45 minutes was slightly cheeky in my opinion.  :hi:

Offline Azrael2015

Fair point I guess.  In past would have gone for the hour option only to have put up with shit service, attitude etc. and left after 30 mins or so and wasting money.  But again, fair point.


  • Guest
I've 'walked' a few times and only once complained about a girl's attitude in a flat I went to. It was too late really because I'd already paid and went ahead with it. She, and the maid, were very apologetic actually.


  • Guest
Only had to do it once,  b&s , a mega switch, booked a model, turned up to a shit hole and a middle aged woman, no shape with gut and what little hair she had scrunched up to the top of her head , thought she was going to lead me to the girl but as she started asking me how long as she started undressing , she was so bad she had't Evan taken money! I just turned and bolted, did shit my self to be honest, was half expecting Sergei to show up, lesson gratefully learnt from.

Offline smiths

First time poster, long time lurker. 

I have at last had the courage to walk after getting in the door of a wg and I feel great for it after putting up with some shit punts in the past.  I finally booked LucyLou Barnstaple by text after trying in the past, but she was either busy or one time I got to car park and she informed me that "landlord had turned up to do painting".  This morning got a booking and had some texting back & forth to organize.  Got to house and as soon as I walked in, she had a bit of an attitude on.  She asked if I wanted the 45 minute special at £100 or 1 hr for £120.  I asked if I could do 45 mins but if we ran over I would pay her the extra, a reasonable request I thought but no, then the full on attitude kicked in.  She told me she has a life and lots of other punters etc.  I thought that this wasn't a good start and so assumed that the rest of the punt would just get worse so I told her straight that I was going to walk and promptly left.  I seriously expected her to kick off but she just said "fair enough" as I left with my money still in my pocket and the feeling that I had dodged a bullet.  Now I've done it once if I get the feeling that the punt aint gonna go well, I'm out of there.

Well done for walking, as soon as I saw that attitude I would of walked, I require at least the act of a good attitude from a WG.

Offline Walsalllad15

I've walked from a parlour. Maid sent two ladies up to me to choice from,  both where of their heads.  Said to them how much for a two girl they told me,  so said need to go and draw more money out.. Left the building never to return


  • Guest
You can't extend the time when you feel like it because a prossie might have a booking right after you.

 Although for the attitude I would of walked just as you did. Completely unprofessional that she had her landlord round for painting he must of mentioned it to her. Although the truth is obviously she had another punter booked in that time and probably double booked you both.

Although I know a lot of punters would not have walked. Like I always say when pussy is involved men turn stupid and women turn into bitches.   :cool:
« Last Edit: November 04, 2015, 02:20:41 pm by Ben4454 »

Offline Rockhead

Got to house and as soon as I walked in, she had a bit of an attitude on.

I'd have walked too. Being friendly and respectful to someone should be second nature - easier still if that person is about to give you £100 for 45 mins of your time.

Offline Azrael2015

I know it was a bit cheeky, but I didn't expect to be lectured on her busy life.  A simple polite explanation without the attitude would have been nice.  Still, her loss.

« Last Edit: November 04, 2015, 03:58:22 pm by Azrael2015 »


  • Guest
Totally the correct decision after all if you want attitude you can get loads for free from the OH.

Did my first walk a few weeks ago, easy decision the wg was at least 3-4 dress sizes above her profile - no kidding, didn't find her at all attractive and there was a bad smell. Politely made my excuses (her not matching her profile) and left, got a real earful about being a TW (I'm not) and something about not being man enough to handle her (YEAH RIGHT) pfft.

Offline seeker

It's shocking how many old trouts are apparently trying their luck ....
What about them wasting the punters with lies about size .age B&s :dash: :dash: :dash:
If in doubt  always leave are the customer  :hi:


  • Guest
About 2 years ago I walk after seeing the WG had put up very old pics if her self. At first she was embarrassed and I felt sorry for the situation. I think I left a tenner to prove I was not a timewaster, but a gentleman. As I left I kept getting extremely angry texts from her using vile racial slurs, slurs about being a man looking for a bird, slurs about being a virgin, slurs about being a pedo, slurs about supporting/opposing Scottish ibdepebdence, slurs that were totally nonsensical...

Offline Moresomes

I`ve only walked once. When she opened the door I could see she was pissed, but as I was standing there with a semi on I was going to go ahead with it. She turned round to lead me up the stairs, fell over the bottom step, and fell flat on her face on the staircase. I buggered off and left her face down talking to herself.

Offline RedKettle

You can't extend the time when you feel like it because a prossie might have a booking right after you.


but she had offered 45 or an hour when he arrived so cannot have had another booking!


  • Guest
but she had offered 45 or an hour when he arrived so cannot have had another booking!

Very true. Or she decided to cancel the next punt without the punter knowing!

Honestly no working girl should practice double-booking practises. Leads to punter walking up and down the road trying to be discreet but feeling like a cunt syndrome  :dash:

Offline nike

The first time is always the hardest my son. I,ve walked quite  a few times now. The last time was from a duo with two really hot looking wgs because they advertised owo and cim and when I rechecked,  before handing over the money, they both said no cim, so I said sorry and walked. 

Offline Azrael2015

Thanks Redkettle, I hadn't thought of that. I am a bit dense. :crazy:


  • Guest
I have walked a few times. Once I just felt uncomfortable and the rest because the WG on offer was nothing like the pictures.

A couple of times I have threatened to walk because basic clothing requirements / service offering were suddenly not on offer. Both times the attitude and clothing has miraculously changed.

I understand that punts can take planning and we're all horny when we get there but if we don't walk when things are wrong then we only have ourselves to blame for shit service.



  • Guest
I`ve only walked once. When she opened the door I could see she was pissed, but as I was standing there with a semi on I was going to go ahead with it. She turned round to lead me up the stairs, fell over the bottom step, and fell flat on her face on the staircase. I buggered off and left her face down talking to herself.

I hope you put her in the recovery position  :cool:

Offline Markus

I walked for the first time last Friday. Called and arranged a time. Parked on side road and the phoned her for flat number as she was on a main road. Get there and buzzer doesn't work.

She told me to 'wait 10 minutes please' by which I assumed she was with another punter or going to come down personally to let me in. Being horny, I waited 10 minutes but then decided to walk as I was standing outside like a sore thumb even though it was beginning to get dark.

I messaged to say I'm off & She messaged back to apologise. I wouldn't go back there again. Had a lovely meal & brought myself a nice whiskey on my way home - money well spent  :thumbsup:

Offline 7714337

Went to a laufhaus and agreed price, handed over money and got down to my boxers just starting to feel a rise (she was absolutely gorgeous) and as she laid me down on the bed starts piping up about more money straight away.

Saw immediately where it was going and just got my gear back on and fucked off while laughing at her.

Felt pretty good because she clearly took me for a mug and was more than a little shocked at my audacity in fucking off with my money without even bothering to argue the point.

Offline Jerboa

First time poster, long time lurker. 

I have at last had the courage to walk after getting in the door of a wg and I feel great for it after putting up with some shit punts in the past.  I finally booked LucyLou Barnstaple by text after trying in the past, but she was either busy or one time I got to car park and she informed me that "landlord had turned up to do painting".  This morning got a booking and had some texting back & forth to organize.  Got to house and as soon as I walked in, she had a bit of an attitude on.  She asked if I wanted the 45 minute special at £100 or 1 hr for £120.  I asked if I could do 45 mins but if we ran over I would pay her the extra, a reasonable request I thought but no, then the full on attitude kicked in.  She told me she has a life and lots of other punters etc.  I thought that this wasn't a good start and so assumed that the rest of the punt would just get worse so I told her straight that I was going to walk and promptly left.  I seriously expected her to kick off but she just said "fair enough" as I left with my money still in my pocket and the feeling that I had dodged a bullet.  Now I've done it once if I get the feeling that the punt aint gonna go well, I'm out of there.

Good lad, you did right, usually they are all sweetness and light until you hand over the dosh, only a pussy who likes a stroppy bitch would of stayed.
Banned reason: I did ask you to stick a sock in it, clearly that’s not going to happen, say hello to your boyfriend Tommy for us
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline Jerboa

Went to a laufhaus and agreed price, handed over money and got down to my boxers just starting to feel a rise (she was absolutely gorgeous) and as she laid me down on the bed starts piping up about more money straight away.

Saw immediately where it was going and just got my gear back on and fucked off while laughing at her.

Felt pretty good because she clearly took me for a mug and was more than a little shocked at my audacity in fucking off with my money without even bothering to argue the point.

Where in Germany was this? Some of the girls can be sharks, especially if it's a place frequented by the stag do crowd, similar to Amsterdam, as well as asking the price, you have to spell out what services are involved, or the cheeky cow will say once on the bed, extra to take her top off, extra to change position, extra to breathe the same air as her. Fuck it I'd rather stick to saunaclubs.
Banned reason: I did ask you to stick a sock in it, clearly that’s not going to happen, say hello to your boyfriend Tommy for us
Banned by: Iloveoral

Rod trotter

  • Guest

i make the fatal mistake of handing over the loot as soon as i get through the door or just into the bedroom.

maybe i should wait until we are both happy the pay up.   :unknown:

Offline Jerboa

i make the fatal mistake of handing over the loot as soon as i get through the door or just into the bedroom.

maybe i should wait until we are both happy the pay up.   :unknown:

Yes politely confirm before handing money over, you wouldn't buy a second hand car before you'd checked the spec and what extras it had.
Banned reason: I did ask you to stick a sock in it, clearly that’s not going to happen, say hello to your boyfriend Tommy for us
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline RedKettle

Yes politely confirm before handing money over, you wouldn't buy a second hand car before you'd checked the spec and what extras it had.

I would test drive a second hand car....  :D :D


  • Guest
I've walked many times and that has become easier with age as brain controls balls. If I get a sniff of attitude, lying about services, sudden extras etc. I'm through the door  :hi:


  • Guest
i make the fatal mistake of handing over the loot as soon as i get through the door or just into the bedroom.

maybe i should wait until we are both happy the pay up.   :unknown:

I developed a technique with agency girls who I book for out call.  They arrive and I check for B&S.  I then say let's get the business out of the way.

Your agency said that we can X, Y, Z

The fee is £

If they don't offer any of the agreed services then the out call is over. I advise them to call their agency and take it up with them.
This happens TO ME 20% of the time if you don't know the agency. If you do know the agency then it should be rare.

I remember saying to Maria the gorgeous English anal teen from LUSH in Birmingham (sadly retired / working somewhere else)

"I can cum on your face but not in your mouth"
she replies "no you can cum in my mouth as well"

So it works in your favour sometimes.

Not sure how this fits in with the GFE, DFK kind of meet, but I'm never really looking for that.


  • Guest
Where in Germany was this? Some of the girls can be sharks, especially if it's a place frequented by the stag do crowd, similar to Amsterdam, as well as asking the price, you have to spell out what services are involved, or the cheeky cow will say once on the bed, extra to take her top off, extra to change position, extra to breathe the same air as her. Fuck it I'd rather stick to saunaclubs.

My experience is this is more common with the German girls in Germany. Stick to EEs, particularly Poles.


  • Guest
I have only walked once from a punt, and that was fairly recently.

It was mid punt so I lost the punting tokens  :dash:

Got fooled by the happy smiley, seductive act, which soon changed when the paper work was sorted
And out came her very bad attitude, argumentative, services paid for not performed, she just generally took me for a mug & took the piss :angry:

The frustration progressively started to build up, until it got to a point, where I was really starting to lose my rag
so I thought best leave now while I have some measure of composure & control , before I let fly verbally at her & the management etc. , possibly making a bad situation worst etc.
& wait until the blood pressure drops and think with a clearer head, before making any complaints etc.

So I just  stopped , started putting my clothes on without saying a word until I was dressed even when she was asking is everything ok? , then politely said let me out please as I walked to the door etc.

I had never felt such anger & been ripped off before on any other punt, even the shit ones :mad:

A full review will be posted soon

Offline 7714337

Where in Germany was this? Some of the girls can be sharks, especially if it's a place frequented by the stag do crowd, similar to Amsterdam, as well as asking the price, you have to spell out what services are involved, or the cheeky cow will say once on the bed, extra to take her top off, extra to change position, extra to breathe the same air as her. Fuck it I'd rather stick to saunaclubs.

Yep you nailed it and won't be surprised to hear it was in Hamburg.

Offline Jerboa

Yep you nailed it and won't be surprised to hear it was in Hamburg.

Yeah I'd already guest as much, many girls in the Hamburg laurhaus take the piss, as many of their punters aren't locals but one time tourists.
Banned reason: I did ask you to stick a sock in it, clearly that’s not going to happen, say hello to your boyfriend Tommy for us
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline Jaylincs555

Yeah I'd already guest as much, many girls in the Hamburg laurhaus take the piss, as many of their punters aren't locals but one time tourists.

Only time it's happened to me was in Hamburg as well. Wish I knew it had that reputation before I went!

Offline rider10

Had to walk for the first time the other day. I turned up at the door, she answered. Within 5 seconds I had to say "you don't look the girl in your profile pictures". I expected her to try and laugh it off, but she actually told me to leave without throwing excuses at me.

Anyway I have another punt lined up soon which I've found out is on the same street and very much likely to be the same building. Both girls are the same nationality but comms so far and aw profiles and photos suggest no connection. So Im currently deciding whether to turn up and if her pics are also fake I walk or whether  I cancel and find someone else. I have booked it early enough in the day that I should be able to initiate a back up plan should I have to walk. It'll be a bit embarrasing if i I turn up and its the same girl though!


  • Guest
I would have walked once the attitude kicked in ------------------ however, I would have made a decision whether to go for 45 minutes or an hour, your proposal of paying extra if you ran over the 45 minutes was slightly cheeky in my opinion.  :hi:

Really? I do that all the time!


  • Guest
I have only walked once from a punt, and that was fairly recently.

It was mid punt so I lost the punting tokens  :dash:

Got fooled by the happy smiley, seductive act, which soon changed when the paper work was sorted
And out came her very bad attitude, argumentative, services paid for not performed, she just generally took me for a mug & took the piss :angry:

The frustration progressively started to build up, until it got to a point, where I was really starting to lose my rag
so I thought best leave now while I have some measure of composure & control , before I let fly verbally at her & the management etc. , possibly making a bad situation worst etc.
& wait until the blood pressure drops and think with a clearer head, before making any complaints etc.

So I just  stopped , started putting my clothes on without saying a word until I was dressed even when she was asking is everything ok? , then politely said let me out please as I walked to the door etc.

I had never felt such anger & been ripped off before on any other punt, even the shit ones :mad:

A full review will be posted soon

I've done this many times but I've normally got half my money back. The change in attitude once money handed over really fucks me off.

I've found its best to keep conversation to a minimum with escorts as the more we say the more likely it is a row will break out. I have absolutely nothing in common with the girls and so I just get straight down to business hence 30 min bookings are best. I've found the attitude problems are less noticeable in shorter bookings.


  • Guest
I've done this many times but I've normally got half my money back. The change in attitude once money handed over really fucks me off.

I've found its best to keep conversation to a minimum with escorts as the more we say the more likely it is a row will break out. I have absolutely nothing in common with the girls and so I just get straight down to business hence 30 min bookings are best. I've found the attitude problems are less noticeable in shorter bookings.

I like your thinking.

Offline barnstorm123

I walked only once. I agreed a price below the advertised rate, probably with the girl's pimp or maid. I got there and she asked for £20 more than agreed. Showed her the texts confirming the price but she held firm. I just said sorry we've both wasted our time and left. Shame, she was kind of hot but £80 for half hour is my top whack.

Offline nike

I have only walked once from a punt, and that was fairly recently.

It was mid punt so I lost the punting tokens  :dash:

Got fooled by the happy smiley, seductive act, which soon changed when the paper work was sorted
And out came her very bad attitude, argumentative, services paid for not performed, she just generally took me for a mug & took the piss :angry:

The frustration progressively started to build up, until it got to a point, where I was really starting to lose my rag
so I thought best leave now while I have some measure of composure & control , before I let fly verbally at her & the management etc. , possibly making a bad situation worst etc.
& wait until the blood pressure drops and think with a clearer head, before making any complaints etc.

So I just  stopped , started putting my clothes on without saying a word until I was dressed even when she was asking is everything ok? , then politely said let me out please as I walked to the door etc.

I had never felt such anger & been ripped off before on any other punt, even the shit ones :mad:

A full review will be posted soon

Well the op is full of hot air,  or something.  A month gone by and still no review. Maybe he is busy doing his homework.  :D

Offline bluefinger

I buggered off and left her face down talking to herself.

This has made my day reading this  :lol: :lol: :lol:

Offline lewisjones23

Did my first walk a few weeks back

Id already played the scenario out in my head expecting the worst case scenario so i was prepared for it

Made my excuses and left it at that

Offline BP96

Parlour girl told me to go upstairs and she would follow.

Got upstairs, stripped to my underwear and no sign of her but could hear her chatting downstairs. Waited five minutes altogether and I was shivering then started getting dressed.

She then came in. I explained. She said I'd have to pay or she'd lose out. I said I'll explain to boss and she won't. Went down, man asked if everything was OK. I explained. He said girl was perfectly reasonable in what she did.

I've not been back since.

Used to go there regularly.

Offline MrMatrix

I walked about 3 weeks ago (and posted it on UKP as a negative). What I do is take a mobile pic off AW of the WG. If in doubt i say this doesn't look like you and they invariably lie if its close- even when its no they stick to their guns. You then have a choice to leave or stay if you fancy her. I've done both. Walked several times. I've also walked after paying my money years ago.  :dash: Lesson learned............ :unknown:


  • Guest
I walked about 3 weeks ago (and posted it on UKP as a negative). What I do is take a mobile pic off AW of the WG. If in doubt i say this doesn't look like you and they invariably lie if its close- even when its no they stick to their guns. You then have a choice to leave or stay if you fancy her. I've done both. Walked several times. I've also walked after paying my money years ago.  :dash: Lesson learned............ :unknown:

Great technique.

Offline nike

Parlour girl told me to go upstairs and she would follow.

Got upstairs, stripped to my underwear and no sign of her but could hear her chatting downstairs. Waited five minutes altogether and I was shivering then started getting dressed.

She then came in. I explained. She said I'd have to pay or she'd lose out. I said I'll explain to boss and she won't. Went down, man asked if everything was OK. I explained. He said girl was perfectly reasonable in what she did.

I've not been back since.

Used to go there regularly.

I don't know if all parlours are the same or if it has changed but i've walked out on a parlour girl, at least on three occasions. On all occasions I chose a different girl and didn't have to pay the first girl. Both parlours in Edinburgh. On one occasion she wanted extra for owo and Ijust walked out and it was Scorpio sauna, explained the situation  to I.Haig he tells me it's the girls prerogative, I agreed and pointed out that this should be pointed out at the start, so that the customer can have his prerogative, Ian agreed and in gfuture girls started telling if they were doing only covered oral.  Both other occasions were at Blair St. First one we started to have sex and i tried to change positions and she starts moaning that she is not a gymnast and I was asking her to get into impossible positions, grabbed my towel and went upstairs, Cathy, asked me if everything was ok,as I was about to go and get changed, told her what had happened, she apologised and asked me if I would like to choose someone else. I took her up on her offer. The third time again Blair St. went downstairs and as soon as we get in the room, the daft cow strats of with these are my rules. I  grabbed my towel and told her if I wanted to listen to crap like that, I would get a mistress, she was stunned. Walked out and told , I think it was Robert, what happened and told him i wanted a different girl, no problem. These incidences happened years apart, I don't walk out if I'm having a shit punt, Just put it down to experience and not book the girl again.       
« Last Edit: December 03, 2015, 04:29:51 pm by nike »

fly fifer

  • Guest
I walked a few months back, in the punting Sahara of Fife. The girl who answered the door looked like a skinny junky skank. :crazy: She gave me a rotten toothed smile and beckoned me to follow her upstairs. I never said a word, turned round and walked back the way I came. Fully expected a pile of abuse on my punting phone, but not a word, so I expect it’s not the first refusal she’s had. In my defence, she was a plan G and there were no pictures on her profile. She has recently updated her AW profile and included some pictures, the problem is, they’re definitely not her. :wackogirl:

Offline nike

I walked a few months back, in the punting Sahara of Fife. The girl who answered the door looked like a skinny junky skank. :crazy: She gave me a rotten toothed smile and beckoned me to follow her upstairs. I never said a word, turned round and walked back the way I came. Fully expected a pile of abuse on my punting phone, but not a word, so I expect it’s not the first refusal she’s had. In my defence, she was a plan G and there were no pictures on her profile. She has recently updated her AW profile and included some pictures, the problem is, they’re definitely not her. :wackogirl:

Ru sure it wasn't just the light catching her at a bad angle.  :lol: :sarcastic:


  • Guest
Saw LusciousLolaXxX when I was in York last week who got a bit narky when I pointed out she didn't do one of her likes on her profile so left.