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Author Topic: When you don’t know who they are!!!!  (Read 826 times)

Offline Kev40ish

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I got a whatsapp today from a girl. I had recently cleared out a lot of contacts to tidy up my phone.
I honestly could not remember who she was, where I had started to chat to her or anything really.

Was she from SA, Craigslist, AW, Backpages or Vivastreet? I remembered the picture, I think, but that’s about all.

Is this common or does it show I just need to keep better control?

There seems to be too many girls I get chatting to, that for some reason I haven’t seen. How do you manage your contacts?

I would give a review but little point as I don’t know how anyone else can contact her.

Online Billy no mates

Old age, makes everyone forgetful  :D

Offline HarryZZ

I always delete the number straight after a punt, I contacted an SP I'd met a month or so back through AW mail about another meeting and mentioned that we'd met before and she replied that she has a different phone number now, but not to give it to anybody, I explain that I ever keep numbers and she says, "I wish everybody was as sensible as you." I'm guessing somebody found her number that wasn't supposed to see it.