Sugar Babies

Author Topic: PETITE_ANGEL XX (Harrow) 13/11/2015  (Read 1308 times)

33 review(s) for SWEETxPETITE SARAH (22 positive, 8 neutral, 3 negative) [Indexed by ]
38 review(s) for SweetxpetitexSarah (26 positive, 9 neutral, 3 negative) [Indexed by scutty brown]

Offline Billy no mates

I have been trying to get a booking with Sarah for a while.

External Link/Members Only External Link/Members Only

Last Friday 13/11/2015, I called and she answered around 10 am. She said she was not starting to work that day until 11:30, so I booked her
I asked for the first booking she said 'yes'
I asked should I book through AW she said 'yes'
I asked for school uniform 'yes'

She sounded very nice on the phone and very easy to talk to

She explained that it is permit parking only near her, and guided me to a Tesco's car park with free parking 5 minutes away from her flat. She told me to call once arrived.

I arrived 15 minutes early and called she answered and I explained where I was, she still sounded very positive and told me she would get dressed and text or call with the exact address.

I walked into Tesco withdrew some money and waited

By 11:45 (11:30, was the booking), I had heard nothing so I texted something along the lines of 'everything ok?'. I didnt get a response. Unusually I wasnt concerned at this stage it was only 15mins late. However loitering in Tescos wasnt much fun so I walked up the road towards the shops.
At 12:00 I texted again "Is everything ok, should I come another time?'. Again, I got no reply.
At 12:15 I called, no reply

I decided to give up (Tesco's only has 2hrs free parking and it has a number plate recognition camera, I didnt fancy a £70 parking fine, if I was to get my hour I had booked with her, I would have gone over this allowance)

I drove home looked for another punt in the Watford Area and couldnt find anything that I liked.

Around 3pm I caled again, this time she answered the phone. I asked her what had happened? she said she had read all my texts and replied to them and I  was a time waster, she threatened me with bad FB on AW. (I have a lot of positive feedback, so to be fair this isnt much of a threat). I said I had no texts or calls, what number did she call, I asked her to check, she then said maybe the network went down on her phone.

So allthough she looks perfect and has a fair amount of positive feedback, my advice would be as follows if you would like to see her, either....
Get the exact address before a long journey, rather than the vague call me from Tesco's
Get the booking confirmed on AW before a long journey

I am sure she would be a good punt, if one could meet her

(First review here)

Offline punk

That sounds shit, i hate when they do that,network down my arse.

Time waster, another one becoming a negative.

Offline pewpewpew

When the network comes back up you'd get the text messages albeit a little late. So she's talking bullshit mate

Offline Kaluuu276

This kind of behavior sucks especially after you make a long journey.

Something similar happened to me, only she texted to say if could see her one hour later.
Fuck that what are you supposed to do in the meantime.

I would give her negative feedback as a time waster.

Offline Cunning Punt

That - and apparently, according to previous reviews from those that did get to see her, she isn't that attractive anyway.

Thanks for the warning.  :hi: