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Author Topic: Recommend any WG's or agents in and around Minehead, Somerset?  (Read 614 times)


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Down hear visiting family, dying with boredom, can't find much on adlut work


Offline EnglishRebecca121

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as a frequent visitor to minehead you will find zero! taunton is your best bet :drinks:
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Disappointing, would have thought there would be something, lots of immigrants working in and around butlins

Thanks for the heads up


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Any recommendations for Taunton


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I'd just take a punt for half an hour of OK service with someone who takes your fancy from Latinas or Bellas.

Offline Not_today

Im sure i saw an ad for dunster on AW a while back and one in Simonsbath... the roads across the moor's are a blast too, if thats your thing..