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Author Topic: You know you're a punter when...  (Read 259661 times)

Offline Webby581

Got in a taxi with a female woman driver lat month and the perfume was unmistakable.

IMHO Those female women are preferable to those other types of woman  ;)

Offline notcalledchris

Could have sworn that i put "female Romanian"

Offline Markc

I was dropping the wife off at Dentist yesterday and there is a hair salon next door called Blonde on Blonde.
Reminded me of a threesome l had with a regular and her friend.

Offline Webby581

Possibly sharing a little too much personal location info there, MarkC?  ;)
« Last Edit: April 06, 2024, 12:07:09 pm by Webby581 »

Offline nombre

You know you're a punter when... you've got the phone numbers of more escorts saved in your contacts than actual friends.
You know you're a punter when... you have a secret stash of cash hidden away just for spontaneous punts.
You know you're a punter when... you've mastered the art of discreetly checking the time to ensure you're not running over your booked session.
You know you're a punter when... you have a detailed mental map of all the local hotels and their parking for quick and easy access.

Online SonofAJohn

When you don't punt for a week and every woman you see starts to look 10/10.

Online webpunter

You know you're a punter when... you've got the phone numbers of more escorts saved in your contacts than actual friends.
You know you're a punter when... you have a secret stash of cash hidden away just for spontaneous punts.
You know you're a punter when... you've mastered the art of discreetly checking the time to ensure you're not running over your booked session.
You know you're a punter when... you have a detailed mental map of all the local hotels and their parking for quick and easy access.

We are on the same page  :hi:
Friends is an interesting one, often people confuse them with acquaintances
Cash stash to save having to faff around getting this from a cashpoint should the mood strike & the timeline be tight
Discretely checking = an easy to read at the quickest of quick glances punting watch

Offline arrow0404

When you look online and see a bank offering £150 to switch to them - and then thinking can effectively get a free punt with that money

Offline Demon8

I think the physical standard for women who catch my eye in the street has increased greatly. I try to see quite a variety of SP's, some gorgeous, some quite plain Jane. Either way, I know I can get whatever my FOTM is so assets in women that may have popped at me earlier aren't so special now.

In the same vein, I like many of you am a horny bastard, and I feel every conversation I had with any women outside of family I was sexualising/objectifying them. I think because of the variety of SP's on offer I don't find myself doing that day to day anymore. I know it's not the best way to manage my internal and intrinsic misogyny but it's an added ease to say to day living I have noticed.

When you look online and see a bank offering £150 to switch to them - and then thinking can effectively get a free punt with that money

With ads being reintroduced I cancelled my Amazon subscription a while back. Never saw it as saved money, just an extra 30 min punt every year for free!

Offline notcalledchris

When you wake up with sore thighs and then remember the aches are due the the vigorous doggying you delivered to a wg yesterday

Offline sparkus

... each week on a Monday morning you check the changes on VS to see any new arrivals or reappearances.

Online webpunter

With ads being reintroduced I cancelled my Amazon subscription a while back. Never saw it as saved money, just an extra 30 min punt every year for free!

The amount of time [& sometimes ££] i save ordering stuff from Amazon rather than having to go to the shops or fuck around on different websites to buy / order the same is large
& whatever it is arrives rapidly
Prime is a ton a year & the adverts are brief
I reckon the programming can be good when picking & choosing what to watch
I did pay up front for Prime for an annual subscription a year or two ago to save a few quid just b4 a price increase

Offline geordie35

Out with the family for a meal at a Thai restaurant. As well as l eyeing up the waitresses deciding who would give the best massage etc, after the main course the desert menu was handed out with the heading "Happy Endings'. I thought to myself I'm the only one to get the double entendre.

Offline guymids-72

A work trip to a different area and your immediately an AW search

Online webpunter

A work trip to a different area and your immediately an AW search

Any trip ...

Offline The Monk

Reaching 60 getting your free bus pass and thinking what punting areas does it cover for free travel.

You take a job just for the cash tips advantage to fund your punting adventures😂🤣

Offline oldrascal

......You enrol on a succession of study courses to provide cover for being out of the house. (I ended up with a Master's degree, but enjoyed many a punt on the way!)

Offline Southernbloke

......You enrol on a succession of study courses to provide cover for being out of the house. (I ended up with a Master's degree, but enjoyed many a punt on the way!)
Doing something similar myself 😃

Offline nwluvit

Reaching 60 getting your free bus pass and thinking what punting areas does it cover for free travel.

You take a job just for the cash tips advantage to fund your punting adventures😂🤣

Where do you live. I am 64 - no free bus pass!!

Offline dross

When you look online and see a bank offering £150 to switch to them - and then thinking can effectively get a free punt with that money
hah literally just done this with this 100% in mind, look forward to the payout in a months time  :yahoo:

Offline B4bcock

Reaching 60 getting your free bus pass and thinking what punting areas does it cover for free travel.

You'll have to wait a bit longer.  You don't get a bus pass until you are retirement age for a state pension - currently 66.

Offline Bertiebeenthere

I maybe wrong, you get your bus pass at 60 in Scotland and Wales, also I think in Merseyside.

Offline mikecee

I maybe wrong, you get your bus pass at 60 in Scotland and Wales, also I think in Merseyside.

Correct.  It is in Merseyside. I got mine 4 years ago when I turned 60.

Offline trainspotter

When you get an email from airline loyalty scheme 'Flying Blue' and momentarily wonder how an esteemed member of the NE UKP community came by your personal email.

Offline Atrueyorkie

My geography has increased tenfold, I know every corner of the uk and know how long it takes to get to each city  :D

Offline Bonker

Sorry Yorkie, I don't believe you.
A yorkshire man setting foot out of god's own country?!

Offline Chazz

Sorry Yorkie, I don't believe you.
A yorkshire man setting foot out of god's own country?!
He meant that he now knows the way to Barnsley!  ;)

Offline mr.bluesky

I maybe wrong, you get your bus pass at 60 in Scotland and Wales, also I think in Merseyside.

You have to 66 before you get your bus pass in Coventry,  not that I'm in any great hurry to become a "bus wanker"  :rolleyes:

Online webpunter

My geography has increased tenfold, I know every corner of the uk and know how long it takes to get to each city  :D

Its brilliant isnt it
When i've got a client meet i can mentally picture wherever they are, route options how long [as you mention] with indies & parlours en route there & back
Usually i like to line up tank emptying meets on the return journey
So for example a trip to brummie land from the south east
There its the M40 & M42
Return its M6 & M1 bringing in Northampton, MK hooker central or Watford Hemel on the M25
I really must go punting in Oxford, off the M40, & i have a few on HL 
On the M6 stopping at the services to line em up & if nowt available its round the m25
Then back on the M40 / A40 Wembley & Harrow, or round to Bracknell / Guildford
The options are endless

& not forgetting to clear out my Waze destinations just in case the civvy pays some interest when we are in the motor
Tho like most women she's clueless when it comes to locations  :lol:

Offline davxx

Reaching 60 getting your free bus pass and thinking what punting areas does it cover for free travel.

You take a job just for the cash tips advantage to fund your punting adventures😂🤣

Certainly in Scotland over 60 you qualify for free bus travel, also benefit from slightly cheaper rail travel.

Offline Captainhowdy666

Newphew was round yesterday moaning that he’d had his third shag in his entire lifetime and caught gonorrhoea.

Sat there thinking “I’ve fucked over 60 birds in the last 3 years and not caught an itch” touch wood

Offline Atrueyorkie

Sorry Yorkie, I don't believe you.
A yorkshire man setting foot out of god's own country?!

 :lol: :lol: haha

Offline Atrueyorkie

Its brilliant isnt it
When i've got a client meet i can mentally picture wherever they are, route options how long [as you mention] with indies & parlours en route there & back
Usually i like to line up tank emptying meets on the return journey
So for example a trip to brummie land from the south east
There its the M40 & M42
Return its M6 & M1 bringing in Northampton, MK hooker central or Watford Hemel on the M25
I really must go punting in Oxford, off the M40, & i have a few on HL 
On the M6 stopping at the services to line em up & if nowt available its round the m25
Then back on the M40 / A40 Wembley & Harrow, or round to Bracknell / Guildford
The options are endless

& not forgetting to clear out my Waze destinations just in case the civvy pays some interest when we are in the motor
Tho like most women she's clueless when it comes to locations  :lol:

Indeed  :D even in small conversations it helps when someone mentions where they’re based. Makes you seem like a local without being local  :lol:

Offline sparkus

Just seen an ad on the tube for some play called 'Visit From An Unknown Woman' :D

Offline sparkus

Accidentally said the other day "For the price of a shag"

(I wanted to say that £40 wasn't expensive for something, all things considered)

I don't think it was understood as there was no reaction.

Offline mr.bluesky

Just seen an ad on the tube for some play called 'Visit From An Unknown Woman' :D

Is it about a service provider who does outcalls but doesn't have any reviews by any chance  :unknown:

Offline DouglasReynholm

Newphew was round yesterday moaning that he’d had his third shag in his entire lifetime and caught gonorrhoea.

Sat there thinking “I’ve fucked over 60 birds in the last 3 years and not caught an itch” touch wood
Is he your real nephew .... !? & Do people still get that? Chlamydia was fashionable in the noughties but it was all AIDS in my day.

Did you know crabs and lice are now almost extinct in the western world because of women waxing and shaving?

Offline simon07

Only bald WG i ever saw was Tess Mc Gill.
It was a hot exotic encounter.

Offline myothernameis

Watching Bulleye's last night, and Jim Bowen final comment, aired in the early 70's

Maybe next week we might get a happy ending

Offline WASA38

<iframe src="External Link/Members Only" width="600" height="450" style="border:0;" allowfullscreen="" loading="lazy" referrerpolicy="no-referrer-when-downgrade"></iframe>

Offline mh

<iframe src="External Link/Members Only" width="600" height="450" style="border:0;" allowfullscreen="" loading="lazy" referrerpolicy="no-referrer-when-downgrade"></iframe>


Offline Thephoenix

<iframe src="External Link/Members Only" width="600" height="450" style="border:0;" allowfullscreen="" loading="lazy" referrerpolicy="no-referrer-when-downgrade"></iframe>

I'll second that!.....Pardon!

Offline WASA38

Whoops; was trying to enter an image captured from Google Earth - unsuccessfully. Will try a different way.

Offline happyharry

Was following this for about 10 miles yesterday. Hope my passengers didn’t clock my stifled grin as I looked forward to checking out P&D York on AW. Sadly, couldn’t find her…..

Hidden Image/Members Only

Offline Chazz

When you notice that your power supply has a 1 cum limit:

Hidden Image/Members Only

Offline sparkus

A relative was telling me about a vacant shop opposiite hers recently and the never-ending fit out and refurbishment. She went in to ask what it would be.

"A beauty salon and massage spa for my wife. Let me stop you right there, it's not that sort of massage. Male and female."

Offline PilotMan

I was filling the motor with petrol and a guy pulls up next to me, he calls over and asks me if there's a cash point in the garage. I point out where it is and he gives me a wave of thanks.

In my head I'm dying to ask him, going on a punt?

Another guy gets out of his car and goes to the cash point as well, I wonder if he going to see the same SP  :lol: