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Author Topic: Miss Carmen Scotland (Leeds)  (Read 4138 times)

1 review(s) for Miss Carmen Scotland (0 positive, 0 neutral, 1 negative) [Indexed by ]


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Judge for yourself whether this is a bit harsh to be a negative...  but after leaving a string of positive reviews it's actually quite nice to prove to myself that I'm not as much of a fluffy as I thought I was!

I e-mailed Carmen early this morning to see if she was available for an hour incall this evening around 18:30-19:00ish.  She replied a few hours later to say yes she was and that she was located in the XXXXXXXXXXXXXX apartments behind a certain nasty budget hotel chain in Leeds city centre and to see a booking request.  Result thought I as I know the apartments from going to see a masseur who operated out of there.  I dutifully sent a booking request for 18:30 and sent a further e-mail asking whether she wanted me to call when I was outside. 

I subsequently got into work which unfortunately is one of those buildings that acts like a farraday cage so the best mobile internet signal I can get is GPRS.  Around 14:00ish I get a yahoo notification that I've got an AW email which I can't read due to being at work and shite signal.

I leave work and finally reach an area with good signal - log into aw and read the email.  It was Carmen asking when would be a convenient time to call me to confirm the details of the booking.  I replied apologising for the lateness and saying that I'd be free in 5-10 minutes.  This was 17:15ish - she read my reply and no phone call.  I had a shave and a shower and got ready in the vain hope that the punt was still on.  At 18:15 I give up and assume it's not happening.

At 18:30 my punting phone rings with a blocked number - I answer and it's Carmen asking if I'm still on for 19:00 (wtf thought I the booking was for 18:30?) anyway - she sounds really nice on the phone with a sexy voice so I think with my cock and say yeah absolutely I can be there for 19:00.  She says she'll ring me at 5 to 19:00 to tell me where to go.

I drive into Leeds city centre and park up at 19:00.  No phone call.  I walk to the apartments hoping that the phone will ring. Nothing.  I walk round the apartments - nothing.  I go back to my car (it's now 19:10) and my phone rings.  She tells me that it is room 1xx and to push the numbers and call when I get to the building.  So i walk back to the building - dial 1xx call and nothing happens.  Luckily another guy goes up and dials a number and the door opens so I follow him in.  Walk up the stairs but the first level is the second floor which all start with a 2 so I think wtf, go down the stairs and find car park in the basement  Get in the lift and there is no first floor!  I'm quite pissed off now and think she's just jerking me around.

Each time she's called me its been from a blocked number so there's no way I can call her to find out where the fuck she is.  So I send her an aw email telling her that I got in but couldn't find her room number and that perhaps it would be a good idea to buy a cheap punting phone so that if a chap is lost he could ring her and get directions!

I give up and go back to my car.  Sods law just as I pull away my phone rings and it's Carmen giving me some grief because she'd been trying to call me (I only had one missed call that must have been when I was crossing the road).

I explained that I got into her building but couldn't find her room number, she couldn't understand how I got lost, so I explained where I got in - then she said that's xxxxxxxxxx North I'm in xxxxxxxxxxx West. In my head I heard North (which is the one I know) - fuck only knows where West is.  For all I know it's the other side of the city.

Anyway - she's being arsey with me, I'm being arsey with her - so we call it quits and say we may try again another time.

Absolutely the worst organised punt I've ever had the misfortune of not getting any action out of.

Every other sane escort I've seen either emails or texts the address so fuck ups like this don't happen.  They then give you a phone number you can ring in case you have problems finding the building or getting into it.

So on the plus side I still have £110 in my pocket that I can give to a far more organised escort later in the week.

I'm most annoyed because she looks my type and I've never shagged a scottish girl.

Am i being harsh? 

I checked the emails she sent me and all she said re location was that she was in the XXXXXXxxx apartments behind the XXXXXXX budget hotel.  No mention of West there.  I suppose she must have said "west" in one of the phone calls but I have no recollection of it.  The first time I heard "west" was when i was driving away with my mood well and truly killed.

To be balanced Carmen has got some good reviews on AW and on a certain other forum that shall not be named - so I'm optimistic that if I had actually got to see her I would have had a good time.  Unfortunately she doesn't know how to communicate and I don't know how to listen (a fatal combination!)

I always prefer the girl to text me their address and room number because with the prepunt nerves kicking in I normally am a gibbering idiot anyway so it's good to have something in black and white to refer to  :dash:

Very very disappointing  :cry:

Offline KingKenny7

Hi Bod

As the Pet Shop Boys sang - Go West..... In my opinion what you have written is fair and valid. I am a total novice in this game and I believe that the girls need to take into consideration our nerves, standing outside large block of apartments (hotels) trying NOT to bring attention to ourselves. Of course the girls will be nervous too and want to provide an element of safety, discreet environment. I agree the girls should have a punt phone also.. SweetGabix kindly talked to me on phone, giving step by step instructions to her front door...

Balanced view and she does look good also...


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I'd be so pissed. If it were me i would spent rest of the evening perving over profiles on aw arranging another punt. So not only it wouldn't happen but the whole evening would be fucked :)

It is a clear negative for many escorts do not take calls from blocked numbers so should we.

Someone else has to give her a chance as she looks good :D

Offline costa

More than a fair report given the signal problems at work and what happened on the route to the appartment . I sure if she's on here she'll give another account off events to save face


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Thanks guys. I can understand a girl not wanting to give her phone number out but not being easily contactable for a booking is ridiculous.

And seriously how hard is it to have a cheap £8 payg phone that you only switch on when you want to get some work?

Like Kenny said - Gabi stayed on the phone with me too talking me in to her building. That is good service and comms. Can't wait for Gabi to come back!

Offline Ali Katt

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I nearly saw her when she worked at GFE in Sheffield. The only reason I didn't is she was working when I was working. One day I nearly saw her, but she was with a punter and I wasn't prepared to wait at least 30 minutes, so I've literally never seen her. She's always been a popular girl, but must have been on the scene at least 5 years, maybe a bit jaded?

Did she give out a number at all? A sim card is free and she can top it up with £2 credit.

Bod I do think it's your fault for getting the flat wrong or mishearing, but no excuse for crap communication from her or getting the time wrong.


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No phone number given out at all - and she took umbrage when i suggested to her that she could get a cheap phone specifically for that purpose.

In the cold light of day after the punt i accept that some of it is my fault - but surely the onus is on the girl to give good directions (ideally in writing) to minimise the risk of us ringing the wrong doorbell? Particularly when the punter is quite likely to not be local (like i'm not).

For me the not being contactable in case of problems is the biggest sin as it put both of us in a pissed off state of mind which is a terrible place to start a punt from. And that was solely her fault for not giving out a phone number.

Offline costa

Bod - agree she must have know you wernt a regular so possible should have text you the address or at least confirmed over the phone so you could write it down . We all know some girls won't text address or not full address anyway which is cool but it needs backing up with a text 10 minutes before kick off so the punter can find the place , wouldn't sweat it pal

Offline Ali Katt

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No excuse for withholding a phone number then, after all prossies get the hump when punters do it. I don't leave the house without a full postcode or street name, if they refuse to give it out or don't know it the booking doesn't go ahead.

Offline anonyorks

I always struggle with somewhere new so a phone number is a bare minimum requirement. I've got a sim that cost me nothing. Sounds like laziness to be honest. Most WGs presume you know Leeds like the back of your hand too.


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Bod 666, i know the place that you are talking about, it has happened to me as well. one round the corner next to the xxxx. ?
The Lady i have seen a few times was looking out for me, my first time, like you have said it's all about communication, don't have that then you might as well be in the north pole.
Nothing worse than wandering about.
We need clear and precise instruction, i have never come across a number that has been withheld on a meet. "hey" you have your cash, she was pissed as she had already spent it. Is that a lie?


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"hey" you have your cash, she was pissed as she had already spent it. Is that a lie?

Not quite sure what you're trying to say here? I can't see a lie but I can see a reasonable hypothesis ;)

Offline GDYork

I've seen Carmen just the once about 2 years ago.  She was based in flat near the market.  Not the same place but I at the time I had a bit of trouble finding the place & getting in.  Carmen had to come down to meet as the lift had broken.

btw Carmen is now on the rota at Flairs

Offline GDYork

Sorry for the bump

Seems that Carmen is back (indie) using another name but same pictures as before - unless it's a fake account?

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Does mention her education which on my two visits she was very keen to mention.

Offline stevedave

Sorry for the bump

Seems that Carmen is back (indie) using another name but same pictures as before - unless it's a fake account?

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Does mention her education which on my two visits she was very keen to mention.

She came up in my notifications today, thought she looked pretty decent...thanks for the heads up!


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Pretty sure it's the same girl - she signed off every email with "care to indulge me". Wonder if she's bought a punting phone yet?  :dash:

By all accounts she's quite good if you can actually get to see her...
« Last Edit: November 23, 2015, 06:13:36 pm by bod666 »

Offline Ali Katt

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Sorry for the bump

Seems that Carmen is back (indie) using another name but same pictures as before - unless it's a fake account?

External Link/Members Only

Does mention her education which on my two visits she was very keen to mention.
Very old pictures, they were the same ones on GFEs site about 5 years ago.

Offline Lijunwei

Saw her at gfe many moons ago and what a waste of time she was of mine as she was totally distant and lack of ability just rubbed more salt into the wound

Offline Ali Katt

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Saw her at gfe many moons ago and what a waste of time she was of mine as she was totally distant and lack of ability just rubbed more salt into the wound
Big pair of tits though.

Offline Lijunwei

saw this lady whiles she was at gfe..waste of any mans energy...and her skills was utter crap

Offline Ali Katt

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saw this lady whiles she was at gfe..waste of any mans energy...and her skills was utter crap
I wanted to see her at GFE, she was in a room with another punter and I didn't want to wait 30 minutes, I think I saw Katie instead who was alright. I think Carmen went to Leeds shortly afterwards. I wanted a go on those funbags, but after reading her AW profile she seem up her own arse.

Offline Babu

It's unfortunate because she was a good escort back in the day.

I shagged her twice when she was new in Leeds, pretty face, big tits decent shag.

That profile pic on her AW profile is the same one she was using years ago.

Offline Ali Katt

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It's unfortunate because she was a good escort back in the day.

I shagged her twice when she was new in Leeds, pretty face, big tits decent shag.

That profile pic on her AW profile is the same one she was using years ago.
It was the same pictures she used at GFE which must have been nearly 5 years ago.