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Author Topic: sex with prossies - emotion or physical?  (Read 614 times)

Offline punk

Do we do it for the emotion or physical connection? With prossies?


  • Guest
Personally I like to have variety in life. I also like to explore and push boundaries.

It doesn't happen on my terms like that at home unfortunately.

Offline Cuntminion

Two threads the same here is what I posted in the other

I don't know why I do it, I went for 7 years without having a physical experience with a female prior to punting, or I could in theory stuck with xhamster forever

I all but given up on an emotional connection with anyone ever

I think my reason for starting was a mound of problems building up I stepped back from it and thought fuck I haven't done this, this or that

I have always had an end of times attitude towards life, but the time is feeling really fucking nigh of late so I'm just working through things I want to do but put off


  • Guest
I have never had a problem being close to women. But I agree with above. to quote the smiths:

Shyness is nice and shyness can stop you doing all the things in life you'd like to.

You only get one chance at life so use it!


  • Guest
My best punts are definitely with girls that I connect with, where there's a degree of "friendship" ie. Easy chat and humour and a bit of mutual interest in each other, usually only possible with part time independents I've found, with one exception however.

Offline nigel4498

The only emotion I feel after a punt is sadness over the loss of so many of my pics from my collection of the Queens head from my Private  Gallery.

Offline OakTree

Physical, what else could it be? It's actually one step up from wanking to porn. For me anyway.

I can't see how any emotions are involved. Usually I've never met the girl before and chances are I'll never see her again. So for an hour I delude myself that I fuck like porn star and she contributes to that delusion by pretending to be a porn star.

It's great!  :thumbsup:


  • Guest
Definitely for the physical. If there's any kind of emotional it's a bonus, but not one I'm aiming for or expect. It's the feeling of cumming through sex (oral especially, but the others are good too) that I'm chasing. I don't get it enough at home/with civvies so I punt.