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Author Topic: Fallyn Olina Moody Thai, Bayswater  (Read 3123 times)

61 review(s) for this service provider (AdultWork - 7745080) (52 positive, 4 neutral, 5 negative) [Indexed by WARSZAWA16]

Offline drwho

Fallyn, Olina

External Link/Members Only

Some good points but also managed to make me feel a bit shit about myself

I typed out quite a detailed report in an offline document about this meet...but then realised Olina would probably be able to work out who I was so have decided to be a bit more vague in this revised version of the review
I don't want to be blacklisted by the agency as I'd like to book again at some point, so apologies not to be very specific.

I know Fallyn is a very well reviewed SP
(the point of my confidence making the booking in the first place)

I'm not casting doubt on any of the great meets that people on here have enjoyed with her either.

However I found although some of her service was ok she was a bit off with me and very critical and moody, which affected me.

Services were delivered, sure.
And she looked great..

But she had a run of complaints with me that I couldn't really work out.
Made it feel like she was gaslighting me, ie making me feel I'd done something wrong when.. I know I hadn't.

Was a bit limited in her kissing. Sometimes pecks, sometimes avoided me and in other attempts she flicked her tongue madly from side to side, which was a bit odd (and not particularly sexy either)

Great OWO though
Have to say the Oral was very good with dribbling spit, which I love to see...
Gave her plenty of thanks and compliments about this at the time. One of the main highlights and the memory I'll try to stay with me.

Even anal..Don't usually get too excited by anal but thought I might as well try it with her as she clearly offers the service and other positions weren't going amazingly well at the time.
Anal was allowed but she got annoyed I was pulling too far out. Gave up after a short while but nice to give it a go so can't complain too much on that front

She was also dressed as I requested which looked amazing.

Most of the encounter felt quite awkward though.
She also put a hand in the way several times during missionary.

As usual I tried to be friendly and polite. Was also clean, well groomed and used mouthwash during the shower time.

After the complaints I asked what I should avoid doing when I see her again but she said there are lots of girls on AW (meaning: don't bother seeing her again)

Felt like she decided she didn't like me from the start. Went through the motions for some of the service but had numerous winges at me over pretty minor things but made them into a big deal..

I tried not to appear flustered and to continue the friendly and cheerful response and ended up bringing myself off by hand (my hand) and, to her credit, a CIM finish

Perhaps she was stressed about something unrelated and took it out on me, perhaps a previous client,...I'm not sure.

Made me feel a bit down and question myself for the next couple of days.

Yes she looked great, the OWO and anal felt good physically, but were spoilt by her complaints and attitude

I was only looking for a GFE type booking really.
Nothing aggressive and nothing that would be particularly demanding for such a well regarded and experienced SP
Your mileage varies and mine certainly fell short on this one, probably made worse by my high expectations at the start

Offline maybe

that sucks, i wouldn't worry too much doubting yourself. It has been reported she been a bit picky and moody with clients.

Offline Arfnice73

Given she made you feel down, miserable and shit about yourself I’d suggest she gave you one of the most authentic GFEs out there!  :lol:

Don’t pay it another thought. Move on - it’s her problem.

Offline anonymouse72

No need to feel shit about yourself. She has mixed reviews and although I gave an overall positive it's unlikely I would return. There is something about her that is a little odd to say the least.

Offline deg_dilemma

Sorry to hear how bad it made you feel. Not great when you pay up so much money for a good time.

Give the mixed reviews about her looks, can you add your opinion on if she resembles the photos?

Offline drwho

Given she made you feel down, miserable and shit about yourself I’d suggest she gave you one of the most authentic GFEs out there!  :lol:

Don’t pay it another thought. Move on - it’s her problem.

Haha yeah, good point!
I'm over her now, but couldn't help thinking back on her several times over the next few days and wondering what I'd done wrong

I now realise the answer was - Nothing!

Offline londonchap

Sometimes you just don't click, and sometimes girls are in rubbish moods. They shouldn't be because you're paying them, and god knows it frustrates me when it happens, but there are human after all.

Offline drwho

Sorry to hear how bad it made you feel. Not great when you pay up so much money for a good time.

Give the mixed reviews about her looks, can you add your opinion on if she resembles the photos?

The photos are old but it's definite her.
Most representative would be the last one wearing the plaid/schoolgirl skirt

I found her attractive facially.
Tits are nice. Possible surgery by cutting at the outside edge of the areola. Difficult to say as close access wasn't encouraged.
(Feel free to dismiss this theory I could well be wrong)

Interesting reading comments on her weight. I don't remember feeling she was large.
Maybe she's lost weight since last summer

Towards the end when I felt like I had nothing more to lose I asked her her age.... :cool:

I don't know if she was playing games with me, but she said she was................


I said she could easily pass for 10 or 15 years younger - though I think 15 would be pushing it and I was trying to flatter her (not that she thanked me)

Offline JimmyWong

Tits are nice. Possible surgery by cutting at the outside edge of the areola. Difficult to say as close access wasn't encouraged.
No need to guess, East Asian woman with tits that size are 1 in a million. Her being in her line of work with scaring around the nipples are definitely fake. They look and feel nice enough though  :drinks:
My own review of her coming soon.

Offline iq129

So many reviews suggest that this lady’s service levels vary depending on whether she finds the punter attractive. This picky lady should advertise on dating websites rather than work as an escort. There she can pick and choose her “prince charming”.

The OP can take comfort in the fact that at least he received some service, whereas I received almost nothing from her.

For punters like me, who have self-esteem issues, visiting this lady can seriously affect one’s mental health. It took me a long time to overcome my inferiority complex after visiting her.

Offline LordGrantham

Thai women are very hard to work out, they focus on little things and blow them up in their heads. Don’t worry about it, mark it down to experience and bang another one.

Offline SoapyTW

Towards the end when I felt like I had nothing more to lose I asked her her age.... :cool:

I don't know if she was playing games with me, but she said she was................


I said she could easily pass for 10 or 15 years younger - though I think 15 would be pushing it and I was trying to flatter her (not that she thanked me)

I can easily see her being in her 40's. I know some Thai and Chinese girls that are early 50's and would pass for 25 year olds with their makeup on. They really are built different.

Offline akauya

Commiserations to the OP. What a shitty punt.

I can easily see her being in her 40's. I know some Thai and Chinese girls that are early 50's and would pass for 25 year olds with their makeup on. They really are built different.

I put her at late 30s when I saw her. The website photos are way too photoshopped and show her very slim which she wasn't when I saw her.

Offline pepsicolaboy

that sucks, i wouldn't worry too much doubting yourself. It has been reported she been a bit picky and moody with clients.


Also bear in mind the Mama-san (assume female) running the agency likely works them hard, so understandably they may reach burn out.

Don’t take it personally and thanks for your review.


Offline PuntinTime

wasnt able to review her but I saw her when she first started out in 2022 Nov

was a very forgettable punt, we didn't click, overt fake noises, constantly trying to get me to cum 10 mins into the booking.

never went back. Unfortunately didnt have the time to review her back then, and now the time has past.

Offline Stevehgl3

I saw her very recently, looks I’d say 30’s, but she definitely doesn’t put effort in make up etc. Attitude was ok actually, you can see she can get moody or tired, but she was being friendly with me, got nice deep rimming and anal pounding, which is the reason I went to see her. I won’t review but it was a positive.