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Author Topic: Excuse for walking if you just don't fancy her  (Read 3339 times)


  • Guest
How do prossies react to " oh no i have left the money envelope in the car, i wont be a minute" when you just don't fancy her and want to walk ?   


  • Guest
They say "ok", the reality is they have no way of knowing if you have left the cash in your car, and as that's all the pro$$ies interested in she's not going to invite someone in who's just told her he has no money on him.

The dumb ones text you later asking where you are, just text back trouble with your cashpoint card and you will sort and reappoint for another day and you will be back in touch.

Pro$$ies live a life of lies and it's water of a ducks back to them, they are just pissed that they have not got the cash  :hi:
« Last Edit: January 06, 2015, 03:51:35 pm by James999 »

Offline Happyjose

They look at you like you're a cunt. Sometimes they'll say something mildly sarcastic, or text some random abuse, but you'll still have your cash in your pocket

Offline SamLP

I haven't used that excuse, but I've only walked when agreed services suddenly became something they didn't offer. A few times it happened after the punt had just begun, so I've got up to get dressed and asked for my money back and it was given with no problems. Only ever had a problem with an oriental girl in Bayswater. Managed to get half my money back (£70) after a big argument half way through the punt as she didn't offer the services I had agreed with over the phone. She threatened to call the police thinking I would become afraid and leave and I told her to call them. The maid and another prossie got involved and they found the only way to get me to leave was to give me half my money back. She was seething and talking in her language and had the nerve to even say she deserved a tip. For what I have no idea.


  • Guest
They look at you like you're a cunt. Sometimes they'll say something mildly sarcastic, or text some random abuse, but you'll still have your cash in your pocket

No they don't I've used the excuse (or variation of) a number of times and never had any comments or negatives from pro$$ies, perhaps they just trust that I will be back  :unknown:


  • Guest
How do prossies react to " oh no i have left the money envelope in the car, i wont be a minute" when you just don't fancy her and want to walk ?   
That only helps if she's a total minger / not to your taste / b&s - the one time I did want to walk for that reason this wouldn't have helped - it was an outcall to my place. :D

Also doesn't help once you've paid up and then she fails to deliver the services agreed as SamLP rightly says.

Best option is don't ever visit someone without seeing clear face/body pics first and being dead sure you like the way they look and also making sure they have good reviews here that confirm they deliver on the services on their list.

Since following these basic rules I've never been in that position since and don't expect to be in future - my punts since have all been good to great!  :drinks:

Offline Happyjose

No they don't I've used the excuse (or variation of) a number of times and never had any comments or negatives from pro$$ies, perhaps they just trust that I will be back  :unknown:

Must be my lack of a game face. Disappointment written right across my face


  • Guest
No they don't I've used the excuse (or variation of) a number of times and never had any comments or negatives from pro$$ies, perhaps they just trust that I will be back  :unknown:
Oh, that's an illuminating observation J, I didnt think you did punts  :(


  • Guest
Oh, that's illuminating, I didnt think you did punts  :(

Like anyone gives a fuck what you think  :sarcastic:
But feel free to troll why you can  :hi:
« Last Edit: January 06, 2015, 04:30:52 pm by James999 »


  • Guest
Like anyone gives a fuck what you think  :sarcastic:
But feel free to troll why you can  :hi:
Oops, touched a raw nerve did I  :(
« Last Edit: January 06, 2015, 04:44:22 pm by Dodo »

Offline CBPaul

How do prossies react to " oh no i have left the money envelope in the car, i wont be a minute" when you just don't fancy her and want to walk ?   

They think 'he won't be back' and get on the phone to arrange the next punter.

At least that's what happened the one time I genuinely did leave the dosh in the car, when I returned to the hotel room she was fully clothed and told me whenever someone says I've left the money in the car it means on second thought no thanks.

These days when I walk it's because of the prossie not matching the profile, looks or services wise. I'm normally quite happy to say so and they generally don't care.


  • Guest
Oops, touched a raw nerve did I 

All the old troll lines, try harder and with a bit of originality or don't bother, hurry up you won't have long  :sarcastic:

But instead of hijacking the thread why not PM me your abuse so as nto to expediate your demise  :hi:
« Last Edit: January 06, 2015, 05:13:54 pm by James999 »

Offline smiths

How do prossies react to " oh no i have left the money envelope in the car, i wont be a minute" when you just don't fancy her and want to walk ?   

I rarely bother saying that, i just walk off, usually they say nothing but i have had verbal abuse a number of times. I was inside a WGs flat once when her lying meant i was off and as i left i thought she was going to get physically violent, in the end it was shouting and doors banging, i was very glad to get back to my car.

For me the good thing is when i am safely back in the car i smile as WGs who react like this arent the kind i want to punt with anyway.

Offline Trevor12

I've only walked once so far. Anal was extra (advertised as included) so said I would need to get the extra from the car.

Offline smiths

That only helps if she's a total minger / not to your taste / b&s - the one time I did want to walk for that reason this wouldn't have helped - it was an outcall to my place. :D

Also doesn't help once you've paid up and then she fails to deliver the services agreed as SamLP rightly says.

Best option is don't ever visit someone without seeing clear face/body pics first and being dead sure you like the way they look and also making sure they have good reviews here that confirm they deliver on the services on their list.

Since following these basic rules I've never been in that position since and don't expect to be in future - my punts since have all been good to great!  :drinks:

Yes this is good advice BUT it also limits the number of WGs available in my experience as many dont show their faces. I will take a chance on a WG with poor pictures and walk if necessary with a plan B option. I usually punt when i am in a WGs area anyway so its no big deal to walk. I take such a risk in search of a gem and for me its a strategy that sometimes works, sometimes not. What i do know is i would of missed out on punting with many excellent WGs who didnt show their faces if i excluded them all.

If a punter wants to increase his chances of a good punt as best he can and is not prepared to take a risk follow the advice you gave.

Offline akauya

I had the verbal abuse many times. Maybe we should try a different approach when we get confronted by a B&S or a minger... how about saying Oh I just turned gay dahhhling and flounce off :D


  • Guest
Yes this is good advice BUT it also limits the number of WGs available in my experience as many dont show their faces. I will take a chance on a WG with poor pictures and walk if necessary with a plan B option. I usually punt when i am in a WGs area anyway so its no big deal to walk. I take such a risk in search of a gem and for me its a strategy that sometimes works, sometimes not. What i do know is i would of missed out on punting with many excellent WGs who didnt show their faces if i excluded them all.

If a punter wants to increase his chances of a good punt as best he can and is not prepared to take a risk follow the advice you gave.

Agree that a lot comes down to your attitude to risk.  I'd say with punting I am very risk averse - which is why 16 out of my 40 or so punts have been repeats with reliable regulars vs taking a chance on someone new.

Out of 26 girls I've now seen I've got 5 or 6 really good regs and another 7 or so that I'd not hesitate to see again so I am never backed into a corner where I really have to find someone new. I can afford to wait for someone well reviewed with great pics and if not am happy with the available options on a given day I'll revisit a reg.  I'm more interested in building trust to try new / more extreme things to tick off my bucket list rather than just see new / different wg's each time.

At the same time my location (Surrey bordering SW London) seems to have plenty of decent options.  I have well over 100 girls in my HL just looking within 20 miles of me and so far I have always been able to find someone new that's got clear face/body pics and is verified by decent reviews.   :thumbsup:

Obviously I'm new to this so will take a while to start exhausting the HL's but no doubt I'll get to point where I have no choice but to take some more risks.

Offline tbrad

forgot wallet in car, although those are just words, any clever hooker will read you and know whats really going on.


  • Guest
forgot wallet in car, although those are just words, any clever hooker will read you and know whats really going on.

If she was clever she probably wouldn't suck cock for a living  :sarcastic:

And even if she does know what's really going on, what can she do / say and more importantly who gives a fuck, as at that point you've decided you don't want to see her.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2015, 07:11:22 pm by James999 »

Offline smiths

Agree that a lot comes down to your attitude to risk.  I'd say with punting I am very risk averse - which is why 16 out of my 40 or so punts have been repeats with reliable regulars vs taking a chance on someone new.

Out of 26 girls I've now seen I've got 5 or 6 really good regs and another 7 or so that I'd not hesitate to see again so I am never backed into a corner where I really have to find someone new. I can afford to wait for someone well reviewed with great pics and if not am happy with the available options on a given day I'll revisit a reg.  I'm more interested in building trust to try new / more extreme things to tick off my bucket list rather than just see new / different wg's each time.

At the same time my location (Surrey bordering SW London) seems to have plenty of decent options.  I have well over 100 girls in my HL just looking within 20 miles of me and so far I have always been able to find someone new that's got clear face/body pics and is verified by decent reviews.   :thumbsup:

Obviously I'm new to this so will take a while to start exhausting the HL's but no doubt I'll get to point where I have no choice but to take some more risks.

If only i had had the net and sites like this for the first over 20 years of my punting, pre-net i never knew what a WG looked like until she opened her door to me. I find it quite incredible when i read some London based punters posting they cant locate decent WGs.


  • Guest
I think the answer is to pre-plan ahead and have a 'walking' excuse for every punt. If the working girl looks absolutely nothing like her pictures and is out dated than she deserves the 'left the wallet in the car' line and to never go back and I personally use it with good value when I need it.

For working girls who do look like her picture but something is wrong about them or the punt and I do not wish to hurt her feelings I will simply ask about CIM (which is a like on her profile but substitute for any other service you think she won't do) usually they will also instigate extras for these services and I will say it is not listed on your profile and walk that way.

If she lists all her services and extras on her profile then just find one contradiction on her profile and use that as a walking excuse.

« Last Edit: January 06, 2015, 07:31:59 pm by Ben4454 »

Offline superchamp

I well remember my first 'walk'. It was in Bayswater, door opens, an OK looking girl lets me in and takes me upstairs, there's about another 2 or 3 girls sat up there, all smoking, the flat smelled like an ashtray so I was already put off, then the girl starts talking about the service but I couldn't for the life of me understand her very poor English so I politely asked her to repeat. She then says something in (you guessed it) Romanian to her mates and then opens a bedroom door, goes in and slams it shut. I just turned and fucked off out. About a hundred yards down the road I'm contemplating plan B when my phone rings and it's the prossie (or another girl) who says "why you leave?". I say, "your flat stinks, your attitude stinks, and I don't like prossies slamming doors in my face", then cut the call off. Funny thing is I can walk and talk on the phone at the same time but I can't walk and argue at the same time. That's when I noticed that I'd stopped walking right beside a bus stop with about half a dozen people stood there.   :blush:


  • Guest
If only i had had the net and sites like this for the first over 20 years of my punting, pre-net i never knew what a WG looked like until she opened her door to me. I find it quite incredible when i read some London based punters posting they cant locate decent WGs.

I can relate - my first ever punts were pre-marriage and pre-web/AW - ads in the back of the local rag and hope for the best. Now that was a punt! Probably why I'm so risk averse now!  :scare:

For Londoners there's no excuse - plenty to choose from, plenty of reviews here - hogs heaven!  :drinks:


  • Guest
The funny thing is 'walking' is what creates these scammer girls who lie to you when discussing services and has a attitude adjustment as soon as you turn over the money because she is such a bad service provider.

In my experience the best ways to suss these out are to watch the body language and kiss/hug her when walking into the punt and while taking your shoes off/coat off have a 15-20 sec discussion with her to get a feel for her.


  • Guest
This has happened to me once when he said I was bigger than he expected, even though I'd tried to be as clear as possible when I said I was huge. He just came out and told me straight which went down ok since it meant I could fill the other half of his hour slot, rather than the "I've got no money" bollocks and may be waiting for him to come back, because this has happened too when someone genuinely forgot their wallet in the car.


  • Guest
This has happened to me once when he said I was bigger than he expected, even though I'd tried to be as clear as possible when I said I was huge. He just came out and told me straight which went down ok since it meant I could fill the other half of his hour slot, rather than the "I've got no money" bollocks and may be waiting for him to come back,

Which confirms it's a good dea to tell a pro$$ie you've forgotten your wallet and let her waste her time waiting for you to return, after all she's wasted your time  :thumbsup:


  • Guest
Which confirms it's a good dea to tell a pro$$ie you've forgotten your wallet and let her waste her time waiting for you to return, after all she's wasted your time  :thumbsup:

How? Some people just don't like each other in the flesh. It's got nothing to do with wasting anyone's time.


  • Guest
How? Some people just don't like each other in the flesh. It's got nothing to do with wasting anyone's time.

If the guy gets there and the girl doesn't appeal to him, its' a waste of time, if you have an issue with it then either use decent pictures that show what you're really like or stack shelves at the local supermarket  :hi:


  • Guest
If the guy gets there and the girl doesn't appeal to him, its' a waste of time, if you have an issue with it then either use decent pictures that show what you're really like or stack shelves at the local supermarket  :hi:

Right ok, well it's not really me with the issue though is it?!


  • Guest
Right ok, well it's not really me with the issue though is it?!

Seems it is otherwise you wouldn't have an issue with it  :sarcastic:


  • Guest
Seems it is otherwise you wouldn't have an issue with it  :sarcastic:

I don't have an issue with it I just pointed out that it wasn't the wg purposely wasting the guys time. Sometimes a photo can't convey a 100% true likeness.


  • Guest
I don't have an issue with it I just pointed out that it wasn't the wg purposely wasting the guys time. Sometimes a photo can't convey a 100% true likeness.

Translated means "the photo is a few years old and a lot of weight has been added since" spouting such bollocks is typical pro$$ie crap, it's 2015 most phones have reasonable cameras and it's piss easy to get decent photo's that show what someone is like, the problem starts when the pro$$ie is trying to hide what she really looks like.


  • Guest
Translated means "the photo is a few years old and a lot of weight has been added since" spouting such bollocks is typical pro$$ie crap, it's 2015 most phones have reasonable cameras and it's piss easy to get decent photo's that show what someone is like, the problem starts when the pro$$ie is trying to hide what she really looks like.

Haha! In my case my waist was 54ins and was my selling point. I said I was huge he obviously wasn't prepared for just how big I was  :D


  • Guest
I see absolutely no problem in giving it to them straight as in ' you aint as I was expecting goodnight and god bless'   And then get on your bike........why the need to sneak away with a lame excuse??

Offline laidbackasiandude

There is the possibility that the WG shares the flat with another more attractive WG who may be free
at the time of your booking with the less attractive/minger WG. It's happened with me on two occasions.

The first time, back in 1997 via a London phone booth (call girl cards splattered type) near Edgware
road, the WG was completely at odds to what was described to me by her maid over the phone.

When I got there and saw her in the flesh, an instant turn-off. I politely made an excuse that "I'm not your ideal
punter/client, best you see someone else dear, have a good day". I was totally surprised in that she called
her friend over (I overheard her calling me a "shit" to her friend). Her mate was very attractive (Burmese/Thai)
and had a good session.

The second time was back in 2007, booked via AW to meet a Polish WG. There were no face pictures, but had
recommendations from reliable sources that she was raunchy, if not completely stunning in looks. I found her
to be rather plain, but noticed there was a very attractive blonde housemate in the background. However, I had
no idea if she was a WG or not. Before parting with cash, I enquired about a FFM threesome as an alternative option
as I had sufficient cash. The idea on my part was to establish if her mate was indeed a WG or not.
As it turned out she was, and had a positive session with both of them together.

Offline Jimmyredcab

How? Some people just don't like each other in the flesh. It's got nothing to do with wasting anyone's time.

Yes, and some girls have used pictures that are ten years old, I would class that as wasting a punters time.    :bomb:

Offline Boundless

I've only walked once so far. Anal was extra (advertised as included) so said I would need to get the extra from the car.

Good one, hadn't thought of that, an elegant solution as Heinz Woolf would say.

In that scenario you've got her by the bollocks so to speak.


  • Guest
I've only walked once so far. Anal was extra (advertised as included) so said I would need to get the extra from the car.
........but Trevor, why not just tell her the real reason i.e. anal should be included. Not only are you then not having to make a feeble excuse but you never know she may well have relented and included the anal in the prics. Unless the fear is of a lurking Sergi, I'd just tell it to them as it is.

Offline Jimmyredcab

........but Trevor, why not just tell her the real reason i.e. anal should be included. Not only are you then not having to make a feeble excuse but you never know she may well have relented and included the anal in the prics. Unless the fear is of a lurking Sergi, I'd just tell it to them as it is.

I prefer a quiet life.     :hi: :hi:

If you have to negotiate just to get what was originally promised then the punt will probably go downhill from then on.  :thumbsdown:

Offline Trevor12

I prefer a quiet life.     :hi: :hi:

Yep. Maybe I'll get braver with experience.

It was Indian Princess, who I've reviewed.


  • Guest
If you have to negotiate just to get what was originally promised then the punt will probably go downhill from then on.

Have you ever experienced an occasion when it hasn't?

This is the point about the Romanian phenomenon. It's always like that. Or seemingly so.

Offline SamLP

........but Trevor, why not just tell her the real reason i.e. anal should be included. Not only are you then not having to make a feeble excuse but you never know she may well have relented and included the anal in the prics. Unless the fear is of a lurking Sergi, I'd just tell it to them as it is.

Some are greedy and will try to ask for more but will see some sense if they believe you won't pay the extra and prefer to leave instead. You can always gage the reaction and if you have the feeling the punt will be crap just walk, but if someone lies to me I would prefer to tell them they lied and wasted my time then leave rather than make an excuse bout leaving my wallet in the car. If enough punters did that then some of them may stop lying, otherwise the stupid ones will think the punter had wasted their time or got cold feet about the price when going to get their wallet. That just leads to more bad service, double bookings and lying. My POV anyway, but I could be wrong.

Offline smiths

........but Trevor, why not just tell her the real reason i.e. anal should be included. Not only are you then not having to make a feeble excuse but you never know she may well have relented and included the anal in the prics. Unless the fear is of a lurking Sergi, I'd just tell it to them as it is.

I dont usually as there isnt any point, they are proven lying low lifes, what i say isnt going to make a blind bit of difference. My only aim is to get safely back in my car in case Sergei or Kevin are lingering around, and then call my plan B.

Offline Trevor12

It was Indian Princess, who I've reviewed.

To add to this, there were other reasons I wanted to walk, I've mentioned them in other threads- she was definitely the girl in the pictures as the body was an exact match, but she was black/white mixed race, not indian, and much older than the advertised 18. I know I should have walked then, but she did have a cracking body. The anal being extra was more the final straw that made me see sense, and provided a convenient excuse to leave.

Offline Trevor12

My only aim is to get safely back in my car in case Sergei or Kevin are lingering around, and then call my plan B.

This was my only aim too. The possibility of more cash in a few minutes makes her less likely to make a fuss.

Offline PatrickCarnes

I say I've changed my mind. It's not that difficult is it?

Offline The_Don

I just say, no thanks and walk.

Not solely down to looks but if they muck me around, I'm gone with my hard earned cash.

I've fancied some W/G's but walked. Due to the way they act or what they have done (I don't often let the other brain take over). The surprise on their face and reaction makes me feel better about walking. i.e not wasting my, money but yes I've lost some time (can be a downer).


Offline Boundless

I just say, no thanks and walk.

Not solely down to looks but if they muck me around, I'm gone with my hard earned cash.

I've fancied some W/G's but walked. Due to the way they act or what they have done (I don't often let the other brain take over). The surprise on their face and reaction makes me feel better about walking. i.e not wasting my, money but yes I've lost some time (can be a downer).

Fair play mate, just read some of your reviews, you've certainly been busy! An example to us all of how to do a review, complete with pics and AW profile. I really must try harder in 2015.
Where they all in real time of have you been saving them up?

Offline thunder_road

I arrived at a punt once and was short because I'd forgotten I used some of my cash to pay for a works do that day, so said really sorry just nipping to the cash point.

Whilst at the cash point I got a txt calling me a cunt! I went back because my car was parked outside anyway and showed her the cash and walked. She called me a cunt again.

Worked out well because I took a chance on an agency girl instead who was fantastic.


  • Guest
I arrived at a punt once and was short because I'd forgotten I used some of my cash to pay for a works do that day, so said really sorry just nipping to the cash point.

Whilst at the cash point I got a txt calling me a cunt! I went back because my car was parked outside anyway and showed her the cash and walked. She called me a cunt again.

Just shows how fucking stupid she was, that whatever a guy does she thinks he's a cunt, with social skills like that I can see why she couldn't get the job stacking shelves and has to suck cock for a living  :wacko: