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Author Topic: Warning - marty_mcfly aka columbo aka asianbeast  (Read 76482 times)

Offline Clooney

There's no way to verify if he eventually gets nicked by the police is there?

I guess we just have to educate others old and new on how to keep their punting data separate from their real life data


A punter and I believe a couple of girls have made a complaint and have a crime reference number. The police are therefore obliged to keep those persons abreast of developments.

I'm sure it will filter back through to here eventually.


  • Guest
Am I correct in the assumption that this guy might be the same one that was impersonating Nicole a while ago?

If so I might have a grainy photo that matches the description given over on SAAFE.


  • Guest

A punter and I believe a couple of girls have made a complaint and have a crime reference number. The police are therefore obliged to keep those persons abreast of developments.

I'm sure it will filter back through to here eventually.

Thanks for the update, Clooney. Good news indeed.

Offline JEH7376

Bloody hell, always knew from his obsessive stuff on another forum as Asianbeast that the bloke had a screw or two loose, but this takes the cake, what a div.

Hope he gets filled in by someone in the end

Offline claretandblue


Never revel too much personal info about yourself either.

Feel sorry to all the punters and prossies who have been outed.

Why people need to setup facebook,twitter accounts with their punting,prossie names,i just dont know.

Social media is just that social,all too easy to link your punter details with your personal details by accident.To easy to get exposed.

Personally glad not attached.
+1 you don't need twitter to see prossies, ukpunting and awork takes up enough time without allowing punting to take over your twitter too


  • Guest

Agree a booking with him, then knock his F***n head in you mean
He brought the sti texts to the forum, he did it all himself, he was postponed initially until his reaction.

His own fault.

Offline punk

He brought the sti texts to the forum, he did it all himself, he was postponed initially until his reaction.

His own fault.

i thought that sti text was fake,but others i think on here said that it was kosher.

Offline claretandblue

i thought that sti text was fake,but others i think on here said that it was kosher.
We will never know now, I am thinking the whole thing was just an elaborate hoax to cause discomfort to elle, sick fucker

Offline anyfucker

We will never know now, I am thinking the whole thing was just an elaborate hoax to cause discomfort to elle, sick fucker
Whether real or hoax it is clear the guy needs medical attention, i feel sorry for him and for those he has abused and inconvenienced.

Offline PLeisure

We will never know now, I am thinking the whole thing was just an elaborate hoax to cause discomfort to elle, sick fucker
And then, to placate her, he posted a glowing review in a desperate attempt to settle things. Only get more dramatic and complain when it was universally ignored. Go figure.....   :unknown:

Offline SamLP

We will never know now, I am thinking the whole thing was just an elaborate hoax to cause discomfort to elle, sick fucker

Possibly, including his lies about losing £5K on a bet & his constant claims to have been drunk when he made an outrageous post. He craved attention and popularity but also has an evil side to him.

Hope he's dealt with soon. He's currently full of hot air, he may have had info on one punter and a couple of WG's but if he had info on more he would have already outed them too. He may have tried to blackmail those he had info on and acted on it by outing them when he was banned from UKP and the punter didn't back him up. All assumptions of course, but it's clear he is a mental nutcase by doing what he did. He couldn't accept he was exposed as a psycho and wants to wreak revenge, but his blind stupidity will only lead to him getting arrested. It's a sad state of affairs when people take punting this serious.

Offline claretandblue

And then, to placate her, he posted a glowing review in a desperate attempt to settle things. Only get more dramatic and complain when it was universally ignored. Go figure.....   :unknown:
That review and subsequent meltdown were pretty staggering,I remember at the time thinking howe weird it was that he had wrote it after all the nonsense that went on before

Offline tazz

Maybe he has been diagnosed with HIV or lost his job and flipped out. Horny slutty girl in February posted on her AW blog that some guy had threatened to fuck himself up if she didnt see him which shed reported to the police. I think a lot of punters help out themselves by having twitter accounts and following escorts, seen FB profiles of escorts with lots of punting friends. Sounds like hes been possibly stalking these guys and prossies.


  • Guest
That review and subsequent meltdown were pretty staggering,I remember at the time thinking howe weird it was that he had wrote it after all the nonsense that went on before

Agreed. Clearly it was done to try and ingratiate himself with her, totally ignoring the fact that she saw right through it. I always supposed that the total lack of responses to it were due to the fact that he had just called her an evil bitch a couple of days before.


  • Guest
i thought that sti text was fake,but others i think on here said that it was kosher.

I think it's safe to now assume that everything that shandy drinking, mealey mouthed cunt said was a load of bollocks designed to garner sympathy (initially) and/or discredit others - notably girls with glowing reputations


  • Guest
A pimp posse is needed to sort this freak out me thinks.

Offline LoneWolf2020

i recall him describing his feelings when prostitutes ignore his messages as 'heartbreak'. Alarm bells should really have started ringing there and then


  • Guest
He is all over saafe now

Not sure if their links are allowed

External Link/Members Only

Thanks - what planet is that stupid cunt Amy on - we don't out people on here?????????????????


  • Guest
A pimp posse is needed to sort this freak out me thinks.
Chicky the cunning coward went for the non pimped rated independents.

slow and low

  • Guest
What has been demonstrated is the prompt way that Admin responded and in doing so emphasised that UKP is there to protect the normal punter, weed out the headcases and also ensure that any sort of malicious behaviour designed or aimed at harming service providers won't be tolerated and can be subject to derision from UKP and possible criminal sanction . And I repeat again, the tool who created this disturbing episode is a tool of the highest order.

Offline Cuntminion

would it be worth ever having a punter blacklist ?

In honesty it may never reach double figures but cases like this and other unstable multi persona cases worth thinking about?

Offline PLeisure

What has been demonstrated is the prompt way that Admin responded and in doing so emphasised that UKP is there to protect the normal punter, weed out the headcases and also ensure that any sort of malicious behaviour designed or aimed at harming service providers won't be tolerated and can be subject to derision from UKP and possible criminal sanction .
Amen to that  :drinks:

Offline jackthelad

Having been blackmailed by a sugar baby last year, I urge everyone involved to contact the police. They are professionals and will not treat you differently if you are an escort or have been seeing one. They may not be very efficient but they will do their job properly.

The SB in question was arrested and charged. I had to go to court but it was worth the effort.

This man needs to be stopped and the only way to do it is people go to the police.


  • Guest
would it be worth ever having a punter blacklist ?

In honesty it may never reach double figures but cases like this and other unstable multi persona cases worth thinking about?

The thing about having a punter blacklist would not really work unless we had the punters phone numbers, details and descriptions. But with scum bags like this it is being highlighted here for all to see.

The way I look at this excuse of a man is I don't think any one thing set him off, he's personality is obviously very bitter and twisted and enjoys inflicting harm on to people and I am no doubt that he has been plotting from day one on getting personal details on people and using it against them.

I would say he probably has caused a lot of trouble for people that we don't know about. Now the police are involved I hope he gets arrested and taken down the station and if he has any friends or family they can find out that he likes terrorising woman and punters in the sex industry.

He deserves all he gets, a vile person who takes advantage of the discretion and secrecy of this industry and uses it for his gain to destroy peoples families. :thumbsdown: :wacko:

Offline Cuntminion

Not an advocate but he could easily step on the wrong persons feet here, and they might not take the route of law and order

Not everyone is in the position to be outed nor gives a fuck to the extent he may want them too


  • Guest
would it be worth ever having a punter blacklist ?

In honesty it may never reach double figures but cases like this and other unstable multi persona cases worth thinking about?

It definitely would be, SAAFE do the same thing. But a lot of girls only read this forum. So it could be really valuable.

Offline NIK

would it be worth ever having a punter blacklist ?

In honesty it may never reach double figures but cases like this and other unstable multi persona cases worth thinking about?

No, there are enough of those elsewhere.


  • Guest
How did this wanker get punters' and WGs real info? Insane. Only crazy people go out of their way to do that.

What a weirdo. I'm no advocator of violence but the only cure for evil manipulative wackos like him is getting to work on him with a baseball bat. Hope real justice catches up with this small dicked, diseased cunt.

And Marty, I hope you're reading this you fuckin sad, lowlife, lonely wanker Hidden Image/Members Only


  • Guest
How did this wanker get punters' and WGs real info? Insane. Only crazy people go out of their way to do that.

What a weirdo. I'm no advocator of violence but the only cure for evil manipulative wackos like him is getting to work on him with a baseball bat. Hope real justice catches up with this small dicked, diseased cunt.

And Marty, I hope you're reading this you fuckin sad, lowlife, lonely wanker Hidden Image/Members Only

I've no idea but just read the thread on saafe and it seems that the devious excitable, short arsed cunt linked people via social media etc. if this is true it does demonstrate the perils of using whatsapp, Facebook, twitter and of linking accounts in this game.

Offline PLeisure

Thing is.... he probably still thinks of himself as a decent citizen. Laughable as that may sound in the current situation that he's engineered. But he does. Excessively polite to WGs, 'thank you' notes post-punt, glowing reviews, yadda yadda.
He probably believes it's the punting community that has sent him over the edge. That's more his style to externalise blame.

Asswipe  :diablo:

Offline Cuntminion

I hope some of the sp's affected do have cctv safety measures so they might have an image to pass on to the police

Offline PLeisure

That review and subsequent meltdown were pretty staggering,I remember at the time thinking howe weird it was that he had wrote it after all the nonsense that went on before
Precisely. It perfectly demonstrated his duality. One minute complaining that Lindsey should pitch her rate to £500 just because he couldn't get a booking. Next, (having scored a meet) including himself amongst other seasoned punters who practice the exact opposite ethos.
A shrink's dream case


  • Guest
I hope some of the sp's affected do have cctv safety measures so they might have an image to pass on to the police
Knowing that cunt he probably has his photo on his thank you stationary !

Offline claretandblue

What has been demonstrated is the prompt way that Admin responded and in doing so emphasised that UKP is there to protect the normal punter, weed out the headcases and also ensure that any sort of malicious behaviour designed or aimed at harming service providers won't be tolerated and can be subject to derision from UKP and possible criminal sanction . And I repeat again, the tool who created this disturbing episode is a tool of the highest order.
+1 admit has played a blinder during this debacle


  • Guest
I feel sorry for any of the girls that have had the pleasure of him in a booking, I bet a lot was sickened by him no wonder he has to keep making up new AW accounts and probably constantly changing his phone numbers as he knows nobody wants to see him ever again unless there very very desperate :vomit:


  • Guest
+1 admit has played a blinder during this debacle

Yes +1 too. Banning reason = unstable now seems like the understatement of the decade.

Holy crap. Speechless at this.

Offline punk

I've no idea but just read the thread on saafe and it seems that the devious excitable, short arsed cunt linked people via social media etc. if this is true it does demonstrate the perils of using whatsapp, Facebook, twitter and of linking accounts in this game.

Exactly,you have to be mental to do that,social media and putting,no,no.

Could not see him hacking admins side and the only other way was to befriend some punters on here and go from there.


  • Guest
Social media is always the heart of all these type of problems and a lot of people don't learn by it.

He probably got a lot of info this way and also other ways too and added it all together, he was trying to find out details of punters through pm as well. What a sad twisted fucker. He probably is deeply ashamed of him paying girls and has decided to cause trouble for the girls and other punter by getting his revenge.

Offline 385North

I didn't really engage with the whole 'McFly-gate' saga and steered clear of what I (incorrectly) assumed was just a young, emotionally retarded 20-something making a monumental fuck-up. Having just seen the sticky about the this thread on the front page along with the link to safe, I'm amazed to read the dude was in his fifties, or estimated to be thereabouts. Unbelievable.


  • Guest
I actually hope the girls he outed  especially the one where he put pictures up of her kid and the punter and punters wife that must have been shocked by a phone call off a loon like him find out who he is and outs his behaviour to where he works and any family he has as he is a danger to the public.

I wonder if he does a job where he is dealing with peoples private details like there addresses and names as he is the last person that should be working with people.

Offline claretandblue

I didn't really engage with the whole 'McFly-gate' saga and steered clear of what I (incorrectly) assumed was just a young, emotionally retarded 20-something making a monumental fuck-up. Having just seen the sticky about the this thread on the front page along with the link to safe, I'm amazed to read the dude was in his fifties, or estimated to be thereabouts. Unbelievable.
How much time must he have had on his hands to do all his detective work on punters,post on here then create multiple accounts and post on twitter, exhausting just thinking about it!
I just don't understand why any punter would follow a wg on twitter, just what is the point? I think again it is this group of punters who get emotionally involved and view working girls as their friends or more  :dash:

Offline con-a-ser

No, there are enough of those elsewhere.

This is also a case of how you set the standards to qualify for this bracket

1, A total tosser like this bloke  (probably only a few)
Recall one recently who threatened to out a WG & she committed suicide by jumping out of an hotel window in Manchester (he was named in the inquest)

2, Those who threaten WGs & post loads of shit about them trying to blacken there name in the industry
3, Those who phone places the girls work to threaten them to get her sacked
4, Those who look for WGs facebook accounts to add them as friends


  • Guest
I didn't really engage with the whole 'McFly-gate' saga and steered clear of what I (incorrectly) assumed was just a young, emotionally retarded 20-something making a monumental fuck-up. Having just seen the sticky about the this thread on the front page along with the link to safe, I'm amazed to read the dude was in his fifties, or estimated to be thereabouts. Unbelievable.

Not really not always to do with age I remember 2 WG's that I knew many years ago had been followed home by a punter and did not know, one of them knew she lived with family and tried blackmailing her for freebies and another decided to out her for fun and I think one was late 40's and the other was close to drawing his pension. You have to be on your guard at all times when it comes to this business.

Offline punk

There was me thinking (naively),that punting was about sex,certainly learned a lot over the last 5 years.


  • Guest
How much time must he have had on his hands to do all his detective work on punters,post on here then create multiple accounts and post on twitter, exhausting just thinking about it!
I just don't understand why any punter would follow a wg on twitter, just what is the point? I think again it is this group of punters who get emotionally involved and view working girls as their friends or more  :dash:

And its sicko's like this that could be in the paper and on the news one day for murdering one of them. You never know what can happen when someone is that twisted.


  • Guest
  All those actually affected by this should contact the Police. He sounds like a sad case fluffy who, when rejected, lashes out at those he thinks have 'hurt' him. He might do something really stupid if he's not stopped.

Offline con-a-ser

I actually hope the girls he outed  especially the one where he put pictures up of her kid and the punter and punters wife that must have been shocked by a phone call off a loon like him find out who he is and outs his behaviour to where he works and any family he has as he is a danger to the public.

I wonder if he does a job where he is dealing with peoples private details like there addresses and names as he is the last person that should be working with people.

You mean any job where the data protection act comes in to play which can be a large umbrella, everyone you speak to on the phone where you can pay a bill like Sky, phone company, energy bills, car insurance & so on