Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Summerlouise1 in Yeovil  (Read 1571 times)

Offline PunterSthompson

Still on the quest for a decent independent in the dorchester/Yeovil/Weymouth area...
Anyone seen this lady?

External Link/Members Only

Offline Punter Griffin

There's been an influx of EE girls, all BB's with feedback saying 'didn't do a lot of things on her likes list'. I know there's not much on this girls profile, but I wouldn't.

I have emailed this girl - Profile Page using External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only - not heard back yet though.

There's a Yeovil thread and it's all slim pickings. If you do TOFFT, let us know.

Offline PunterSthompson

I've been in touch with Dorset oriental too, not my type at all but I was desperate!
She only does hour meets I think, seemed genuine though. She has done a realm punting/lukeys movie. I'm sure Google could find it for you.
If I TOFTT I'll do a review

Offline Punter Griffin

It depends on what you're after, for a full on GFE/PSE, you're going to have to travel, Bristol or Bournemouth.

For a cheap rub n tug, the Oriental Health Centre in Crewkerne is great VFM, have a look in the reviews, a few of us have been there. But as I say, if you find someone local, PLEASE let me know.

Offline ratty

Already TOFTT on Dorset Oriental quite a while ago :-) .  Here's a link to my review -;topicseen#msg661166

Offline Punter Griffin

Already TOFTT on Dorset Oriental quite a while ago :-) .  Here's a link to my review -;topicseen#msg661166
One of the reasons I'd given her an email, thanks Ratty.  :thumbsup:

Offline ratty

You will need to drive to see Dorset Oriental though, as public transport to her place is very limited (she's actually a few miles out of Dorchester).  Which is a pity, as I prefer to get around to my punts via public transport - otherwise I'd see her more often.


  • Guest
There's been an influx of EE girls, all BB's with feedback saying 'didn't do a lot of things on her likes list'. I know there's not much on this girls profile, but I wouldn't.

I have emailed this girl - Profile Page using External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only - not heard back yet though.

There's a Yeovil thread and it's all slim pickings. If you do TOFFT, let us know.
Totally agree,absolutely sod all in Yeovil except the Romanians working at the old globe,strange when only a year or so ago yeovil had decent choice of wgs now nothing. If anyone finds any let us know

Offline Qwerty

Back to the topic - has anyone seen Summerlouise1?


  • Guest
In Yeovil your best  bet is whichever Thai girl is currently using the house on Hendford Hill. They rotate through every 2-3 weeks and advertise on AW. Full service or massage - your choice, just make it clear which you want.
Check AW for Yeovil for details of whichever girl is currently there


  • Guest

For a cheap rub n tug, the Oriental Health Centre in Crewkerne is great VFM, have a look in the reviews, a few of us have been there. But as I say, if you find someone local, PLEASE let me know.

I've got a lot more than that from both the sisters


  • Guest
I think the Thai place at Hendford has gone South to Bournemouth ! :(