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Author Topic: Anal Bareback?  (Read 8501 times)


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I have an obsession of doing this with a girl, they say it feels amazing but i have never done it and i feel like i'm missing out massively.

If a WG offered this service and showed you a certificate with a clean bill of health at the meet would you do it?

Also, for any punters who have tried anal bareback, could you describe how it felt?


  • Guest
I have an obsession of doing this with a girl, they say it feels amazing but i have never done it and i feel like i'm missing out massively.

If a WG offered this service and showed you a certificate with a clean bill of health at the meet would you do it?

Also, for any punters who have tried anal bareback, could you describe how it felt?

Physically it doesn't feel much different to bareback vaginal, but psychologically the idea of doing something 'dirty', or something you're not supposed to can be a huge turn on.

Offline NIK

Even if anyone has I doubt they are going to admit it.  :rolleyes:
And no matter what the feeling it isn't worth the risk.


  • Guest
I've done anal bb many times with civvy partners, it's quite different to vaginal as the pressure on your cock is mostly at the sphincter entrance - so the shaft / head of your cock doesn't actually get as much sensation as vaginal. For me it's more the taboo aspect that makes it a turn on. I still rarely come via anal due to the lack of sensation.

Personally I would never bb a WG anally no matter how many certificates she had.  HIV is the largest concern and it can take up to 6 mths to show up in a test but she can still infect you.  If she's offering anal bb to you she's doing it to other punters and it only takes one to infect her.

No matter how low the statistical probability it's still a stupid risk for - in my view - a very small reward.

Offline Punting Valley

And to build on the above, anal bareback is probably more dangerous than vaginal bareback as anal may easily tear some micro wounds in the anal cavity, and blood is the perfect HIV transmitter. :dash:

Offline BogBog1

I've done anal bb many times with civvy partners, it's quite different to vaginal as the pressure on your cock is mostly at the sphincter entrance - so the shaft / head of your cock doesn't actually get as much sensation as vaginal. For me it's more the taboo aspect that makes it a turn on. I still rarely come via anal due to the lack of sensation.

Personally I would never bb a WG anally no matter how many certificates she had.  HIV is the largest concern and it can take up to 6 mths to show up in a test but she can still infect you.  If she's offering anal bb to you she's doing it to other punters and it only takes one to infect her.

No matter how low the statistical probability it's still a stupid risk for - in my view - a very small reward.
Totally agree. Anal BB does feel great in my opinion, and I've done it a few times with civvies. But with a WG? NO fucking way. It's just crazy. The risk is so much higher than BB vaginally (which with a WG is already high). 


  • Guest
Guys, with respect but the OP didn't ask about the risks. He asked what Anal BB feels like. How many of you have OWO? That is a risk also.


  • Guest
I have an obsession of doing this with a girl,

Do you normally do it with men then  :unknown:

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For me it feels fucking amazing, best sexual feeling by far.  But with a prostitute? Not even with your mate!!!

Offline Sir Lance-a-lot

It's hard to get good data on this, because the risk is obviously primarily to the one on the receiving end,  the"bottom": I haven't seen stats on the risk to the "top".  There is more risk of contact with blood, but on the other hand you'd be thrusting into an environment where nasties (other than fecal bacteria) can't hang around for long without getting expelled - unlike a vagina, which doesn't usually have much stuff passing through it.  I have no idea how those two factors balance out.

Offline BogBog1

For me it feels fucking amazing, best sexual feeling by far.  But with a prostitute? Not even with your mate!!!

Absolutely. It's an amazing feeling. But I feel kind of uncomfortable telling the OP that, because that might encourage him to go ahead and do it with a WG, which would be a very, very silly thing to do. So, message to the OP: mate, it feels great. But PLEASE, find a civvy who hasn't been around the block 20 times and who might be willing to do this with you.

Online jackthelad

Personally I think it is over rated. Feels nice and I sometimes do anal when the lady likes it but it doesn't really do a lot for me.

Each to their own and all that.

Offline threechilliman

Personally I think it is over rated. Feels nice and I sometimes do anal when the lady likes it but it doesn't really do a lot for me.

Each to their own and all that.

+1. The reality falls a long way short of the fantasy for me.



  • Guest
OP a few questions....

- Have you ever done anal covered?
- Have you actually visited a prossie yet?
- Have you ever had a girl friend?
- What is the longest time you have gone without watching porn?
- Does your mum know you write such bollocks on a public forum?

Bug chasing fantasist  :(


  • Guest
Anal is a grossly overated sexual activity in my opinion.

Offline bigmc

I enjoy anal.  Its the taboo nature of it that appeals.  I've had bareback in my private life and covered with wg's and to be honest I can say it's just as good . For me it depends if the girl is into it or not. Kinky Nat / pierced princess ( sadly now retired) from Manchester  was really into it, which in turn really  did it for me.


  • Guest
OP a few questions....

- Have you ever done anal covered?
- Have you actually visited a prossie yet?
- Have you ever had a girl friend?
- What is the longest time you have gone without watching porn?
- Does your mum know you write such bollocks on a public forum?

Bug chasing fantasist  :(

Wow, i'm sorry if i offended you man.. Was just asking a question.

Cheers to all who contributed though, i'll make sure i stay covered with WG's but if i ever get a girlfriend who's willing (here's hoping!) i'll definitely go in without.

Thank you again.


  • Guest
my girlfriend lets me do it once every few weeks she says its my special treat (think she secretley enjoys it to), she has a lush little bum and its very intimate

doing it with a prossi borders on stupid dont do it mate, guessing it would be a touch expensive to.

Offline Horizontal pleasures

I did it some years ago, many times with a regular (regular but infrequent) called Red something in Milton Keynes, a very mature BBW on AW, she has retired.

I did it a few times even more years ago with a very mature BBW in Headington on the edge of Oxford called Jayne,(before AW and before UKP) and she too has retired.

It always felt tight and exciting and needed some lube* to get in. They were always well douched, no residues and no problems when I was checked.

*lube? YES
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« Last Edit: July 13, 2015, 02:19:39 pm by Horizontal pleasures »

Offline Horizontal pleasures

Even if anyone has I doubt they are going to admit it.
hmm, I just did.

Offline smiths

And to build on the above, anal bareback is probably more dangerous than vaginal bareback as anal may easily tear some micro wounds in the anal cavity, and blood is the perfect HIV transmitter. :dash:

It IS more risky than vaginal BB according to the GUM staff and what I have read online, plus using my common sense due to what you mention here. Some experts say this is why AIDS hit the gay community so rapidly in its early days compared to straights.

Offline SmackmaBitchUp

If this is genuine... He's got balls for asking on this forum and to consider the possible plunge!


  • Guest
Did it once at a bareback gangbang - wanted to be the first in her ass for obvious reasons as even I recoil at the risk of bareback anal!

Still, I fancied it.

Bell end came out caked in shit and I can't say the feeling was that different to fucking pussy tbf. I wouldn't be in a russh to do it again.

My experiences of covered anal aren't much better. Messy and smelly.

Offline Cuntminion

Op your posts all seem that of a fantasy you've gone from never punted to a wannabe patch of the marmite highway bareback club in two weeks

Have you actually punted yet?

Offline claretandblue

Did it once at a bareback gangbang - wanted to be the first in her ass for obvious reasons as even I recoil at the risk of bareback anal!

Still, I fancied it.

Bell end came out caked in shit and I can't say the feeling was that different to fucking pussy tbf. I wouldn't be in a russh to do it again.

My experiences of covered anal aren't much better. Messy and smelly.
sounds revolting,please post a list of all girls you have seen so sensible punters can avoid

Offline danny.simons

I agree to basically everything said above.

Done it with a civvy, never with a WG.
Yes it feels good, but equally yes the risk is higher.

Personally, I didn't think it felt so good that risking it with a prostitute would be worth it. So basically OP I would say no, don't risk it with a WG. If you're lucky enough to have the opportunity outside of punting, then give it a try.

Offline mf_1101

I would liken Anal bareback ANY prostitute to be the same as sticking your cock into a bath of water inhabited by a piranha.

No matter how pleasurable the feeling is (And I fantasize about doing it, never have yet) the risk outweighs the reward.


  • Guest
That's the most hilarious description of anal sex I've ever heard.

Offline pianodave

I enjoy the mental thrill of bareback anal with civvies, but if I'm honest the physical feeling isn't anything to write home about. The bell end gets very little friction, and it gets very loose quickly, the canal is too smooth to enjoy and it feels cold. I have gone straight from ass to pussy many times (yeah, I know) and been amazed how much nice the wet, warm pussy feels. These days, I can't be bothered with anal. Add in the whiff of shit if you pound it too long, and the occassional brown streak on your cock, and the sticky, grimy feeling of shit inside as you thrust, and it's one of those things where all the pleasure is in having something you can't normally have ... and once you've had it 100 times, for me that thrill has now gone.

Worth trying if you get the chance, not worth risking your health over. imo

Online webpunter

That's the most hilarious description of anal sex I've ever heard.
More importantly where is J999 with his clock ?


  • Guest
I did it a few times even more years ago with a very mature BBW in Headington on the edge of Oxford called Jayne,(before AW and before UKP) and she too has retired.

Whenever I see "BBW" I mentally replace it with "fat lass", because  I refuse to believe that every  fat lass is beautiful.   :P


  • Guest
I know there was another anal thread on here but can't remember which it was because there are 3 on the first page. But with girls having enema - I searched on video & ending up watching on youtube  bellybabe785
where this blonde american girl is filling herself up with water up her arse. So that make me think if you had a girl & where inside her while she inflated her tummy 1) would you feel it 2) she would get heavy on top of you seeing she'll have 3 litres water weight added to her.

Offline Cuntminion

Whenever I see "BBW" I mentally replace it with "fat lass", because  I refuse to believe that every  fat lass is beautiful.   :P

It's like bubbly on dating sites, alarm bells ring , your not an aero

I don't mind whatever someone weighs but don't try oversell it

Offline PLeisure

I know there was another anal thread on here but can't remember which it was because there are 3 on the first page. But with girls having enema - I searched on video & ending up watching on youtube  bellybabe785
where this blonde american girl is filling herself up with water up her arse. So that make me think if you had a girl & where inside her while she inflated her tummy 1) would you feel it 2) she would get heavy on top of you seeing she'll have 3 litres water weight added to her.
An enema is complete only when the individual has expelled the water out of their alimentary canal via the rectum. "blonde american girl" shouldn't have "3 litres water weight added to her". 


  • Guest
I would liken Anal bareback ANY prostitute to be the same as sticking your cock into a bath of water inhabited by a piranha.

No matter how pleasurable the feeling is (And I fantasize about doing it, never have yet) the risk outweighs the reward.

You fantasize about putting your cock into a bath full of piranha's?

On topic though, if you do this with a WG you deserve everything you get. Far, far too risky.

Offline regular_guy

done Anal BB twice (not with a WG),  it was the thrill of it more than the feeling,  going somewhere you shouldn't really go.  I think just the thrill of watching it going in and out does it for me,  i'd always go covered with a WG

Offline KidCandyShop

Did it bareback with a previous girlfriend and afterwards when she was lying on top of me kissing she farted and I ended up with my jizz which had been turned brown being deposited on my leg.  :vomit: that alone is good enough reason not to do it bareback.


  • Guest
Did it bareback with a previous girlfriend and afterwards when she was lying on top of me kissing she farted and I ended up with my jizz which had been turned brown being deposited on my leg:vomit: that alone is good enough reason not to do it bareback.

Thank you for all these details...  :vomit:

Well i think i'm going to have a coffee...


  • Guest
On topic though, if you do this with a WG you deserve everything you get. Far, far too risky.
I can't believe that both the punter and WG have so little regard for their own safety and the safety of their respective partners to engage in BB anal sex. Most of the gay community got this message years ago and I can't believe that some heterosexuals seem determined to learn the same lesson in the extremely harsh manner that they did. Did we learn nothing from their suffering? With a faithful partner is fine if you both get enjoyment from it (personally I don't), but with a WG is just sheer insanity.

Offline PLeisure

Thank you for all these details...  :vomit:

Well i think i'm going to have a coffee...
  :D  :lol:  :sarcastic:
 :scare:  :wackogirl:  :timeout:

Offline dave_59

Never bareback a wg, or a new civvy aquaintance....

However, my 1st wife loved anal and it's an amazing feeling.
She used to love it while I massaged her clit.
2nd wife wont entertain, luckily there are WGs'

But never never never BB.

Offline Tiger63

Anal is a grossly overated sexual activity in my opinion.
Couldnt agree more...the only time I ve done it with a wg there was a little blob of shit on the condom when I withdrew....then came the smell.....and that was the finish of that punt.

Offline MancSean

Did it once at a bareback gangbang - wanted to be the first in her ass for obvious reasons as even I recoil at the risk of bareback anal!

Still, I fancied it.

Bell end came out caked in shit and I can't say the feeling was that different to fucking pussy tbf. I wouldn't be in a russh to do it again.

My experiences of covered anal aren't much better. Messy and smelly.
Maybe it's to do with the skanks you see. I have done anal with quite a few girls and not once got shit on my condom covered cock

Offline jay0707

sounds revolting,please post a list of all girls you have seen so sensible punters can avoid
It looks like he not only fucks anyone who'll let him bareback. He also anal barebacks women who can't prep properly for anal sex? Wow.

Offline Daffodil

Again, it's a risk vs rewards thing. For me, being in a relationship, the risk of barebacking a prossie, vaginal or anal, is too great, but I would definitely like to do it. I also think that the perceived risk is greater than the actual risk.

A lot of people are risk takers in general. Rock climb, parachute, horse ride, smoke, send a quick text when driving. I find it odd that bareback sex is so taboo, especially on a sex forum.

Finally, it amuses me how people see barebacking civvies as so different to barebacking prostitutes. If the girl you're currently sleeping with is happy for you to spunk in her arse she is likely a bit of a goer...and probably doesn't get tested either :music:


  • Guest
Maybe it's to do with the skanks you see. I have done anal with quite a few girls and not once got shit on my condom covered cock

Not sure you'd want to crow about that old pal, possibly says a lot about the size of your cock.

Offline KentAde

I have to admit I did anal bareback once with a WG few years back.....and after I had calmed down from all the euphoria and what the fuck I had done, I was scared shitless  :scare: about what I could catch, and went for god knows how many tests after. Luckily, everything was all clear.
Trouble is, it was sooooo fucking horny at the time, screwing an arse, and watching us having it away infront of a mirror like the attached (black girl aswell with a lovely shaven haven):

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« Last Edit: July 28, 2015, 08:59:23 am by KentAde »

Offline MancSean

Not sure you'd want to crow about that old pal, possibly says a lot about the size of your cock.
Whatever pal you just keep shagging whores up the arse without a condom that's fine with me


  • Guest
Am I alone in thinking that sticking my cock into a hole where disgusting stinky shit travels is just fucking disgusting?

Never done it and never will, that's what tight wet pussy is for.

Each to his own, but I will never subject my cock to to that :vomit: