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Author Topic: Should every married man visit a whore occasionally?  (Read 2709 times)

Offline Marmalade


Personally, I think the answer in many cases should be “yes”; especially in a long term marriage. Married couples get too relaxed with each other. The woman forgets how to be femininely alluring and the husband forgets the charms and self respect that enabled him to be very masculine and attractive to a woman.

Preparing to see a whore, just out of self-respect, is likely to initiate a serious look at hair, nails, what to wear, how to ‘come on’ to her, and basically be the charming fucker he once was before he got himself fucking hitched. His wife will appreciate the new masculinity. (As long as she doesn’t find out.) Silly cow. Of course — the same should apply to her, but gigolos are few and women do get attached to their cunt-fuckers far too easily.

Offline shagmore

I agree, whilst I was married, I was always a good boy, and kept faithful, married for over 20yrs, the last 7 being rather shag-less. Even during those time always stayed faithful. But now I really wish I had gone down the punting route as I believe it could have changed things.
But I prefer being single and able to shag what and when I like
Happy days

Offline dubs

Yeah I post on another forum related to a sport I follow and in their "general chat" section you get loads of guys complaining about their missus going off sex and what can they do?  I'm half tempted to post a pic of some of the girls you see here and tell them to go and have 30 minutes of incredible sex for the price of a tank of diesel.  But any mention of WGs is met with cries of "disease ridden skanks" like they've been reading Bindel.  When one guy did an "I visit prostitutes - AMA" thread it was swamped by all the moral high ground knobs telling him how sad and fucked up he was.

Offline JamesKW

I appreciate visiting WGS whilst married,but if you are going to start taking a serious look at yourself in your own looks then the OH might start to wonder if you are having an affair.Its best not to change anything so as not to create any suspicion.

Online timsussex


Theres a theory that males are meant to be polygamous while females value monogamy - sort of built-in to their genes

Personally i wouldn't object if my OH also visited a working man - might teach her some much needed new skills

Offline WelshClipper

I think internally it would make a lot of married men more at peace with themselves. I talk to a lot of men who would be considered 'old' and often their reflections on a happily married life with 2 or 3 kids, grandkids etc, is often tinged with a certain pathos.

" I may be old, but given the right circumstances I could still muster the will"

The ages old vilification of the randy young male properly brought into line by the love of a good woman........has served procreation well but at what cost to the erstwhile repressed male. **

Sorry to be wordy, a matter close to my heart and why I feel so blessed as a punter.   :yahoo:

** May not apply to all males, just my view.

Offline thor555

I would say yes over time with the OH with kids and her being an arse and have no plan of divorce. It's the only way I keep sane! Before my new hobby I was loosing my mind. I hope that after starting my punting career I'm more stable great outlet for frustration.

And when things are getting really bad I take myself to my last punt!! My happy place!!  Calms things down a lot between me and the missus! And I know I have zero chance with getting some home action! So getting ready for a punt does help. I have noticed kind of do a similar routine when going out after work or any other social occasions. All in all makes me feel better. Think the OH has noticed and she likes it so has helped a little.

Who knows might get some home action ( think I'm deluded it's been nearly 2 years!!!!)  :wackogirl:

Offline cunningman

Who knows might get some home action ( think I'm deluded it's been nearly 2 years!!!!)  :wackogirl:
Only 2?
I think you're not the only one though - transition from lover to mate (as in friend) for OH and get the rocks off another way.
It does seem less potentially disruptive than an affair.  Never had one but I like to box the issue.


  • Guest
My experience is punting is better if ur single or really dont care about consequences if OH finds out

Women are very intuitive....the question u shld ask, is are u ok with the consequences when ur wife finds out
The alternative is, find a way to getur missus horny her in a HE massage? Find a rep to invite her to ann summers parties? Or cook dinner for her wearing just an apron?

If she still hasnt hot a pulse, tell her to move out until she finds one?

Offline cunningman

If she still hasnt hot a pulse, tell her to move out until she finds one?
That's harsh.  I can be frustrated, but still friends.  She is mother to my children.  Co-homemaker.


  • Guest
If u agree ur friends, and not lovers, then maybe be open and discuss ur needs
How wld she feel knowing that if she wont satisfy u, u can find someone else who can

A wise man once said, the secret to a happy marriage is a good mistress!

Offline standardpostage

I think, they already do.
I certainly do.
Variety is the spice of life.
With married men, it's rife.

Offline HarryZZ

I had some concerns after my first punt that I might give something away about the experience, I might just blurt it out or find I couldn't get it up in the marital bed out of shame or something. It never happened, so I just carried on punting, it's definitely made me better in bed though, obviously it'd be a disaster if I was found out.

My only nagging concern for the long term is that me and the Mrs still have regular sex, at least twice a week, in my younger days twice a day wouldn't have been an issue, when we went away on holiday it was frequently three shags a day, but that was 30 years ago. My punts are reserved for the middle of the week so I can perform at home at the weekend, I'm fairly sure a Friday punt would leave me empty, and then there'd be some awkward questions, going forward ten years I doubt I'll manage three shags a week, something will have to give.

Offline JamesKW

A wise man once said, the secret to a happy marriage is a good mistress!

I disagree you then have two of them nagging at you and a mistress is extremely difficult to cover up,you need to be watching yourself all the time.

Offline JamesKW

My only nagging concern for the long term is that me and the Mrs still have regular sex, at least twice a week, in my younger days twice a day wouldn't have been an issue, when we went away on holiday it was frequently three shags a day, but that was 30 years ago. My punts are reserved for the middle of the week so I can perform at home at the weekend, I'm fairly sure a Friday punt would leave me empty, and then there'd be some awkward questions, going forward ten years I doubt I'll manage three shags a week, something will have to give.

Your lucky if you can have protected sex with the O/H,my concern would be more along the lines that as I have BB with the O/H if I give her an STD (even though the chances are remote)the consequences wouldn't be good.I prefur to have it fairly irregularly with the O/H but so I can visit GUM in advance.

Offline Sedition

I appreciate visiting WGS whilst married,but if you are going to start taking a serious look at yourself in your own looks then the OH might start to wonder if you are having an affair.Its best not to change anything so as not to create any suspicion.

Yes, one has to slightly careful over this.
However, I’ve always kept myself in reasonable shape - just don’t say you are just poping out for a paper, after spending half an hour in the bathroom, and another 15 minutes cleaning your shoes and ironing a shirt. That might raise a few suspicions!

Offline Watts.E.Dunn

Over the channel in old Paris there is a concept of "cinq a sept" loosely translated that's 5 and 7 these are the hours your average Parisian male can disappear on the way home from work usually on Fridays to see madame Fifi.Its accepted by the missus that he's seeing his mistress and she either dosen't mind or just accepts its part of the married life and culture there. This from Wikipedia;

It may also be written as 5 à 7 or 5@7. In France, cinq à sept was originally used as a metonymy for a visit to one's mistress, derived from the time of day French men would make such a visit.[2] It is still commonly considered today as the moment of the day to meet one's mistress or lover.

Would it be too much to expect that it became the norm that a married man in the UK could do much the same I bet it would help a lot of marriages as if the man ain't getting what he needs its bound to cause friction and upset. Also seeing escorts a man is far less liekey to start a damaging affair which in my view is likely to cause a lot more grief than spending an hour with a decent WG and then a its all done till the next time and in the meantime he isnt pestering her indoors to drop 'em!

Won't happen tho;(...
« Last Edit: November 15, 2017, 12:18:33 pm by Watts.E.Dunn »

Offline JamesKW

Over the channel in old Paris there is a concept of "cinq a sept" loosely translated that's 5 and 7 these are the hours your average Parisian male can disappear on the way home from work usually on Fridays to see madame Fifi.Its accepted by the missus that he's seeing his mistress and she either dosen't mind or just accepts its part of the married life and culture there. This from Wikipedia;

It may also be written as 5 à 7 or 5@7. In France, cinq à sept was originally used as a metonymy for a visit to one's mistress, derived from the time of day French men would make such a visit.[2] It is still commonly considered today as the moment of the day to meet one's mistress or lover.

Would it be too much to expect that it became the norm that a married man in the UK could do much the same I bet it would help a lot of marriages as if the man ain't getting what he needs its bound to cause friction and upset. Also seeing escorts a man is far less liekey to start a damaging affair which in my view is likely to cause a lot more grief than spending an hour with a decent WG and then a its all done till the next time and in the meantime he isnt pestering her indoors to drop 'em!

Won't happen tho;(...

I appreciate this is part of French culture,so possibly accepted by women there.I personally prefur the British way is to have the O/H and a choice of women WGs,why restrict yourself to one mistress.Twice the women twice the hassles.A mistress is like a damaging affair.

Offline GreyDave

 :hi:  As the son of man who I and many others regarded and think was and is utter utter *UNT.

Who had several Mistresses and got 3 of them pregnant , Resulting  in 3 rightbastards with one and 2 kids with two other women

I am reminded of my Mothers :)  words of wisdom on him each time I shag  ;) ;);

 " He was a miserly mean man, if he had gone with prostitutes for his 20mins of screwing, I would of be content, this mess for these women their children and my family would never of happened and by the time he got to his 50`s age would of prevailed"

« Last Edit: November 16, 2017, 08:26:10 am by GreyDave »

Offline JamesKW

:hi: by the time he got to his 50`s age would of prevailed"

I agree with your Mother's words except this bit.

Offline Markus

Over the channel in old Paris there is a concept of "cinq a sept" loosely translated that's 5 and 7 these are the hours your average Parisian male can disappear on the way home from work usually on Fridays to see madame Fifi.Its accepted by the missus that he's seeing his mistress and she either dosen't mind or just accepts its part of the married life and culture there. This from Wikipedia;

It may also be written as 5 à 7 or 5@7. In France, cinq à sept was originally used as a metonymy for a visit to one's mistress, derived from the time of day French men would make such a visit.[2] It is still commonly considered today as the moment of the day to meet one's mistress or lover.

Would it be too much to expect that it became the norm that a married man in the UK could do much the same I bet it would help a lot of marriages as if the man ain't getting what he needs its bound to cause friction and upset. Also seeing escorts a man is far less liekey to start a damaging affair which in my view is likely to cause a lot more grief than spending an hour with a decent WG and then a its all done till the next time and in the meantime he isnt pestering her indoors to drop 'em!

Won't happen tho;(...

I've heard about this. If you can find it, watch the movie 5 to 7. Anton Yelchin (who passed away sadly) and Bérénice Marlohe (from the James Bond movie Skyfall).
It was a really good movie actually.  Made it 2014 I think.


  • Guest
No. A man must not be unfaithful to his wife. It's all in the cows and general decency.  :hi:

Offline GreyDave

I agree with your Mother's words except this bit.

She was talking 30 years ago pre Viagra and maybe his looks would of gone too (as they did :D :D :D)

Only cash makes an old guy attractive remember that lads as Mrs Merton asked " What first attracted you to the millionaire Paul Danuiels?  :D :D :D"

Offline Troydor69

I think WGs do a better job than marriage guidance. While I’m not married as such I’ve been with the OH for the best part of twenty years and, to quote Roger Mellie, there isn’t much flavour left in the chewing gum. We are still very good friends, and partners in every other way but sex between us is a thing of the past.

Obviously I still have a libido and having had one night fling with a colleague at a work party made me realise I needed to do something that was less likely to cause problems. I’ve been seeing WGs for just over three years now and it works well. I get to fuck girls that are, frankly, way out of my league for no effort and, providing I’m discreet, no comeback. 

It took me a while and a few crap punts to learn to avoid the dodgy one, this place has helped with that, but it’s a situation that works well. I even think if she found out (after the initial shouting and mild violence) I think she would go along with it.

Offline MrMan1973

I think I've been doing this for so long I couldn't stop even if I wanted to...
I enjoy it and what the OH (fuck me mumsnet nomenclature) doesn't know won't hurt her physically as I'm ultra careful with johnnys & regular GUM checks etc.. If she ever found out I reckon it would break her - then she would break me..

I only have one or two friends who know what I get up to.

If this makes me a cunt then so be it - I'm a cunt.

In answer to your question then yes - a married man should visit a whore rather than have an affair..

Offline Mansell

Yes, wish I'd started far earlier. Whole variety of reasons but things may have turned out way different.

Offline Lucky Luke 70


Personally, I think the answer in many cases should be “yes”; especially in a long term marriage. Married couples get too relaxed with each other. The woman forgets how to be femininely alluring and the husband forgets the charms and self respect that enabled him to be very masculine and attractive to a woman.

Preparing to see a whore, just out of self-respect, is likely to initiate a serious look at hair, nails, what to wear, how to ‘come on’ to her, and basically be the charming fucker he once was before he got himself fucking hitched. His wife will appreciate the new masculinity. (As long as she doesn’t find out.) Silly cow. Of course — the same should apply to her, but gigolos are few and women do get attached to their cunt-fuckers far too easily.
Interesting question.
For long term marriages that tend to become sexless, meeting WG from time to time probably helps to reduce frustration IMO. Then I would say yes even if it's not politically correct ... anywhere else than on UKP  :lol:

Offline Lucky Luke 70

Over the channel in old Paris there is a concept of "cinq a sept" loosely translated that's 5 and 7 these are the hours your average Parisian male can disappear on the way home from work usually on Fridays to see madame Fifi.Its accepted by the missus that he's seeing his mistress and she either dosen't mind or just accepts its part of the married life and culture there. This from Wikipedia;

It may also be written as 5 à 7 or 5@7. In France, cinq à sept was originally used as a metonymy for a visit to one's mistress, derived from the time of day French men would make such a visit.[2] It is still commonly considered today as the moment of the day to meet one's mistress or lover.

Would it be too much to expect that it became the norm that a married man in the UK could do much the same I bet it would help a lot of marriages as if the man ain't getting what he needs its bound to cause friction and upset. Also seeing escorts a man is far less liekey to start a damaging affair which in my view is likely to cause a lot more grief than spending an hour with a decent WG and then a its all done till the next time and in the meantime he isnt pestering her indoors to drop 'em!

Won't happen tho;(...
You forget something. Why do you think we take so much time for lunch ? Eating ? Really ?  :lol: :D

Offline sparkus

Yes, 1000%

+ if you've a decent bird, it's nice to be reminded you're getting top dollar shagging for nothing

- STIs and their spread (though I've more got them from civvies than punting)

Offline GreyDave

I think I've been doing this for so long I couldn't stop even if I wanted to...
I enjoy it and what the OH (fuck me mumsnet nomenclature) doesn't know won't hurt her physically as I'm ultra careful with johnnys & regular GUM checks etc.. If she ever found out I reckon it would break her - then she would break me..

If this makes me a cunt then so be it - I'm a cunt.

In answer to your question then yes - a married man should visit a whore rather than have an affair..

Spot on Mr Man :drinks: :drinks:

Offline MrMatrix

I would say yes over time with the OH with kids and her being an arse and have no plan of divorce. It's the only way I keep sane! Before my new hobby I was loosing my mind. I hope that after starting my punting career I'm more stable great outlet for frustration.

And when things are getting really bad I take myself to my last punt!! My happy place!!  Calms things down a lot between me and the missus! And I know I have zero chance with getting some home action! So getting ready for a punt does help. I have noticed kind of do a similar routine when going out after work or any other social occasions. All in all makes me feel better. Think the OH has noticed and she likes it so has helped a little.

Who knows might get some home action ( think I'm deluded it's been nearly 2 years!!!!)  :wackogirl:
+1 Thor. This hobby has kept my relationship more stable. Things were just getting so bad and the arguements. Well now she has her sexless marriage - she worked hard enough for it so she s got it. She knows things aren't right but thats her problem now. Me I've sorted myself out and things are so much better. Whilst its rediculously expensive, its a lot cheaper than a divorce and I get to shag totty that would be way out of reach in normality of life.
And Thor when you have sex with the OH after such a long time- its the wierdest experience there is-- some how its no longer feels right. But the SP you shagged last week felt very right.. :yahoo: :dance:

Offline hamchang

Interesting question.
For long term marriages that tend to become sexless, meeting WG from time to time probably helps to reduce frustration IMO. Then I would say yes even if it's not politically correct ... anywhere else than on UKP  :lol:

Should the wife also visit some huge cocked gigolo once a month or so to get a sorting out as well? I know a few old boilers who really would benefit from a spearing by a Leroy 10inch - even just stuffing it in their mouths to stop them browbeating their husbands for a bit would be a good start.