Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Reviews  (Read 855 times)

Offline iverthickone

Hi Guys

I have seen a few times, and I agree, that we don't do enough reviews, instead often commenting on this regional thread.

Can I encourage us (me included) to do a review esp when we see a "new" girl, or one that hasn't been reviewed foe awhile.  Also if you see a girl on a review, and your comments.

I think people are put off by having to write an essay.  Well don't, just a simple few lines would help I think?

Think that would help us all on the big decisions!

What does everyone else think, don't want to sound dictorial!

Offline Mil 34

Totally agree mate. There's another thread that I've just commented about people writing reviews to be taken seriously. If I wrote reviews on all the girls I've visited I would be here a while mind you lol.
I feel that some girls sometimes deserve a review, good or bad


  • Guest
I'm in edinbough hung over and totally bolloxd , just posted on the minx thread , did't read this first, ( head thumping ) anyway, only 2 reviews , 1,300 posts, but only see highly reviewd girls since I found this site so do feel I can't add to these girls without saying what's been said already in my own words, but try to add the the review thread to back up the review or recommend the girl if someone is looking to see her, I feel by adding to the thread it gives the review more authority and helps guys choose the girls knowing her service is good all round and not just a one off . Obviously if some one has a negative view of the girl that can also be useful to prospective punters making there choice. Fuck, off to pub !!!!!

Offline ampersand

I'm in edinbough hung over and totally bolloxd , just posted on the minx thread , did't read this first, ( head thumping ) anyway, only 2 reviews , 1,300 posts, but only see highly reviewd girls since I found this site so do feel I can't add to these girls without saying what's been said already in my own words, but try to add the the review thread to back up the review or recommend the girl if someone is looking to see her, I feel by adding to the thread it gives the review more authority and helps guys choose the girls knowing her service is good all round and not just a one off . Obviously if some one has a negative view of the girl that can also be useful to prospective punters making there choice. Fuck, off to pub !!!!!
No, sorry Red but you have been here for a few months now. You say that you only see well reviewed girls - the implication being that there is no point in further reviewing them - well the only way that they become well reviewed is if people actually review them. Putting information on other people's reviews does help, but the whole point of the system being set up as it is - where the number of reviews each girl has can be seen and each adds to her tally - is to help us know which girls are well reviewed. My recollection is that when you first starting posting here, you said that you didn't review because you had a crap phone and couldn't cut and paste links.  Well, you have now done a couple of reviews, and I recall you said you had a new phone, so you are clearly able to do reviews.

It is time to start contributing in the way that the review system is intended to be used. Although as far as I am aware there are no hard and fast rules about reviews, I recall that some time ago Adam said that new reviews should be posted  in new threads, not added to existing ones. Commenting upon an existing review without posting a review does not meet the ethos of the system IMHO.

This is not me having a go Red, because there are others. It is me giving a a gentle nudge. You are a very regular poster and also seem to be a very regular punter. It is time to start reviewing properly to return the benefit you have received from the review system.



  • Guest
Fuck me, that took longer to read than a review A V, I'm in Glasgow , but drunk so will read again when I get to hotel, if I can still walk and read !


  • Guest
Because of my location I almost exclusively visit swap shops that have a different girl every week or few weeks. I've reasoned that therefore it would be silly to review a girl that won't even be there within a week but maybe I should start doing it anyway so that I can 'review' the establishment as a whole. I do find there is a lack of information on these kinds of places because of their swap shop  nature, but some do have consistently good offerings so maybe its worth me reviewing them to help out the people considering a visit  :thumbsup:


  • Guest
A V , have read your post again, don't realy remember reading it the first time in the pub but having read my last post I obviously did, so fucking hardcore !  Anyway, get your points and I appreciate your principles on the subject and respect your passion for the subject matter so I will make an effort to add a few more reviews on my behalf ,  as my punts seem to be all good I'll try to put my worst punt in to review format when home, and I'll do one for my Xmas works do next week ,( 3 sum ) yes did have issues with an old phone I used to have but two new phones now so can do basic stuff but is still restrictive compared to using the computer , which I will not use for this pass time , but I can get by fine with phones so I shall plod on regardless on that count, I guess I've done a fair few punts in my first year ( about 33 )  but it was a learning curve with break neck experiences , but would't change a thing, the shit makes the honey taste so much better, I am already cutting back on the amount of punts for the better experience and when money is available will up the punts,  just love this hobby , but I have to go back to the pub in a mo for another day / night of self abuse and financial but fucking.

Offline Corus Boy

I don't always feel then need/can't be bothered to post a review on the Wales review board if there is a thread that I feel is a more suitable/convenient location.

If the lady has an AW profile, I'll post a review with a link to her AW profile as the link will be cross referenced across UKP.

If it is an Asian lady I might be more likely to post information on the Wales Asian thread where it will reach fellow Asian lovers more directly.