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Author Topic: Little Katie – Unreliable, Disorganised & Comtemptible Comms  (Read 27717 times)

29 review(s) for x Little Katie x (27 positive, 0 neutral, 2 negative) [Indexed by ]
30 review(s) for Katie Skye 94 (28 positive, 0 neutral, 2 negative) [Indexed by ]

Offline Mr Br1ghts1de

External Link/Members Only External Link/Members Only - No longer active

External Link/Members Only - Currently inactive.

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Apologies for the length. As ever, I post as I find, feel and experience and I hope this review serves some use to other punters and to Katie herself.


2 cancellations on the day, no apparent awareness of the timing of our meetings and to add insult to injury, she posts a rare update on her Twitter account at a time when she would ordinarily have been preparing to see me.

It really is with huge regret that I post this, but frankly I am no longer prepared to invest any more thought, time, hope, imagination, energy and ultimately money into meeting Katie for a 2nd time.

1st Cancellation

I had a follow up meet agreed with Katie for midday a month ago, only for her to send me a string of dm’s on twitter in the early hours of the morning of the meet, thinking we had arranged for 3pm/4pm, trying to push back to 1pm initially and then the evening as she was feeling ill and had not slept well.

I woke up around 6.30am to this and offered her the opportunity of re-arranging for 4pm but only if she felt up to it. She said she was still feeling bad, so our meeting was inevitably cancelled.

I was naturally disappointed having waited 3 months from our 1st meet for this date, but understood in the circumstances. Shit happens sometimes and I was confident she would make it up to me.

She herself said she was “so sorry, trust me” and a few days later “I will defo see you and make it up to you…..I’ll make it even better for us!”

2nd Cancellation

So, new date and time agreed – 27/10 @ 4pm – and she does go one better, but only in terms of making the cancellation worse.

She sends me a text on 25/10: “Hey! I’m still seeing you on Tuesday but am cancelling all other bookings this week due to family problems so I’m just messaging you to say ‘Ignore the tweet I am about to publicise as it does not apply to you’..See you on Tuesday!!! =p xxx”

I happily acknowledge, feeling very thankful and guessing it is due to the previous cancellation and her not wanting to let me down again.

I text and dm her on twitter the night before, just to remind her of our arrangement and my meet request. I don’t get any response but assume all is well.

I text her at 9.30am on the morning to say just checking that everything is OK and that I am leaving at 11.30am (LK is a good 3 hour drive away from me), so any problems let me know. I’m really not expecting to receive anything adverse back. At 11.15am, I get the following text:

“Only just seen this message! I feel like the worst person ever but I really am going to have to cancel you as well today. So sorry, for the late notice. I thought I could just see you this week but in reality I can’t see anybody at all. I need a whole week off to be with my family. Sorry sorry sorry. I will sort out something else/visit you/give you discount etc. to apologise. Thanks for understanding. xxxxxxxx”

I’m bloody miffed to be honest. What if I hadn’t sent any text and set off ? After half hour stewing I am prepared to give her a 3rd chance and send the following:
“:(((((. That's twice on the day now Katie. I cannot pretend I am not disappointed, but reluctantly understand if you have family problems to attend to. Would really appreciate it though if you can  get back to me ASAP with a new date (from 24.11 onwards) and an offer - including an overnight offer maybe as I doubt I will be able to see you twice before you leave for Oz now. Thanks and hope you get sorted soon. xxx.”

I hope for a quick response as I’m now in the worst of situations as I see it re: her cancellations this week. Not only have I been cancelled on the day, but I’m now bumped down to 4th in re-arrangements going by her tweet of 25/10 (suggesting she was going to re-arrange dates with the other 3 inconvenienced persons on 26/10).

As much as I am hoping to get a quick response (if nothing else just to put aside any silly paranoid thoughts that I might have over my text possibly upsetting her), I am prepared to wait until Sunday or Monday and let her get what sounds like a difficult week out of the way.

But lo and behold, I log on to Twitter Thursday morning and I can see she has been busy sorting something else out. It’s not family related though and it’s not bothering to get back to me. Instead, she’s been busy updating her Twitter homescreen to ‘Purple Slut’ and even feels fit to post a new message “Mmmm…Crop” and 2 new pics less than 4 hours after her text to me and 57 minutes before the time of our scheduled meet.

I’m a bit bemused at first, but I think I’ll give her a call (Thursday, 11.37am). At this point I’m not particularly hurt, and think I’ll just explain that I’m a little put out, she could have been a bit more sensitive and can we agree a new date etc. please. The phone rings, but it goes through to voicemail.

I think she might actually call back (totally deluded I know), so I think it best to scrawl some thoughts down just in case she does.

I start and I type pretty much everything you see above. I read it back and feel increasingly disappointed. After 5 hours drafting and agonising what to do next, when I really should have been doing something else, I take myself off for a swim and sauna to try and calm down.

I come back, check my phone and see Katie has at least deigned to text me (17.52). She says “Heya!……….don’t write me off just yet! Lol! I’m free on the 26th if you are ? Fingers crossed for 3rd time Lucky! xxx.” I’m heartened, but not excitedly giddy as usual. Still, I start typing “I can do the 26th. Please quote me prices for 2 hours up to Overnight”…….and then I think….. what the fuck am I doing, am I really prepared to put myself on tenterhooks for another month, make all those night before and on the day preparations, to risk another possible disappointment ? Why do I feel the need to continually dance to her tune and probably wait another week for a text response which may be as piecemeal as the above text ? Read back what you typed earlier you silly sod and think again.

So I wrestle with myself for the rest of the evening and finally go to bed for a 2nd time at 3.30am. I have decided to sleep on it and either send her the text I drafted earlier or the new ones.

Well I’ve slept – more correctly tossed, turned and wrestled with it - for 3 days and nights now. I sent her the following texts 1 hour ago*. 
“Sorry Katie, but after much thought, I have decided that I do not wish to see you again. Please note that I will be explaining why by way of a Negative review on UKP shortly. Perhaps this is a shock to you ? In which case I suggest you consider your 2 piss poor cancellations on me, your cancellation text of 27/10, 11.15 to me, my response of 11.45 and your rare twitter updates since, most notably your tweet of 27/10, 3.03pm which regrettably has transpired to be the final straw as far as I am concerned. Remember I was due to see you at 4pm that day, but you were too busy supposedly sorting out family issues to see me ?”

“I tried calling you Thursday morning upon seeing to discuss, at a time when I was only slightly put out, but sadly my mind has festered on it since, despite your belated text. I feel your tweet shows a total lack of professionalism on your part and a lack of courtesy and respect to me.  Ultimately, it tells me you are not the kind of girl I wish to invest any more hope and time in seeing again.”

“Please do not think my messages are in anyway intended to elicit a last minute favourable deal or outcome from you. I have made my decision and that is final. The UKP review will hopefully explain further if you are in any doubt as to why. I’m sorry my interest in seeing you again has ended this way. Despite everything, I genuinely wish you well for the future. Take care. X”

Sorry if I may have repeated some points in this review by quoting the above texts, but I hope the review is useful in 3 respects.

1. To fellow punters who may become slightly fixated with seeing a girl – it really isn’t worth it as yet another salutary lesson here should prove. I don’t mind admitting that I may have developed some EAS for Katie after our previous overnight. Nothing unhealthy, but I was pretty much prepared to make all efforts to see her again, bar cancelling other girls that I may have booked in the interim (not fair on them), hence the monthly intervals in trying to re-arrange. 4 months living in hope though has dissipated such feelings and sometimes you just need to reflect and detach yourself. I have done that now. It’s time to move on. It actually feels good.

2. To other punters still seeking a booking with LK – my previous review of LK suggested she was so worth persevering with in terms of trying to get a booking. Well, maybe not. Good luck if you do, but maybe you might like to care to think where you are at in the protracted journey of trying to get a booking with her and if this is how she treats someone who she previously agreed an overnight with, then what chance have I got ?

3. To Katie herself – it gives me no pleasure whatsoever to post this review. Maybe you think I am being overly sensitive to a tweet, but in the absence of an AW profile and your website, your Twitter account is your professional shopfront and part of the reputation you build and present. You should think strongly about what you post on it and when. As for your comms, plenty of your well-wishers have long told you to get a grip and improve. I urge you to do the same. In the same way that I maybe put a misplaced sense in you rewarding me with another successful booking, maybe you should not be complacent about what even your most loyal of clients will put up with. Everyone has their limits, and I’m afraid you have exhausted mine. Still, I hope this review does you no real damage. Maybe it will be a blessing in disguise for you, to cool the incredible interest in you. You remain a great girl despite what I feel are crass errors here. I will always treasure the overnight you gave me and I will in time remember you more for that than this.


Offline rudolph hucker

Mr B,
You are to be congratulated on your patience & tolerance to this example of such sh*te service.
It goes to show that no matter how highly thought of or positively & widely reported a pro$$ie is, they always have their own agenda, which ultimately means the punter will always come a poor second.
At least you can look forward to a good sleep without worrying about seeing LK.
Move on, she's had her chance, find a replacement to add to your HL.

Happy hunting.


  • Guest
Surely to god no prossie is worth that amount of fucking about & if you weren't such a respected punter I would be advising you to administer yourself a quantity of really hard self reality slaps.

However I appreciate that's easy to say from the sidelines  :hi:


  • Guest
Can someone summarise what happened, lifes to short to read all that data..............................


  • Guest
Can someone summarise what happened, lifes to short to read all that data..............................

She fucked him off twice at late notice & then he told her to fuck her own chuff when she offered a 3rd meet, I think?

Offline Johny Stone

Cencelled twice on the day due to family problems, second time she posted on twitter right before the cancelled meeting was due, meaning she had no big family emergency  :thumbsdown:


  • Guest
She fucked him off twice at late notice & then he told her to fuck her own chuff when she offered a 3rd meet, I think?

Was the third meet a freebie / compo  :unknown:


  • Guest
Cencelled twice on the day due to family problems, second time she posted on twitter right before the cancelled meeting was due, meaning she had no big family emergency

Why can't they just be honest and say "I was out last night and got wankered, and hammered by Winston and his three mates and my kebabs throbbing like it's been doused in chilli sauce, can we rearrange when the swellings gone down a bit"
« Last Edit: November 01, 2015, 10:21:15 pm by James999 »


  • Guest
Mr B sorry to hear that you were cancelled twice...
However I was also cancelled this week because Katie has had a significant personal upheaval in her life... 
I know for a fact that Katie would never take someones money if she didn't think that she could give 100% to the booking so I would much rather she cancelled than was anything other than fully present...
would you rather have had handed over your money and had your booking when she was incapable of giving anything less than the service she is famous for?
I think that Katie should be applauded for putting the punter first...
Many other pro$$ie would have just taken the money because that is their only agenda...


Offline Johny Stone

Have no idea, shall I ask her?  :D
Oh wait, I can`t as I`m not one of her loials  :dance:

Offline timstella

Cencelled twice on the day due to family problems, second time she posted on twitter right before the cancelled meeting was due, meaning she had no big family emergency  :thumbsdown:
Except she didn't. Mr B is wrong about that, the tweet was made at 10pm, not 3.03pm
And yes I got cancelled too. I can back up what Salt said.
And I believe the problem is so serious she won't be working for a while.


  • Guest
Mr B sorry to hear that you were cancelled twice...
However I was also cancelled this week because Katie has had a significant personal upheaval in her life... 
I know for a fact that Katie would never take someones money if she didn't think that she could give 100% to the booking so I would much rather she cancelled than was anything other than fully present...
would you rather have had handed over your money and had your booking when she was incapable of giving anything less than the service she is famous for?
I think that Katie should be applauded for putting the punter first...
Many other pro$$ie would have just taken the money because that is their only agenda...

Come on Salt surely you don't actually believe that load of bollocks you've wrote do you?

Offline claretandblue

Come on Salt surely you don't actually believe that load of bollocks you've wrote do you?
I think salt is a little too sweet on Katie  :wacko:


  • Guest
Come on Salt surely you don't actually believe that load of bollocks you've wrote do you?

Yes I do because it's true...

Yorkie you are long time Katie hater so I don't really have interest in your "bollocks"

You have never even met the girl so how can you judge?

Offline Sonny Crockett

Sorry to hear about your experience. Nothing worse than being messed around by a WG over a long period.


  • Guest
Yes I do because it's true...

Yorkie you are long time Katie hater so I don't really have interest in your "bollocks"

You have never even met the girl so how can you judge?

I'm getting a little bit pissed off with that label, just because I'm not scared of pointing out the obvious to the odd fan-boy doesn't make me a hater.

In fact if you have noticed I've mentioned I would happily see her if I lived nearer & she was available quite a few times.

How the fuck do you know she won't see a punter if she's not 100%? Unless your her PA/Hubby/BF/Pimp.

I also note you used the classic fan-boy retort, you have never met her  :music:

Offline The_Don

@ op thanks for sharing and the review.

Yes I do because it's true...

Unless your with W/G 24/7, you don't know what she truly up to or what her issues are!

Its not the first time she messed punters around


  • Guest

How the fuck do you know she won't see a punter if she's not 100%? Unless your her PA/Hubby/BF/Pimp.

I know the girl very well because I've been fucking her nearly every week over the last year...


Offline The_Don

I know the girl very well because I've been fucking her nearly every week over the last year...



Offline dubs

I've experience a similar episode of being messed around by a well reviewed girl before (not Katie) - a world record of 5 consecutive cancellations, with promises of a freebiw to make it up to me.

My take on it is that  Katie should have just cancelled all and not tried to re-book Mr B when there was something clearly important happening in her personal life.  She is not the type of girl who could do her job if her mind is elsewhere so its not fair to take £300 off Mr B if she isn't going to give 100%.  I guess she thought rebooking would be the lesser of two evils.


  • Guest

No actually....

I like and admire her but I know that it's just fun!

No way she interested in my fat old ass...  :unknown:

Offline jawill

While yeah being messed about ain't nice, I have to say, and forgive me for doing so, but reading all that just made me think you might be over reacting a bit?? I mean, if you were in a relationship with this girl fair enough but at the end of the day she's a wg, did you really stay awake in the early hours tossing and turning about the booking ?? Really? And then time when she updated twitter to the nearest minute.

You say you have developed a fixation over this girl from a previous overnight..... Nothing unhealthy you say..... Again forgive me for saying so, but your essay you wrote , to me, came across the opposite! And I don't mean that with any disrespect to you, but that's how it came across to me, regardless if she mucked you about or not.....

Offline Cunning Punt

Sorry, I didn't have time to read all that word for word, but got the gist.
The phrase "family crisis/emergency" is often used by many people, not just WGs and more often than not is complete bollox

Classic case of a young girl being extremely popular, with guys fawning over her and letting it go to her head. 3 months+ waiting list sounds too much like hard work.

Not such a bad thing she's joining the bandwagon of top WGs heading off travelling after getting thousands over a couple of years from their large fees (£170ph - WTF?).

As has been suggested, it's worth remembering that this is purely a financial arrangement for WGs and they wouldn't touch us with a barge pole if we weren't paying them, so we shouldn't kid ourselves into thinking it's anything more than that.

« Last Edit: November 01, 2015, 11:22:10 pm by Cunning Punt »


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Offline Roth

Sorry you have had such shit treatment OP.  :( :(  Hope you can move on.  :thumbsup:
« Last Edit: November 01, 2015, 11:40:38 pm by Roth »

Offline fitasfuck

I think OP is entitled to his views & his review.

I was one of those cancelled this week too. However I wish to spare a thought to Katie as she seems to have had a family tragedy.

Cat On A Hot Tin Roof

  • Guest
I tried to book Katie a few months back, sent her a nice email asking for a 2 hour incall, Katie replied about a day later asking me to text her .. I did and she replied with " just getting in the shower I will reply later "

Well Katie never did reply so she probably forgot, wasn't really interested or received a better offer.. so I lost interest .. thinking not worth the bother even if she had many great reviews.. no way would I try to book again..

Offline bfl

Says on twitter a family tragedy. Family comes 1st. I run 2 businesses, 1 of them requires my time to make money, the other is self running due to the effort put in at the start. If I had to cancel meetings from either due to family tragedy then for sure I would, no matter if it cost me or not.

Reality is, she doesn't earn when she isn't working so I'm sure she doesn't cancel unless she isn't 100%. Give her a break, we are all entitled to leave in such circumstances


  • Guest
Sorry you have had such shit treatment OP.  :( :(  Hope you can move on.  :thumbsup:

Must be difficult when the the fluffy's try and rub more salt in.  Let the man vent !

Offline claretandblue

No actually....

I like and admire her but I know that it's just fun!

No way she interested in my fat old ass...  :unknown:
Oh dear,  it's not "just fun" ,it's her job

Little Katie

  • Guest
Yes two cancellations - both with apologies and explanations, both with notice (though admittedly short) and both for genuine reasons.
1st cancellation - I was ill:
I don't work when I am ill. In selling my body, my body becomes the product. If this product is damaged in any way, I will take it off the shelf until it is fixed. I would not accept money in exchange for a knowingly faulty product.. Whether this be my body as an escort or a camera I've put up on eBay. I have strong ethics against dishonesty and greed.
* I rearrange the booking with Mr B *
2nd cancellation - Family problems which later developed into a family tragedy (I am not at liberty to discuss intimate family details on a punting forum and won't although I will probably share this information with my most trusted regulars who have always respected my privacy and proved to have my best interests at heart..):
As I had already cancelled Mr B previously, despite my situation, I felt inclined to gather my strength and proceed ahead with the booking so as not to let him down for a 2nd time. I respect the time and effort punters put in to seeing me and reciprocate this whenever possible.. Relevant example.. I had taken 3 hours out of my personal time to adapt and create a game to play in todays booking to ensure Mr B's pleasure and our mutual enjoyment was paramount. The Un-paid time invested was irrelevant.. Pleasing him was.
On the day of the booking I woke up still considerably upset and began to reevaluate my mental state in terms of going through with a meeting today. The simple answer was I couldn't. It wasn't fair. Not only do I sell my body in meetings but I also invest a huge part of my real self into them. A lot of people have commented that what stands me apart from other escorts is my ability to be present and give myself up to each person and each individual situation. Perhaps this is a trait that only true submissives can apply. Whatever the case, I believe this to be a big part of my USP. Without complete presence, I feel I have no right to charge the premium prices I do and therefore cancelled Mr B for a 2nd time as I knew I couldn't give him 100% and wouldn't have been satisfied in providing him with any less. I let him know, said sorry, offered him a new date as well as a discount to further emphasise my sincerity and own disappointment.
Other people were cancelled this week too so it was clearly nothing personal but judging by his words, Mr B appears to have taken it so.
In my opinion, I did everything I could in this situation to put Mr B's quality of service first.. In fact, it was my altruistic attempt to stick to the plan regardless of any personal upheaval which has ultimately led to this negative review. Does that make me a bad prossie? Would this review have been a positive had I opted for the selfish agenda of taking his cash when my head and heart weren't in it and faked my way through it? That's what my stereotype is expected to do right? Rubbish. I'm happy to be considered unpopular by those undesirable clients that view me as no more than a sex doll and fail to apply any empathy towards another human being during a period of distress as it means I can reserve my best for those that do.

Offline claretandblue

Yes two cancellations - both with apologies and explanations, both with notice (though admittedly short) and both for genuine reasons.
1st cancellation - I was ill:
I don't work when I am ill. In selling my body, my body becomes the product. If this product is damaged in any way, I will take it off the shelf until it is fixed. I would not accept money in exchange for a knowingly faulty product.. Whether this be my body as an escort or a camera I've put up on eBay. I have strong ethics against dishonesty and greed.
* I rearrange the booking with Mr B *
2nd cancellation - Family problems which later developed into a family tragedy (I am not at liberty to discuss intimate family details on a punting forum and won't although I will probably share this information with my most trusted regulars who have always respected my privacy and proved to have my best interests at heart..):
As I had already cancelled Mr B previously, despite my situation, I felt inclined to gather my strength and proceed ahead with the booking so as not to let him down for a 2nd time. I respect the time and effort punters put in to seeing me and reciprocate this whenever possible.. Relevant example.. I had taken 3 hours out of my personal time to adapt and create a game to play in todays booking to ensure Mr B's pleasure and our mutual enjoyment was paramount. The Un-paid time invested was irrelevant.. Pleasing him was.
On the day of the booking I woke up still considerably upset and began to reevaluate my mental state in terms of going through with a meeting today. The simple answer was I couldn't. It wasn't fair. Not only do I sell my body in meetings but I also invest a huge part of my real self into them. A lot of people have commented that what stands me apart from other escorts is my ability to be present and give myself up to each person and each individual situation. Perhaps this is a trait that only true submissives can apply. Whatever the case, I believe this to be a big part of my USP. Without complete presence, I feel I have no right to charge the premium prices I do and therefore cancelled Mr B for a 2nd time as I knew I couldn't give him 100% and wouldn't have been satisfied in providing him with any less. I let him know, said sorry, offered him a new date as well as a discount to further emphasise my sincerity and own disappointment.
Other people were cancelled this week too so it was clearly nothing personal but judging by his words, Mr B appears to have taken it so.
In my opinion, I did everything I could in this situation to put Mr B's quality of service first.. In fact, it was my altruistic attempt to stick to the plan regardless of any personal upheaval which has ultimately led to this negative review. Does that make me a bad prossie? Would this review have been a positive had I opted for the selfish agenda of taking his cash when my head and heart weren't in it and faked my way through it? That's what my stereotype is expected to do right? Rubbish. I'm happy to be considered unpopular by those undesirable clients that view me as no more than a sex doll and fail to apply any empathy towards another human being during a period of distress as it means I can reserve my best for those that do.
Wow,incredible, clearly the constant fawning from her troop of fluffy fan boys has gone straight to her head  :wackogirl:

Offline Mr Br1ghts1de

Mr B,
You are to be congratulated on your patience & tolerance to this example of such sh*te service.
It goes to show that no matter how highly thought of or positively & widely reported a pro$$ie is, they always have their own agenda, which ultimately means the punter will always come a poor second.
At least you can look forward to a good sleep without worrying about seeing LK.
Move on, she's had her chance, find a replacement to add to your HL.

Happy hunting.

Thanks, I slept incredibly well. Onwards and upwards  :)

Offline Mr Br1ghts1de

I think that Katie should be applauded for putting the punter first...
Many other pro$$ie would have just taken the money because that is their only agenda...

She put herself and her twitter account first. That was her agenda here.

Offline Mr Br1ghts1de

Except she didn't. Mr B is wrong about that, the tweet was made at 10pm, not 3.03pm
And yes I got cancelled too. I can back up what Salt said.
And I believe the problem is so serious she won't be working for a while.

The tweet clearly shows 3.03pm from where I'm sat.


  • Guest
Thanks, I slept incredibly well. Onwards and upwards  :)

Mr B I find your insensitivity staggering....

I feel sorry for you....


  • Guest
The tweet clearly shows 3.03pm from where I'm sat.

 it was posted at 10.03pm

Offline smiths

External Link/Members Only External Link/Members Only - No longer active

External Link/Members Only - Currently inactive.

External Link/Members Only

Apologies for the length. As ever, I post as I find, feel and experience and I hope this review serves some use to other punters and to Katie herself.


2 cancellations on the day, no apparent awareness of the timing of our meetings and to add insult to injury, she posts a rare update on her Twitter account at a time when she would ordinarily have been preparing to see me.

It really is with huge regret that I post this, but frankly I am no longer prepared to invest any more thought, time, hope, imagination, energy and ultimately money into meeting Katie for a 2nd time.

1st Cancellation

I had a follow up meet agreed with Katie for midday a month ago, only for her to send me a string of dm’s on twitter in the early hours of the morning of the meet, thinking we had arranged for 3pm/4pm, trying to push back to 1pm initially and then the evening as she was feeling ill and had not slept well.

I woke up around 6.30am to this and offered her the opportunity of re-arranging for 4pm but only if she felt up to it. She said she was still feeling bad, so our meeting was inevitably cancelled.

I was naturally disappointed having waited 3 months from our 1st meet for this date, but understood in the circumstances. Shit happens sometimes and I was confident she would make it up to me.

She herself said she was “so sorry, trust me” and a few days later “I will defo see you and make it up to you…..I’ll make it even better for us!”

2nd Cancellation

So, new date and time agreed – 27/10 @ 4pm – and she does go one better, but only in terms of making the cancellation worse.

She sends me a text on 25/10: “Hey! I’m still seeing you on Tuesday but am cancelling all other bookings this week due to family problems so I’m just messaging you to say ‘Ignore the tweet I am about to publicise as it does not apply to you’..See you on Tuesday!!! =p xxx”

I happily acknowledge, feeling very thankful and guessing it is due to the previous cancellation and her not wanting to let me down again.

I text and dm her on twitter the night before, just to remind her of our arrangement and my meet request. I don’t get any response but assume all is well.

I text her at 9.30am on the morning to say just checking that everything is OK and that I am leaving at 11.30am (LK is a good 3 hour drive away from me), so any problems let me know. I’m really not expecting to receive anything adverse back. At 11.15am, I get the following text:

“Only just seen this message! I feel like the worst person ever but I really am going to have to cancel you as well today. So sorry, for the late notice. I thought I could just see you this week but in reality I can’t see anybody at all. I need a whole week off to be with my family. Sorry sorry sorry. I will sort out something else/visit you/give you discount etc. to apologise. Thanks for understanding. xxxxxxxx”

I’m bloody miffed to be honest. What if I hadn’t sent any text and set off ? After half hour stewing I am prepared to give her a 3rd chance and send the following:
“:(((((. That's twice on the day now Katie. I cannot pretend I am not disappointed, but reluctantly understand if you have family problems to attend to. Would really appreciate it though if you can  get back to me ASAP with a new date (from 24.11 onwards) and an offer - including an overnight offer maybe as I doubt I will be able to see you twice before you leave for Oz now. Thanks and hope you get sorted soon. xxx.”

I hope for a quick response as I’m now in the worst of situations as I see it re: her cancellations this week. Not only have I been cancelled on the day, but I’m now bumped down to 4th in re-arrangements going by her tweet of 25/10 (suggesting she was going to re-arrange dates with the other 3 inconvenienced persons on 26/10).

As much as I am hoping to get a quick response (if nothing else just to put aside any silly paranoid thoughts that I might have over my text possibly upsetting her), I am prepared to wait until Sunday or Monday and let her get what sounds like a difficult week out of the way.

But lo and behold, I log on to Twitter Thursday morning and I can see she has been busy sorting something else out. It’s not family related though and it’s not bothering to get back to me. Instead, she’s been busy updating her Twitter homescreen to ‘Purple Slut’ and even feels fit to post a new message “Mmmm…Crop” and 2 new pics less than 4 hours after her text to me and 57 minutes before the time of our scheduled meet.

I’m a bit bemused at first, but I think I’ll give her a call (Thursday, 11.37am). At this point I’m not particularly hurt, and think I’ll just explain that I’m a little put out, she could have been a bit more sensitive and can we agree a new date etc. please. The phone rings, but it goes through to voicemail.

I think she might actually call back (totally deluded I know), so I think it best to scrawl some thoughts down just in case she does.

I start and I type pretty much everything you see above. I read it back and feel increasingly disappointed. After 5 hours drafting and agonising what to do next, when I really should have been doing something else, I take myself off for a swim and sauna to try and calm down.

I come back, check my phone and see Katie has at least deigned to text me (17.52). She says “Heya!……….don’t write me off just yet! Lol! I’m free on the 26th if you are ? Fingers crossed for 3rd time Lucky! xxx.” I’m heartened, but not excitedly giddy as usual. Still, I start typing “I can do the 26th. Please quote me prices for 2 hours up to Overnight”…….and then I think….. what the fuck am I doing, am I really prepared to put myself on tenterhooks for another month, make all those night before and on the day preparations, to risk another possible disappointment ? Why do I feel the need to continually dance to her tune and probably wait another week for a text response which may be as piecemeal as the above text ? Read back what you typed earlier you silly sod and think again.

So I wrestle with myself for the rest of the evening and finally go to bed for a 2nd time at 3.30am. I have decided to sleep on it and either send her the text I drafted earlier or the new ones.

Well I’ve slept – more correctly tossed, turned and wrestled with it - for 3 days and nights now. I sent her the following texts 1 hour ago*. 
“Sorry Katie, but after much thought, I have decided that I do not wish to see you again. Please note that I will be explaining why by way of a Negative review on UKP shortly. Perhaps this is a shock to you ? In which case I suggest you consider your 2 piss poor cancellations on me, your cancellation text of 27/10, 11.15 to me, my response of 11.45 and your rare twitter updates since, most notably your tweet of 27/10, 3.03pm which regrettably has transpired to be the final straw as far as I am concerned. Remember I was due to see you at 4pm that day, but you were too busy supposedly sorting out family issues to see me ?”

“I tried calling you Thursday morning upon seeing to discuss, at a time when I was only slightly put out, but sadly my mind has festered on it since, despite your belated text. I feel your tweet shows a total lack of professionalism on your part and a lack of courtesy and respect to me.  Ultimately, it tells me you are not the kind of girl I wish to invest any more hope and time in seeing again.”

“Please do not think my messages are in anyway intended to elicit a last minute favourable deal or outcome from you. I have made my decision and that is final. The UKP review will hopefully explain further if you are in any doubt as to why. I’m sorry my interest in seeing you again has ended this way. Despite everything, I genuinely wish you well for the future. Take care. X”

Sorry if I may have repeated some points in this review by quoting the above texts, but I hope the review is useful in 3 respects.

1. To fellow punters who may become slightly fixated with seeing a girl – it really isn’t worth it as yet another salutary lesson here should prove. I don’t mind admitting that I may have developed some EAS for Katie after our previous overnight. Nothing unhealthy, but I was pretty much prepared to make all efforts to see her again, bar cancelling other girls that I may have booked in the interim (not fair on them), hence the monthly intervals in trying to re-arrange. 4 months living in hope though has dissipated such feelings and sometimes you just need to reflect and detach yourself. I have done that now. It’s time to move on. It actually feels good.

2. To other punters still seeking a booking with LK – my previous review of LK suggested she was so worth persevering with in terms of trying to get a booking. Well, maybe not. Good luck if you do, but maybe you might like to care to think where you are at in the protracted journey of trying to get a booking with her and if this is how she treats someone who she previously agreed an overnight with, then what chance have I got ?

3. To Katie herself – it gives me no pleasure whatsoever to post this review. Maybe you think I am being overly sensitive to a tweet, but in the absence of an AW profile and your website, your Twitter account is your professional shopfront and part of the reputation you build and present. You should think strongly about what you post on it and when. As for your comms, plenty of your well-wishers have long told you to get a grip and improve. I urge you to do the same. In the same way that I maybe put a misplaced sense in you rewarding me with another successful booking, maybe you should not be complacent about what even your most loyal of clients will put up with. Everyone has their limits, and I’m afraid you have exhausted mine. Still, I hope this review does you no real damage. Maybe it will be a blessing in disguise for you, to cool the incredible interest in you. You remain a great girl despite what I feel are crass errors here. I will always treasure the overnight you gave me and I will in time remember you more for that than this.

Sorry to read about this, I have a zero tolerance policy and don't want to know about unprovable excuses off WGs, NO WG is worth this amount of hassle, punting is a fun pastime to me.

Offline smiths

I'm getting a little bit pissed off with that label, just because I'm not scared of pointing out the obvious to the odd fan-boy doesn't make me a hater.

In fact if you have noticed I've mentioned I would happily see her if I lived nearer & she was available quite a few times.

How the fuck do you know she won't see a punter if she's not 100%? Unless your her PA/Hubby/BF/Pimp.

I also note you used the classic fan-boy retort, you have never met her  :music:

Indeed, no punter who isn't a WGs pimp can make such a claim, 100% my arse, there is now UKEscorting for the fluffies where they are able to fawn and defend their fave WG/s.

Offline Mr Br1ghts1de

While yeah being messed about ain't nice, I have to say, and forgive me for doing so, but reading all that just made me think you might be over reacting a bit?? I mean, if you were in a relationship with this girl fair enough but at the end of the day she's a wg, did you really stay awake in the early hours tossing and turning about the booking ?? Really? And then time when she updated twitter to the nearest minute.

You say you have developed a fixation over this girl from a previous overnight..... Nothing unhealthy you say..... Again forgive me for saying so, but your essay you wrote , to me, came across the opposite! And I don't mean that with any disrespect to you, but that's how it came across to me, regardless if she mucked you about or not.....

To be honest my mind was made up Thursday night. But I did not finish the review to my satisfaction Friday and I did not want to post on Saturday due to Halloween connotations. That felt a bit vindictive which is not my nature. So yes, I did wrestle with posting it for 3 nights in effect, not least because I knew the reaction it would get on here.

As for posting in such detail, that is my nature good or bad as you will see from my other reviews.

As for posting to the minute of the tweet, this is a punting site for the benefit of punters, so I feel it is important to outline the facts for the benefit of them. What they choose to do with that is their choice.

I may have developed a slight fixation over getting another booking with LK, but that's because I know how good she can be and how elusive she is, but not to the point of not seeing anywhere else. I think you will find I have posted 11 new reviews since seeing LK 4 months ago. I have also had 5 other punts that I have not reviewed plus a trip to Berlin which I have reported here, so I have hardly put all my eggs in one basket.   

Offline Mr Br1ghts1de

Sorry you have had such shit treatment OP.  :( :(  Hope you can move on.  :thumbsup:

Thanks and yes, easily.

Atticus Finch

  • Guest
For what it's worth I've not seen Katie, would probably quite like to based on her reviews, and nothing I've read here would put me off trying.

Katie always comes off as credible and thoughtful in her posts in here.  I may be wrong but I can't believe she'd blow off a punter without good cause - and due to the evident nature of the personal matter she is unable / disinclined to go into further details.

While I can understand the OP's obvious frustrations - I'd be cross in the circumstances too - I'm not sure he has dealt with it in the best way.  It's perhaps unfortunate that he has revealed the extent of his angsting about the matter in the middle of the night, composing lengthy missives, etc.  It seems to me that on the basis of one (very good) meeting, he has become a little to involved, and his lengthy negative is as much a cleaning out of his own closet as it is an admonishment of Katie.

Just my thoughts.


  • Guest
it was posted at 10.03pm
Hidden Image/Members Only
External Link/Members Only

yup tweet was posted at  22.03...

not at 3.03 as  Mr b claims in his OP...

Offline Mr Br1ghts1de

it was posted at 10.03pm

I have a screen shot that clearly shows 3.03pm.

I am not comfortable posting that here because I don't know if that contains any info re: me, but I am happy to send to Admin.

And even if that was the case, she was still more interested in updating her twitter account, than dealing with her supposed family crisis or getting back to me.

She was busy promoting herself on her only public outlet FFS

Offline timstella

As for posting to the minute of the tweet, this is a punting site for the benefit of punters, so I feel it is important to outline the facts for the benefit of them. What they choose to do with that is their choice.

I agree this site is for the benefit of punters, but if it's facts you are talking about, as Lz-129 says, she tweeted at 10.03pm, and got a number of replies in the following hour. It's ironic that the thing that riled you the most did not happen as you thought. If it says 3.03pm on your computer/phone or whatever then the clock is set wrong maybe.

How punters deal with cancellations/excuses etc is up to them, but we might as well get the facts straight. Readers will all make up their own minds, and I can see several have.

Offline timstella

I also have a screenshot which I do not wish to post for the same reason. There are a few other ukp members who replied to her tweet that could confirm what LZ-129 and I have said

Offline Mr Br1ghts1de

While I can understand the OP's obvious frustrations - I'd be cross in the circumstances too - I'm not sure he has dealt with it in the best way.  It's perhaps unfortunate that he has revealed the extent of his angsting about the matter in the middle of the night, composing lengthy missives, etc.  It seems to me that on the basis of one (very good) meeting, he has become a little to involved, and his lengthy negative is as much a cleaning out of his own closet as it is an admonishment of Katie.

Just my thoughts.

Yes, I can admit to clearing out my own closet here, but this a site for the benefit of punters and other punters should be made aware of what is an overwhelming Negative.

What they choose to do about that is for them.


  • Guest
Irrespective of times, dates or reasons a genuine punter felt aggrieved with the whole sorry mess & decided that for the benefit of the wider punting population he would inform us via the review process as allowed & encouraged on this forum.

In reality....

Will it effect her standing as a decent prossie - No
Will it effect any future income potential - No
Will it put a dent in her multiple positive reviews - No 
Will it stop many punters willing to wait for extended periods to see her - No

So what's all the fuss about?

I've said it before & I will say it again, Its the fan-boy approach that does more damage to a prossie than the negative review in my opinion. Maybe rather than sucking up to a prossie by calling other member haters they took the time to realise that it was the OP's persistence that was being judged & not the girl they would realise what a bell-end they really are.

If I was to offer any advice to Katie it would be have a serious spring clean of your regulars as they are inadvertently making you look a right cunt.

Offline smiths

Irrespective of times, dates or reasons a genuine punter felt aggrieved with the whole sorry mess & decided that for the benefit of the wider punting population he would inform us via the review process as allowed & encouraged on this forum.

In reality....

Will it effect her standing as a decent prossie - No
Will it effect any future income potential - No
Will it put a dent in her multiple positive reviews - No 
Will it stop many punters willing to wait for extended periods to see her - No

So what's all the fuss about?

I've said it before & I will say it again, Its the fan-boy approach that does more damage to a prossie than the negative review in my opinion. Maybe rather than sucking up to a prossie by calling other member haters they took the time to realise that it was the OP's persistence that was being judged & not the girl they would realise what a bell-end they really are.

If I was to offer any advice to Katie it would be have a serious spring clean of your regulars as they are inadvertently making you look a right cunt.

Yep the fan-boys pollute this forum in my view, its sickening to see them try to undermine credible punters like the OP. Personally I would take his word over any of them or a WG.

I am hoping at least some fuck off to UKEscorting where brown nosing and fawning is just fine, though that's obviously up to them.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2015, 09:58:58 am by smiths »

Offline akauya

Irrespective of times, dates or reasons a genuine punter felt aggrieved with the whole sorry mess & decided that for the benefit of the wider punting population he would inform us via the review process as allowed & encouraged on this forum.

In reality....

Will it effect her standing as a decent prossie - No
Will it effect any future income potential - No
Will it put a dent in her multiple positive reviews - No 
Will it stop many punters willing to wait for extended periods to see her - No

So what's all the fuss about?

I've said it before & I will say it again, Its the fan-boy approach that does more damage to a prossie than the negative review in my opinion. Maybe rather than sucking up to a prossie by calling other member haters they took the time to realise that it was the OP's persistence that was being judged & not the girl they would realise what a bell-end they really are.

If I was to offer any advice to Katie it would be have a serious spring clean of your regulars as they are inadvertently making you look a right cunt.

Good post.

Seriously chaps, she might be pretty and a good provider but anyone would be pissed off being messed about with bookings like that.

Anyway, I don't know much about the South West (is it a punting desert?) I'm surprised that so many punters are willing to wait months to see a prossie. Not criticising just making an observation.