Sugar Babies

Author Topic: XxAnaxx Strongly would not recommend BITCH IS CRAZY  (Read 17371 times)

4 review(s) for xxANAxx (1 positive, 0 neutral, 3 negative) [Indexed by lewishamguy]

Offline JuniorWashington09

Wow!!!! Im typing this now, as i finally managed to convince this special case of nutiness to leave the hotel room.

External Link/Members Only

First things first, I would not recommend this chick to anyone, specifically to any black punters , but Im sure the level of madness will transcend race.

I booked a room for the day after having finished very early this morning and thought whilst i'm in this place I might aswell use it.

Texted her and asked if she was available, I also mentioned that I was 27 yrs old and  black ( I will detail why this is relevant later on).

She told me that, she would be available at 330pm and would be coming in her gym kit and even called me to confirm; so so far so good.

She eventually got here, I gave her the code to the door of the apartment I was in and told her my room. She walked in the room, and thats when everything pretty much went downhill.

We get paperwork out of the way, and she's been pretty much quiet thus far, I naturally attempted small talk, which is common basic human behaviour, when you meet someone new and in this case are about to shag. One of the question are asked was how far her journey.

Somehow she took this the wrong way, and asked why was I asking questions, we are both naked at this point. I started to feel about and my fingers felt around her vag, she then immediately said " I dont normally do this", I followed that up with so what are you comfortable with.
She completely blows her top saying "dont fucking ask questions, just stay silent". She then stated Im being nervous and I need to stop freaking out. she makes a comment about TV, which was rather snide, so turned it off

Now im lying there like😐OK!, no im pretty calm, she proceeded to shuuush!!! me, and said I needed a few mins to calm down   this then proceeded with  a good 3 min of silence (in my head im like  :crazy: wtf is going on lol). I then tried to speak but MADAM!! Was like no!!! What did I just say you need silence, give a few minutes and calm down. not having that, in response  I said  Sooo! Do you want do this or not, to which I get another  angry outburst where she says " I have my fucking clothes off, ofcourse I want to do this"

I'm think FFS, what have I just got myself into, after another snide fucking ****ish comment, I got off the bed put on my clothes and said, she can keep some off the money for her travel and I was happy for her to go because we were obviously not clicking.


I then proceeded to get lectured on how I was a wierdo who was unable to deal with tense situations which is why I was apparently freaking out and I needed to stay with her so I COULD LEARN HOW TO DEAL WITH WOMEN AND RELATIONSHIPS. (Oh yeah forgot to add before that she asked if I was a virgin or not! WTF)

Ok, well I'm not wierded out, I just have the nuance to see exactly where this fucking meet was going and I did not have the energy to deal with it. I proceeded to sit on the couch in the room and tried to tell she could please leave.She said NO! SHE WAS GOING TO STAY THE HOUR.

At this point, I turn the TV sound on and proceeded to ignore her , whilst I had a beer and she got the hint. 
You might be asking why I was not a lot more forceful, well next bit was the only thing that made me freak out.I went on my phone, at which point she says," I BET YOU ARE CALLING YOUR BOYS DOWN, SO IM GOING TO CALL THE POLICE". Jesus fucking christ, black guy, in a room with a crazy white bitch, with her pussy, dna on my right fingers, yeah not a good look; very vulnerable for any allegations. I put my phone down and just ignored the ****

She proceeds that Im fucking childish, immature and will never learn how to  be in a proper relationship  :wackogirl:
She knows im not paying attention to the TV because, im a loser who cant deal with situations because Im a child   :wackogirl:

This went on for about five minutes till finally she starts to put her clothes on,  she gets up to go to the bathroom and says " Im a loser and I should go kill myself" JESUS H CHRIST, WTF did that come from :sarcastic:

So she then returns sit back on the bed and is just staring at me, Im not facing her or looking at her. I can feel that she looking for something to say, I mentioned earlier about having told her I was black.

This nutcase says to me firstly " I have seen some black guys before", she then pauses and said " actually I dont tend to see black guys" Contradicting yourself but carry on. She then says " 90% of the black guys I have met are normally DODGY"
Obviously my response , rather angry at this point was if 90 % percent of black guys you have met, even though you barely meet them, are dodgy WTF ARE YOU DOING HERE, WHY DID YOU COME FOR A FUCKING OUTCALL WITH A BLACK GUY THEN, (you fucking screw lose nut job)

Her response: I have black friends , Im not racist (OH GOSH!!!! That just makes everything ok then doesnt it)

Eventually she managed to put her fucking clothes on, does she leave OH NO!!!!

She comes and sits next to me, and starts strokiing my arm, looking at me,   :scare: WTF is going on :lol:
She then starts asking me questions , asked if I read books because I have my kindle fire nearby. Soo nutcase says I freaked her out by doing small talk, but here she is trying to talk me
I basically told her to leave, I did not care about the cash, I pleaded with her to please go.
She says she cant go because she is trying to teach me how to interact with the female species or some BS  :wackogirl:

She mentioned some crap about how, she could read people and was reading some signs about me. Now I have dealt with people with mental health issues, and I know the rambling and strange behaviour.

Im not an expert, but there is something off, about her, so I would be very very weary of her. Especially if you are a black punter, naturally everyone should use their discretion. I cant decide whether she is crazy or deliberately behaves like this, because she thinks punters are some wierdos who arent capable of having relationships.
When she left , I fucking runn faster than Usain Bolt to lock that fucking door.

My review completes the trinity of negative reviews about this special case of nut juice. The two previous reviews which I have now seen, actually never met her so there is that uncertainty. You can take my sacrifice as a TOFTT and confirm what they other two reviewers were lucky enough to avoid.



  • Guest
Holy shit this is crazy! But I believe you. I once exchanged emails with her and she started making some crazy remarks when I enquired about services. She's either legit crazy or a con artist

Offline winkywanky

Oh, that's shit.

She was probably trying to stay so she could justify (to herself) having all her fee.

Did you get any of your money back after all?

Offline JuniorWashington09

Oh, that's shit.

She was probably trying to stay so she could justify (to herself) having all her fee.

Did you get any of your money back after all?

No, you had to be in the room to understand, one thing I know is you dont argue with crazy. Im in a self service appartment, so you could be right about her being a cunt deliberately, however her behaviour and the stuff she was saying just screamed someone with mental health; I would rather someone like that leaves than they kick up a fucking scene

Offline JuniorWashington09

Holy shit this is crazy! But I believe you. I once exchanged emails with her and she started making some crazy remarks when I enquired about services. She's either legit crazy or a con artist

Im bordering on her having either bipolar or some personality disorder. She spent the whole time doing reverse psychology, saying I was the one being difficult.and wierd. Im stil laughing at how nuts she was

Offline Sunny

£120 for 30mins, £200 for 1 hour damn. Didn't you see her reviews on here before booking?

Looking at her pics she seems quite muscular wonder if she's on steroids.

Offline VFM

Thanks for sharing this. It sounds like you had a lucky escape and it could have been a lot worse!  I have just removed her from my hotlist.  Her business model might be to turn up, act weird and leave with some cash without having sex.  I bet she has done this before. VFM

Offline Sinz

Thanks for the warning.

She sounds like a fucking nightmare, twisted twit :wackogirl:

Offline PleadInsanity

Wow, what a fucking episode :scare: Minus the fucking.
It sounds like you dealt with it well and as you saw it at the time, would have been easy to have made the whole situation much worse in a heartbeat.
Clearly unstable and hopefully your review will help out others :hi:

Offline peter purves

A nicely written review - Attempting to look at the positives  :(

Sounds like could be drugs also.

Very sorry to hear mate  :( :angry: :mad: :diablo: :dash: :scare: :cry: :vomit: :thumbsdown: :crazy: :wacko: :bomb: :manhater:  :unknown:  :timeout:  - Nearly all the emot-icons on the board

Hidden Image/Members Only
« Last Edit: March 21, 2018, 08:25:24 pm by peter purves »
Banned reason: Can't / won't take advice.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline anonvip20

This is some crazy shit!

I had a punt yesterday, review to follow soon, which I thought was crazy and had me also trying to exit without giving a shit about the money but now that I've read yours mine feels like a walk in the park!

Well done for staying the calm!

Offline hillingdonpete

Great review :thumbsup:

You had a lucky escape there, that could have gone tits up for you.

Offline JuniorWashington09

A nicely written review - Attempting to look at the positives  :(

Sounds like could be drugs also.

Very sorry to hear mate  :( :angry: :mad: :diablo: :dash: :scare: :cry: :vomit: :thumbsdown: :crazy: :wacko: :bomb: :manhater:  :unknown:  :timeout:  - Nearly all the emot-icons on the board

Hidden Image/Members Only

Yeah that did cross my mind. Looking her in eyes, it looks like she is looking at  you, but her mind isnt there

Offline JuniorWashington09

Wow, what a fucking episode :scare: Minus the fucking.
It sounds like you dealt with it well and as you saw it at the time, would have been easy to have made the whole situation much worse in a heartbeat.
Clearly unstable and hopefully your review will help out others :hi:

I could have ripped into this cunt, if I wanted to, but could see with this level of crazy god knows what she could have done. That money is a loss, but I would rather have her leave and take that loss than rism being accussed of something, and also having to deal with her level of mental insecurith and what she is capable of

Forgot at one point, when I held the remote to my mouth, She says "thats disgusting dont put it to your mouth, thousands of people have touched that". What a spaced out wierdo,

when she got here and took her jacket off. I noticed old self harm marks on her wrist, where she has obviously cut herself in the past.
Her behaviour only went on to convince me that her head is not in this realm

Offline Ambergris17

This sounds exactly like an ex. And yeah, what I learnt, what you say: don't argue with crazy. There is no room for a rational exchange.

She wound up accusing me of all sorts and threatening legal action. You just have to get them out of the room and don't think twice.

Sounds like you possibly had a (relatively) lucky escape there, mate.

Offline puntingpumping1920

Thank you for warning, OP 

You may benefit from pre-checking behaviour face-to-face before you hand over cash.
My requirements for behaviour are:
-Does she show a positive and friendly attitude? 
-Is she honest about the services that was agreed to

Those requirements will need to be fulfilled before services are paid for
« Last Edit: March 22, 2018, 03:17:06 am by puntingpumping1920 »
Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline beachtest

She's famous for doing this. She may have some sort of derragned split personality. Shame there isn't a way to report these people to AW. She has no negative reviews too which doesn't help punters who are spending this much money

Offline MilleMiglia

Offline anotherwoody69

Batshit crazy  :scare:

Lesson learned there OP, and perhaps a look through previous reviews here in advance?

Offline last_days_of_logan

" Im a loser and I should go kill myself"

did she say that about you? or herself?

Offline Guilla

Nice review OP,

That could have gone very-very wrong if you didn’t stay very-very calm and calculated.
A lesson for all to not to take negative reviews for granted.

I’m glad you pulled through this one with your anonimity and your dignity intact - £200 can always be replaced  :thumbsup:


Offline JuniorWashington09

" Im a loser and I should go kill myself"

did she say that about you? or herself?

She actually said that to me, :unknown:, very bizarre, I saw a lot of projection in her words and behaviour.I feel fucking sorry for her boyfriend or husband.

Before she fucking leaves, she turns around and says im the fucking wierdest guy she's ever met, probably because I did the right thing and did not engage with crazy.

Offline JuniorWashington09

This sounds exactly like an ex. And yeah, what I learnt, what you say: don't argue with crazy. There is no room for a rational exchange.

She wound up accusing me of all sorts and threatening legal action. You just have to get them out of the room and don't think twice.

Sounds like you possibly had a (relatively) lucky escape there, mate.

Exactly, I always tend to think worst case scenario, her threatening to call the police, made me eerily aware that not only is she a nutjob, who may be completely unaware of her behaviour, but she is atleast smart enough to threaten police involvement.
I knew a guy who spent a night in the slammer purely from an allegation about having touched someone ass in the club. Its 8am now and there has been no cops banging down my door , nor any calls from them so it looks like I managed that situation

Offline Bassman

This sounds exactly like an ex.

Do, a proper GFE was had then.... lol.

Lucky escape OP.  But yeah, don’t be putting remotes to your mouth bro!


Offline Spencer Fobby

What a fucking nightmare! Well done for getting out of the situation without major harm and thanks for posting this - you’ve helped a whole kid of guys avoid a dangerous experience. Thanks
Banned reason: Abuse of mod.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline JuniorWashington09

Nice review OP,

That could have gone very-very wrong if you didn’t stay very-very calm and calculated.
A lesson for all to not to take negative reviews for granted.

I’m glad you pulled through this one with your anonimity and your dignity intact - £200 can always be replaced  :thumbsup:


I will take that  £200 loss over not being accused of anything. Im certainly wearing of outcalls now, specifically to serviced apartments, because this just showed how vulnerable I was.

Can not exxagerate how nutty this bitch was, her eyes, her foul, negative and scary behaviour.

Offline JuniorWashington09

A few things I forgot to mention, when she got her clothes of initially, and I asked if she was ok as she was soo standoffish , the first  thing that comes out her mouth is that "She is scared", as she proceeds to lie on the bed.
Im now like :timeout:, why are you scared, which was followed up with her tirade about why I was asking soo many questions. I'm sorry but my dick is not going anywhere near you, if you are apparently scared , but still decide to lay naked on my bed.

When she came and sat next to me after having finally put her clothes, near the end she starts to talking to me about how we need to sort this out, and its not ok that I wanted her to leave, she needed to feel that I was learning how to be with women. :unknown: :wackogirl:

And I was like, WTF are you on, your talking like we know each other, I just met you, this isnt a fucking relationship lady, we are here to fuck.

Aparently sex isnt about just sex, its about feeling and the silence during it .   Also during sex, we can talk without WORDS apparently.I remember turning my head to look at her at this point and looking at her, her eyes were darting about and it returns to meet my gaze, there was not a sense of even smirk even creeping on her face to suggest to me she was putting this on.
Her face looked like she had seen death , no smile and those eyes, bearing into my soul, like a harpy spawned from hell itself. I never said it verbally, but in my head I was thinking, YOU ARE ONE FUCKING CRAZY BITCH AREN'T YOU!!

Offline GMontag

Terrible experience and excellent review.
She's just bid on an RB of mine. Wouldn't have booked her but it's a review like this definitely flags her up as one to always avoid.

Offline Peterbry

Weird, I enquired about an outcall with her about a year ago (stories of her madness were around then - but her body just seemed too perfect). She was so frosty on emails I could tell from that the meeting was going to be a disaster, she was saying I had to get her an Uber, when I declined to she said why should she come over when it was me who wanted to see her. I said it was her that is only offering outcalls, so why should I pay for the Uber?

Her '90% of the black guys I know are dodgy' comment is weird. She has had various videos on her profile over time, deleting some, adding new ones, but I distinctly remember she used to have a series of videos on her profile of her being gangbanged by about 4 or 5 black guys.

Online Royd30

Wish there was some way to deal with sort of rip off. I am sure one day she will meet a crazy that would repay her for her actions. Karma’s a bitch.
Can’t believe you out of pocket for that sum. However I might have acted the same as you so well done and just hope that justice is on its way....
At least we are all warned and let’s hope she suffers from dusty phone now

Offline JuniorWashington09

Her '90% of the black guys I know are dodgy' comment is weird. She has had various videos on her profile over time, deleting some, adding new ones, but I distinctly remember she used to have a series of videos on her profile of her being gangbanged by about 4 or 5 black guys.

This was a last minute search on AW, and the main reason I picked her was because, not too long ago she had a vid on her page with a black guy which gave me the impression there would be no issues.

Not only did she say that she also said,"most black guys dont need to use AW, which is another dig at me. literally the whole convo, mostly her drivel where pathetic attempts to insult me, which is very strange behaviour from a  apparent escort :manhater:

I have never wanted to smack a bitch out of my room, but obviously god knows what the consequences would entail.
She is available today so you guys are welcome to the funhouse that is this woman

Offline pepsicolaboy

One of the craziest bat shit nut jobs I have ever read about on UKP

This is so weird you should make it into a mini movie script - what a fucked up wacko

 :dash: :dash: :dash:

Offline bhudda

I used to be on seeking arrangements but not any more. I'm sure I recognise one or two of those photos from a profile on there - particularly the one where she has her foot on a window ledge. If anyone here has access to the SA thread may be worth posting a link in there to this review.

Offline undercoverpunter

Dude, sorry to hear of this diabolical experience but glad you escaped relatively unscathed albeit well out of pocket.

Thanks for sharing - that's a banging body but jeez clearly several screws loose upstairs

Offline king tarzan

It's simpletto

You have to be crazy to be an escort in the first place
Nothing surprises me in this underbelly
Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline MisterMr

Oh damn OP..... what a nightmare.

I really think this is her way to fleece cash off surprised punters.
She only states doing Outcalls, thus knowing that if she 'acts' up being crazy and weird, she will get to keep some of the cash because MrPunter will never want a fuss in a hotel or at his home.

Scam artist and thanks to this website, lets hope she won't profit for long.


  • Guest
Sorry to the OP, sounds like a terrible experience. My vote would be drugs. That said, she has some race issues I think. OP is right that she had some videos with a black guy a while back for sale on her page. The backstory on those vids (there were a few) was that she was paid by a client to do a cuckhold scenario and there were quite a few black guys (3-4) who gangbanged her.  These vids are on xhamster for those who can find them. Long story short, that experience tarnished her (she had not done a gangbang before and quite frankly couldn't handle it).

Offline Brazilian Martian

Weird, I enquired about an outcall with her about a year ago (stories of her madness were around then - but her body just seemed too perfect). She was so frosty on emails I could tell from that the meeting was going to be a disaster, she was saying I had to get her an Uber, when I declined to she said why should she come over when it was me who wanted to see her. I said it was her that is only offering outcalls, so why should I pay for the Uber?

Her '90% of the black guys I know are dodgy' comment is weird. She has had various videos on her profile over time, deleting some, adding new ones, but I distinctly remember she used to have a series of videos on her profile of her being gangbanged by about 4 or 5 black guys.

Yes because after the gangbang the black guys obviously stole her phone and handbag :sarcastic: :sarcastic:

Offline killerbees

Jesus Christ that was a punters worst nightmare. I feel for ya.
Although losing the money is hard to stomach, not sure there was much else you could have done to handle the situation when faced with someone that mental. She was obviously crazy enough to call the old bill and concoct some story that could have fucked you over.

On the plus side this will prevent many many punters from having to experience this nut job.

Offline peter purves

I will take that  £200 loss over not being accused of anything. Im certainly wearing of outcalls now, specifically to serviced apartments, because this just showed how vulnerable I was.

Can not exxagerate how nutty this bitch was, her eyes, her foul, negative and scary behaviour.

Never realised it was that much.  :(

Not sure I could afford to lose that much money...I know I couldn't  :P
Banned reason: Can't / won't take advice.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline pepsicolaboy

Never realised it was that much.  :(

Not sure I could afford to lose that much money...I know I couldn't  :P

Peter Ive done it and I would never ever usually go to £200 and I got utterly fucked over - due to the little head taking over the big head and the SP sweet talking me - it happens. (see my first review)

One hopes that these larger flutters are less risky but reality is that higher spend guarantees f_ck all IMO


Offline peter purves

Peter Ive done it and I would never ever usually go to £200 and I got utterly fucked over - due to the little head taking over the big head and the SP sweet talking me - it happens. (see my first review)

One hopes that these larger flutters are less risky but reality is that higher spend guarantees f_ck all IMO


I agree it happens, my sense of injustice and financial consideration would mean me having to say something - this is all I am saying. No reflection on the OP for his choice of decision perhaps he could afford to, for instance.

Moving on to read your review.

Nice One
Banned reason: Can't / won't take advice.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline pepsicolaboy

I agree it happens, my sense of injustice and financial consideration would mean me having to say something - this is all I am saying. No reflection on the OP for his choice of decision perhaps he could afford to, for instance.

Moving on to read your review.

Nice One

Cheers Peter, its grim reading  :lol:

Offline peter purves

Cheers Peter, its grim reading  :lol:

Yes it is  :(

Hate those scams, had a similar experience like that in Cloisters with Rosa...makes grim reading too my friend  :P
« Last Edit: March 22, 2018, 11:54:25 pm by peter purves »
Banned reason: Can't / won't take advice.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline pepsicolaboy

Yes it is  :(

Hate those scams, had a similar experience like that in Cloisters with Rosa...makes grim reading too my friend  :P

Same place, perhaps they are neighbours  :wackogirl:

Offline pepsicolaboy

A poster mentioned on here that the crazy ones are the freakiest in the sheets.

I must say there is some side of me tempted for the £120 flutter on this one, the photos are intriguing and the nuttyness

Im putting it down to being horny and its late  :unknown:

Just read some other post on her, she sounds as mad as a hatter  :lol:

Edit: there is a warning about her from a review thread from 2013 F_ck me  :dash:
« Last Edit: March 23, 2018, 12:43:54 am by pepsicolaboy »


  • Guest
@maddog6969 any chance you could shed some light on how to find these videos you mentioned of yesterday, not had any luck with my searches on xhamster. Many thanks.
Regarding your post below

Sorry to the OP, sounds like a terrible experience. My vote would be drugs. That said, she has some race issues I think. OP is right that she had some videos with a black guy a while back for sale on her page. The backstory on those vids (there were a few) was that she was paid by a client to do a cuckhold scenario and there were quite a few black guys (3-4) who gangbanged her.  These vids are on xhamster for those who can find them. Long story short, that experience tarnished her (she had not done a gangbang before and quite frankly couldn't handle it).


  • Guest
Wow!!!! Im typing this now, as i finally managed to convince this special case of nutiness to leave the hotel room.

External Link/Members Only

First things first, I would not recommend this chick to anyone, specifically to any black punters , but Im sure the level of madness will transcend race.

I booked a room for the day after having finished very early this morning and thought whilst i'm in this place I might aswell use it.

Texted her and asked if she was available, I also mentioned that I was 27 yrs old and  black ( I will detail why this is relevant later on).

She told me that, she would be available at 330pm and would be coming in her gym kit and even called me to confirm; so so far so good.

She eventually got here, I gave her the code to the door of the apartment I was in and told her my room. She walked in the room, and thats when everything pretty much went downhill.

We get paperwork out of the way, and she's been pretty much quiet thus far, I naturally attempted small talk, which is common basic human behaviour, when you meet someone new and in this case are about to shag. One of the question are asked was how far her journey.

Somehow she took this the wrong way, and asked why was I asking questions, we are both naked at this point. I started to feel about and my fingers felt around her vag, she then immediately said " I dont normally do this", I followed that up with so what are you comfortable with.
She completely blows her top saying "dont fucking ask questions, just stay silent". She then stated Im being nervous and I need to stop freaking out. she makes a comment about TV, which was rather snide, so turned it off

Now im lying there like😐OK!, no im pretty calm, she proceeded to shuuush!!! me, and said I needed a few mins to calm down   this then proceeded with  a good 3 min of silence (in my head im like  :crazy: wtf is going on lol). I then tried to speak but MADAM!! Was like no!!! What did I just say you need silence, give a few minutes and calm down. not having that, in response  I said  Sooo! Do you want do this or not, to which I get another  angry outburst where she says " I have my fucking clothes off, ofcourse I want to do this"

I'm think FFS, what have I just got myself into, after another snide fucking ****ish comment, I got off the bed put on my clothes and said, she can keep some off the money for her travel and I was happy for her to go because we were obviously not clicking.


I then proceeded to get lectured on how I was a wierdo who was unable to deal with tense situations which is why I was apparently freaking out and I needed to stay with her so I COULD LEARN HOW TO DEAL WITH WOMEN AND RELATIONSHIPS. (Oh yeah forgot to add before that she asked if I was a virgin or not! WTF)

Ok, well I'm not wierded out, I just have the nuance to see exactly where this fucking meet was going and I did not have the energy to deal with it. I proceeded to sit on the couch in the room and tried to tell she could please leave.She said NO! SHE WAS GOING TO STAY THE HOUR.

At this point, I turn the TV sound on and proceeded to ignore her , whilst I had a beer and she got the hint. 
You might be asking why I was not a lot more forceful, well next bit was the only thing that made me freak out.I went on my phone, at which point she says," I BET YOU ARE CALLING YOUR BOYS DOWN, SO IM GOING TO CALL THE POLICE". Jesus fucking christ, black guy, in a room with a crazy white bitch, with her pussy, dna on my right fingers, yeah not a good look; very vulnerable for any allegations. I put my phone down and just ignored the ****

She proceeds that Im fucking childish, immature and will never learn how to  be in a proper relationship  :wackogirl:
She knows im not paying attention to the TV because, im a loser who cant deal with situations because Im a child   :wackogirl:

This went on for about five minutes till finally she starts to put her clothes on,  she gets up to go to the bathroom and says " Im a loser and I should go kill myself" JESUS H CHRIST, WTF did that come from :sarcastic:

So she then returns sit back on the bed and is just staring at me, Im not facing her or looking at her. I can feel that she looking for something to say, I mentioned earlier about having told her I was black.

This nutcase says to me firstly " I have seen some black guys before", she then pauses and said " actually I dont tend to see black guys" Contradicting yourself but carry on. She then says " 90% of the black guys I have met are normally DODGY"
Obviously my response , rather angry at this point was if 90 % percent of black guys you have met, even though you barely meet them, are dodgy WTF ARE YOU DOING HERE, WHY DID YOU COME FOR A FUCKING OUTCALL WITH A BLACK GUY THEN, (you fucking screw lose nut job)

Her response: I have black friends , Im not racist (OH GOSH!!!! That just makes everything ok then doesnt it)

Eventually she managed to put her fucking clothes on, does she leave OH NO!!!!

She comes and sits next to me, and starts strokiing my arm, looking at me,   :scare: WTF is going on :lol:
She then starts asking me questions , asked if I read books because I have my kindle fire nearby. Soo nutcase says I freaked her out by doing small talk, but here she is trying to talk me
I basically told her to leave, I did not care about the cash, I pleaded with her to please go.
She says she cant go because she is trying to teach me how to interact with the female species or some BS  :wackogirl:

She mentioned some crap about how, she could read people and was reading some signs about me. Now I have dealt with people with mental health issues, and I know the rambling and strange behaviour.

Im not an expert, but there is something off, about her, so I would be very very weary of her. Especially if you are a black punter, naturally everyone should use their discretion. I cant decide whether she is crazy or deliberately behaves like this, because she thinks punters are some wierdos who arent capable of having relationships.
When she left , I fucking runn faster than Usain Bolt to lock that fucking door.

My review completes the trinity of negative reviews about this special case of nut juice. The two previous reviews which I have now seen, actually never met her so there is that uncertainty. You can take my sacrifice as a TOFTT and confirm what they other two reviewers were lucky enough to avoid.


Maybe she was right and giving you some free psychology that you could have listened to.
Having your finger up her whilst making some small talk about 'how far have you come' is a bit strange'.
Why would she want to consider the merits of her travel on TFL via the district line or Jubilee line - when in theory, the reason you have your fingers up is to give her some sort of pleasure? Who on earth wants to have a shag with Jeremy Kyle on the TV or Phillip Scophfield and Holly Whiloby chatting rubbish anyway? Maybes she got the vibe you were a bit socially awkward and wanted to teach you something - albeit in a bit of a dom way (that people often pay more for). Prossies see all sorts of types with disabilities and autism etc.

Funny review anyway! Sorry for yo pain tho!  :thumbsup:
« Last Edit: March 23, 2018, 09:58:34 am by JDiggle »

Offline PleadInsanity

Maybe she was right and giving you some free psychology that you could have listened to.
Having your finger up her whilst making some small talk about 'how far have you come' is a bit strange'.
Why would she want to consider the merits of her travel on TFL via the district line or Jubilee line - when in theory, the reason you have your fingers up is to give her some sort of pleasure? Who on earth wants to have a shag with Jeremy Kyle on the TV or Phillip Scophfield and Holly Whiloby chatting rubbish anyway? Maybes she got the vibe you were a bit socially awkward and wanted to teach you something - albeit in a bit of a dom way (that people often pay more for). Prossies see all sorts of types with disabilities and autism etc.

Funny review anyway! Sorry for yo pain tho!  :thumbsup:

If he wanted to see a psychiatrist he would have booked one :rolleyes:. The OP never said his fingers were inside her when he attempted smalltalk.