Wow!!!! Im typing this now, as i finally managed to convince this special case of nutiness to leave the hotel room.
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First things first, I would not recommend this chick to anyone, specifically to any black punters , but Im sure the level of madness will transcend race.
I booked a room for the day after having finished very early this morning and thought whilst i'm in this place I might aswell use it.
Texted her and asked if she was available, I also mentioned that I was 27 yrs old and black ( I will detail why this is relevant later on).
She told me that, she would be available at 330pm and would be coming in her gym kit and even called me to confirm; so so far so good.
She eventually got here, I gave her the code to the door of the apartment I was in and told her my room. She walked in the room, and thats when everything pretty much went downhill.
We get paperwork out of the way, and she's been pretty much quiet thus far, I naturally attempted small talk, which is common basic human behaviour, when you meet someone new and in this case are about to shag. One of the question are asked was how far her journey.
Somehow she took this the wrong way, and asked why was I asking questions, we are both naked at this point. I started to feel about and my fingers felt around her vag, she then immediately said " I dont normally do this", I followed that up with so what are you comfortable with.
She completely blows her top saying "dont fucking ask questions, just stay silent". She then stated Im being nervous and I need to stop freaking out. she makes a comment about TV, which was rather snide, so turned it off
Now im lying there like😐OK!, no im pretty calm, she proceeded to shuuush!!! me, and said I needed a few mins to calm down this then proceeded with a good 3 min of silence (in my head im like

wtf is going on lol). I then tried to speak but MADAM!! Was like no!!! What did I just say you need silence, give a few minutes and calm down. not having that, in response I said Sooo! Do you want do this or not, to which I get another angry outburst where she says " I have my fucking clothes off, ofcourse I want to do this"
I'm think FFS, what have I just got myself into, after another snide fucking ****ish comment, I got off the bed put on my clothes and said, she can keep some off the money for her travel and I was happy for her to go because we were obviously not clicking.

I then proceeded to get lectured on how I was a wierdo who was unable to deal with tense situations which is why I was apparently freaking out and I needed to stay with her so I COULD LEARN HOW TO DEAL WITH WOMEN AND RELATIONSHIPS. (Oh yeah forgot to add before that she asked if I was a virgin or not! WTF)
Ok, well I'm not wierded out, I just have the nuance to see exactly where this fucking meet was going and I did not have the energy to deal with it. I proceeded to sit on the couch in the room and tried to tell she could please leave.She said NO! SHE WAS GOING TO STAY THE HOUR.
At this point, I turn the TV sound on and proceeded to ignore her , whilst I had a beer and she got the hint.
You might be asking why I was not a lot more forceful, well next bit was the only thing that made me freak out.I went on my phone, at which point she says," I BET YOU ARE CALLING YOUR BOYS DOWN, SO IM GOING TO CALL THE POLICE". Jesus fucking christ, black guy, in a room with a crazy white bitch, with her pussy, dna on my right fingers, yeah not a good look; very vulnerable for any allegations. I put my phone down and just ignored the ****
She proceeds that Im fucking childish, immature and will never learn how to be in a proper relationship

She knows im not paying attention to the TV because, im a loser who cant deal with situations because Im a child

This went on for about five minutes till finally she starts to put her clothes on, she gets up to go to the bathroom and says " Im a loser and I should go kill myself" JESUS H CHRIST, WTF did that come from

So she then returns sit back on the bed and is just staring at me, Im not facing her or looking at her. I can feel that she looking for something to say, I mentioned earlier about having told her I was black.
This nutcase says to me firstly " I have seen some black guys before", she then pauses and said " actually I dont tend to see black guys" Contradicting yourself but carry on. She then says " 90% of the black guys I have met are normally DODGY"

Obviously my response , rather angry at this point was if 90 % percent of black guys you have met, even though you barely meet them, are dodgy WTF ARE YOU DOING HERE, WHY DID YOU COME FOR A FUCKING OUTCALL WITH A BLACK GUY THEN, (you fucking screw lose nut job)
Her response: I have black friends , Im not racist (OH GOSH!!!! That just makes everything ok then doesnt it)
Eventually she managed to put her fucking clothes on, does she leave OH NO!!!!
She comes and sits next to me, and starts strokiing my arm, looking at me,

WTF is going on

She then starts asking me questions , asked if I read books because I have my kindle fire nearby. Soo nutcase says I freaked her out by doing small talk, but here she is trying to talk me
I basically told her to leave, I did not care about the cash, I pleaded with her to please go.
She says she cant go because she is trying to teach me how to interact with the female species or some BS

She mentioned some crap about how, she could read people and was reading some signs about me. Now I have dealt with people with mental health issues, and I know the rambling and strange behaviour.
Im not an expert, but there is something off, about her, so I would be very very weary of her. Especially if you are a black punter, naturally everyone should use their discretion. I cant decide whether she is crazy or deliberately behaves like this, because she thinks punters are some wierdos who arent capable of having relationships.
When she left , I fucking runn faster than Usain Bolt to lock that fucking door.
My review completes the trinity of negative reviews about this special case of nut juice. The two previous reviews which I have now seen, actually never met her so there is that uncertainty. You can take my sacrifice as a TOFTT and confirm what they other two reviewers were lucky enough to avoid.