Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Anna Joyce / xxANAxx - (Outcall) - Strangest Girl ever  (Read 12066 times)

4 review(s) for xxANAxx (1 positive, 0 neutral, 3 negative) [Indexed by ]

Offline loner

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I wanted to see Adriana or Anna whatever her name is for an outcall. Texted her around lunchtime she said its cool, 8pm tonite, said was heading to the gym, fine.

I texted her around 5pm to confirm she says she had the worse day ever, and the weather was poor (which I agreed on this particular point) and dont want to do the outcall anymore lol

Then 10 minutes later says shes going to the gym (again??) coz she said she couldnt go earlier and after gym, will go home, wash up and come over at 11pm. At this point I was getting super confused. I told her I wanted a standard GFE and asked her to wear stockings with holdups and lingeri (standard equipment which all WGs should have no? I mean a WG with no lingerie is like a an painter with no brushes lol).

She says she doesnt have any which I find super hard to believe but she says she will try and get them on her way back from the gym.

Texted at 8pm, she tells me to stop treating her like a sex slave, dog, (WTF!???) All i asked was for her to wear stockings and told her what i was expecting, standard GFE. (Isnt she paid to be a sex slave for the hour anyways!?? How else am i supposed to treat her).

We then start an argument over the text, it was all quite bizarre this woman. So confusing.

Anyways, clearly she doesnt take this job very seriously and if she cant even be bothered to wear stockings, she wont bother to do any more much in bed either! Stay away!

Offline loner

And she was like 150 quid is nothing!!! as if I was demanding !! All i said was stockings and gfe! lol thats like the easiest vanilla job for a wg ffs.

Offline DH

I have her on my list. Altho i never see/seen an wg without face pictures and now you convinced me to  remove her from my list.
Thank you good sir i am fairly new to the punting scene so any review helps a lot especially for us newbies

Offline King Nuts

Thanks for posting, loner. Sounds like you dodged a bullet there. If a WG is getting all weird on you via text and you've not even met,  it's never going to end well.

And as regards the stockings thing, her profile says she's a model and is 27 yrs old. Hasn't she sussed out yet that a pair of hold-ups is part of Basic Kit when on duty (or off, for that matter)?

Offline NIK

Her behaviour might seem strange to most people, but what you have described I'd fairly typical  stuff.  :wackogirl:
They sure do like to go to the gym! :dancegirl:

Offline fisherofsouls

I think she probably meant to say she was going to see Jim.... her dealer  :D

Offline Jimmyredcab

And she was like 150 quid is nothing!!!

Can I ask you a serious question.

Why are you willing to pay £150 an hour to a girl who refuses to show her face on her profile.   :unknown: :unknown:

Offline loner

Surprisingly this saga is not over lol.

She texted me at like 12 saying she was going to take photos of her outfit and that was supposed to be for me i think she has a mental problem.

150 for outcall in central london is not bad i think, certainly high for an incall yes, but with an outcall you always have the option to scout her face before even getting near your flat.

Offline blue

Surprisingly this saga is not over lol.

She texted me at like 12 saying she was going to take photos of her outfit and that was supposed to be for me i think she has a mental problem.

150 for outcall in central london is not bad i think, certainly high for an incall yes, but with an outcall you always have the option to scout her face before even getting near your flat.

Forget her mate, ignore the texts and they'll soon stop.  £150 p/h with no face pictures should've been a sign that something isn't right. It's good the 'meet' didn't happen

Offline loner

Forget her mate, ignore the texts and they'll soon stop.  £150 p/h with no face pictures should've been a sign that something isn't right. It's good the 'meet' didn't happen

Yeah u guys are right. Gotta think with my brain, not my d***. its so difficult!


  • Guest
Bloomin eck, all that name-calling, arguing and to-ing and fro-ing, with no shag at the end
of it.......perfect girlfriend experience eh??!! ;)

Offline loner

Bloomin eck, all that name-calling, arguing and to-ing and fro-ing, with no shag at the end
of it.......perfect girlfriend experience eh??!! ;)

Yeah exactly LOL we even spoke on the phone yesterday when she started blaming me. WTF is her problem what did I do!???

Yes this is why I PAY for sex, so i dont have to deal with this with REAL girlfriends!! lol Now i get it from random WGs without asking for it! its not on my LIKES list!!


  • Guest
Yeah exactly LOL we even spoke on the phone yesterday when she started blaming me. WTF is her problem what did I do!???

Yes this is why I PAY for sex, so i dont have to deal with this with REAL girlfriends!! lol Now i get it from random WGs without asking for it! its not on my LIKES list!!

You watch, next she'll be in a huff cos you forgot her birthday!!!

Whore Of Babylon

  • Guest
"I used to do modelling but now I decided to try escorting"

A WG with a model attitude is not going to do well.

Offline loner

Exactly. She blamed me for being demanding and treating her like a sex slave wtf. That is exactly what I am paying you for and you're complaining!??

Whore Of Babylon

  • Guest
Exactly. She blamed me for being demanding and treating her like a sex slave wtf. That is exactly what I am paying you for and you're complaining!??
She sounds like a complete muppet. Better luck next time.

Offline KorbenDallas

Almost a carbon copy of my experience with her.

Had arranged to meet with her, all good. I asked for her to bring some sexy holdup stockings after which she mailed back that she wouldn't do this and after a couple more messages said that she's not interested in meeting up.

And this was the 2nd attempt at getting together with her!

Twice now I've arranged accommodation and a night free only to be dropped at the last minute by her  :dash:


  • Guest
I don't remember if we've discussed it jeer before, but I had this same experience with her when she was very very new.  Never met her as a result. She's been on my blacklist since then


  • Guest
I'm tempted to book her just to show you guys!

Not nearly enough useful info from the shitty photos though.


  • Guest
last year she was 27, this year she's 25?

Offline beachtest

has been on my HT for a a while and shes gone from incalls to outcalls, but over the last year, she will never reply to any booking requests.
Seems like she's just on here to make money from a gallery!

Offline master43

Yes, she's definitely a scam who only wants the ££ through pg. After several successful exchanges of messages, I called her and she told me "Don't call me again, delete my number. Bye" Time waster

Offline Yorkle

I rang her a couple of months ago, as staying in a hotel out in Zone 6 and liked the look of that body.  She told me the price would be £250.  I assumed that was due to the distance, and would be for a longer booking only, so enquired for how long was £250.  She said it 1 hour as it was short notice!  When I politely said that was a little over my hourly budget I was bluntly told to find "someone cheaper then".

Offline backofthenet

Yes, she's definitely a scam who only wants the ££ through pg. After several successful exchanges of messages, I called her and she told me "Don't call me again, delete my number. Bye" Time waster

Ah yes - the same happened to me. Set up an appointment, then suddenly she started sending angry texts. She seemed to imply that I was someone who had been harassing her previously, and was now texting her from a different number.

I just thought she was insane, and booked someone else. Turns out it's just a scam (not sure which is worse)

In any event, major red flag.

Offline Kocky

I had a weird experience with her as well - she is a complete nutter sounds like she is on something -STAY WELL AWAY total neg vibe

Offline Kocky

I had a weird experience with her as well - she is a complete nutter sounds like she is on something -STAY WELL AWAY total neg vibe

Offline AndyHandy

I've had adriana on my list for a while. Read this and refrained from booking last week. The little brain is ruling the roost this week and I'm going to give it a shot. If she goes awol I'm not really bothered. If she's fit and enjoyed a bonus. Fingers crossed!!!

Offline Kendrig

She texted me at like 12 saying she was going to take photos of her outfit and that was supposed to be for me i think she has a mental problem.
Sounds like she's in it for the cash from private gallery

Offline scutty brown

See her AW feedback for november 2013.
It would seem she's been doing this for a while

Offline AndyHandy

So no meet as expected. Unsure if PG scam or just picky...

Not two minutes after my earlier post, she replied "can't make it".

Me - Hi. Just sent an AW booking. Please confirm if everything above is ok. Also what do you enjoy drinking too?
Ana - I can't make it.
Me - Oh. Ok... next time hopefully or later tonight?
Ana - No thanks. I don't drink and I don't dress up.
(Within the AW booking I asked simply for GFE and to ideally arrive in a dress or skirt and heels. I stayed simple based on posts above. It was me testing boundaries...)
Me - Oh. Did I ask something wrong? Casual is fine, it was just a preference but not required. Same for drink.  Let me know if this changed your mind. I had only asked about the heels as they looked good on you within your gallery pictures.
Ana - How long did you want me to stay for?
(Little Andy's hopes back up !!!)
Andy - Just an hour
Ana - I'm sorry but.. we never met. I understand that you are trying to be friendly and making the most of it. But I get millions of messages like yours from time wasters.
Andy - Ok fair enough. Thought I was being genuine. I've confirmed my room. Sent AW booking and have positive feedback. Honestly not wasting time. A dress would have been nice but it would have been in the floor soon enough.
Ana - You still have time to arrange a booking with someone else who's gonna be happy to wear whatever you want them to and be your sex slave for that 1 hour. I'm not who you're looking for.
Ana - Also, this is not tinder

I didn't dignify her last comment with a response. Seems like age should be on tinder and leave aw to the WG's who want to work. All for WGs remaining discreet when entering hotels but just a skirt or dress in your usual business travler hotels... right idd ball.

If a PG scam, I would have expected her to have digested I checked the pics out. Don't WGs pay credits to be listed as available and advertise a number?  Also a lot of effort to have these conversations with time wasting punters... I guess she is just being extreamly picky and a little unhinged or misguided on the sites purpose!

Offline scutty brown

Based on what I've read here I would suggest that she simply can't handle the stress of being asked questions. Make a booking with her seems to be OK. Question of change anything and she falls apart. Mental probs perhaps? I'd be looking for signs of coke use


  • Guest

Offline AndyHandy

Bullet dodged, guys!  :hi:

Been meaning to post a follow up for ages...

So I was back out by city airport where there are limited punting options. Brain was not in charge, so I thought I would try my luck here again. A polite brief text and I had a clear response. Anna was available and able to call by on short notice. I didn’t push or suggest an outfit.

She arrived on time, casual look with a rocking body. Pictures are spot on. Face was pretty but not one to stand out. 

Personality wise, yes a nut job... Within 2 minutes she told me she reads auras and I was  making her uncomfortable. I hadn’t done anything, just asked how was her day and trying some small talk...

She went to the bathroom, emerging in simple CK underwear. Very robotic and non responsive. Muffled through but at one point she just got up and decided to walk off. Changed her mind and jumped back in bed.

Honestly as I write this I still wonder what I could have done different. I have never met anyone who has acted this strange. Honestly I can’t think of anything I could have done to prevent it!

Will certainly not be leaving my cock in driving seat for a long time.

Offline The_Don

Been meaning to post a follow up for ages...

So I was back out by city airport where there are limited punting options. Brain was not in charge, so I thought I would try my luck here again. A polite brief text and I had a clear response. Anna was available and able to call by on short notice. I didn’t push or suggest an outfit.

She arrived on time, casual look with a rocking body. Pictures are spot on. Face was pretty but not one to stand out. 

Personality wise, yes a nut job... Within 2 minutes she told me she reads auras and I was  making her uncomfortable. I hadn’t done anything, just asked how was her day and trying some small talk...

She went to the bathroom, emerging in simple CK underwear. Very robotic and non responsive. Muffled through but at one point she just got up and decided to walk off. Changed her mind and jumped back in bed.

Honestly as I write this I still wonder what I could have done different. I have never met anyone who has acted this strange. Honestly I can’t think of anything I could have done to prevent it!

Will certainly not be leaving my cock in driving seat for a long time.

Please do a new review

Offline fisherofsouls

Been meaning to post a follow up for ages...

So I was back out by city airport where there are limited punting options. Brain was not in charge, so I thought I would try my luck here again. A polite brief text and I had a clear response. Anna was available and able to call by on short notice. I didn’t push or suggest an outfit.

She arrived on time, casual look with a rocking body. Pictures are spot on. Face was pretty but not one to stand out. 

Personality wise, yes a nut job... Within 2 minutes she told me she reads auras and I was  making her uncomfortable. I hadn’t done anything, just asked how was her day and trying some small talk...

She went to the bathroom, emerging in simple CK underwear. Very robotic and non responsive. Muffled through but at one point she just got up and decided to walk off. Changed her mind and jumped back in bed.

Honestly as I write this I still wonder what I could have done different. I have never met anyone who has acted this strange. Honestly I can’t think of anything I could have done to prevent it!

Will certainly not be leaving my cock in driving seat for a long time.
Sounds like a junkie to me :(

Offline BillGoldberg

Honestly as I write this I still wonder what I could have done different.

1.Not booked her

2.Not handed over any money

3.Heeded the alarm bells that were ringing out a 2 million decibel chorus of "no fucking way !!"