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Author Topic: Robbed by Escort  (Read 16864 times)


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Upon further investigation you are right it would not be robbery. However I believe a citizens arrest could still be used since when the punter asked for his money back she did not give it back to him which gives him reasonable suspicion that this woman is permanently depriving him of his property and in the act of the offence.  Whether anything amounts to it is another matter and up to the police to decide but probably not worth bothering with in the long run.

Good prevention is cure however there have been cases on here where working girls even if you have met them before have run off with the punters money.

Seems there are only three ways to beat this scam

1. Take the risk and if it happens give a review on here

2. Snatch the money back

3. Show the escort the money and only hand it over at the end of the punt.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2014, 06:24:32 pm by Ben4454 »

Offline berksboy

3. Show the escort the money and only hand it over at the end of the punt.

if a big money punt thats the only way to go , i always do it that way on a overnight  punt.

nova painted floozie

  • Guest

1. Take the risk and if it happens give a review on here

2. Snatch the money back

3. Show the escort the money and only hand it over at the end of the punt.

I think you could end up in bother with option 2, especially in the OP scenario where there was a hotel employee present. There'd be no way to prove that it was his so he could end up charged with robbery. Plus if you get in a kerfuffle and end up leaving any marks on her... you see where I'm going with this?


  • Guest
I do and I agree.

Seems the best option with punts over a certain price is to simply show her the money and pay at the end. Then again you may be limited in what working girls will see you since they all seem to think its set in stone that the punter pays first.

« Last Edit: October 05, 2014, 07:45:57 pm by Ben4454 »

Offline Jimmyredcab

3. Show the escort the money and only hand it over at the end of the punt.

I have done that many times in Thailand, you would not get away with that policy in the UK.     :hi: :hi:

Offline ForrestGump would not get away with that policy in the UK.     :hi: :hi:

If you don't ask...

Offline berksboy

I have done that many times in Thailand, you would not get away with that policy in the UK.     :hi: :hi:
  "  you would not get away with that policy in the UK " Wrong as i have done that on overnights , as you say my money my rules  and if she dont like it thats just fine with me as i will find one who does.

Offline blackburnian

Her A/W profile might be disabled, but her pics are still on A/W servers:

External Link/Members Only
External Link/Members Only
External Link/Members Only

Might be wrong here but this girl : External Link/Members Only

Has a report on another forum for basically robbing a punter & marching him to a cash machine , the type of pics seem very similar & she is listed as operating in Morecambe too , Aw feedback is hidden.  Same girl ?



  • Guest
as soon as the feedback is hidden i fuck off to pastures new.


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She is back using the profile:

External Link/Members Only

Was going to book her until read this fourm.

Offline tantric talents

She is back using the profile:

External Link/Members Only

Was going to book her until read this fourm.
Well spotted pogue!
I just noticed that  DrMcoy has only posted on this forum 4 times. Will he be reporting his experiences to AW to have her site taken down, I wonder?


  • Guest
If an escort has a driver for an overnight - take your cash and ask her to leave.

A driver is not needed for overnight bookings by independent or agency bookings

Secondly, insist on a no phones policy. If she refuses then your being played.

Worst case : she bitches to reception that you hired an escort  And you get thrown out.
Its going to be rarity for her 'driver' to come up and ask to be let in. Either way theres no way he can get in without a keycard even if he knows the room number.

As for the fee involved and her crying thief: mix it up, know the denominations of the banknotes. 10 x 20, 4x 50, sneak a couple of fivers in it too. It will make it easier if it ever gets very serious.

All in all, you have covered most of the turn up and rob escorts.

Lastly, always be hesitant on overnight escorts who dont seem to have a big bag or atleast a small sized suitcase (cabin size on easyjet) as usually they need a change of clothes.

Offline stayer

I am far from convinced that the OP is telling the truth. I'm not saying that he's lying, but he has not built up a solid history of credible reviews and posts.

Offline Boundless

She is back using the profile:

External Link/Members Only

Was going to book her until read this fourm.

All the more reason to book her - and not turn up.
Now, where's my phone?   :D

Cornish sub

  • Guest
I wonder if the OP - DoctorMuppet - is the slimy author of Muppet's escort guide?


  • Guest

Sorry Ben, but wrong information is dangerous advice and you clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

Sorry, Wowgeek but you are also providing wrong information. I won't do what you did and be so rude as to say 'you clearly have no idea what you're talking about', but your information is also inaccurate.

There is no robbery for two reasons, first there is no theft . . .

Actually, it is currently unclear on the facts whether there has been a theft. The issue relating to the theft will be whether the property in this case, i.e. the money, still belonged to the OP or the proprietary right or title to it had passed to the WG. It is not clear that the proprietary right or title to that money had been passed to the WG, so I shall leave you to look up why yourself . . .

The most likely offence is S.2 Fraud Act 2007 . . .

Actually, the Fraud Act is 2006, and not 2007 (again, I won't be so rude as to say 'you clearly have no idea what you're talking about', but your information is also inaccurate.)

. . . which replaces the 1978 Theft Act . . .

The Theft Act 1968 and not the Theft Act 1978 is relevant here. The Fraud Act 2006 did not replace the Theft Act 1968 or 1978, only certain parts of them. You are probably thinking of the old section 15 Theft Act 1968 - obtaining property by deception (which I think you have confused with section 1 Theft Act 1978 - obtaining services by deception), the superseding provision now being section 2 of the Fraud Act 2006 (again, I won't be so rude as to say 'you clearly have no idea what you're talking about', but your information is also inaccurate.)

. . . but I don't know if that works because under the old act the service wasn't lawful . . .

There is nothing presently or in the past contained in the Theft Act 1968 that relates to a 'lawful' service in the context you describe. There is contract law to the effect that a contract for sexual services is unenforceable in the courts for public policy reasons, but your statement above is complete misconceived, wrong in law and in principle. (again, I won't be so rude as to say 'you clearly have no idea what you're talking about', but your information is also inaccurate.)

. . . and therefore no offence was committed. Note I said not 'lawful' not 'illegal' they are two different things . . .

Thank you for drawing the distinction. But again, what you have written is completely wrong as a matter of law and principle. It is absolutely lawful to provide sexual services for payment. That does not mean, however, the underlying contract for such services is unenforceable as a matter of contract law (see the comments immediately above). (again, I won't be so rude as to say 'you clearly have no idea what you're talking about', but your information is also inaccurate.)

I know the 2007 act made some changes but I can't find that particular reference.

I know the 2006 Act made some changes, and I can find them . . .

External Link/Members Only

. . . my concern is that should punters get into this position and think the law is on their side . . .

Mine too. But might I suggest you learn a little more about law before you start advising others about it. Your lack of knowledge and analysis is redolent of either a policeman or a law student. A little knowledge (and I am being very generous in your case) is a dangerous thing.

Oh, and before you next tell someone else 'you clearly have no idea what you're talking about', please do that person the honour of ensuring you do know what you are talking about, as unfounded arrogance is very unbecoming.

« Last Edit: February 17, 2015, 04:27:02 am by Dave2014 »


  • Guest
That does not mean, however, the underlying contract for such services is unenforceable as a matter of contract law . . .

Excuse the typo, I meant of course:

That does not mean, however, the underlying contract for such services is enforceable as a matter of contract law . . .

Offline smiths

I wonder if the OP - DoctorMuppet - is the slimy author of Muppet's escort guide?

I doubt it, he is no doubt too busy getting freebies off as many stupid WGs as he can on the promise they will get a good write-up in his poxy guide. Apart from pimps I wonder if a man has had more freebies off WGs than Muppet. According to what a number of WGs have told me he is one sleaze ball. :thumbsdown:


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Morning Chaps,

I'm the original poster and noticed my thread appear back at the top of the forum.

Just want to clear a few things up....

I'm not related to Muppets escort guide at all.  Username was picked as I'm a Trek fan : )

Yes - it's true to date I've only posted 4 times, I'm not a prolific poster granted, but I wanted to make sure no-one else ended up meeting this particular individual and encounter the same problem I did.

It's seems it's spared at least one person so I'm glad about that.

I'll try to contribute some more on the review boards and hope that will help prove I'm genuine.


Offline punk

I doubt it, he is no doubt too busy getting freebies off as many stupid WGs as he can on the promise they will get a good write-up in his poxy guide. Apart from pimps I wonder if a man has had more freebies off WGs than Muppet. According to what a number of WGs have told me he is one sleaze ball. :thumbsdown:

he looks it as well.

Offline tazman1002001

Morning Chaps,

I'm the original poster and noticed my thread appear back at the top of the forum.

Just want to clear a few things up....

I'm not related to Muppets escort guide at all.  Username was picked as I'm a Trek fan : )

Yes - it's true to date I've only posted 4 times, I'm not a prolific poster granted, but I wanted to make sure no-one else ended up meeting this particular individual and encounter the same probkoolem I did.

It's seems it's spared at least one person so I'm glad about that.

I'll try to contribute some more on the review boards and hope that will help prove I'm genuine.


Make a booking for her on Aw using her new profile and even if she has not confirmed it you can leave negative feedback after the booking time to warn others...... Be clear in your feedback that she stole £750.....she wil need to then close this profile down...make life tough for her
Banned reason: White-knight abusing facility to change another punters negative review and then getting abusive after his touting and white-knighting is exposed. Previously banned for similar reasons.
Banned by:

Offline Ali Katt

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So being a good lad I hand over my fee (£750 - I know, I know) . . .

Can you tell me how you arrived at a fee of £750, when no such fee structure is contemplated by her AW profile? I am getting increasingly suspicious about this thread . . .

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Offline Dani

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He did say she bid on his reverse booking


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He did say she bid on his reverse booking

Even then, he said is was for the afternoon. It just doesn't look right, unless fee structures change wildly on RBs (I am not a member of AW so would not know).


  • Guest
I am not a member of AW so would not know.

You don't know what you're missing!  :hi:


  • Guest
Even then, he said is was for the afternoon. It just doesn't look right, unless fee structures change wildly on RBs (I am not a member of AW so would not know).
Her original profile was deleted so that part of his story checked out.  I'm inclined to believe him.


  • Guest
Same girl with the same 3 hidden feedbacks.
Avoid at all costs.
Personally I would never see a girl with hidden feedback.

Offline jsparky

If its the same girl, how come her profiles still on AW? Could DMC confirm its the same girl?

Offline jsparky

I don't doubt his story, this seem like the usually scamming tricks use by 'criminal'. I wouldn't even dignify them by calling them pro$$ie, a pro$$ie has to actually do the 'WORK'.

I learn more from this type thread/-ve report and did not have a bad punt ever since I joined UKP, which is way more useful than the pro$$inet. All kudos for the OP sharing his experience.

Offline Horizontal pleasures

If its the same girl, how come her profiles still on AW? Could DMC confirm its the same girl?

new name profile for same girl is always possible.

I avoid overnights on the rare occasions when away from home and alone. If I have no car or just fancy being tucked up after (yes, I spelled that correctly) I invite a lady for say 9.30pm for an hour of fun in my hotel room, and after she has left I get a good night's sleep and it cost me the price of a normal takeaway punt.

Valuables etc hidden and always leave bathroom door open if I go for a pee.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2015, 02:36:31 pm by Horizontal pleasures »


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Was she working out of Lancaster?


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There may well be a criminal offence here, but that's somewhat academic if you're not going to report the incident to the police. In your shoes I'd certainly consider it - but only if I'd booked using a punting phone without disclosing anything about myself. You could end up getting grief, either on the web or even face to face. Also, if charges were pressed and it went to court would you actually want to stand up and give evidence in person?

If any violence had been threatened or used I'd certainly report it, but this is 'just' money - albeit quite a lot of money.

Anyone trying a 'citizens arrest' in similar circumstances is simply asking for trouble.

As other posters have already said, not wise to risk a big £ booking on a WG you've never seen before for all manner of reasons. I've not seen any of her profiles, but the pictures Admin posted alone would have made me wary.


  • Guest
Morning Chaps,

I'm the original poster and noticed my thread appear back at the top of the forum.

Just want to clear a few things up....

I'm not related to Muppets escort guide at all.  Username was picked as I'm a Trek fan : )

Yes - it's true to date I've only posted 4 times, I'm not a prolific poster granted, but I wanted to make sure no-one else ended up meeting this particular individual and encounter the same problem I did.

It's seems it's spared at least one person so I'm glad about that.

I'll try to contribute some more on the review boards and hope that will help prove I'm genuine.


Yeah in fairness you've been quite a prolific poster/reviewer since this alleged incident. Although I see you logged in recently

Offline JEH7376

My impression is that the probability for something like this to happen is much much lower if one uses an agency.


Brilliant use of irony there fella