Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Happy christmas to all  (Read 964 times)


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Hope you all have a good one tomorrow and build your fluids up for next week lol.   :drinks: :drinks: :drinks:



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Happy Christmas and great punting in 2016

Offline Oooops

Happy Christmas to all on here  :drinks: :drinks: and to the ladies  :drinks: :drinks:


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Merry Christmas to one and all!

Offline fitasfuck

Thanks Smithie & others. Merry Christmas to you all too.


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Offline JT100

Thanks smithie, happy christmas to you and all fellow punters. After 9 months without punting following a heart attack I'm back in the saddle and have arranged my first punt with my regular for the new year, really looking forward to it...hope she'll be gentle with me lol
Happy New Year guys...have fun... :drinks:


  • Guest
Thanks smithie, happy christmas to you and all fellow punters. After 9 months without punting following a heart attack I'm back in the saddle and have arranged my first punt with my regular for the new year, really looking forward to it...hope she'll be gentle with me lol
Happy New Year guys...have fun... :drinks:
Ok JT you be careful and enjoy very slow lol

Offline azrael

Seasonal greetings lads, enjoy the festivities  :thumbsup:


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Seasonal greetings lads, enjoy the festivities  :thumbsup:

I am on the Jameson's whiskey now FFS   :lol:

Offline azrael

I am on the Jameson's whiskey now FFS   :lol:

Lol im partial to a bit of chivers regal my self,  :thumbsup:


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Happy Christmas to all on here  :drinks: :drinks: and to the ladies  :drinks: :drinks:

Especially to the "ladies" (women?).


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Lol im partial to a bit of chivers regal my self,  :thumbsup:

Do you mean Cjivas Regal?

Offline azrael

Do you mean Cjivas Regal?

Sorry i ment ("chivas" regal 12)
Forgot how to post pics
« Last Edit: December 25, 2015, 04:44:55 pm by azrael »


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Offline azrael

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Finaly remembered here you go, not as rough as most whiskeys goes diwn reall smooth with no burning sensation still gets you pissed real fast though :D

Offline Stew