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Author Topic: 20 year old virgin.  (Read 5284 times)


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Hi All, found this site by accident while looking for some information on WGs. I am 20 year old living in London and I am looking to lose my virginity to an escort soon. The reason why I have resorted to going to see a WG is that I think the big V-card is beginning to have a big psychological effect on me. I fear to have intimate contact with girls because I feel embarrassed about my lack of experience.

Is this a good idea? Can someone recommend a WG for me?


  • Guest
You should examine why it is that you are having such difficulties with girls. Is it a problem of meeting single girls? Is it to do with your confidence? Is it to do with your looks that girls aren't noticing you?

You should really address the core issues to your problems first before jumping to something like this.

Paying for sex at such a young age will fuck with your mentality, it's a cop out. In future you might think "oh I can't pull at this party - never mind - I'll just shag a prostitute." instead of working on attracting women.

You are young dude, focus on making your life cool, focus on making your life valuable and becoming a valuable person. Girls all over the world dig a guy who is powerful.

Seeing a prostitute is an easy solution, the better solution is to work on the hard stuff which is causing you to not attract girls because in the long term this will provide better, healthier results for your life.


  • Guest
Great advice mate!

I think that way, fuck getting numbers and chatting up women - I can shag a prossie tomorrow for £60. You have to make the effort and work on yourself. Which I've been doing, but not hard enough. I don't think you should see a prossie this early because it will fuck your mentality being so young and you'll be totally hooked thinking about prossies/perverted thoughts everyday. This is something you don't need when your 20 trying to study or finding a job.

Do I regret seeing hookers? No, it's been fantastic.  :)

Give it a few years and work on the things that are holding you back in life.


  • Guest
You should examine why it is that you are having such difficulties with girls. Is it a problem of meeting single girls? Is it to do with your confidence? Is it to do with your looks that girls aren't noticing you?

You should really address the core issues to your problems first before jumping to something like this.

Paying for sex at such a young age will fuck with your mentality, it's a cop out. In future you might think "oh I can't pull at this party - never mind - I'll just shag a prostitute." instead of working on attracting women.

You are young dude, focus on making your life cool, focus on making your life valuable and becoming a valuable person. Girls all over the world dig a guy who is powerful.

Seeing a prostitute is an easy solution, the better solution is to work on the hard stuff which is causing you to not attract girls because in the long term this will provide better, healthier results for your life.


You should be congratulated on being able to read the opening post, consider its contents, compose then type then post a 171 word reply - all within the space of 116 seconds...methinks you may be replying to yourself...


  • Guest
You should examine why it is that you are having such difficulties with girls.

Simple it's because the poster is a

Hidden Image/Members Only


  • Guest
Great advice from ALyons,

On the other hand virgin boy, getting your fix from WG could make your more comfortable and less desperate around girls, therefore becomming more attractive.

Offline adindas

I advice you to watch American Pie first if you have not ...
Hope you have a nice dad who will book you a prossie ....

Regarding recommendation read this sub forum, there are a lot of them.

Best feature of punting  I have found in puntig is that. I could get varieties of girls, ladies that difficult for me to pull in the real life ....

Look at in AW many of WGS are stunning ....

Offline NIK

What's with all these, 'Hi I'm new to this site, and a punting virgin' fucking trolls lately?  :angry:

Offline AnthG

You should examine why it is that you are having such difficulties with girls. Is it a problem of meeting single girls? Is it to do with your confidence? Is it to do with your looks that girls aren't noticing you?

You should really address the core issues to your problems first before jumping to something like this.

Paying for sex at such a young age will fuck with your mentality, it's a cop out. In future you might think "oh I can't pull at this party - never mind - I'll just shag a prostitute." instead of working on attracting women.

You are young dude, focus on making your life cool, focus on making your life valuable and becoming a valuable person. Girls all over the world dig a guy who is powerful.

Seeing a prostitute is an easy solution, the better solution is to work on the hard stuff which is causing you to not attract girls because in the long term this will provide better, healthier results for your life.

I read the topic title and then the username of the poster and said that is 100% fake so did not even bother to read his post.

But I did read the first reply out of curiosity. And reading this reply, I just feel the need to post, as Alyons this is good advice, but kind of lacking on how do you achieve those things?

Sincerely could you make some suggestions on how people would "making your life valuable and becoming a valuable person" What exactly were you having in mind to achieve this.

To say again I am not asking to be sarcastic, I am genuinly curious what you or others would suggest for this. Are you suggesting take up a hobby for example? If so which hobbys are deemed as making you a valuable person as many people for example play football as a hobby but I doubt anyone would say that person is a valuable person for it.
Banned reason: To much drama, account closed
Banned by: Iloveoral


  • Guest
You should examine why it is that you are having such difficulties with girls. Is it a problem of meeting single girls? Is it to do with your confidence? Is it to do with your looks that girls aren't noticing you?

You should really address the core issues to your problems first before jumping to something like this.

Paying for sex at such a young age will fuck with your mentality, it's a cop out. In future you might think "oh I can't pull at this party - never mind - I'll just shag a prostitute." instead of working on attracting women.

You are young dude, focus on making your life cool, focus on making your life valuable and becoming a valuable person. Girls all over the world dig a guy who is powerful.

Seeing a prostitute is an easy solution, the better solution is to work on the hard stuff which is causing you to not attract girls because in the long term this will provide better, healthier results for your life.

Thanks for the advice.

I understand your point but like you said I have multiple issues. First of all, I am currently in my final year of studying and the workload is almost unbearable. It has had a drastic impact on my already sparse social life. I am not into the bar/club scene so it's rather difficult for me to pull a ONS like most of my friends do. I am so sick and tired of listening to them bragging about how many girls they've shagged etc etc.

I also have some confidence issues in regards to my physical appearance and 'sexual prowess'. I guess by going to a prostitute I know I wouldn't have to worry about these things. It's the easy way out.


  • Guest
What's with all these, 'Hi I'm new to this site, and a punting virgin' fucking trolls lately?  :angry:

I apologise if this post is inappropriate for the forum. It's not my intention to offend.   


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Also, I would like to wish everyone a happy new year.


  • Guest
I can recommend for you External Link/Members Only

Haha, I may be an arsehole but I think I would stay well away from one for the moment.

Offline punk

I can recommend for you External Link/Members Only

well you have a good sense of humour do you fuck that good as well? :unknown:


  • Guest
I read the topic title and then the username of the poster and said that is 100% fake so did not even bother to read his post.

But I did read the first reply out of curiosity. And reading this reply, I just feel the need to post, as Alyons this is good advice, but kind of lacking on how do you achieve those things?

Sincerely could you make some suggestions on how people would "making your life valuable and becoming a valuable person" What exactly were you having in mind to achieve this.

To say again I am not asking to be sarcastic, I am genuinly curious what you or others would suggest for this. Are you suggesting take up a hobby for example? If so which hobbys are deemed as making you a valuable person as many people for example play football as a hobby but I doubt anyone would say that person is a valuable person for it.

Fair point. I come from the philosophy of telling it like it is. So:

1) Read this article when it's working: External Link/Members Only (I have no idea why the article is redirecting to the home page of the website).

2) When I refer to becoming a valuable person, I am talking about being someone who can do things for people. This doesn't have to make money, but it has to provide benefits to people so that they value having you in their life.

Value comes in various forms, if it's your career I am talking about becoming the type of guy the company/customer must keep because you know so much that they want to give you raises or promotions every year to keep you happy.

If you de-construct from there, you can figure out how to become a valuable person. It might be that you need some technical skills to be able to fulfil the role, find what those skills are, go learn them through education and experience and demonstrate them.

Exactly the same applies to being a valuable friend, being a valuable boyfriend, being a valuable team player in sports.

For example if you go to parties a lot, you can become a valuable person by being the cool guy who introduces people to each other, someone who has a good dress sense, can crack jokes, can carry good conversations, can dance a little, has knowledge about music and current events. You are providing value to the event/party for the host by being there because you are the type of person people like to meet when they go out. An example of a non-valuable person is someone who is creepy, shy, doesn't talk to anyone or is like a tail hanger or a complete bore that people want to avoid.

If you have issues with your looks (assuming you have no major disabilities) - going to gym regularly, working out, lifting weights can really give you a good physique. Girls dig a guy with a good physique.

If you lack confidence, there are lots of good books/courses out there on improving confidence.

If you lack familiarity with women, go to dance classes, yoga classes, circuit training in gyms, hell even talk to guys before you talk to girls to calm your nerves.

It's about taking the little steps. You must first ask yourself why you are experiencing a shortfall in an area, and then work forward to see how you can improve on those areas. The Internet is your friend in finding resources to solve those matters.

But to want to go down this path, you must want to change, you must want to improve. If you don't want to put in the effort required, you deserve what you are currently getting and your situation will not change because no one will hand it to you on a plate.


  • Guest
Thanks for the advice.

I understand your point but like you said I have multiple issues. First of all, I am currently in my final year of studying and the workload is almost unbearable. It has had a drastic impact on my already sparse social life. I am not into the bar/club scene so it's rather difficult for me to pull a ONS like most of my friends do. I am so sick and tired of listening to them bragging about how many girls they've shagged etc etc.

I also have some confidence issues in regards to my physical appearance and 'sexual prowess'. I guess by going to a prostitute I know I wouldn't have to worry about these things. It's the easy way out.


I've been there. I had a pretty hard time at uni too since my degree hardly let me go out. You have to be a social person to meet girls, how else are you going to meet them otherwise?

If you have time problems at the moment, bide your time until uni is over and then go out. I did. You are almost there. There's only about 5 months of uni left.

The results of making short-term decisions vs long-term decisions are different and often opposite.

It is ultimately down to you, but you are only 20 dude, you will lose your virginity. Go graduate, workout at the gym in your spare time, earn money, travel the world, these are the things which will add value to your life. Who knows, if you become successful through these hard ways you could be shagging fuck loads of women until you are well into your 60's.

Good luck and happy new year. :)


  • Guest
Hi All, found this site by accident while looking for some information on WGs. I am 20 year old living in London and I am looking to lose my virginity to an escort soon. The reason why I have resorted to going to see a WG is that I think the big V-card is beginning to have a big psychological effect on me. I fear to have intimate contact with girls because I feel embarrassed about my lack of experience.

Is this a good idea? Can someone recommend a WG for me?

Best avoid I can give you as some said here:
You are too young for this prostitute business, it is going to destroy your life.
I think you should go out more and meet new people. One day you find the right person for you.

When you get old and divorced, come back here  :lol:

Offline rockharders

I feel for you dude, I was like that in my 20s. Go learn some game and get a couple of girls under your belt. I guarantee you that no matter how socially inept you think you are, there will always be someone out there for you. Don't go the hooker route; even if I could go back in time and I had the money for punting, I still wouldn't do it. Punting is no substitute for a loving relationship and great girlfriend sex if that's what your looking for.

Offline Mr Farkyhars

Of course this guy's username only makes sense if he plans to abandon the forum as soon as he pops his cherry. So the chance he's a troll is pretty high. But he may well be a uni student, he certainly sounds as though English isn't his mother tongue..

Advice? Mine is the complete opposite. I lost my virginity at 22 to a WG. But if I could have my time again, I'd do the same far younger.


  • Guest
Hi All, found this site by accident while looking for some information on WGs. I am 20 year old living in London and I am looking to lose my virginity to an escort soon. The reason why I have resorted to going to see a WG is that I think the big V-card is beginning to have a big psychological effect on me. I fear to have intimate contact with girls because I feel embarrassed about my lack of experience.

Is this a good idea? Can someone recommend a WG for me?
I'm going to go against the consensus here and say go for it, especially if the virginity issue is denting your confidence; at 20 you don't want something so insignificant-in the long term-impacting your mind or your professional life. Not everyone can "pull" in a nightclub or a bar, you are unlikely to find a long term relationship there anyway and your success rate is never going to be high enough to justify the cost of clubbing etc no matter how many pick up lines you learn. You are very young, work hard, establish your career, make yourself financially secure and meet people while doing what you enjoy doing; you will be happier and more confident in the long run.
To your actual question, decide what kind of WG you want(age/race/hair colour/anything you want to do in particular), make a shortlist from AW and reviews here and let the WG know that you're new to punting.


  • Guest
Of course this guy's username only makes sense if he plans to abandon the forum as soon as he pops his cherry. So the chance he's a troll is pretty high. But he may well be a uni student, he certainly sounds as though English isn't his mother tongue..

Advice? Mine is the complete opposite. I lost my virginity at 22 to a WG. But if I could have my time again, I'd do the same far younger.

What gave it away? English is indeed not my first language. What was it like for you when you lost your virginity?


  • Guest
I'm going to go against the consensus here and say go for it, especially if the virginity issue is denting your confidence; at 20 you don't want something so insignificant-in the long term-impacting your mind or your professional life. Not everyone can "pull" in a nightclub or a bar, you are unlikely to find a long term relationship there anyway and your success rate is never going to be high enough to justify the cost of clubbing etc no matter how many pick up lines you learn. You are very young, work hard, establish your career, make yourself financially secure and meet people while doing what you enjoy doing; you will be happier and more confident in the long run.
To your actual question, decide what kind of WG you want(age/race/hair colour/anything you want to do in particular), make a shortlist from AW and reviews here and let the WG know that you're new to punting.

Thank you for the advice. I am still considering my options, do you think it's a good idea to let the WG know I am new to punting?


  • Guest
I was in the same boat as you mate! 19 and a virgin just haddn't happened.

I saw 2 gorgeous escorts, Model_Sophie and aimmme23, with my work bonus money, both give great head and at the time that was enough for me! I then took the plunge with the next escort I saw.

Since then I've dated some great looking women in my personal life, and still punt on occasion!

I would 100% recommened.


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  • Guest
What escort has your V mate?

Hey Wiltsboy - when you saw pure innocence - External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only - did you have to cam a lot with her first?

I was very dubious she did any escorting at all as the profile and those of her friends scream of being camwhores only but I can see that you have seen her.

This is the copy & paste e-mail she sent me when I e-mailed about a booking.

Hey hunni, i am getting hundreds of emails ad trying to reply back to as many as i can. this month is a difficult one at the moment due to college and exams before xmas hollidays, on top of cmas shopping and other parties etc its making my availability this month quite limited...i will be working out a schedule where i can see people, obviously priority goes to those i cam with first as they invest time and money in me and i have had a chance to talk to them so ill let you know. i will be posting up my dates of avaialbilty online soon xxx

Highlighted the blatant danger sign...
« Last Edit: January 01, 2014, 05:00:02 pm by Festisio »


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