Sugar Babies

Author Topic: jasmine just 4u - HORRIBLE- one of my worst punts  (Read 4420 times)

8 review(s) for  jasmine just 4u (4 positive, 0 neutral, 4 negative) [Indexed by ]


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External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only

Location: Flat on Burslem Street, E1

Looks: Quite good looking, bit tits but droopy

Duration: 30mins + filming for £80  (£60 + £20).

So I challenged myself to abstai for 7 days with the aim of ginving an epic facial but caved in and decided I needed a release today so brought the schedule forward and decided to see Jasmine as I've seen her twice before and though both were only 15min sessions they were decent and thought I would choose her as my facial experience.

Thought it would also be interesting to see what she is like for a 30min punt as her reviews are pretty shit on here, but I had had two previous decent punts with her so thought things could only get better....

Now I've filmed  a punt with her before so knew that would be no problem.

I had also asked her previously if facials are ok and included in her price and she confirmed this was the case

I have never done OWO with her before and though I am normally indifferent to OWO I specifically wanted it on this punt.

I decided to text to asked her if she will do OWO to day to which she said yes

So that was me all set had a skip in my step when I left the house imagining what it would be like to cover that romanian face of hers.

Get to her flat, and sort out paperwork then lie on the bed

While Im on the bed setting up the camera she comes beside me with condom in hand....

I say why do you have a condom, we agreed OWO

She said no she only does OW

I said I text you specifically to ask if you would do OWO with me today and you said yes. Why would you say yes if your not going to do it

She mumbles something

I say whatever...

At this stage I should have got dressed and DEMANDED my money back

I didn't...

I really do think it is ridiculous to just outright lie to someone you have seen a couple times already. Why would you do that to a repeat customer?

So on with the rubber and she proceeded with a toothy OW. I noticed her bj's were always toothy but it really stood out to me on this particular punt

As I was mentally not really into in my boner would weaken during the bj so from time to time I would have to become a bit more active and hump her mouth to bring it back t life.

After 20 mins or so of this shit I just wanted to cum and get the fuck out. I had even forgotten about the reason I went there in the first place...the facial...she probably would have refused that anyway, the lying cunt

As my interest was waning so was my boner and I could barely keep it up so could penetrate her doggy so we had to force it in in mish

As always with her I came within about 2 mins of penetration. Really dont know what it is but she always makes me come so fucking quick

Once finished did not utter a word to each other. I got dressed and left

I will never return. £80 down the drain

If you happen to stumble upon UKP Jasmine and read this post take a lesson from it. Don't lie you stupid boring twat

Offline Honestpunter

Thanks for the review mate!
Out from my hl right now.
This is what I mean... All about miserable romanians!


  • Guest
Thanks for the review mate!
Out from my hl right now.
This is what I mean... All about miserable romanians!

Ive resolved to never punt a romanian again, even the ones ive seen before and had good punts with as I've learned 'the romanian' in them can come out at any point... ...been burned too many times now and when you consider the sums of money being spent it really isnt worth it.

The thing with the romanians is because they are generally so cheap(comparatively) there will always be a market for them unfortunately

Offline Belgarion

Another reason why I do not punt with Romanians anymore

Offline Honestpunter

Hahahha yeah that "romanian thing" can come out at any time.
Completely agree wit you, the inly romanian I would see again is gloria from diva escort.
Have thought about recisiting one or 2 romaninas but naah, not going to lose my money.
They are just money hoovers!! That is why she was good when you booked her for 15mins


  • Guest
Hahahha yeah that "romanian thing" can come out at any time.
Completely agree wit you, the inly romanian I would see again is gloria from diva escort.
Have thought about recisiting one or 2 romaninas but naah, not going to lose my money.
They are just money hoovers!! That is why she was good when you booked her for 15mins

That is something I realised with romanians they are only good for 15min. Basically just sex vending machines

If I ever received a text that says 'I wait you bby' again I swear I will smash my punting phone


  • Guest
Another reason why I do not punt with Romanians anymore
More for me! :hi: :D


  • Guest
My knob hurts so much right now

Normally when  see her for 15mins she only sucks it for like 2 mins so the toothy thing didnt really affect me too much but as she sucked it for the best part of 20 mins today its so fucking so. She must have scraped some skin off  :mad:  :dash:

Offline Honestpunter

If I ever received a text that says 'I wait you bby' again I swear I will smash my punting phone

 :lol: :lol: :cool: hahahahah!


  • Guest
My knob hurts so much right now

Normally when  see her for 15mins she only sucks it for like 2 mins so the toothy thing didnt really affect me too much but as she sucked it for the best part of 20 mins today its so fucking so. She must have scraped some skin off  :mad:  :dash:

** sore


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  • Guest
Please take them...they're all yours  :lol:
I should explain. If you're not familiar with my reviews. My best and worst punts have been with Romanians. Yes I've been scammed and ripped off, belittled and made to feel like shit by some of them. However Romanian girls are amongst the prettiest and without a doubt they have the fittest bodies of any of the prossies I've met. When you meet a good one it's absolutely awesome. I actually like the language barrier. I'm not there for chit-chat. Meet an English girl who likes to chat and she may well talk half of your paid time away before you've even got your nuts wet. Romanian girls have a certain look that I find very appealing, a natural skin tone/complexion that I like too. Many of them are tall, naturally good-looking (beauty without the need for makeup). Without Romanians my punting career would have been a lot less of an adventure - less of a thrill.


  • Guest
I should explain. If you're not familiar with my reviews. My best and worst punts have been with Romanians. Yes I've been scammed and ripped off, belittled and made to feel like shit by some of them. However Romanian girls are amongst the prettiest and without a doubt they have the fittest bodies of any of the prossies I've met. When you meet a good one it's absolutely awesome. I actually like the language barrier. I'm not there for chit-chat. Meet an English girl who likes to chat and she may well talk half of your paid time away before you've even got your nuts wet. Romanian girls have a certain look that I find very appealing, a natural skin tone/complexion that I like too. Many of them are tall, naturally good-looking (beauty without the need for makeup). Without Romanians my punting career would have been a lot less of an adventure - less of a thrill.

I do get where you are coming from. When they are hot and give a good service you fell like you have won the lottery but I think after a while punting the thrill of finding a gem is no longer that thrilling after your have wasted £80, £100, £150 etc. on multiple occasions

Theres just something about their general attitude to their job that dosent quite feel right to me anymore

All the hungarians I've seen have been great, all the polish have been great, brits(besides on 1 occasion), czech, brazilian also all been fantastic.

But ALL my shit AND shittest punts have been romanian.

Fair enough things are a bit skewed because the majority of prossies on AW are romanian and the majority of WG's I've seen are romanian so there is a higher probability of shit punts coming at the hands of a romanian WG, but still percentages are percentages and romanians are responsible for 99% of my shit punts and I think the same to varying degrees holds true for a lot of the other punter on here

Offline MintRoyale

I actually like the language barrier. I'm not there for chit-chat. Meet an English girl who likes to chat and she may well talk half of your paid time away before you've even got your nuts wet.

That's a really good point!

Long drawn out conversations can sometimes lower libido and doesn't put me in the mood for a 2nd round.  Complaining about the UK, the industry and anything else under sun is usually what I hear most times. Maybe this is the key to getting my old 2 pops per hour back.


  • Guest
romanians are responsible for 99% of my shit punts and I think the same to varying degrees holds true for a lot of the other punter on here
Yes we have a lot of punters here chanting JimmyRedcab's favourite mantra. Good for them. Trouble is I think a lot of those punters base their own bias on the reported experiences of others as opposed to forming an opinion based on their own experience. If you've come to the conclusion that you don't want to see Romanians anymore because ALL of your shit punts have been with Romanians then fair enough. I can respect your opinion - and it is after all, your choice. I've said it before that I've had more shit punts with Brits than any other nationality. So my experience does not mirror yours. And what on Earth are you doing gambling that amount of money on someone new - £60 is all you need pay. The going-rate for 90% of them up and down the country. Now, how many Romanians are on the prostitute blacklist? Take a look. How many Romanian prossies have gone nuts and outed punters?  Many of them might swindle us out of paid minutes or regularly attempt to bait n switch us, let us down in bookings even. But compare all that to what can happen in punting - being outed, outright robbed, attacked, etc, etc. As prossies go, perhaps they're not all that bad - worth the risk once in a while. Worth a punt.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2015, 09:57:59 pm by LL »

Offline pumps

Sorry about your bad experience punther.....I although wasn't surprised to see it was a Romanian.

I too vowed to never see a Romanian again after a few vile experiences but sometimes they just look so damn hot and it's hard to avoid them haha. Plus it's a given with a Romanian that more often than not the service is likely to be utter shite, which is exaserbated because they have pussys something all bishes  suffer from.

But Im certain in a Couple weeks from now you'll forget all about this and you'll be back to drilling anything that looks hot regardless of nationality. Or at least keep them in mind for cheap pump and dumps!

Offline Cunning Punt

And what on Earth are you doing gambling that amount of money on someone new

She wasn't new to the OP. As he said, he'd seen her twice before and had reasonable time so then extended to half-hour. Extra £20 for filming.

Of course, not every Romanian WG is bad, but, as the experience of many of us here has shown, the vast majority are dreadful at worst and poor at best.

it's the exceptions that prove the rule and if, far more often than not, you get a shit punt, you're far less likely to go to a Romanian WG (personally, I prefer Hungarian girls).

That's what's great about this site. You can find the better ones - but there aren't very many.

Offline Nagilum

Sorry to read that. I have had shit punts with Romanians before, never again!

Honestly, it's a service, provide for the damn customer! Clearly this is too much to ask of Romanians.

I salute those that have faired better.


  • Guest
Yes we have a lot of punters here chanting JimmyRedcab's favourite mantra. Good for them. Trouble is I think a lot of those punters base their own bias on the reported experiences of others as opposed to forming an opinion based on their own experience. If you've come to the conclusion that you don't want to see Romanians anymore because ALL of your shit punts have been with Romanians then fair enough. I can respect your opinion - and it is after all, your choice. I've said it before that I've had more shit punts with Brits than any other nationality. So my experience does not mirror yours. And what on Earth are you doing gambling that amount of money on someone new - £60 is all you need pay. The going-rate for 90% of them up and down the country. Now, how many Romanians are on the prostitute blacklist? Take a look. How many Romanian prossies have gone nuts and outed punters?  Many of them might swindle us out of paid minutes or regularly attempt to bait n switch us, let us down in bookings even. But compare all that to what can happen in punting - being outed, outright robbed, attacked, etc, etc. As prossies go, perhaps they're not all that bad - worth the risk once in a while. Worth a punt.

Valid points there. And I get your point, its like saying if there were a 1000 prossies and 5 of them outed/robbed/etc. punters and all 5 happened to be british then would it be sensible to say avoid all british WGs. I get you I get you

What I will say though, and I may be wrong here, but I believe that the negative things that you mention the romanian wg's do e,g, cheat punters out of time, lie about services etc. are done by a very high percentage of romanian WGs than british (or other nationalities) doing things such as outing punters.

And dont get me wrong, though I am coming across anti romanian WGs the large majority of my punts with romanians are actually good. Just that when I compare the bad romanian punts with the bad punts with other nationalities there is no comparison.
When I look at my hotlist of girls I've seen and would return considering about 80% of my punts have been with romanians the majority on that list are from other nationalities

But as you rightly mentioned everyone has different experiences.

And what on Earth are you doing gambling that amount of money on someone new - £60 is all you need pay.
She's not new, she's been working for quite some time now and also its not like its the first time I had seen her. Also the extra £20 was for filming. I dont think many girls that charge £60 for 30mins allow filming inclusive in this price. If you know any that do please send links!  :D


  • Guest
But Im certain in a Couple weeks from now you'll forget all about this and you'll be back to drilling anything that looks hot regardless of nationality. Or at least keep them in mind for cheap pump and dumps!

This is the unfortunate reality pumps

They wait us bby to take out monies bby  :D :lol:


  • Guest
She's not new, she's been working for quite some time now and also its not like its the first time I had seen her. Also the extra £20 was for filming. I dont think many girls that charge £60 for 30mins allow filming inclusive in this price. If you know any that do please send links!  :D
I wasn't referring to this girl in particular. You mentioned that you felt you had wasted up to £150 on Romanians on multiple occasions. When trying out somebody new I wouldn't personally spend that much. E.g I wouldn't pay for filming on the first time. If a girl gives you a shit service on a subsequent visit then you're just unlucky. But you're right - this wasn't your first visit to the subject of your review and I failed to acknowledge that, sorry. Any prossie can become jaded with the job - not just a Romanian one. Is it more likely to happen if they're Romanian? That's a whole new topic. Frequency of punters; rate - which may lead them to assess their perceived worth to their customers; and percentage of their takings given to a third party controller are all factors in this I think.


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External Link/Members Only is Jasmine’s new verification picture taken in October 2015. She became totally unrecognisable from when I last met her. Dropping to 6.4/10 in quite a spectacular fashion. I guess the verification picture might be unflattering but still External Link/Members Only is how she used to look 2 years ago. Prostituting really takes its toll.

By the way now she is also listed on several agencies for £150ph. Below is her profile on Diva escorts:
External Link/Members Only
« Last Edit: November 10, 2015, 05:25:22 pm by Jason »

Offline punk

so if you book her using her aw phone number and a punter books her through the agency,for the same time,then the AW punter could well end up getting bumped.

Offline random

External Link/Members Only is Jasmine’s new verification picture taken in October 2015. She became totally unrecognisable from when I last met her. Dropping to 6.4/10 in quite a spectacular fashion. I guess the verification picture might be unflattering but still External Link/Members Only is how she used to look 2 years ago. Prostituting really takes its toll.

By the way now she is also listed on several agencies for £150ph. Below is her profile on Diva escorts:
External Link/Members Only

How does she look in person now in comparison? It's bit hard to go off just one picture, it could just be a really bad unflattering one as most verification photos are. She looks a lot more done up in the other one, it's further away and it doesn't look like she just got up from bed.

I've been tempted for a while by her as in her pics she looks like one of the best looking girls on AW but all these bad reviews and her location have put me completely off.

Offline Mr Farkyhars

Trouble is I think a lot of those punters base their own bias on the reported experiences of others as opposed to forming an opinion based on their own experience

If we were meant to disregard the experiences of others in that manner, I suggest that few of us would bother to use this site :hi:


  • Guest
External Link/Members Only is Jasmine’s new verification picture taken in October 2015. She became totally unrecognisable from when I last met her. Dropping to 6.4/10 in quite a spectacular fashion. I guess the verification picture might be unflattering but still External Link/Members Only is how she used to look 2 years ago. Prostituting really takes its toll.

By the way now she is also listed on several agencies for £150ph. Below is her profile on Diva escorts:
External Link/Members Only

Well done Jason for bringing this to my attention. I had her on my HL. But after seeing what she really looks like, I will be removing her. Thanks mate. This site is invaluable.    :hi: :thumbsup:

Offline G.Raff

If I ever received a text that says 'I wait you bby' again I swear I will smash my punting phone

 :lol: :lol: :lol:



  • Guest
How does she look in person now in comparison? It's bit hard to go off just one picture, it could just be a really bad unflattering one as most verification photos are. She looks a lot more done up in the other one, it's further away and it doesn't look like she just got up from bed.

I've been tempted for a while by her as in her pics she looks like one of the best looking girls on AW but all these bad reviews and her location have put me completely off.

She is good looking tbh. everytime ive seen her she has never been done up and makes no effort at all but she is still better looking than most of the girls on AW in London that I've seen

If you just want to shag her for the sake of doing it go ahead...but expect emotional detachment and a vanilla service

Offline punk

Good looking alone is not the reason you should pay to fuck her,what about good attitude, enthusiasm and great to be with?


  • Guest
Good looking alone is not the reason you should pay to fuck her,what about good attitude, enthusiasm and great to be with?

shes not fun to be about personality is quite dry. seen her 3 times now and its always awkward pleasantries


  • Guest
If we were meant to disregard the experiences of others in that manner, I suggest that few of us would bother to use this site :hi:
I don't believe I said that. In fact I know I didn't. You follow whatever advice you like. Some of us won't boycott all Romanians just because other members do.


  • Guest
I don't believe I said that. In fact I know I didn't. You follow whatever advice you like. Some of us won't boycott all Romanians just because other members do.

ultimately every punter has to take the information presented to him by others and through his own personal experiences then make his own decisions based on this

anybody can punt whoever they want its their money - Some people love romanian wg's and vouch by them others dont

There is no right or wrong here


  • Guest
Stumbled across her profile today and saw she had some new pics which actually looked good.

I was curious to see if she is still lying to punters(had no intention of going through with the meeting) and decided to text her with a different number to ask if she does OWO and is it included in her price or is it extra and she said yes she does owo and it is included

I then replied saying have things changed because last time I asked her she said she only does oral with and I do not want to waste my time

She replied saying yes bby she does without

Asked if I could make a booking and she said yes

I later cancelled the booking and confirmed this bitch is still lying to punters

Offline mrbluerunner

Saw Jasmine a couple of years ago (before I joined UKP) on Commercial Street, E1 mainly because her look is to my taste.

Flat was pretty dingy and whilst her face was gorgeous she had full but saggy tits then.  Remember she was pretty disparaging when I was losing my boner - have not been back.