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Author Topic: xxjadeybabeyxx24, Bathgate, Edinburgh, who cares?  (Read 3105 times)

5 review(s) for xxjadeybabeyxx24 (4 positive, 0 neutral, 1 negative) [Indexed by ]

Offline Poopster

External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only

This is the third time I've written this review, I've previously backed out of it because I didn't feel it fair to review a girl I haven't seen.  So, this isn't a review of her services, it's a review of my experience with her.

Communication with this girl is a nightmare.  Initial comms were good, I emailed her through AW and she provided me with her number.  Step one complete. 

Despite giving me her number, she doesn't answer her phone and she doesn't answer text messages.  I read on here that WhatsApp was the way to go with this girl and so I tried that.  Again, in the early stages this seemed promising, she'd reply to me and we'd agree a date and time only for this to go down the toilet due to some arbitrary excuse; "it's a Tuesday", "the moon is in Jupiter", "I spilled some milk when I was 3".   *

Following the first few attempts to book her, she's since stopped replying altogether, not even bothering with some imagined excuse. 

It could all be so different Jade, I've never read anything but positive reviews from the guys who you've honoured with your precious time, but you're a massive flake who needs to decide whether you're in this game or not.

* made up for illustrative purposes.


  • Guest
Looking increasingly like one of those 'great girl, but only if it was easier to get hold of her' types. Bathgate is too far for me, but then again, I know a number of 'great girls who are easy to get hold of' and who honour their bookings  :hi:
« Last Edit: January 23, 2016, 03:12:18 pm by DG »

Offline Matrix


It's irrelevant how good she is, if she constantly fucks people about. I've arranged a meet with her and had exactly the same shite. I don't think she means to waste folks time, it's just that she's rather dim.

gadgey black

  • Guest
Maybe chaps....the local " drop inn's " stopped dishing out the essentials....for this wee honey to carry on her lucrative sideline !!...just a thought !!


  • Guest
External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only

This is the third time I've written this review, I've previously backed out of it because I didn't feel it fair to review a girl I haven't seen.  So, this isn't a review of her services, it's a review of my experience with her.

Communication with this girl is a nightmare.  Initial comms were good, I emailed her through AW and she provided me with her number.  Step one complete. 

Despite giving me her number, she doesn't answer her phone and she doesn't answer text messages.  I read on here that WhatsApp was the way to go with this girl and so I tried that.  Again, in the early stages this seemed promising, she'd reply to me and we'd agree a date and time only for this to go down the toilet due to some arbitrary excuse; "it's a Tuesday", "the moon is in Jupiter", "I spilled some milk when I was 3".   *

Following the first few attempts to book her, she's since stopped replying altogether, not even bothering with some imagined excuse. 

It could all be so different Jade, I've never read anything but positive reviews from the guys who you've honoured with your precious time, but you're a massive flake who needs to decide whether you're in this game or not.

* made up for illustrative purposes.
Couldn't agree more she fucks too many people around who make plans to meet her.   She should be totally clear with people and honour the meetings or pull her profile.  Nice girl and I do wish her all the best but she needs to sort this part of her life out.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2016, 05:46:00 pm by chico1000 »

Offline Poopster

Maybe chaps....the local " drop inn's " stopped dishing out the essentials....for this wee honey to carry on her lucrative sideline !!...just a thought !!

I don't even know what that's supposed to mean.

Offline privatejm12

I don't even know what that's supposed to mean.

My Thoughts exactly? is he trying to imply that she is on something to eep her going? Im sure this girl works a normal job too, takes time off to meet if i read that right from other reviews etc. Still this is no excuse for ignoring people!

gadgey black

  • Guest
Put bluntly...and in the simplest form possible.....alot if not all scottish prostitutes are highly reliant on the nhs drop in clinics gifting them the essential tools of they're trade.....condoms...lube....etc.....which means they invest little if anything a cheap sim card/ phone.....they don't see whoring as an investible career......therefore it's wholly down to "  pot luck "if anything that they do is going to be remotely satisfactory !!....this can be easily changed by only....and i do mean only spending my/your/our hard earned cash on prostitutes who want regular guess what.......being great prostitutes and pleasuring/pleasing they're clientel !!....which is why most of our homebred superstars...have been overtaken by more " switched on " prostitutes in last ....say..decade or so !!

Remember chaps...I promised Brutal honesty at all times......nothing more......nothing less !! :hi:

Oh.....mair reviews tae come.......some great !!....some mediocre !!......some absolute shite !! but all true none the less !!

Offline Poopster


Your posting style makes me want to....................................................................... cry.

Offline Poopster

I've read over it and think I have the general run of it.

Is he really suggesting that Jade isn't working because the GUM clinic won't give her free johnnies and she'd rather not work than spend a quid on a bag?

gadgey black

  • Guest
Yup....or maybe her granny's in hospital........or the weans might have fallen doon the stairs !!....don't worry lover boys she'll be back when she needs cash for MacArthur glen....or the biddie' in needs the hash money !!......see chaps no starry eyes for whores here !!.....they're either good contactable ,responsible pleasure giving prostitutes or they simply should not be on the game....cause they aren't up to the job !!....all very simple really......Brutal perhaps ......but simplistic nonetheless !!

Offline Courtney

Yup....or maybe her granny's in hospital........or the weans might have fallen doon the stairs !!....don't worry lover boys she'll be back when she needs cash for MacArthur glen....or the biddie' in needs the hash money !!......see chaps no starry eyes for whores here !!.....they're either good contactable ,responsible pleasure giving prostitutes or they simply should not be on the game....cause they aren't up to the job !!....all very simple really......Brutal perhaps ......but simplistic nonetheless !!


These posts are just complete nonsensical drivel.

It's not even funny. :timeout:


  • Guest
Yup....or maybe her granny's in hospital........or the weans might have fallen doon the stairs !!....don't worry lover boys she'll be back when she needs cash for MacArthur glen....or the biddie' in needs the hash money !!......see chaps no starry eyes for whores here !!.....they're either good contactable ,responsible pleasure giving prostitutes or they simply should not be on the game....cause they aren't up to the job !!....all very simple really......Brutal perhaps ......but simplistic nonetheless !!

May I as rude to.......suggest that you slow down...... the keyboard in your phones your fingers seem to be..... quicker than your brain??????

- --- ... ... . .-.

Offline Poopster

Well that's a shame, her profile is gone.

Still, it was good reading back through this thread, reliving some of my favourite Gadgey Black moments.

I wish I'd got a punt with Jade, can't believe a girl so universally praised for her service was simultaneously so shite at her job.


  • Guest
She was a bit of an enigma.  Rubbish at organising things but once in the house really really good, the memories will last a long time.
All the best Jade ya big tease.

Offline Poopster

All the best Jade ya big tease.

I second that, the only prossie I'm cross I didn't see.   
 :drinks:  To Jade :drinks:


  • Guest
You never know, she may re appear.
Or not.
Or maybe.
Or forget her address.
Or all of the above.

Offline auldie63

Aha! the old
'There are things we know,things we don't know, things we know we know, things we know we don't know, things we don't know we know etc. etc. a la Rumsfeld' ploy. 

Offline Marmalade

Isn't it that big young prossie that used to work at Dundas St? High on energy, enthusiasm, even gfe, but a bit mental as fuck.


  • Guest
Sounds like her she used to work in a Sauna not one of the main ones.

Offline Marmalade

Aha! the old
'There are things we know,things we don't know, things we know we know, things we know we don't know, things we don't know we know etc. etc. a la Rumsfeld' ploy.
sure you're not overthinkin that Auldie?