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Author Topic: When does punting become too much like hard work?  (Read 2431 times)


  • Guest
Seen a few threads recently about how difficult it is to find new good and reliable punts. In particular Glasgow is getting a lot of bad press due to influx of Romanians and a lot of dubious WGs.

I have been punting for just over a year now and have come to the conclusion that trying to find a decent new girl is too much like hard work. Too many unanswered messages, texts or calls and when you do see someone you like the look of, you often find negative reviews on UKP.  :(

Since Christmas I've only seen about half a dozen different girls; the ones I really liked I tend to see a few times. My last new punt was about three months ago; since then I've stuck to a couple of regulars. This formula is relatively stress free as the only issue is finding a time and date that suits us both and usually that's not a problem at all. There's no danger of advertised services being undelivered and none of the initial awkwardness of meeting someone for the first time.

Is a year too soon to start feeling this way?  :drinks:


  • Guest
It depends upon your point of view.  Your difficulty in finding a good WG available - for me that's a challenge and all part of the experience.  The effort is usually worthwhile as it tends to pay off in the end.  Your stress-free formula with your aim to avoid the awkwardness of a first meeting with somebody new - this approach doesn't suit everybody.  I like the risk of the unknown.  I thrive on the adrenalin I get when meeting a new girl for the first time.  It's all part of the thrill.

But of course you have to approach it the way feel is best, for you.  I think a year of punting is experience enough to enable you to decide whether it's all worth the effort or not.


  • Guest
It depends upon your point of view.  Your difficulty in finding a good WG available - for me that's a challenge and all part of the experience.  The effort is usually worthwhile as it tends to pay off in the end.  Your stress-free formula with your aim to avoid the awkwardness of a first meeting with somebody new - this approach doesn't suit everybody.  I like the risk of the unknown.  I thrive on the adrenalin I get when meeting a new girl for the first time.  It's all part of the thrill.

But of course you have to approach it the way feel is best, for you.  I think a year of punting is experience enough to enable you to decide whether it's all worth the effort or not.

Cheers mate, a lot of sensible advice. I do actually like meeting new girls, but I'm a bit picky; won't see EE at all due to so many bad reviews;  :diablo: prefer British (Scottish mostly as I'm in Glasgow) independents, who ideally are part time; am a bit uncomfortable with younger girls ie teens early 20s, even though they're probably older. So you can see I limit my options,. I'm not saying I've seen all the girls I'd like to but I'm more inclined to go back to a girl I enjoyed before and got in well with.  :drinks:

Offline Tiger63

Cheers mate, a lot of sensible advice. I do actually like meeting new girls, but I'm a bit picky; won't see EE at all due to so many bad reviews;  :diablo: prefer British (Scottish mostly as I'm in Glasgow) independents, who ideally are part time; am a bit uncomfortable with younger girls ie teens early 20s, even though they're probably older. So you can see I limit my options,. I'm not saying I've seen all the girls I'd like to but I'm more inclined to go back to a girl I enjoyed before and got in well with.  :drinks:
Know what you are saying mate......sick of wasted trips to flats and getting no reply from the buzzer...or no reply from a phone call when Iam waiting outside the address.
I just stick to the 2 regulars that I know will answer my text and will actually be in the house when I turn up....both of them are in their 40s.
Its a bit of a downer when you arrange a meeting with a girl in her 20s and she welcomes you with...."eeee you look like my Dad"

Offline Roth

Its a bit of a downer when you arrange a meeting with a girl in her 20s and she welcomes you with...."eeee you look like my Dad"

Any prossie said that to me and I'd walk and give her a Negative Review for attitude.  :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:

Offline Jimmyredcab

Seen a few threads recently about how difficult it is to find new good and reliable punts. In particular Glasgow is getting a lot of bad press due to influx of Romanians and a lot of dubious WGs.

That problem is not just confined to Glasgow, it seems it is the same all over the country.    :thumbsdown:

The "quality" of Adultwork is nothing short of abysmal, I have all but given up but that is partly age related -------- I no longer have the inclination to punt on a regular basis.     :hi:

Offline Jimmyredcab

Its a bit of a downer when you arrange a meeting with a girl in her 20s and she welcomes you with...."eeee you look like my Dad"

Never happened to me, maybe because I look more like their Grandad.      :hi:


  • Guest
Won't see EE at all due to so many bad reviews;  :diablo: prefer British (Scottish mostly as I'm in Glasgow) independents.
Think your missing out a lot by ruling out all EE escorts because of bad Romanian reviews, your limiting the pool your fishing in.  This can also cause the problem with the British girls by saying stuff like this, they now believe they are invincible because they are British and can provide lacklustre service.

Offline Tiger63

Any prossie said that to me and I'd walk and give her a Negative Review for attitude.  :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:

I was wondering what was going through her head when I was doing her doggy style :lol: :lol:

Offline berksboy

              Dad does it better ?  :scare: :scare:

Offline NIK

That problem is not just confined to Glasgow, it seems it is the same all over the country.    :thumbsdown:

The "quality" of Adultwork is nothing short of abysmal, I have all but given up but that is partly age related -------- I no longer have the inclination to punt on a regular basis.     :hi:

I often disagree with Jimmy politically but I am totally with him here on both points!

Offline Tiger63

That problem is not just confined to Glasgow, it seems it is the same all over the country.    :thumbsdown:

The "quality" of Adultwork is nothing short of abysmal, I have all but given up but that is partly age related -------- I no longer have the inclination to punt on a regular basis.     :hi:

Any other sites on the go?

Offline NIK

To amplify a little I think you have hit the nail on the head.
For me these days it's often too much like hard work and hard work for which you have to pay for. :crazy:
Even if I could comfortably afford to punt (which I can't) I don't think I would go at it like I used to. It is probably mainly down to declining libido, however there are other things which have contributed to putting me off punting.
For example I once used to enjoy the journey to the punt, particularly exploring new places. However as I say elsewhere I don't particularly enjoy driving as I used to, particularly going to unfamiliar places. Although I still drive quite a lot it is mainly work related these days. So what once was a thrill is now a chore. Also where I would once happily have incalls to my home I now no longer dream of doing so. It is over eleven years since I've had a home visit and twelve years with anyone I hadn't already seen before.
Similarly seeing new girls was once a thrill, now I'd just be concerned it will be crap and a waste of money. Money that I would have once happily written off is now much more precious to me in my older age as my income is less and less secure.
Therefore both what was once the thrill of the journey and that of seeing new girls is now more of a chore.
I saw Nicoletta recently because, not only did I know what I was going to get service wise, but I knew exactly where I was going (and didn't have to drive!) and didn't have to bother with any ice breaking bollocks I would with a new one.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2015, 11:08:41 am by NIK »

Offline Jimmyredcab

Also where I would once happily have incalls to my home I now no longer dream of doing so. It is over eleven years since I've had a home visit.

I used to love "home visits" but gave up after getting three absolute lowlife dogs in a row ------------ you can't "walk" when they are on your doorstep.     :thumbsdown:

Offline Jimmyredcab

It doesn't help our "cause" when punters allow girls to get away with posting totally useless photos ------------ yes, I know you can walk but I may have driven for an hour around the M25 to get there.

This is what I mean, as useful as a chocolate teapot.     :dash:

Hidden Image/Members Only

Offline Blackpool Rock

I find trying to punt Indi's is too much like hard work and despite promising to punt more of the girls on my AW HL I tend to end up back at a couple of regular parlours.
As Nik says in the last post I like to know where i'm going plus where I can park; that it's safe etc
Anyway where's my pipe and slippers

Offline Blackpool Rock

It doesn't help our "cause" when punters allow girls to get away with posting totally useless photos ------------ yes, I know you can walk but I may have driven for an hour around the M25 to get there.

This is what I mean, as useful as a chocolate teapot.     :dash:

Hidden Image/Members Only
The photo is of use in as much as you can see what her body is like - at least until you get a B&S  :mad:

Offline Marmalade

I can sympathize with the thread but when I ask myself the same question it can also turn into, when is anything too much like hard work? Or, more hard work that what??

It didn't seem such hard work at first but I think that may have been partly the fun of finding one in the days when SWs weren't harassed and it was a bit like browsing the shops on the way home and seeing if there was something you fancied. With indies you basically have the choice of one at a time and if you don't like her you can walk, which is a lot more hard work to start with. The fact that it is costing so bloody much surely makes a difference as well (No-one moans about the quality of a freebie but the more it costs in time & money the more critical the buyer becomes). Then there's age. As a lad, I'd want to shag practically anything in a skirt, it didn't matter that much if she was young or old or beautiful or gobshank as long as I could empty my sack into her warm fuckhole. It seems ironic that getting older and more experienced seems linked to getting more picky.

My ideal is maybe to be able to pick up a room phone and ask the bellboy or someone to send a pre-screened WG up at a certain time at a certain cost. Or else have a free range 'parlour' (no pun intended) where one can pop downstairs, choose from the tasty availables, and not have to worry about a percentage with bad attitude. (When I think of places in the world where that has been possible, they seemed to pall after a bit as well.)

To a certain extent I'm a lazy bastard when it comes to finding a prossie. I sometimes find myself accepting lower quality at a sauna simply because it's two minutes walk and they will be on tap when I get there. That's a lot less hard work than trawling AW, even with the streamlined screening most UKP longtimers have second-nature by now.

I think the sense of 'effort' might even be linked to testosterone levels. A few months of testogel and nothing seems like hard work, and I was too busy to post on the forum! Unfortunately getting hold of that stuff is, to put it mildly, rather like hard work...
« Last Edit: August 15, 2015, 09:43:37 am by Marmalade »

Offline itk

I think the whole country is probably overrun with EE's. A search 30 miles from my postcode on AW, lists approximately 200 WG's, have being EE's, another 40% being profiles with crap pictures or zero feedback.

Offline Marmalade

I think the whole country is probably overrun with EE's. A search 30 miles from my postcode on AW, lists approximately 200 WG's, have being EE's, another 40% being profiles with crap pictures or zero feedback.

True but . . .

Are you using the exclude facility? Not perfect, but if you tick "exclude" "Romanian" in the country profile section of the search page, it speeds things up.

Offline NIK

I can sympathize with the thread but when I ask myself the same question it can also turn into, when is anything too much like hard work? Or, more hard work that what??

It didn't seem such hard work at first but I think that may have been partly the fun of finding one in the days when SWs weren't harassed and it was a bit like browsing the shops on the way home and seeing if there was something you fancied. With indies you basically have the choice of one at a time and if you don't like her you can walk, which is a lot more hard work to start with. The fact that it is costing so bloody much surely makes a difference as well (No-one moans about the quality of a freebie but the more it costs in time & money the more critical the buyer becomes). Then there's age. As a lad, I'd want to shag practically anything in a skirt, it didn't matter that much if she was young or old or beautiful or gobshank as long as I could empty my sack into her warm fuckhole. It seems ironic that getting older and more experienced seems linked to getting more picky.

My ideal is maybe to be able to pick up a room phone and ask the bellboy or someone to send a pre-screened WG up at a certain time at a certain cost. Or else have a free range 'parlour' (no pun intended) where one can pop downstairs, choose from the tasty availables, and not have to worry about a percentage with bad attitude. (When I think of places in the world where that has been possible, they seemed to pall after a bit as well.)

To a certain extent I'm a lazy bastard when it comes to finding a prossie. I sometimes find myself accepting lower quality at a sauna simply because it's two minutes walk and they will be on tap when I get there. That's a lot less hard work than trawling AW, even with the streamlined screening most UKP longtimers have second-nature by now.

I think the sense of 'effort' might even be linked to testosterone levels. A few months of testogel and nothing seems like hard work, and I was too busy to post on the forum! Unfortunately getting hold of that stuff is, to put it mildly, rather like hard work...

Another good post, Marm!

Another aspect of what was once fun but I now find hard work (or just boring) is doing my research. I used to love trawling endlessly through agency sites looking at all the hotties on offer. In my naivety I used to think they actually looked like their photos and wondered how so many gorgeous girls could be there for the paying. It turned me on just looking at them and anticipating that within a couple of days I would be with them.  Eventually the penny dropped and I realised most of them didn't look anywhere near as lovely as their photoshopped images. I didn't even know about photoshopping at one time.
By the time AW became the main source I think I had already become a little jaded / disillusioned so didn't spend so much time there. Having said that I still spent many hours trawling through the endless offerings before realising it was 90% crap.


  • Guest
It doesn't help our "cause" when punters allow girls to get away with posting totally useless photos ------------ yes, I know you can walk but I may have driven for an hour around the M25 to get there.

This is what I mean, as useful as a chocolate teapot.     :dash:

Hidden Image/Members Only
Another good contribution for pick of the day!  Thanks Jimmy  :thumbsup:

Offline Marmalade

Another aspect of what was once fun but I now find hard work (or just boring) is doing my research. I used to love trawling endlessly through agency sites looking at all the hotties on offer. In my naivety I used to think they actually looked like their photos and wondered how so many gorgeous girls could be there for the paying. It turned me on just looking at them and anticipating that within a couple of days I would be with them.  Eventually the penny dropped and I realised most of them didn't look anywhere near as lovely as their photoshopped images. I didn't even know about photoshopping at one time.
By the time AW became the main source I think I had already become a little jaded / disillusioned so didn't spend so much time there. Having said that I still spent many hours trawling through the endless offerings before realising it was 90% crap.
Yeah, spot on Nik . . . Research can be great fun when it feels like getting closer to a great find. Unfortunately it can be like getting excited at prime steak on sale at the market only to realise the scales were as fair as loaded dice and the bargain tastes of dead horse.


  • Guest
Yes, I have to agree that punting new girls is becoming something of a chore for me, too.

I get up in the morning thinking, yeah, I fancy a suckie/fuckie today but eventually, looking at the girls available and the distances involved, I generally end up watching TV. I'm settled on a couple of regulars, one on my doorstep and one fucking miles away, but I know where I'm going in both cases, know I'm going to get a top-rate service, and I don't have to fuck about with the sat nav or finding the right flat. When I say 'Distances involved', I mean as little as 11 miles. Once upon a time, I'd drive that before breakfast, but these days, it's just no fun anymore.

When I went to see Lovely Emily down by the RAF Museum, my sat nav went fuck-o and the whole journey turned out to be a nightmare. The punt was excellent but I was very stressed by the drive and the bollocks directions from the maid.

I hope it's just a phase I'm going through.

Offline NIK

Yes, I have to agree that punting new girls is becoming something of a chore for me, too.

I get up in the morning thinking, yeah, I fancy a suckie/fuckie today but eventually, looking at the girls available and the distances involved, I generally end up watching TV. I'm settled on a couple of regulars, one on my doorstep and one fucking miles away, but I know where I'm going in both cases, know I'm going to get a top-rate service, and I don't have to fuck about with the sat nav or finding the right flat. When I say 'Distances involved', I mean as little as 11 miles. Once upon a time, I'd drive that before breakfast, but these days, it's just no fun anymore.

When I went to see Lovely Emily down by the RAF Museum, my sat nav went fuck-o and the whole journey turned out to be a nightmare. The punt was excellent but I was very stressed by the drive and the bollocks directions from the maid.

I hope it's just a phase I'm going through.

Yes, I once drove 250 miles round trip for a punt that didn't happen!  :crazy:

Now I can barely be arsed to drive 25!

Offline LoneWolf2020

im in the same boat, i have more or less packed it in. i havent even punted this year and im not even hungry for one now. I really dont think the majority of them appreciate the amount of money that is being handed over, most of them are spending it in their heads during the punts and wondering what kind of shoes they are going to buy with it. you frequently hear excuses like 'my mouth is getting dry so ill have to stop sucking now' after like 5 minutes oral then you get the ones that give a sarcastic sigh when you ask to change positions with the look on their face which says 'jesus havent you cum yet?' its all very off-putting and its beginning to feel like a waste of money and time.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2015, 12:41:06 pm by LoneWolf2020 »

Offline Jimmyredcab

im in the same boat, i have more or less packed it in. i havent even punted this year and im not even hungry for one now. I really dont think the majority of them appreciate the amount of money that is being handed over.

The geedy cows lose touch with reality, they forget that the £120 an hour they are charging is a full days work for many people.

They soon get brought down to earth when they "retire" and try to earn a living in the real world.   :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Offline Clanger

The geedy cows lose touch with reality, they forget that the £120 an hour they are charging is a full days work for many people.

They soon get brought down to earth when they "retire" and try to earn a living in the real world.   :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

After tax, that's 2 days pay for most people.

Offline LoneWolf2020

most price themselves based on the current market. if they were priced based on their individual ability then the service they provide wouldn't be worth a fiver.

ive left many a punt thinking another ton down the swanny

Offline Blackpool Rock

The geedy cows lose touch with reality, they forget that the £120 an hour they are charging is a full days work for many people.

They soon get brought down to earth when they "retire" and try to earn a living in the real world.   :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
The sensible ones work for 5-10 years, invest their money wisely and get out while they are still young enough to enjoy life.
Unfortunately most have spent the money on clothes; shoes; more shoes; cocaine; holidays and various chavy shit.

Wonder what goes through some of their pretty little vacuous heads after 10 years sucking and fucking strangers cocks when they realise they have fuck all to show for it and the phone is starting to get dusty  :unknown:

Offline smiths

Seen a few threads recently about how difficult it is to find new good and reliable punts. In particular Glasgow is getting a lot of bad press due to influx of Romanians and a lot of dubious WGs.

I have been punting for just over a year now and have come to the conclusion that trying to find a decent new girl is too much like hard work. Too many unanswered messages, texts or calls and when you do see someone you like the look of, you often find negative reviews on UKP.  :(

Since Christmas I've only seen about half a dozen different girls; the ones I really liked I tend to see a few times. My last new punt was about three months ago; since then I've stuck to a couple of regulars. This formula is relatively stress free as the only issue is finding a time and date that suits us both and usually that's not a problem at all. There's no danger of advertised services being undelivered and none of the initial awkwardness of meeting someone for the first time.

Is a year too soon to start feeling this way?  :drinks:

When I decide to retire I imagine is when it would become too much like hard work. I am on a punting break at present due to meeting someone but sooner or later I will want to punt again, a break does me good as I come back refreshed.

Offline Marmalade

The sensible ones work for 5-10 years, invest their money wisely and get out while they are still young enough to enjoy life.
Unfortunately most have spent the money on clothes; shoes; more shoes; cocaine; holidays and various chavy shit.

Wonder what goes through some of their pretty little vacuous heads after 10 years sucking and fucking strangers cocks when they realise they have fuck all to show for it and the phone is starting to get dusty  :unknown:

Not just that, it's ten years of their life. You are what you do. And that's what they've done.  :rolleyes:

Sensible ones use it as a short term stepping stone maybe for two or three years I'd say, or less. They don't bore their punters or themselves. When they invest the savings in a new life, 2 or 3 years soon become a tiny part of their history of who they are.

Offline Watts.E.Dunn

Well out here in rural east Anglia it is getting hard work to find any good ones, but sometimes the odd trip to London widens the choice no end but those trips are rarely done these days. Advancing years are also taking their toll, or look at that another way the urgency to shag anything that moves is thankfully less;)

Perhaps ought to go get a half decent girl and settle down and give up punting.

On the other hand that's not really what we "want" to do is it;?.


  • Guest
Think your missing out a lot by ruling out all EE escorts because of bad Romanian reviews, your limiting the pool your fishing in.  This can also cause the problem with the British girls by saying stuff like this, they now believe they are invincible because they are British and can provide lacklustre service.

Like I said, I'm picky, but I'm sure you're right. However I did have a great punt with a Polish girl once. Her profile read really well and I didn't notice a couple of grammatical errors that would have alerted me. Also I only contacted by text so didn't hear her voice. I would definitely have gone back but she returned to Dundee. I do read good reviews, particularly about Polish girls and a few other EE nationalities, but the desire to keep things safe and simple, prevent me from exploring the possibilities. The way I feel at the moment, even if my regular is taking time off, which she sometimes does due to day job and family commitments, I'm not inclined to look elsewhere. So maybe my desire to punt has been satisfied and I am now content with regular, safe and completely satisfying action from the one girl. I suppose the acid test will be when she retires; will the urge return?